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Everything posted by pezgirl7

  1. Thanks Souris! I just reblogged it. :) I've been trying to just skim over a lot of the spoilers, so the first episode isn't completely ruined, but I just don't have the strength to NOT read the CS spoilers! So how would you rate the premiere? I loved the S3 finale, so for me, it has a lot to live up to. ETA hah told ya. ;) http://colindonoghue.tumblr.com/post/98281907532/oh-my-god-credit At least she gave you credit.
  2. I guess I never knew the actual name of the song! I thought it was just the theme to Beauty and the Beast. Lucky you Souris! Its funny how some of the recaps called the CS kiss quite long, and for you it was a little more than a peck. :) The screencap makes it look like a peck though. Any chance you could post the pic in its own tumblr post? I'm afraid it'll get snagged eventually anyway, but it's up to you, obviously.
  3. One of the recaps said Belle and Rumple dance to an instrumental version of Beauty and the Beast. I wonder if the CS kiss that takes place in front of the green screen will be the start of Emma's magic going haywire? I know some people wanted Emma to magic her and Hook somewhere more private, but maybe something bad happens.
  4. You can really see how much longer his hook hand is in those pictures. I wonder why Henry is wearing a suit and tie? Is he going to a new prep school, or is that Gold's dress code for working at the shop? I'm curious to know what made Emma lose control of her powers all of a sudden.
  5. I just read something on Tumblr about how Kat, the girl that worked with Colin on The Dust Storm, and who was starting the band Chyld with Colin, unfriended Colin on twitter, and the Chyld Twitter account has been deleted. She also posted a cryptic tweet: "Being led on is the worst, & wanting recognition for something you haven't worked for is lame. Be honest & up front." I'm not trying to start any rumors, but has anyone heard anything more about this? I was really looking forward to hearing the songs they were working on! Also, I thought it was strange that Colin didn't mention the band when he was on Good Day LA, and the topic turned to music.
  6. Since Hook is with the gang, I guess he's not the one in jail. Elsa is with them too. I have no idea what is going on. :) Glad to see Hook has his hook back.
  7. Aww, I think he actually did really well, and looks more comfortable than he has in the past. I thought it was funny that he had to think about what was worse, doing the interview, or going to the dentist, and then he decides doing the interview is worse. :)
  8. This isn't really a spoiler, but I'm posting it here anyway. This is from ew.com:
  9. Ugh I'm annoyed that the person Emma and Henry were trying to call on their cellphone was... Regina. Also, this: Of course they cut it. Here's another recap. This part sounds fun...
  10. Hah I was just about to post that video, with a similar mention of the Beatles. :) I heard he got the loudest cheers when he came on stage also, and he did his little entrance jig that he always does. What an adorkable guy.
  11. Lots of photos from tonight, thanks to ABC's flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/disneyabc/ Beautiful people being beautiful! And wow, the girl that plays young Snow has really grown up. And more: http://screencapped.net/gallery/index.php?cat=54 The white background ones are... interesting.
  12. Here's a more detailed description of the first episode: http://jennifermorrison.tumblr.com/post/98120881731
  13. I don't think Emma avoids Hook for too long. That poster said they were together in almost every scene they were in, and Emma is the one who initiates the kiss at the end. Another spoiler about baby Neal: You know Charming says something like “we should have named him Baelfire” lol. Interested to know the context that was said in.
  14. I'm just going to ignore all the Regina stuff, and focus on the awesome CaptainSwan spoilers. The Netflix line is just plain cruel though, unless at some point they end an episode with Emma and Hook curled up on the couch watching TV.
  15. I hadn't realized today was Talk Like a Pirate Day! I made this little Hook graphic for last year's. Hook has definitely changed the way I think of pirates. :)
  16. I watched The Rite on OnDemand, because it looked interesting, and was happily surprised to see that Colin was in it, although it took me a second to realize it was him. This wasn't long after Hook showed up on OUAT, so I wasn't, ahem, as infatuated with him yet. ;) I was confused that he had an American accent, so I googled him, I discovered he was actually Irish! What?! :) So then I watched an interview with him on some talk show, and fell in love with his natural accent, and everything that was opposite of Hook about him, and there was no turning back after that! Getting back to the movie, I thought it was actually pretty good. I don't remember Lana in Lost at all either, and that description doesn't really ring a bell. I definitely remember Emilie from Lost though. Forgot about her in my previous post.
  17. Ginny also played Johnny Cash's first wife in Walk the Line with Joaquin Phoenix. That's about the only other thing I've seen her in. Never saw Jennifer in anything before OAUT, and actually Robert was really the only actor out of the cast that I was familiar with. Which in a way was nice, because it's good when you're not thinking of another character that an actor has played while watching something.
  18. Ugh that article could have brought out some interesting issues for discussion, but bringing up Jen and suggesting that she like and tweet about a crackship, instead of, you know, the actual ship that her character is currently involved in, is so ridiculous. I've never even heard of that woman's magazine. How does one get an article published on the Huffpost anyway?
  19. I agree RadioGirl, that they shouldn't be focusing on just Frozen. Are we ever going to get season 4 promo photos? I do think harnessing the power of the fans for promotion is smart, even if it seems ridiculous. That's how you do social media marketing. I actually think that new poster is pretty nice, especially the eyes. Although the apple sorta looks like it has mold on it instead of snow!
  20. We're stuck on X, huh? X is for his XL personality.
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