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call me ishmael

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Posts posted by call me ishmael

  1. 5 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I was shocked when Harrison said that Taylor was a favourite of Bachelor Nation.  WHAT????  LOL.  I thought we all agreed that she's pretentious, obnoxious, and annoying and that Corinne was fun as hell.  Guess I'm wrong!

    I'm right there with you.  And frankly the fact that having been sent home she was still going on the limousine about how she couldn't believe he didn't pick her when she had so much more emotional intelligence that she didn't imagine that he might pick Corrine was pretty striking.  I was over Corrine too but there was really no way that Taylor came out ahead on that one.  And I thought that the whole "not only am I emotionally intelligent but I'm transgressive" spiel on the reunion was a bit much.

    Of course I couldn't remember half of the women that CH declared unforgettable last night so what do I know.




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  2. 8 hours ago, azprimadonna said:

    The house mom thing reminds me of the woman on The Bachelor (corrine I think) who still had a nanny to make her mac and cheese.

    Aargh.  I hope that doesn’t mean we will see as much of Marcus in the future as we have seen of Corrine!

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  3. 5 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

    I don't know if I buy the whole 'Dr. Jessica was into him/after him from the beginning' thing. I could see it being more- a little spark/crush that she might have had for him, which many people (even married ones) can have and it never does any harm. We're attracted to people every day and rarely act on it. Then over time, she sees him being treated badly by Molly. She's one of the ones who knows the most details about his marriage to Molly before the season airs, so he wants to keep confiding in her/chatting with her after the season is over, when he's hurt and the wounds are fresh and he can't divulge a lot of details to the other people in his life. The connection grows into something more, simple as that. 

    It's not the most conventional way two people have ever met, but they've specified many times that the experts on the show are not actually the cast members' therapists/clinicians, so I don't know that it's all that bad. 

    I guess i disagree with you.   Dr. J may not have been their therapist but she was supposed to be their counselor and she was really out of line.  I remember when that scene first was shown being shocked by it and that was before the whole thing with her getting together with John.  It was remarkably unprofessional especially from a profession that trains you to keep your own emotions in check.  I wouldn’t have been surprised if it was Pastor Cal because he seems to think that yelling at someone to work hard is deep psychological insight but Dr. J was embarrassing there.  And i guess the show feels that way too because Kevin Frazier definitely made sure she looked bad.

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  4. 3 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    I liked Nim, maybe he has nine lives.

    I think that the closing shot was meant to suggest that he survived and that creepy was planning on using him as a hostage.


    this was okay.  The Killjoys comparisons are going to hurt this show because Killjoys took off like a rocket while this is like a paper airplane.

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  5. 3 hours ago, waving feather said:

    Isn't that every parent though? It's just that his mother has been so vocal about it on national television. That's the problem. But every parent would want their child to choose someone they approve of. I still believe that if he's single and going to live nearby and goes over to his parents place often, he shouldn't waste the money to get his own place. If he is planning to buy his own place as an investment, then it makes perfect sense. But spending money on rent unnecessarily, I personally wouldn't do it.

    Every parent may want their child to make a wise decision but I certainly wouldn’t make a big deal about whether my son picked someone that wasn’t exactly my cup of tea.  It’s his life.  And having an apartment of your own, even if it is in the same area, makes a big difference i think.  Someone his age should wake up with privacy amd should be able to wake up next to whoever he wants to wake up next to without his parents knowing.  You can’t do that if you live with your parents unless you live in Windsor Palace.

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  6. 1 hour ago, EssieMay said:

    More cynical me says her standards were important enough to put them out there but not when they became inconvenient.

    My unusually less cynical take is that she kept convincing herself (or Harrison convinced here) that he loved her enough to behave according to her standards but after 3 1/2 hours without cameras realized that he couldn't.

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  7. 13 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    I also think it was love at first sight when Barb met Hannah Ann because she thought she was looking at herself when she was young.  

    This.  If I remember correctly she even said something about how beautiful HA was and how she reminded her of herself at that age.

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  8. 2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    The problem for me is that she didn't accept the consequences.  Admittedly, I think she didn't say it was an absolute dealbreaker, but instead that she would have problems continuing the relationship, but I'm not sure that's better.  It's like, "These are my standards, and I will not countenance your violating them...unless you can talk me into it." 

    But even that is unclear to me.  Let's put aside the fact that she showed up at the Tripartite rose ceremony to save Peter from Victoria F.  She did leave and we have no idea what it is that the Chris Harrison said or did to get her to show up to be barbecued by Barb.  It didn't look like either Peter or Madison were really into it that night and allegedly she came back to see if they could work it out.  But as far as we know it was never because Peter talked her into it.  Instead I see someone caught with the bachelor whirlpool getting pulled back in.  Now if she shows up on BIP that would be different.  Only Colton is allowed to do that after declaring that he has standards.

