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The dad bod is really starting to show in that shirt. If he were the right size for the shirt to hang correctly and he unbuttoned one button, it would look better. I am normally not into body shaming, but this is Jeremy the Vain we're taking about. Plus I recently saw a nearly identical outfit being worn really well by a guy 10 years older than Jeremy so the difference jumped out at me immediately.
I can't believe I forgot to include this in my report from Trivia Nationals! We learned that they're already about 20 episodes into taping and that Alex is doing really well.
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If you made that up yourself, I'm impressed. As much as I am struggling with weight loss right now (I'm pretty close to moving down into size 14, I'll feel good about a 10), I have no patience for guys who let themselves go, because it's so flippin' easy for most of them. They just ease up on junk food and booze and the weight falls right off. Jeremy is in serious danger of dad bod.
I picked the right year to go to a trivia conference. Trivia Nationals is technically new. The previous event somehow fell apart (I'm not privy to the details, but apparently there were financial difficulties), and some other trivia fans stepped up to create this conference. They have done a magnificent job and I think actually sold out. I know the room block at the hotel sold out and they had to request more rooms, so it's been a success financially. Having the Jeopardy people here was a huge draw. Where else can you go and just rub elbows casually with Maggie Speak and all her crew? They've been here the whole time, playing games, talking to people (within limits, they can't spend too much time with any one person or have dinner with potential contestants or something). Even one of the writers was present and on the Jeopardy discussion panel. The conference itself has been run really well. The schedules are easy to follow. The games are well organized. Everyone is positive and encouraging. The trivia is HARD, so if you watch Jeopardy and think it's too easy, this is the place for you. I can't really tell stories about my experience without giving self-identifying details. I've met more Jeopardy players than I can count, and I don't know who reads here. I can say that I played Quiz Bowl, Trash Bowl (pop culture QB), 5x5 (a similar-to-Jeopardy game), Learned League Live, Smarty Pants, and Pairs Quiz. All of them were really fun, and with the exception of 5x5, much more difficult questions than you see on Jeopardy each day. Despite the convention being in Vegas, James Holzhauer is not in attendance. Several Jeopardy All-Stars are here. They are all really nice people, no divas or jerks.
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I remembered to lift my non-alcoholic drink to toast Mr. Dragonfaerie. May peace be with you and your loved ones, @DragonFaerie.
Good to know! I will admit that I only figured out last week what the asterisks meant.
I'm looking forward to jumping in for the Season 36 contest. My scores tend to be somewhere between 1-2 each week, so don't anyone start worrying about competition from me, haha. Do we get extra points for asterisks?
Since there was discussion about it here, I'll post here. The reruns will not include the Teen Tournament that just happened. Here is the schedule of reruns: August Jeopardy schedule So we will see @teebax again since the entire teacher tournament is included.
Did everyone see this? Alex receives a special gift
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Well, this is nice, ending the season with a 6-day champ who is not annoying. I did horribly today, no FJ for me and a ridiculously low number of correct responses in the first two rounds.
If I were Kendra, I would hot glue that baseball cap to Joe's head so he had to wear it forever, including during "sweet fellowship." Dude looks way better without the Charlie Brown spit curl.
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I shouldn't have second guessed myself. I thought Sendak at first and then changed to Carle. But I got McKinley, Dead Sea, quail, C, and Marathon. And I really thought Jason was going to say people thought he was Ray Romano.
Maybe they'll cut the filler from the All Stars and just show the games in condensed episodes?