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Everything posted by Taeolas

  1. In Canada at least, they seem to be mostly all on one service. I've watched UK, All Stars, Mothership, Canada and Aussie all on Crave TV's services. Netflix (Canada) tends to have the Mothership and AllStars but I don't think it normally gets the other regions.
  2. ESO didn't get the triple win; Senoreatas did, which is why they got to 5k. I believe on the second day, ESO decided to ONLY sell the special, and then sold out with maybe 30ish minutes left (so not enough time to go prepare and do more food); they had to scramble to sell ANYTHING at that point. ESO did get the first day prize of the extra hour, but it certainly feels like Senoreatas were severely bending the spirit of not being opened. I hope they had some punishment for that dirty trick, but the fact that it made it into the final cut of the episode makes me think they see it as "They were being smart with the rule bending". Ultimately there were so many thumbs on the scales against ESO, I'm surprised ESO didn't run out of gas (both cooking and moving), and get a ticket for stopping in a no parking space too.
  3. Most has already been said, but I just watched it, and Jinx nailed the lipsync. The song was a poppy song, so it seemed to flow well with her jester antics, and it was just enjoyable to watch her on the stage. And I had real Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland vibes from her lipsync outfit, which fit the song choice surprisingly well, Trinity's lipsync was good, but felt more standard IMO, like it was a lot of things we've seen before. But I loved how the All Star lipsyncs seem to interact with each other on the stage more than is acceptable in the elimination lip syncs.
  4. Damn, Debbie was quite the prize magnet indeed. Normally with 2 bonus rounds to go and no Whammies, I would say she should push on. But she got 3 of her personal prizes, and the Manilow and Football packages were certainly something you would NOT want to risk going forward. That was quite the show in the end in any case.
  5. I do wonder if the next round of Hell's Kitchen will have a Vegan nite featuring them messing up the Beet Wellington now. :) As for last night, some great looking stuff, and the bottom three were just sad. I think it was a real tossup as to who was going home; either deserved to go.
  6. Russell Peters is a Canadian Standup Comedian mainly. He's a fixture on the Comedy Network up here, hosting a number of shows. But I didn't think he'd made enough of a splash in the States to be a Celebrity on Pyramid. He tends to do dry observational humour, which I like, but I haven't really sought out his shows much to have much of an impression of him one way or another. Mainly just what I see on commercials on CTV in passing. For a Canadian version of Pyramid, he would certainly qualify as a Celebrity (and possibly qualify as the host but I think his humour is too dry for hosting)
  7. As for ESO's Fresh pasta concept, it would probably be fine for a real food truck situation, where they have planned where they will be for a given day and can budget their time and menu appropriately. For the show with artificial limits on prep time and random locations, not to mention random twists, fresh on demand pasta is much harder to handle.
  8. Yeah, for "Things you pump", my mind went "Gas" and then "Breast milk", but I'd be wary about giving that clue for fear of triggering a giggle fit. "Iron" would be a good clue maybe. For worms, "Fishing hook" was an obvious clue that was missed. "People that Inspire" was tough because there are so many synonyms for "Inspire" as we saw. He danced around the answer but couldn't get the right word.
  9. Russell Peters was quite good; probably one of the better celebrities the show has had. Loved his commentary on the categories in the first round, (Complete with "Poetry Smash" "I got nothing." ). I suspect Standup Comics might be better at this game than most celebrities since their routines usually require them to be more in touch with everyday stuff. Jason and Wayne were also above average IMO, and had some good banter in general (though I'm sure they're both sick to death of anything and everything Seinfeld related). I think some of the final pyramid categories were a bit unfair, or at least more difficult than usual. I was surprised they had an Olympian? on and didn't pair her with another sports celebrity. Her first round was very rough but she did a lot better on the second round.
  10. Hopefully they recognize this "Preselling" tactic and nip it in the bud in future races. It would be as simple as the cut off being "Stop taking orders, you have 15 minutes to complete what you have on the board, and refund anything that is incomplete."
