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Everything posted by MaryWebGirl

  1. I was rooting for Rose after she said that "awkward" was a vague comment (because it is), but then she just continued being defensive. I understand that response, but it certainly isn't something K&J like. I'm also a little grossed out that they've featured women the last couple of years who quit their jobs to be on the team. I know DCC can open up opportunities for some people, but it's hardly a resume builder for a lot of careers. It was refreshing to hear Kyndall say she can't afford to quit her job and she's not going to do it.
  2. I agree. She must have been asked that question before, even by her friends. Jasmine, on the other hand, I could see getting tripped up by a political question. It would be tough to know whether to answer it seriously, or with a funny answer. But I think she did a good job of it. I also thought Jacie looked fantastic! Just beautiful and toned and poised.
  3. The fact that she's promoting this is convincing me that she didn't actually want to audition and this was a set up to have some drama for the show. With her connections and look I'm pretty sure she could get through to finals even if she did screw up.
  4. The teeny little bit of Holly's audition we saw looks darn impressive -- I hope we get to see the whole thing at some point.
  5. I think it's skewed a little since it's from below, but I agree, she deserves better.
  6. Also, I forget what season it was, but they showed one conversation at auditions where the K, J, & C said no but every man said yes, so they put her in the yes pile. They majority of the people the DCC are performing for are men and I imagine they buy most of the calendars, too.
  7. I personally think it would be pretty darn hypocritical that an organization that's based upon women wearing skimpy outfits at sporting events hold it against someone that her former job was wearing skimpy outfits at sporting events.
  8. Maybe they have data on how many people watch the show live versus online/on demand/via DVR and most people do the latter, so it doesn't really matter when the show airs. I actually like this time because I'll just DVR it and watch it when I get home from work on Friday, which will be a fun little happy hour me. :-)
  9. Maybe that's why Angela didn't go. I know a lot of people wouldn't see it this way, but I think there is a difference between performing in tights and a long sleeve shirt that shows your belly, and prancing around on a stage in a thong. I can even see where someone would be OK with the pictures for the calendar but not the "fashion show."
  10. Is Kelli getting free clothes from Belk? I'm not sure why she'd tag Belk and Michael Kors in this picture otherwise. Pretty savvy of her. https://twitter.com/Kelli_Finglass/status/608089847153070080
  11. Yikes. For her sake I hope that's a setup for the show to manufacture some drama. If I was a TCC I'd probably bring every outfit every night just in case I misread the "schedule."
  12. I could be wrong and it might be the other Ashley! Or it's just wishful thinking on my part - I liked Ashley P.
  13. I hope we get to see some of the "good girls" like Kaleigh and Holly. I'm kind of worried both of them will do fine until the end when K & J pull randon reasons out of thin air to cut them because they don't want to say "too old" and "not our kind of pretty" on camera like they did with poor Chandler last year. PS, Holly is fantasic! https://instagram.com/p/2uF0phFIhi/?taken-by=hpdance6
  14. ThreaLevelMidnight I'm not going to let you take all the heat for your theory about Cami because it crossed my mind, too. Cami is gorgeous and I have no doubt they'd put her in TC regardless of her audition, but maybe she had a conflict for this year so they said "Come out, flub, you'll still get exposure and everyone will root for you next year." She may be a "cheerlebrity," but the show is solid national exposure that has given two girls who have appeared on it decent entertainment careers. And for a more popular opinion, Holly is completely adorable and a fantastic dancer. I'll totally be pulling for her!
  15. That still to this day makes me sad. It said "No cheating when eating, you want to be thin!" She was living at home, and I can just imagine the shit fit my mom would have had if she saw something like that on my mirror (I have a cousin who had a pretty severe eating disorder and my mom watched what I ate pretty closely)..
  16. I guess that's an indication of what they're seeing in Breelan. She may not be a confident dancer but she's cute and everyone loves a redhead.
  17. It looks like that class is in the DCC studio. Do the DCC have official prep classes that are open to non-vets, or would that just be one for the women who are currently on the team to keep them in shape during the off-season?
  18. Considering they're calling the location "North Texas" it seems like they're trying to not associate the game in any way with the Cowboys. If any DCC wanted to go they'd probably have to pay like anyone else.
  19. I wonder if they would still take the whole team and have the few who aren't allowed on the field do promo/corporate stuff?
  20. I'm trying to imagine the look on Charlotte's face if they tried to tell her they stopped practicing because this is as far as the Cowboys are going! They actually could still have one more home game (if Carolina beats the Seahawks, which is a VERY long shot, and the Cowboys beat the Packers the Cowboys have the better record).
  21. Pretty random, but Jenna Marbles mentioned MTT in her video last week. She even name-checked Kelli a couple times! (Language is NSFW.)
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