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  9. I'm still trying to figure out how they are going to make two nights out of this.  Do we get 30 minutes of Peter looking at the role pedestal waiting for Madison?  Is one of the episodes watching Peter's mother have a breakdown because he didn't bring her stories of windmills?  Does Hannah F try to seduce Sean Lowe???  Am I going to be able to stay awake for it?????  So many questions.

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  10. 7 hours ago, valen said:

    I can only assume that she stuck around because she thought it would get her the Bachelorette gig. She has seemed to stir the pot on social media all season long. I also think in some of those posts she seems a little bitter, particularly after Clare was announced. I can understand her bitterness though. He treated her poorly, she stuck around in hopes of a reward, and ended up with nothing. I have read that the producers didn't like her since she wouldn't cooperate after the whole champagne thing. It is weird to me how much Lauren Zima seems to be on her side and to be angry towards Madi.

    Maybe as a former cast member of “disaster date” Lauren Z feels that Madi isn’t showing enough respect to manipulative 📺.

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  11. 3 hours ago, valen said:

    What they forget is that this is all happening quickly. She "came back" and is expected to get over it and put it behind her within two or three days?

    I think that “put it behind her” is code for doing what Chris Harrison wants her to do.  They aren’t supposed to need time to do that.

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  12. I actually thought this was one of the most satisfying WTA ever because it was so boring that i was able to get reading done.

    i did think that CH was very careful in what he asked VF.  He didn’t say “have you ever had affairs with married men?”  He said “have you ever broken up a marriage?”  For all we know she never did the latter.

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  13. 3 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

    I don't get it. Is a promise ring just a training engagement ring? Like, I don't want to commit to an engagement at the moment but I want to lock you in in case I do decide to propose to you down the road? Like a down payment on an engagement? It sounds like BS to me. If some guy tried to give me a promise ring I'd tell him I don't date children and go find a man who isn't going to "commit" until he's actually ready to commit. 

    I was always under the impression that 13 was the upper age limit for giving promise rings.

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  14. 32 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

    I was explaining why I thought she was so careful with her words and struggled to spit it out during FS, not speaking on her behavior generally. I think she was being careful with her words during the FS discussion. I don’t think it’s crazy to believe she watched the season peter was on. The Luke drama happened not even a year ago and it got a lot of coverage. She had to be concerned what people would say about her after Luke P knowing she held the same beliefs re sex.

    I understand that.  But i think given her behavior all season and the fact that she hadn’t been announcing her virginity or her sexual history that she is a fairly normal 23 year old trying to figure out how to tell someone something that he really is not going to like in front of cameras and a large crew.  She has been private about this all season (again unlike Luke).  Are you really surprised that she might be inarticulate in the moment?

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  15. On 2/26/2020 at 7:14 AM, dirtypop90 said:

    Madison has the benefit of watching Luke P last year. She was being very careful with her words and not just saying what she felt because of the hate Luke got. She was almost putting forth her rebuttal to the Luke P haters I.e. “I’m not judging you” “there are just my standards.” I wonder if she would of put it that way if she didn’t know what happened to Luke last year. 

    she was fumbling all over the place and unable to spit it out because she didn’t what the backlash if she said what she really thought

    There is no evidence that I can think of for this interpretation.  She has not been getting involved in the drama, is not judging other contestants, and not telling Peter she knows what is best for him--all things Luke did.  I suppose you could take it as evidence that since she has done none of this stuff that means that she really wanted to but figured out the bachelor game and has artfully plotted her season long triumph by deceiving everyone but then at the last minute suddenly hadn't thought through what she was going to say despite her approach throughout the season.  But I don't see it.  

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  16. 9 hours ago, JudyObscure said:


    I defended Luke as well.  He did some shady stuff early in the show but telling Hannah that if she slept with the other guys it would be a deal breaker for him was not one of them.  He had a right to his own standards just as Madison does.  People only thought Luke was slut-shaming Hannah because she said he was in her big shouty attempt to deflect and cast herself as some sort of feminist icon.

    I think Luke and Madison were the most interesting people in their seasons.  In fact I would love to see more   diversity of religion, with more Muslims, Orthodox Jews, Buddhists, as well as  Evangelical Christians like Luke and Madison.  I'd also like to hear someone say if you're way into Nascar (or crafting, or gun collecting, or pet reptiles, or liver and onions, or Crossfit) that would be a deal breaker for me.

    I have to disagree about Luke.  He continued to do frankly abusive things and as I recall refused to leave because he knew better.  I think that the difference between him and Madison, and i do think it is a big difference, is that she is clear a out what is better for her, whereas Luke insisted that he knew what was better for Hannah.  There is a whole different psychology at play there.

    In terms of both-sides i wonder if part of the problem we have figuring out how to think about Madison is that we are so jaded about the show.  It may be possible that you go on TV to be on TV and still buy the nonsense the show is selling about finding true love as the goal.  Then if you throw in the fact that you are left isolated in the house being run like rats in a maze and you just get caught up in the supposed love object.  And since you don’t see yourself as a posee you think they aren’t either.

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