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Everything posted by bros402

  1. i'd probably be celibate if I had to choose between those two
  2. I 100% do not want Nell and Edward to be a couple. I liked the ghost couple, though.
  3. I believe Shaun had access to it because Glassman accessed his own records through the hospital database before it was released to him.
  4. The Good Doctor's Hill Harper Eyes U.S. Senate Run and looking at an article a few days ago it looks like he might be going for it.
  5. This was a good episode - Randy should be a once a season event, since like all of you said: a little Randy goes a long way.
  6. at least I think that is what it was - since the text said something like "smooth surface, rough edges" and Lim pointed that out about the edges of what was showing on the MRI, then Shaun countered with whatever and Shaun said it can look like that in people with radiation It seems like he could probably still practice medicine, just not as a surgeon. If Hill Harper leaves, they could slot Glassman back into hospital President
  7. Shaun should not have gone to Lim like that - he should've talked to Glassman instead of doing that to him. So this is going to lead to a schism between the two - and it'll probably be mended when something happens with the baby, probably when Lea is in labor and there are complications (at least I am guessing that is what will happen). Andrews is backsliding badly - like he hasn't been this horrible since the first couple of seasons. I hate that Shaun is always right - why can't Lea be right and it is just age like she suggested? Or is it going to be proven to be the right idea by Glassman having a stroke at the end of the penultimate episode (or as the finale cliffhanger?) also, oh my GOD I was hating the "wow this guy is an inspiration!!!!!" part - everyone doesn't have to be inspiration porn! No - it's that he had a mini-stroke. Shaun was just thinking of a baseball because of the texture of a baseball. Wasn't Glassman not doing surgery for a season+ while he was running the clinic?
  8. I watched the first two episodes so far and I like it even more than the first season - I am pleasantly surprised by how good a Freeform show is.
  9. I noticed that too! Good episode - but there were 13 episodes ordered... so this was going to be the season finale?
  10. Arthritis - iirc she somehow has it so bad that she destroyed all of the cartilage in her hands in a matter of weeks (days?)
  11. I believe one of the driving factors was Octomom. Also, I imagine they want to keep some backups just in case it doesn't take.
  12. I think there's a law making it so the second the doctors have results, it has to be released to the patient portal (Might be an NY specific thing, though - or maybe a policy for my cancer center). Also, uh, this was another episode where they probably could've solved a case by asking Shaun to look at things and give his input for a solution, because he has Magical Autism Brain.
  13. So, uh, Jordan's love triangle get a big nope from me. Imagine if Lim's patient had died - imagine the M&M conference on that, or if the patient's family sued? That would've been one hell of an easy suit based on Andrews constantly overruling the trauma surgeon. Also, uh, some of his comment were definitely discriminating against her based on her disability. I think that Andrews plot might be going this way due to the actor considering running for office - so they are giving an easy out with the board being on him. I wonder what Glassman is going to have? Parkinsons? Dementia? Mystery thing that will need Glassman to operate on himself?
  14. I liked that she and the ghost got along and that she was sort of in the background. The plots were handled well. The show has definitely hit its stride.
  15. I forgot about the crash cart thing! I have to assume the crash cart was gotten because of her heart disorder - and according to google, crash carts do have medications such as diazepam on them. So it might've been a double whammy - be ready in case her heart decided to have some fun *and* stop her seizure with the diazepam.
  16. gosh but don't you know that autism is magic, the show is trying to tell us that. The writing is definitely ridiculous most of the time
  17. and never lupus. except that one time
  18. At least the series had a serviceable finale.
  19. Yeah, the writers seem to not understand what executive dysfunction is really like. tbh I was expecting it to lead to Asher/Jerome getting engaged - like the group leaving the karaoke bar and see Jerome proposing at a fancy restaurant. So, the show is going back to the cancer well? They've decided to not mention Glassman's house in a few episodes, so obviously it's cancer. However, since it is TV - he hasn't had a nosebleed, so that means it isn't cancer! It's been, what, 5 years since Glassman was NED? With most cancers, 5 years NED means scans stop (or are much mess frequent) - and since Glassman's a neurosurgeon, he would probably recognize any significant symptoms. You think he would've been like, "I'm old, Shaun - people get slower as they age!" or something like that - but nope, just only going "nope not cancer."
  20. Okay - I just finished the season and oh my god was the finale so good. It had the best songs bar none (I laughed at one). The season (well.. probably series, if views on youtube videos with the songs are any indicator) finale was so good and it would be the perfect bow to an uneven miniseries if they didn't add a little cliffhanger. I hope we see a season two because I think the songs would be higher quality if they write ones the quality of the one in the finale.
  21. It doesn't fill those shoes, but i love the actors.
  22. The rest of the LAPD is getting ice cream.
  23. That is true! I'm excited, but concerned that it might be a very bad sign for renewal chances.
  24. Wow. Never Game wasn't a good name, but Tracker isn't much better.
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