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Everything posted by Divagalore

  1. The show has become rather predictable, So I see Chris and Ke%I choosing one another.
  2. I honestly don't miss the Takeover twist, so it can stay away.
  3. ITA! Vanessa is extremely annoying. While I don't mind Shelli being chosen as the evicted one this week, I'd still love to see overbearing Vanessa to follow behind her in the DE.
  4. Actually this was the senior prom that Nancy was invited to. She repeatedly mentioned her friends were seniors, and she wanted to go to the prom. So she revealed she had a crush on Shae, then he asked her to the prom. Overall, I found aspects of the show to be interesting. Just seeing what these ladies went through being so tall. I'm sure there was some staging/manipulation, but I believe some of their awkward experiences were real. .
  5. ITA! There shouldn't be any special treatments given to Audrey if she isn't follow proper rules. If she's been put on the block, continue to play the game. But based on the way she has acted throughout the season, I've always wondered if she was a part of production, or at least receiving pampering over the other contestants. I'm actually ready for Audrey to leave, and hope these HGs stop being afraid of playing an equal game.
  6. I would love to see Shelli bold enough to backdoor Audrey, but don't see it happening. I still believe Audrey is apart of production, and isn't allowed to be booted just yet.
  7. No, that is Tracee's older sister Rhonda that is Barry Gordy's daughter. So Tracee Ross really is biracial. Her bio father is white.
  8. Yeah, I also found that scene hilarious, b/c I was expecting it to be predictable with Andre getting that promotion he was looking for only to put in charge of the Urban stuff.lol. I also like that there's no laugh track. I really hope the show does well. I don't watch a lot of today's sitcoms, but this appeals so far. I'm also liking the cast. Nice to see Lawrence Fishburne in a weekly sitcom. Also liking Anthony and Tracee as a couple.
  9. I still believe a number of them are recruits seeking fame mixed in with a few fans. One thing I'm noticing is CBS/Grodner seem to be banking on showmances to develop more so than good game play, and that's why they casts so many in their early 20s over a variety of ages. We all know BB is not a game based around age, and I'm sure people of all walks of life still apply. IMO, it takes away from the game when so many are so close in age and don't have much real life experience.JMO
  10. No you are not crazy, b/c I agree 100%! That's one of the big problems are these wacky twists that have not been exciting. I can't stand the Team America, 2 HOHs, and that BotB to see who remains HOH. They haven't added an ounce of excitement for me as a viewer. With a game like BB, I expected for them to be a little more creative when adding new elements to the game. They should also test them out before springing it on viewers.
  11. This is why I never cared much for Andi...Considering she knew early on that Josh was the man she wanted, she never should've lead Nick on.....especially by sleeping with him. With him being one of the final 2, he probably felt he had a legitimate chance with her, and was possibly falling in love with her. Now here it was last season everyone dogged out Juan Pablo for how he supposedly treated her, but it looks like she's basically done the same thing with Nick. Whether he lasted to the final 2, or not if she didn't feel for him like that she never should've been intimate with him. Based on the way Andi can act pretty cold at times, Nick trying to get in touch with her off camera to talk is probably true, JMO
  12. Exactly! This season really has been hurt by these weak twists. I don't feel having 2 HOHs, BotB, or TA making BB exciting. I also prefer it when there are people who aren't afraid to make moves, instead of latching onto a gigantic alliance, and do nothing. That's not having game, because they're following the lead of others. At this point, Jody and Devin were two HGs who probably could've added some interest to this game if they hadn't gotten booted so early. Donny seems like he's a smart player, but they don't really interact with him much. Everyone else just seemed to float along with the house. Cody and Zach talk tough in the DR, but they're afraid to go against Derrick and Frankie. Caleb is too infatuated by a woman who isn't interested in him to even play the game, Its really gotten sad. I feel for Amber this week since she's a target, Not because she's a threat for her game, but b/c she's not liked. I say we're coming along the middle of the game, its time to start trying to switch up the game and go for some of the power players. Its really become predictable watching the women being kicked off one by one.
  13. Yes, I also cheered out loud for Tasha's 3rd Tribal win. This girl has proven she's there to play, and ask questions later. I've loved that the way that her and Spencer have remained tight, and continued to play a strong game. While Tony has continued to have luck, winning idols, and controlling some of his original tribe members, I see him allowing his paranoia get the best of him, and eventually knock him out of the game. So right now I'm holding out for a Tasha or Spence for the win.
  14. This is true. Phyllis had a similar obsession with Nick like she had with Danny years ago. So it definitely felt like she was just settling for Jack, because she couldn't be with Nick at the time. I have a feeling we're going to see this when she returns.
  15. Now I could actually see this, because he loved chatting it up. I just don't think he wants to be recognized, because he KNOWS the questions are coming.
  16. Divagalore from TWOP! So glad to find this site. :) Divagalore from TWOP! So glad to find this site. :)
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