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Everything posted by JayD83

  1. That's what I just said. Not that I miss her and I understand grief, but this is getting ridiculous.
  2. Sunny laid the smackdown and I LIVE!
  3. I'm thinking that was done to remind us lessors that the queen is still there.
  4. I don't like the new one. She's quiet most of the time and when she does talk, she seems way too uptight.
  5. I'm giving it one episode, then I'm [probably] out. Life is far too short to let a TV show affect my health (stage 1 hypertension).
  6. OMG she is extra pissed today. ABC PLEASE hire Ana! Today!
  7. Laura's BACK!!! https://www.tvinsider.com/706161/genie-francis-returning-general-hospital-laura/
  8. Wash, Rinse, Repeat - Everybody is seemingly in agreeance, then at the last minute, Meh-gun throws a monkey wrench and starts screaming BUT OBAMA! BUT OBAMA!!!!!1111 She is exhausting!
  9. Oh shit, MM: "I just signed on for this frickin' thing for another year" I think I'm gonna quit watching.
  10. If MM is **so** sure that a socialist would get trounced by Trump, then why is she pretty much begging the Democrats NOT to run one? I'm befuddled.
  11. When Joy started shouting COMMA! APOSTROPHE! I HOWLED! That's the English Teacher in her. Everything that MM says is one big run on sentence.
  12. This is what's gonna happen. I think she's gonna quit ON AIR and burn a lot of bridges doing so. If y'all thought Star leaving was some mess, you aint seen nothin' yet. I can't wait.
  13. MM feels that EVERY republican should think like her and if they don't, then "WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE SINCE ITS SOOO TERRIBLE". Such a myopic way of thinking.
  14. She is truly showing her privileged ass today!! Wow!
  15. Just a heads up...MM is on 10 today.
  16. I just screamed aloud at the TV "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
  17. Yep. Tall tales, false promises, and lies be damned - and that's something her "tribe" skewers Obama and the Clintons for.
  18. MM really doesn't give a damn if her "tribe" have to lie, steal, and cheat to stay in power. As long as they're still in power, she's okay with ANYTHING they do to get it and keep it. Please don't let her get a pickup letter this August. I may quit watching for good.
  19. Sunny is GIVING it to MM. I can tell she's getting tired of MM putting words in her mouth.
  20. Wow. Meggie is really getting off on thinking that middle america is running this country. In her mind, if they don't give a damn about it, no one should. She's a mess and I will cheer the day she's FINALLY off of my screen.
  21. You get the feeling that after this show, Meggie and Newt are gonna get together and shit talk all of her co hosts. This was absolutely positively hilarious. I laughed so hard water came out of my nose.
  22. Newt is getting ate up/read for filth, and Meggie is begging to go to commercial! This is RICH!
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