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call me ishmael

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Posts posted by call me ishmael

  1. 1 hour ago, AnimeMania said:

    Yeah, increasing in evil, but not necessarily all dead. It seems like Watchmakers have to have the timing perfectly and were first recognized as coming from Germany in the 19th century.

    This is why I’m frustrated.  She was a teenager when she started so it’s unlikely she came over in the 19c.  Was she a descendant?  Were they demons who possessed people? Did a watchmaker find her because she wanted to kill her friend? They started off acting as if the problem was the house.  But it was never clear if it was her, the house, or if somehow was joined to the house through a spirit.  At the risk of saying something absurd given the show we are talking about: this episode just didn’t make sense...

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  2. 14 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

    Yes, there was Sean and then the much vilified Luke on Hannah Brown's season.  I think maybe some of them go on these shows precisely because they're such sleaze fests.  It's sort of a way to "witness." They hope to demonstrate an alternate path that isn't shown much on TV or in movies these days, even the more quality shows.  The problem is that the minute they show themselves as imperfect in any way the, "And he calls himself a Christian!  What a hypocrite!" thing begins.  I would hate to be sixteen today, watching TV and feeling like I was a freak for not having sex with a series of guys I barely knew.

    I know that you are trying to give them the benefit of the doubt but I don’t think that they are going as a “witness.”  They probably underestimate the nature of social media but they know that they will stand out in the crowd and probably think it will increase their chances.  Especially if they think that “deep down” everyone secretly wants to be with someone with their values.

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  3. 21 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

    I just think the woman has supernatural powers, Susan has the ability to set people on fire, she might have justly been called a demon, but nobody looks at her that way. The Roman Agency seems more concerned about finding out whether the houses problems are caused by ghosts/demons or a living being. They try to find a solution either way.

    Thanks.  But what about all the watchmaker stuff?  It sounded like it was a particular type (person, demon?) who came to the US in the 19c and had to operate in a rigid fashion or they would blow up.  And there was the blue light in the eyes.  The comparison to Susan is an interesting one.  But the agency discussed the watchmakers on a scale of increasing evil i thought.

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  4. Okay so this one was a bit unclear to me.  Are we to assume that the householder got possessed by a demon when she was a teenager?  Or was she a watchmaker in a more direct way.  They didn’t give any real sense that there was possession.  But then how did she suddenly become a demon when she committed her first murder?

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Suzysite said:

    If that spoiler is true, let's hope our boy gets some therapy beforehand. Or at least some happy pills.  I'm definitely going to be watching, though. 

    I expect to skip it.  But if true i hope all the women demand that he commit to them starting the first episode.  

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  6. 4 hours ago, Alexander Pope said:

    I think maybe they were setting up their "arc" and that he will "win her over."  

    I thought that we were supposed to think that since he got her to kiss him back that he had broken out of the friendzone.

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  7. 7 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

    JMS regularly answered questions after each episode. The Lurkers Guide to Babylon 5 was amazing and included lots of JMS quotes and answers to questions about specific episodes. Such an amazing site.

    The Lurkers Guide was fabulous.  It was one of the only sites that actually made the show better because it was there.

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  8. 32 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

    I was very confused through most of this episode.  I guess that they also manage rental properties but don't clear out the spirits until a renter is coming in, oh and the rental just happened to have a recording studio?  And, they make so much money off of the rental that Susan can stay with the rapper the whole time and cater bbq from his favorite place somewhere else?

    And conveniently, the parish in which the orphanage was located was the same one Father Phil worked?

    Oh, and Roman has a bowling alley as well as a miniature golf course where he meets his deceased father?

    I think actually that was a sale.

    But yeah, I didn’t think that this was that great an episode.  The clients seemed basically tropes and i found the ghost less than compelling.  I also thought it was a strange ending with them all looking on while Roman identified with the ghost to get the boy peace and there seemed no fallout.

    i did think that the whole idea about the Church succeeding as an institution because it is an institution was interesting.


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  9. 41 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    Yeah, I remember that and it moving to TNT for S5.

    Normally when I do re-watches I skip S1 and S5 but, this time I decided to watch with S1. I don't know if I'll actually watch S5 but, we'll see how it goes.

    Is this on HBO or HBO Max?

  10. 3 hours ago, Crashcourse said:


    So I guess Korey knew Bailey was more interested in Jeremy so that's why Korey basically  handed her off to him?  

    You know I wish that I thought Korey was calculating because then I might be able to convince myself he picked Olivia because he thinks that’s the only way he has a shot of winning the money.  But I can’t.  Which means I’m still scratching my head over his choice.

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  11. 42 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

    He thought he was in love, he realized he had been fooled, and he bailed.

