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call me ishmael

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Posts posted by call me ishmael

  1. I think that part of the craziness is due to last season when people coupled up faster than they opened their suitcases (trademark Salley).  Now they are all terrified that they will be ostracized and thrown off the beach to be devoured by the crabs.  Add to that they all know each other and some may have, gasp, met at Stagecoach, and you have a potential tragedy of Sophoclean proportions.  Hailey just doesn’t understand that the Chorus isn’t supposed ro be involved.

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  2. This seemed to unusually dull for BIP.  They all came in with their intended roles and unfortunately none of the roles were new and different.  Even the crabs seemed to be going through the motions.  I felt bad for the grains of sand that had to put up with the BIPers.

    • LOL 3
  3. 11 hours ago, Bill1978 said:

    Seems I'm in the minority of being sad that Timm was ultimately killed for his betrayal, but I guess that's standard for Star Wars. Only bad guys are allowed a true redemption arc. Speaking of which...I feel like Karn is being set up to reevaluate his life. There was a look on his face when the fake escape vehicle blew up that made me think he is going to go away and rethink his life and if he has chosen the right path. Of course, the look could also be interpreted as the start of making him into a vengeful psychopath.

    I think the problem is that if Timm had loved once Bix and everyone knew what would they do with him.  He clearly couldn’t stay there where everyone knew he ratted out Cassian.  He wasn’t wrong, i think, in believing that Bix still had feelings for Andor so she wasn’t going to forgive him.  And if she was already anti-imperial that would make it worse.  So would Timm go somewhere else and be shoehorned back into the plot?  Especially since in a sort of way this whole show is about Andor’s redemption arc.

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  4. I, too, didn’t shed a tear for Timm.  But it all seemed a bit pat to me.  Everyone was running away from the private security guys.  Why did they seize Bix?  They had no way of knowing she was connected to Andor.  It seemed less reasonable in narrative terms than a plot means to keep her from warning Andor and also to get Timm killed.  

    I didn’t get the sense that young Cassian was particularly upset on the ship out.  He seems to leave a lot of messes and people behind.

    20 hours ago, Shanna Marie said:

    But as much of a Les Mis fangirl as I am, I don't really want to see another Javert and Valjean story unless someone's singing, and we just did that in the Kenobi series, so I hope all this was just to set things in motion and force Andor to join the rebellion instead of the whole series being Space Javert hunting down Andor

    That is certainly a worry.  On the one hand, he should get canned for causing exactly the disaster he was warned against.  On the other did that look like a face engaged in self-reflection or rage.  Even the fact that Andor didn’t kill him should have told him something.  But I doubt it did.

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  5. I think that the key thing about Kenari must have been whatever the ship was trying to do.  The official line was a mining accident that caused a toxic planet.  But unless that happened after the kids, the crash, and the sweeping advanced structure something else was hidden there.  

    i wish it hadn’t been so obvious from last week that the boyfriend was going to turn him in.  I guess the question is what happens when she finds out.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Melonie77 said:


    I just remembered that Jesse said next week will include some sort of history making audience interactive event! Does anyone have any clue what this might be?

    Maybe all the members of the audience will have to declare if they are ready to propose to Gaby or Rachel.

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  7. 2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    One of the most baffling bits here was when Rachel was saying how Zach "questioned her character" or something. When did he do that? Did we miss a scene? He just said that he felt like she wasn't interested in him and wanted to go, and given her "whatever" reaction to him leaving he was totally right. But then that's Rachel, she just hates the idea of anyone not being totally all about her. 

    I think it’s because he said that she hadn’t been genuine given “how different” she was in the fantasy suite.  He implied she had played him.

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  8. 4 hours ago, Melonie77 said:

    Putting this in spoilers because it mentions her final pick...

    Here is a very interesting bit of tea about Gabby possibly doing DWTS! I think she would be great if it's true. I saw a video of her doing a cheerleading dance routine and she was fabulous!

    "There's a Convincing Theory That Gabby Windey Is Secretly on 'DWTS' and Was Misidentified as Charli D'Amelio"

    May be.  Although the notion that she would go on the show with her mom is a little strange 

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  9. 58 minutes ago, PurpleTentacle said:

    Guys, these writers couldn't even get straight how long dwarves live or that dwarven women should have beards (still salty about that one). Do you really think they know or care in which age the Wizards came to middle earth? The only way this is not Gandalf is if they don't have the rights to use him. Even then they might just keep it ambiguous.

    I go back and forth on this.  On the one hand, you are probably right.  But on the other are they going to do something that so explicitly goes against what Tolkien wrote?  It’s very clear that the rings come before he does.  In fact,  Saruman comes first, etc.  it’s one thing to reimagine it’s another to take such a canonical character and contradict his story.  Unless they simply want the controversy it seems a strange thing to open yourself up to,

    • Applause 1
  10. 2 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

    Two-timing is dating lol. Unless youre engaged and you have promised to not see anyone else, all I see is a bitter ex trying to get revenge. He admitted his behavior was bad and he apologized and i truly think he wishes it hadnt happened.. I think many of us have dating history to cringe on, and that relationship was 50-50, but agreed, treat woman like you would want your own daughter treated. That covers a wide berth of bachelor nation.

    I don’t think the problem is the two timing.  It’s the “I didn’t want to tell them about my daughter because of the instability” but then I’m going to go national tv in a completely unsettled situation and talk about her all the time.  I have no doubt about his love for his daughter.  But the different roles she has played in his narratives makes me skeptical.

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  11. 2 hours ago, Melonie77 said:

    It's a rather intimate form of greeting between the bach and bachette where the bachette  jumps into the arms of the guy and wraps her legs around his waist.🤣

    Because nothing says romance as much as throwing your back out.

    • LOL 7
  12. 39 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

    Tyler is cute as hell. But their "date" consisted of him excitedly showing her the amusement park he worked at and introducing her to everyone else who worked there. I'm sure Rachel had a moment where she realized she was on a date with a teenager. 

    I also wondered if ahe realized that she would probably have to drive him to his parents’ house because he wasn’t old enough to get a driver’s license.

    • LOL 6
  13. 1 hour ago, Andromeda said:

    did they say Logan was gone permanently? Was that spelled out? Gabby sure didn't look upset about it.

    They did say several times that he was out.  If it was covid it seemed unfair (especially since they would have had to be sure no one else was positive).  Maybe they are making him swim back for hometowns.

    • LOL 2
  14. 2 hours ago, LakeGal said:

    I thought Biles' sister would be the most in trouble of being evicted.  But lately they seem to be after Brittany.  Both females seem to have a lot of the others guessing who they are.  I agree that I would rather keep the ones we don't know about.  This reminds me of The Masked Singer.  Once you guess who they are it becomes a bit boring.  

    I think that it must be different for the players than for the viewers though.  Any week that Biles’ sister isn’t immune she is a safety guess for anyone else.  They want to get people to take shots at people they are pretty sure of but don’t know.

  15. 1 hour ago, Blissfool said:

    Are we supposed to know how Lark came to choose X or will we find out next week? My guess is that Logan did some manipulating to save Brittany, just like he did last week. I'm liking Logan!

    I would have been happier to see Brittany go although now she has to win every competition or they can send her home whenever they want.  My reading of it was that when Simone Biles’ sister gave Lark the clue Lark was more confident in that information than what X and Dominique were telling her.  But why she wasn’t filled with rage at Brittany I don’t get.

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