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  1. Wait, this is the big reveal on why Damian is such an angry creep & a cold fish? He thought Amy was ignoring him & his father as a kid, cuz she had to work 2 jobs to support them & pay the bills for his father’s care? So after finding out that Amy clearly made sacrifices for him, Damian struggles to give her a sh*tty hug & seems perfectly fine with walking away from his dying mother. What a friggin’ creep. Why Show, should I care about this creep? Summer is wearing the same clips in her hair my sis wore in the 4th grade. WTF, show stylists? Why not just put her in the same hair-goop wind-tunnel ya shoved Nikki thru a few days ago? Kinda liked Claire’s glare at Summer while she was whining about The Red Beast being missing. It said — Would you get the f*ck away? Shoulda said that outright, Claire! Can’t be subtle with D-ummer — she’s just like Mommie Dearest in that way. Am I really supposed to feel anything but giddiness that The Red Beast is gone? But the prospect of Ian and/or Jordie coming back really makes me queasy. So Sharon is kidnapped again? Oh no, not again!! Have these writers no other ideas for storylines? Gah! Btw, Lils & Damian have zero chemistry. In fact, they look pretty uncomfortable together. Show is gonna try to make them as the next “hot” couple? Not seeing it.
  2. Can’t say Dick-o-las anymore either. That was another fav!
  3. Sheesh, Liam, want some cheese with that whine? Oh man, yet another man on here who’s become a total wimp. Or maybe more of wimp than he already was? Did he suddenly show up cuz it’s a hint Smuggy is gonna turn to him when Finn finally tells Smuggy that Luna-tic is his daughter?
  4. So has something happened to The Red Beast? Do we care? Uh, no! Do we care why she’s gone? Uh, no! Maybe Ian & Jordie broke outta the GC morgue & kidnapped her? Eh, whatevs, as long as she stays gone, all is good. Today was Amy day. Meh. And Show trying to make Lils & Damian as a couple happen. Meh. Lils looks a head taller than him. And Audra as a sweetie pie continues to irritate me. She’s pretending to be cold to Holden, but actually looks like she’s ready to jump in the sack with him & ditch Natey. Oh and Chance was back. Did he have any dialogue? Who noticed? Oh Summer, you really wanna to toss that away, to spend your time endlessly eye-f*cking Pomp? Really? Now I remember why we used to call ya Dumber. Still applies to ya, hun!
  5. Is Show gearing up to make Vic recurring? I get the opposite vibe. He still seems front & center, particularly with this new bit of him trying some corporate espionage with Jabot. The prob for me is the justification for his continuing the Abbott feud seems so weak. More than that, it seems foolish, deluded & makes Vic look like a befuddled old man. Is this what the writers are going for? Really? When he was going on to Mikey about 'that Jordan woman" & how he should've been able to keep her locked up, he sounded like a Dementia patient. Cuz none of that rant made any sense. Unless they're heading in that direction with this character, but I doubt it . . . Ah, Lauren loves her tiger stripes, eh? But it wasn't one of usual one-shoulder cave-lady get-ups, so she is trying to be a tiny bit diff. I kinda like the Lauren/Mikey scenes & Tracey is an OK actress, in spite of not being able to make expressions of any kind. Uh yeah, we are in Bizarro World GC if Summer (or anyone) would prefer Pomp to Chance. Btw, why does Daniel look like such a slob? Wardrobe peeps, what's with this? And some crazy stylist put poor Nikki thru a hair-goop wind-tunnel -- and the result was today's troll-doll look. Eek, NO!
  6. So anyone else notice a definite shift in the Carter/Hope storyline to actually fit in with Ridge's deluded narrative? It's a really gross & yet again, misogynist move by the writers. We know it was totally Carter's idea to take over the company & he acted by his own choice & was not hampered in the least by any of the wimpy guilt he's displaying now. And Hope's only role in the take-over was merely as a confidant to him -- and that's it. But wow, has that changed! All of a sudden he's got endless pained looks on his mug & he can't stop crying & whining about losing his best friend & "brother". Uh, is he a man or a little girl? How is Hope not totally turned off by what a wimp he's become? And now Show seems to be making it appear that Hope is manipulating Carter, which I think is the writers' sneaky & awful way to make Ridge appear "right". Yuck! Actually, to me, Hope has become the show's only truth-teller & she's trying to instill confidence into the weakling/wimp Carter has become. He seems to be as much of a lost cause as Brooke is. No, Ridge merely walking out is not enough of a rejection for Brooke. Was expecting her to say -- What do ya want me to do to get ya back & off Dishrag, Ridgie? Murder Hope? Sure, OK, done. Instead, it's the same convos over & over & over & over. Zzzzzzzzz.