    As someone who spends a lot of time professionally carefully reading writing, I would say that this is a very interesting sentence..  Personally I don't agree that he "realized" that he had been fooled although maybe he "decided" that he had been fooled.  "Realized" implies that he was correct that Katie was faking it.  But I do like the ambiguity of the sentence since as a sentence it could read that he realized that he had been fooling himself and realized that he wasn't as in love as he thought.  Personally, I think that he got out ahead of his own feelings as a result of his conversations with his family and overreacted.  I've seen plenty of people talk themselves ito strong emotions that just aren't there.  Although I admit I'm just an amateur at observing people's behavior.

  12. I’ve been assuming that this is a sort of New England centered show but who knows.  Maybe it’s set in Springfield.

    i agree that it can get too serious but I’ve been enjoying it so far.  Susan is the weak link so far.  Each episode shows her she can’t do things the way she normally does and by the start of the next episode she’s....insisting on doing things the way she normally does.  It’s getting a bit old.

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  13. 55 minutes ago, waving feather said:

    I actually think this is it. He liked the version of Katie he had in his mind but that illusion broke by her vapid response during their last date conversation. Perhaps because he was more emotionally charged in that moment, he found the difference in their emotional involvement very jarring. She also kept using Bachelor-speak in her conversations with him. "Number 1", "fight for us", "receive a rose", "trust the process", "it's going to get harder", etc. Which is fine in the context of the show but I just think he has reached a point where he couldn't take it anymore and he sees Katie for who she is, just someone playing the role of the Bachelorette and didn't find that attractive anymore. Neither one truly loved each other. So it's not a big loss. 

    It might also be too soon for Greg to sign up for reality TV. He was still in the toughest parts of grieving and thus not emotionally stable to handle it.

    I guess i see this in exactly the opposite terms.  Yes, she was talking in Bachelorette speak.  But it seems clear to me that she felt bound to follow the rules (and i agree with the idea that after Claire the producers were especially clear about that with her) and continually said things that anyone who was capable of thinking outside of their own head would have recognized that it meant he was her pick.  

    i think that what happened was that after his family was enthusiastic and he told them he was confident that she would pick him he insisted that she TELL HIM NOW!  He showed no awareness for the situation because by that point it was all about saving face for him.  

  14. I’m not on team Greg.  She told him that she told his family that it was going to be hard but at the end it would be worth it.  What would make it worth it for him if she wasn’t going to pick him?

  15. 4 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

    3. She was annoyed with the questions and the tone of the interviews when she knows that they all know the constraints she's under. Frankly, I wondered about it myself, why the eff are they trying to reopen a door with another contestant when we haven't even seen the ending with the people who stayed?

    That’s what i thought as well.  I know that people sign up for this but the reporter seemed to think she was being cute rather than annoying asking questions that she knew weren’t going to get answered.  I know that on TV a British accent entitles you to a lot, but it shouldn’t entitle you to be so transparently annoying,

    • Love 2
  16. 1 hour ago, snarts said:

    Interesting that they're going to do the re-coupling face to face. If memory serves correctly most Casa Amour endings have involved separate decisions by the guys/girls so the cameras capture the shock & dramatics. (Think girl standing alone looking up at staircase to see if guy descends alone or with another girl).

    I thought it looked like usual.  There is always one group waiting and then the other group comes down with their choices.  Didn’t we see Kyra returning from CA and coming to join the group 

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  17. 2 hours ago, Stan39 said:

    You’re probably right, but I’ve never understood deciding to cheat or breakup with someone because you think they’re going to do it first. Admittedly, Shannon and Josh are not role models for anyone, but the way Shannon justifies her decisions, “Well, I don’t want to cheat but since Josh will probably cheat I’ll do it, too” or “I should cheat to be fair” or “even” is just dumb. Do what makes you happy and take ownership of your decisions. If Shannon cheats it’s not Josh’s fault, it’s what Shannon wants to do. 

    It’s because it’s a game show to win money.  They have to figure out to both go to the end and also appear to be worthy of sympathy.  If they simply admit that they are looking for a better bed partner they are less likely to get the votes in the end.

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  18. 32 minutes ago, Trey said:

    Ack! I thought it wasn't starting until next week!

    I'll see if they are showing it again through the week. And I'll be on board next week.

    There are more and more shows I have to use cc to catch everything.

    It’s supposed to be on at 10 tonight.

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  19. 2 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    I was 31 years old, and I had achieved everything I wanted careerwise.

    I'm sorry.  But unless you were living in the 16th century what attorney could say that they had achieved everything they wanted "careerwise" by the age of 31?  

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