  11. Love to have the show back. Looks like a fun group of racers so far. I wonder if the brothers were nudged to go tell the last two teams the "Old Montreal" clue, just to make sure they got on the buses in time. Classic TAR moment there where the team is looking for the walking billboard, and says they can't see it when they literally just walked past it. Loved the camera guy catching the billboard guy shrugging. The Burlesque task was fun, maybe a bit riske for TAR USA, but looked like legit fun for TAR CAN (especially in Montreal). :) Interesting that it wasn't a completely gimme task, since two teams failed at least once (that we saw) I am surprised they didn't limit the challenge to have more go to the jazz club though. Since there were only 5 trainers, I figured there had to be an even split between tasks, but apparently not.
  12. Sounds like the main reason that happened is because "Whammying out" will zero out your spins, they don't go to anyone else. But even if they did automatically pass, you could still get a situation where the last player gets a whammy on their last spin, but they don't actually Whammy out, so they did legit win with 0$. I do wonder what they would do if all 3 contestants DID actually Whammy out, since 4 Whammy's is explicitly a "You lose" situation. Do they have a booby prize available for them to play for? Or does the ep just get tossed into the Never Aired pile? Curiously, I wondered what might happen if everyone lost on another show, The Chase, and had it happen a few weeks back. Turns out they do have a contingency plan in place for that situation, whereby the 3 contestants come back, pick one for the Final chase and it's one on one for 60k to split between them. But the Chase is also much more likely to end in an "Everyone loses" situation than PYL does.
  13. ABC said "Don't... come back for season 2" a long time ago. (April '21 by the looks of it).
  14. Got it recorded, but I haven't watched yet. Looking forward to it, and sounds lke a great start so far. :)
  15. The Vivienne blew the movie out of the water, but Raja owned that lip sync. (PS: Called it :) ) And it does look like Raja is going to question the Plunger's secret next week too, being the only one still in the dark.
  16. I find it curious that right after we had 2 badges go unused due to blocking, we got a reward that tossed 2 extra badges into the mix. It makes me wonder if the show has a certain number of badges they want to have in play, so if too many blocked people win, the extra badges have to be thrown into the mix. It didn't happen this time, but so far they're Blocking 500 (3 out of 6 blocks have blocked a Legendary Legend Star), and at the moment The Vivienne's star is unused.
  17. So there's a lot of chatter, that the LA Olympics is looking to make a Ninja Warrior part of the Pentathlon course, replacing the horse riding stage. On the one hand, Ninja Warrior courses feel a bit too flashy and staged to fit in on the Olympics. But on the other hand, it does feel like something that deserves to be in the Olympics; or at least its Parkour-based cousin deserves to be there. Ninjas are true athletes doing stuff most athletes don't/can't do, and showing up in the Olympics is one way to acknowledge their skill. (Not that we'll see many Ninjas going for the Gold since it would be part of the Pentathlon). And while we're used to the flashy show, it is also a truly global sport with some well established obstacles and challenges.
  18. I think the main criteria for being the strongest link is to get questions right. But if two players got the same number right, then whether one ACTUALLY added money to the pot (as opposed to risking getting a question wrong and killing the chain) is the deciding factor. Personally, I'd probably count how long it takes them to answer the question (right or wrong) and use THAT as the decider. Or maybe make some rating based on how risky the chain is when they answer and have them lose more rating if they get it wrong and lose a higher amount vs a lower amount.
  19. Having the Winners Lip Sync for Your Legacy helps the weaker lip sync queens I think, because it gives them more chances to practice without the risk of being eliminated. Unlike the main series where a good queen will never Lip Sync until the end, so they never get a chance to tell if their style of lip sync works or not, and to get any other sort of feedback until it's basically too late.
  20. I agree this episode was a bit boring mainly because it was just design and runway, there was no 'skits' or anything to break things up. Jinkx's giggle breakdown over her self awareness that she can't do sewing/design challenges was probably one of the high points. But this ep really needed a minichallenge at the start just to have something else going on. Also, when you give the contestants a choice, you really should make sure there are +1 choices to the number of contestants (if not +2 or more) so the last picker will still have a choice to make. Ru's had more than enough looks through the years to give multiple choices and still satisfy some underlying criteria that might be in play. Looking on the Wiki page, only Jaida and Raja haven't been blocked yet, So Jaida's probably going to be blocked next week unless she gets Top 2. Especially since she's at 3 stars. Hell, if she wins she'd probably still block herself because it's the most logical choice. :) I do wonder how they'll react when they've all been blocked and realize there isn't a "secret" to the plunger. I'm sure they'll all have a good laugh about it; just a matter of if they reveal it when Jaida or Raja get it next, or if they reveal it when the last one gets it.
