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Everything posted by Dissy

  1. Thanks for the link Nextiteration. Although I'm sure Nicolle would deny she ever said that. Ha-ha I watched the first half of this train wreck today. Nicolle has never heard of Dr. Phil. (yeah right). She asks if he is even a doctor and Whoopi shrugs and says I don't know. I'm not a fan of his but really, Whoopi, just doesn't seem to know much these days. Rosie P was on the right track talking about the letter to Iran and Nicolle had to shut her down and say that Iran is evil. Nicolle then turned the Hillary email issue into an argument between Bill Clinton and Hillary about what constitutes an email. According to Cackling Nicolle they are arguing that it depends on what is an email. She is trying to conflate it with President Clinton's line "It depends on what the meaning of is is". This show is turning into the faux view! Looks like Kenz and I were on the same wavelength!
  2. Here is the picture from twitter tvaddict44 http://bit.ly/1EcPRU0 I turned on the show in the last 15 minutes and waited to watch Vincent's interview. Shame they left him until the end with not enough time left.
  3. I watched the beginning of the show long enough for Nicolle to conflate missing Hillary emails and the picture of her on her blackberry. Of course there was no one to question that statement. I get why Nicolle deleted her twitter, she doesn't want to be told she's wrong. That picture was Hillary going to Libya from Malta in 2011. Benghazi happened in Sept 2012. Then she says Hillary should come to this crap fest. smh!
  4. This line in the article made me laugh. "Will Shepherd find another ex-husband on the cruise?"
  5. After reading the comments here this morning, I decided to watch a few minutes of the show. I didn't manage to tune in until the Blue dress and then Chick Fil-a discussion. I think Nicolle is playing a game. There is no way she didn't know anything about the Chick Fil-a issue. And secondly, it isn't the Democrats bringing up Bill Clinton's love life unless Rand Paul is a democrat. I think she is trying to show that the Republicans are so reasonable and high minded that they don't have anything to do with all these little scandals. Oh and don't forget she is a republican. (sigh) I tuned out after that crap fest.
  6. I have watched a few minutes here and there since RO left. However, today I turned over to see what was going on and boy did I choose an interesting time. They were discussing the James Bond franchise and Bond girls. I didn't hear the beginning of the discussion but I did hear the sporty blonde talking about women over 50 in the fly-over states. She alluded to those women as not looking so good for their "advanced" age. She even drug her mother into her remarks. Girl didn't know when to stop talking, she just kept digging that hole deeper and deeper. Whoopi looked a little pissed when they went to commercial. ETA: The talk turned to immigration and Nicole opened her mouth to spew and I turned over the Andy Griffith.
  7. This shows the person or people who were tagged on that post. If you click on one of the posts and read the blurb underneath the video, some names are highlighted. Hover over the highlighted names and it will say "tagged by whoever". Interesting, one of the names that did the tagging was Nathan Geddie. Must be related to sweaty Geddie.
  8. After reading the comments here for the last couple of weeks, I decided to tune in today. Nicolle is getting worse than ever. That cackle drives me up the wall. I have always liked Padma, she has led a very interesting life. I wonder if Nicolle is smart enough to pick up on body language. Padma was none too subtle in showing what she thinks of her. Babs was Babs. I liked the look on her face when Whoopi said she wanted ABC news to send Babs to Cuba!
  9. She is fast becoming the picture of the "stupid Fox news blonde". I have noticed an increase in her picture being shown when the story is about the ignorance at Fox. Maybe this O'Reilly appearance was meant to show what a wonderful person she is. (pardon me while I gag).
  10. I just read that RO is on Dr. Oz today. She talks about leaving the show, her wife and her weight loss surgery. There is a clip of it online so it is already taped. http://www.doctoroz.com/episode/rosie-o-donnell-life-after-weight-loss-surgery
  11. I am very sad to see Rosie go also. I understand why she is and would do the same in her place. I think I am done with this show too after this coming week. We got to see what the show could be when Whoopi was out sick. I don't care to watch "Whoopi knows best".
  12. She spreads anger and vitriol on her morning gluten free bagel!
  13. That was driving me crazy, Former Nun. I hadn't hollered at the tv in a while until then. The crafting bit with RO and BW is like a car wreck. I want to ff but I just keep waiting for the next zinger from RO. When they sat down at the beginning of the show, Babs did the whole "what song is that" "is that the Bitch is back?". I thought I was watching last Friday's show for a few minutes.
  14. I find it phony also but I don't know the upside of doing it. On the other hand, she did freak out and leave twitter because of a question about hair spray. I am also over the whole OMG you're a celebrity bit. At first it was cute and seemed genuine. Today she didn't let Amanda Peet finish a sentence without jumping in with more celeb worship.
  15. Not sure where to put this. Looks like Whoopi is out next week and look who is filling in: http://pagesix.com/2015/01/09/joy-behar-filling-in-for-whoopi-on-the-view/
  16. You're right, Former Nun. I dislike that also. I understand RO isn't going to press too hard because of her heart but at least there is some push back. I think Whoopi is going to push Rosie P too far one day and then who knows. Although I have noticed if Whoopi talks long enough she will start to contradict herself. I think she makes up her opinions in the moment.
  17. I missed hearing what she said when I watched the show. I just finished ff and rw'ing the youtube clip and Whoopi does say baby. I wasn't sure until I waited for her to say it and the third time it was baby. I know I am in the minority here but I was glad to see some real give and take finally. RO stood her ground and Whoopi got animated. No split screen, thankfully. I don't agree with Whoopi but that is her opinion. Whoopi has lived too long in her celebrity world. . JMHO
  18. Got up early today, turned on Morning Joe, there was Sherri! Mika was asking Sherri's opinion on the Sony issue, British women troops being in combat and expensive gifts for baby North West. Mika was kissing her ass and Sherri was eating it up. Sherri is so funny and sexy. First thing out of Sherri's mouth was she had time to come on MJ because she was finally free from The View. I guess MJ is scraping the bottom of the list on guests.
  19. I get what you're saying, kaygeeret. Spot on!
  20. I can't imagine BW or ABC do anything with Radaronline. BW may have said that though. I can't find anything about it. The online site is owned by American Media publishing which owns National Enquirer, Star and other tabloids and magazines.
  21. She will be talking about her weight loss surgery and other health related topics. I think (maybe) she referenced that some guests would be on also. Maybe doctors or other health related people. I am sure that she said will be talking about herself.
  22. Because they both smell like the bird from whence they come.
  23. I watched the torture report speeches this morning by Feinstein and McCain. Being on the west coast, this show followed all of that. The torture discussion, especially Nicolle's view, seemed rather silly. However, RO's comments were spot on. Whoopi makes me say "what the hell" quite often during The View hour.
  24. I happened to catch Nicolle on today's show say that she has stopped using twitter. She said that she was reading about how nice her hair was and not paying attention to her husband and son so she stopped with the twitter cold turkey. I remember someone wanted to know what kind of styling products she used so RogerFromOhio and I tweeted her and asked. I wonder if we scared her away Roger? It's so funny !
  25. Actually it can change the information. In the past journalists didn't pay for stories because of ethical reasons. One of those reasons is that a person can dramatize, sensationalize or even lie about their story as a way to squeeze more money. That can cause the interview to be seen as unreliable. The other reason is creating a market for bigger and more dramatic incidents that can be taken advantage of by some. Unfortunately, most broadcast journalism is now bought and paid for.
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