  7. Well, The Real Housewives are all about yelling, screaming, hitting & throwing things at each other & women generally acting like toddlers. That’s what I saw in the commercials — the little I paid attention to ‘em. The show might be different, but the commercials def present a Real Housewives vibe. Other than Phyllis, nobody on Y&R behaves like the Real Housewives. Will Y&R viewers be attracted by those commercials or turned off? Idk, but they sure turned me off. Btw, was Vic not as concerned about Summer being involved with Kyle cuz she’s “strong & fierce” or cuz she’s Phyllis’ daughter? Hmmm.
  8. What was the competition? B&B and dead air? The award shoulda gone to dead air! Guess it’s conveniently forgotten he used to refer to her as “that Claire woman”? That’s his usual go-to misogynist reference to women he hates. What a charmer that Vic is, eh? And so well written, right? NOT!
  9. Hope was on fire today. She did get in some great digs on Ridge. But the a-hole didn’t process or acknowledge any of it. And what was with the pained expressions on Carter’s mug while Hope was letting Ridge have it? Why is Carter such a friggin’ wimp? I muted the stuff with Smuggy babbling, the Beige Dishrag looking haggard, Zende in yet another hideous shirt & Daphne LePew in really ugly purple pants. Blech. Brooke groveling yet again? Oh it’s so painful to watch this, it’s so pathetic. Does he have to bang Dishrag in front of her, for Brooke to finally move on from him? Guess even then, she still wouldn’t, eh? Yech!
  10. What Vic misses in the story of that fateful night is Jack happened upon Nikki by chance. She called neither Jack or Vic. If Jack did not discover her that night, she more than likely would have drank herself to a certain death. So Jackie did indeed come to her rescue & saved her life. Quite the opposite of Vic’s perception of that night. Now, is it that Vic doesn’t know the facts or he won’t accept that Jackie rescued Nikki and he didn’t? This does give him a reason (if deluded & idiotic) to continue targeting the Abbotts. And it’s also lousy writing to keep the feud going. And more dumb sh*t from Vic — still going on how he should’ve kept “that Jordan woman” in a cage. What a friggin’ stubborn, deluded old loon. Michael was yes-ing him, and looked pretty pathetic. Oh there’s Summer pouting & pouting & pouting. And denying she’s interested in Kyle. Whatevs. So Claire is seeing up close what a nasty, unpleasant character Vic is? Good! Just cuz you call him Grandpa, doesn’t suddenly make him kindly & cuddly-wuddly, hun! See him for who he is, Claire — horrible & awful!
  11. They are showing a zillion ads for it during the show, ain’t they? Guess they think Show’s viewers are a prime target? That might be a wrong assumption. The ads make it look like any of the Real Housewives shows. Uh, no, def NOT for me! Other than The Red Beast, Y&R is not very Housewives-like — that’s about the only compliment I can give to Show, which has been lousy for quite a while. But I will say, from those ads, it looks like a sh*t-ton of tacky/ugly clothes, bad hair (wigs), and terrible acting, so there will undoubtedly be much to snark on — if you can get past the yelling & screaming & a cast that looks chock full of zillions of Phyllis clones. Like I said, not for me.
  12. So it’s perfectly OK for Carter to be manipulated by Ridge, but if Carter is acting on Hope’s behalf, but clearly not being manipulated by her — that’s not OK, to Ridge? And no matter what, Hope is the b*tch & slut who is leading Carter around like a dog on a leash? That’s what Ridge & Show are shoving at us? Really? Blech.
  13. Something awfully scuzzy about Holden. Me smells a stink on him & it ain’t good, Pretty looks only go so far. Watch out, Audra! Good luck Di, updatin’ that musty, fusty old museum. Why do I think if ya tap one of those relic throw pillows, clouds of dust would pour out? Ick. Good setting for Miss Havisham or Norma Desmond to stumble around in tho . . . Di was joking about avocado green, but even that would be an improvement!
  14. Mmm, OK, so now we see it’s not just Ridge who has the misogynist notion that Carter is not acting on his own decision-making ability, but being led astray by that “bad woman” Hope. It’s the show as whole that’s shoving this misogynist sh*t at us. Show ends today with Carter crying like the wimp he is, hugging it out with Ridge. Do they look like they’re one step away from making out? Well, no, cuz from the look on Ridge’s mug, it seemed like he was just manipulating Carter, and dumbass Carter was falling for it. That is, until that “bad woman” Hope shows up to interrupt Ridge’s manipulations. Ugh. Oh yeah, there was something with Dishrag today, but now Buddig’s truly sh*tty acting is nothing but white noise & a beige blur to me.
  15. Psst, oh Lils, there is such a thing as a private detective! Have you ever heard of them, hun? You can actually hire one to get background info on Damian. You don’t need to ask Vic to do this, & then be indebted to him for doing what he will surely see as a favor, dumb-dumb. Nikki’s ridiculous smugness toward Lils was annoying as hell. We’re Newmans, so we can screw you over, lie to you & use you, and because we’re Newmans, you should (of course) forgive us. GAH!!!!
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