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Everything posted by Viqutorious

  1. Do you really think that if Logan called up Lorelai and asked for her blessing in getting Rory back as his side piece, much less her active assistance, that she'd give it? Lorelai did tell Rory that sleeping with an engaged man was "way sluttier" than a one night stand, so while she didn't hit the roof as she did with Dean, she was clearly not pleased. Did they ever mention that he proposed to her? I felt like ASP ignored season 7 regarding Logan and Rory's relationship. In her world Logan never grew, matured, spoke to Lorelai or proposed to Rory. There was such a disconnect.
  2. Jess looking at Rory through the window at the end was so contrived and lame. They had zero chemistry with each other throughout these episodes and nothing lead us to think he was carrying a torch for her 10 years later. l thought it was a lazy cop out. We are a nation of two. Although I'm clearly not a girl. Me too, and I am a girl!
  3. Going forward? Are they doing more shows for Netflix?
  4. Logan regressed, he was charming, monogamous and more mature in season 7.
  5. Rory could be pregnant with Paul's baby, she probably had sex with him and forgot.
  6. I still do not like the Luke and Lorelai relationship! I knew they would end up together, I just don't get the appeal. They were better as friends.
  7. I think you might be right, I have no recollection of Taylor saying he was married either.
  8. I have such mixed feelings about this reboot! So much of it felt rushed, forced and busy, I don't know why they chose to do it that way. There were scenes that felt like a cameo parade. I missed the warmth and subtle humor, at times this seemed like a parody. I did like some parts, I'm still figuring it out. eta, I was really hoping they would end the show with the song "Our little Corner of the World"
  9. Everyone is assuming that Logan is the father of her baby...I think it's the Wookie.
  10. It is getting rave reviews everywhere! Here is a cute short interview with the cast on Entertainment. warning Luke toupee alert! http://www.ew.com/article/2016/11/16/gilmore-girls-revival-cover
  11. Go figure Jimmy Fallon is a Gilmore Girls fan. This is a cute video from tonight, and the hashtag #Gilmoregirlstop4 is still trending on twitter. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K7Jm9Z36vBg
  12. Except that she didn't. There were mentions of spending holidays at the elder Gilmores. If they had been warm and welcoming grandparents I would think Rory, as she got older, would have been questioned why they didn't spend more time together. In my mind the girls were treated like any other unrelated guests and thus the elders did not invite a more intimate relationship. Being given an apple tart (or chocolate box), wished a happy holiday, and escorted out the door wouldn't make me want to hang around and get better acquainted. They saw her only on special occasions. I personally don't view that as a relationship, especially when you only live 30 miles apart. The episode when Richard has his first health scare Rory said, I'm just getting to know him." (Not an exact quote) Lorelai has also apologized to Rory for preventing a relationship develop with her grandparents, therefore it's not something that is really in question. One of my favorite episodes is Kill me now, it shows Rory and Richard getting to know each other and is a very touching episode in many ways.
  13. I disagree. Lorelai kept their granddaughter out of their lives by choice and on purpose. I thought Lorelai was selfish to ask for help, she had no plans to pay for private school, she knew her parents would bail her out. I don't think just because your grown kids ask for help, you are required to help. They.are.adults. i thought they asked for little in return. They all benefited from the relationship they formed over Friday night dinners. Imagine Richards funeral if Rory never got to know him because her mom was too immature to allow them to have a relationship until she was forced to do so.
  14. Crud, I was hoping he was really unhappy with the ending! Oh well.
  15. I have hope since I'm not a fan of Luke and Lorelai as a couple. "Luke Danes himself was "quite perturbed" by the series' final words." Clarification; Scott Patterson the actor is perturbed, not the character Luke Danes. http://www.marieclaire.com/celebrity/news/a23612/scott-patterson-gilmore-girls-final-four-words/
  16. I don't think of Lorelai as having a lot of friends. She doesn't really hang out with Patty, Babette or Michel. She is friendly with them but I would not count them as friends. Sookie is really her only friend other than Rory, and she held a superior position in both of those relationships. It always bothered me that Lorelai never tried to make friends or even try when she met women That were her peers. She was too good for the Stars Hollow moms, didn't try with the booster club women and had no friends from her childhood. At least Rory tried!
  17. I'm trying to adjust to how everyone looks! They have all aged pretty well, it is just weird that they aged.
  18. I think I am the only person that really dislikes Luke and Lorelai as a couple. I am actually dreading that part of the revival. They are an unhealthy couple and they just don't mesh to me. I don't get what is appealing about Luke's character as a romantic partner.
  19. Why would Logan be in London? Last we saw he was moving to San Francisco, was there a spoiler?
  20. People do realize Chris was a 16 year old when Rory was born I hope. I have a 17 year old son who would be the worst father on the planet at this point in his life. He's a nice kid, but not Dad material! My oldest son would have made a passable father at that same age. I'm not excusing him but Chris was let off the hook by everyone, including Lorelai when he was a teenager. We aren't discussing a grown man with a fully formed frontal lobe. I cut him slack due to his age and circumstances.
  21. I thought the promo with Amy Schumer and John Oliver was smart, they are both relevant and they both responded via twitter and TV to the mentions. it was just a promo, not an actual scene from the show.
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