  21. Aside from bragging rights, I don't think there's any prizes for coming in first on a leg (other than the final leg). There's a bit of a psychological advantage in coming in first, both for the team and against the other teams; but practically speaking there isn't really a difference in 1st or 5th place on this leg. As I said earlier, the Seneoreatas already got the big advantage in the challenge before "Tyler" made the call; they had their normal threesome team doing the prepwork before opening which is both when you need the most hands, and when having to train a new pair of hands on your style is most disruptive. But that said, I doubt she would have gone back into the Food Truck to help her team at that point without checking with Production off camera, so someone okayed that at that point. I suspect at that point SQ's may not have been DQed (Disqualified or DramaQueened; take your pick), but they would have been on mighty thin ice and probably facing penalties that would have knocked them to the bottom regardless. (Food Flight's unknown issues may actually have saved SQ at that point if SQ herself had pulled herself together and gotten back in) By the time Tyler called and gave the "official" adjustment, the damages were all done and it was all just for the show. Likely at THAT point, SQs were probably officially DQed, so this leg was pretty much set; the placements wouldn't really matter aside from the practice all the teams would get in selling (and other advantages from the swap).
  22. TAR CAN IS BACK! (If you haven't noticed the promos on CTV recently). It is returning to CTV on July 5th with 10 teams racing for the prizes.
  23. Nope, SalsaQueen wouldn't have to be the one that swaps; and usually wouldn't be the one to swap. The "Face"/Leader of the truck is rarely (if ever) the one that swaps, since they are the face of the team. It would probably have been Missy that swapped with Angellina (? I think?) had things worked as planned, though I doubt it would have made as much drama as the producers would have hoped; at least not on the Senoreatas side.
  24. Considering post-production knows what is coming, I wonder how much of the earlier eps were edited to lead to this. That said, maybe I didn't pay enough attention to the earlier episodes, but Senoreatas and Maybe Cheese Born With It didn't seem to be doing that much other than the usual good-natured 'competition' feuds expected on these shows, while Salsa Queen seemed to be taking everything extra personally, especially from those two teams. All the teams seemed to take the team swap as just part of the competition and (as many noted) used it as a chance to see how other teams run their trucks (for better or for smoky worse). I got the feel that Senoreatas were honestly disappointed they didn't actually swap, since they seem friendly enough (for a competition). I agree that Missy showed a lot of class by coming in at the end to address what happened. I hope she gets another chance (either with another food truck group or another food network show) to show her chops more. And upon further thought, Food Flight did not seem very surprised at how low their total was, and that they were basically on the chopping block. I'm pretty much 100% sure that they had an accident or some other major cost during the competition that ate up a lot of their take. And if we hadn't had SalsaQueen drama taking up all the air of the episode, we probably would have seen it.
  25. Yeah, too much time on Drah-ma Queen, even if they self-eliminated because of it. The Truck swap is usually a great chance to shake things up, and we saw aspects of it from some of the trucks; but otherwise too much of the ep spent on people running around shouting for "Salsa! Salsa!" The options for the Senoritas when they couldn't do the swap as well were probably fair enough, but they still had a full 3 team for the prep time, which is probably when you need the extra hands the most. Still, I suspect production realized SQ were self-eliminated early enough that they just gave a token "make fair" motion to keep things going. I do really wonder why/how Food Flight only made 140$. That's like 7, maybe 10 dishes for an entire day of selling (two days of selling? Don't the totals include for the ENTIRE time they are in a city?). Did they set up in a graveyard? A dirty back alley? on the edge of a Freeway? Oh right, food costs are usually subtracted from the totals too, so they must have expensive ingredients. I also wonder if they hit something off camera, and the cost of that came out as well.
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