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Everything posted by solomonhancock

  1. If there is no forgiveness in your heart, only anger and resentment, you will not be the one taking care of anyone. An example is a friend, 60 years old, who let's her 80 year old mother flounder around, won't even drive her anywhere, because of childhood resentment. Another friend, whose mother gave her away until she was 6 years old, born with hearing loss, eye, and neurological problems due to her mothers veneral disease at birth took her mother in and made sure she had the best of care. Vicki's children will take care of her, despite of the way she is villified on this board as a narcissist. Why? Because they are not horrible human beings
  2. What it means is you are not making sure your loved? one has good care as they are transitioning.
  3. WORD. Once you saw that scene, it could never be unseen, no matter how many years have passed.
  4. Please Bravo, leave Mama Joyce wherever she is. I don't want to kick the TV screen in!
  5. Rat Face was on FORT back in the day. He complained openly about "picking parts for peanuts" concerning the job Simon got him at Fletcher Jones. Bravo forced him to shut it down. The comments from the viewers...priceless!
  6. As I take my first sip of coffee, I see this! You owe me a keyboard!
  7. http://www.eonline.com/news/699466/will-kim-zolciak-perform-on-dancing-with-the-stars-after-suffering-a-mini-stroke Apparently her performance won't be live; she and Tony will "do something" from Atlanta. Kim is so full of shit
  8. Thank you, everyone, for the snark. I can't stand the Manzos, refuse to watch this train wreck.
  9. Kim would. Then become outraged because people doubt her credibility. A selfie? Who wouldn't be too afraid after something like this happened to even think of taking a selfie?
  10. I have some swampland in Arizona I want to sell to anyone believing this story
  11. Heather doesn't seem to know how boring, bland and humorless she is. She was on twitter this morning, denying plastic surgery after someone called her out for not having her own show...it was hilarious
  12. Word about the satellite. Andy HATES Simon, he can never come back. Gilles Bensimon owns the apartment building he and Kelly live in...he's downstairs, she's upstairs.. I'm sure this arrangement is so he can keep an eye on things.
  13. If Kelly doesn't want her children taken away, she should be vigilant about taking her meds. What we saw on Scary Island was Kelly trying in vain to substitute sugar because she was in withdrawal from whatever she is on. As with many people who seem to be bi-polar, she is non-compliant. Meds won't help her strange delusions about Bethenny, but they would make her less likely to become a danger to herself and others.
  14. Kim didn't even TRY! As everyone previously said, she is too lazy for this. Her breasts looked ridiculously large in the outfit she was wearing, she looked like she would fall on Tony any second. The wig was clearly a heavy, clumsy impediment, and I think the only reason she agreed to do this was to get some camera time for Brielle, who was overly made-up but beautiful.
  15. In the situations I've seen, adult children will accept money for a new car and still treat the parent like shit. Vicki's lucky, too bad she doesn't know it.
  16. Lest we forget: Vicki also looked down on Colby because he's Mexican. It's one thing for Vicki to go to Mexico and pull her ugly American act, but have one in the family? No bueno
  17. Actually, masternind is a perfect word for it. It's so obvious that keeping grandkids away is a ploy, in response to whatever hurt the mom (it's always the mom) felt from her mother. Look at Bethenny, forgiving the man who beat her mom but not forgiving her mom! In the meantime, life experiences and memories are lost. It's such a tragedy.
  18. Vanessa would be very different on vacation in Vegas. It is, after all, her home. It's the place where everyone knows her name, she has an extraordinary mansion in a great neighborhood, all in all, it would be fun for everyone. It's not like they will have to share rooms, most of their game play and concerts would be comped...a better than usual Vegas vacation.
  19. Great strategy...especially with these clueless little tadpoles with stars in their eyes. I don't dislike the strategy, I dislike how easily they fall for it. Just go on and give Vanessa the money.
  20. Actually, she can. The rates are always good for the guests of "high rollers" poker players and the like. Also, Vanessa can get lower rates as a local.
  21. In other words, Briana, for all the talk over the years, turned out exactly like her mother, LOL
  22. Vicki does not have an education, she worked as a checkout girl at a grocery store straight out of high school. But one thing you can say for Vicki: she, among all the housewives across the franchises, understood the need for education for her kids. When you look at Michael Wolfsmith, her son, you realize he's the ONLY adult male from the early seasons of RHOC with a college degree. Albie Manzo's degree doesn't count, since he'd lives with Mommy to be on a reality show, then there's Josh Waring, Shane Keough, Colton Keough and of course babymaker Bryson Bryant from RHOA. Vicki may be wacko, but her head was always on straight about her kids needing an education Vicki does not have an education, she worked as a checkout girl at a grocery store straight out of high school. But one thing you can say for Vicki: she, among all the housewives across the franchises, understood the need for education for her kids. When you look at Michael Wolfsmith, her son, you realize he's the ONLY adult male from the early seasons of RHOC with a college degree. Albie Manzo's degree doesn't count, since he'd lives with Mommy to be on a reality show, then there's Josh Waring, Shane Keough, Colton Keough and of course babymaker Bryson Bryant from RHOA. Vicki may be wacko, but her head was always on straight about her kids needing an education
  23. Wow What an ugly little troll. I never bought the "I'm so awkward, live in Mommy's basement schtick either
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