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Posts posted by FakeJoshDuggar

  1. On 7/2/2017 at 10:26 PM, Lady Edith said:

    Dear LORD.  There is so much wrong with this.

    2. God is God.  The top dog.  The head cheese.  Says so as numero uno in "the Big 10" that they supposedly follow.  They seemed to have forgotten that little fact along the way.  Jesus may have come along and changed the rules a bit but his father is still the reigning head.  It seems to me that the Duggars and their ilk put the son ahead of the father.  Rarely a mention of God, but everything for Jesus.  And the Jews (who worship the same God as Christians do) I'm sure do not take lightly to that.  


    That's not what they believe.  "God" isn't the head honcho. The basic concept of their brand of Christianity is based on the triad... Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are of the same essence. They may praise Jesus more than God, but only because in their minds, Jesus and God are one in the same because of the Trinity makes them co-equal.  

    • Love 4
  2. 7 hours ago, Mollie said:

    Here's a picture of Joy and Austin on their honeymoon.  They posted this on Instagram, stating that it was their one-month wedding anniversary.  That's a long honeymoon for a Duggar!  In the picture, they are at Lake Kinneret in the HaGalil region of Israel. This is the lowest fresh-water lake in the world, and the second lowest lake in the world (second only to the Dead Sea).  The lake is fed by underground springs and by the Jordan River which runs through the lake from north to south.


    0 00 1 Joy.jpg

    They look 12. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Jordyn was properly handed off at six months. Josie was conceived right about that time - remember, she was originally due in March. I recall figuring that she was conceived around Father's Day 2009. Jordyn would have just turned six months then, depending on what day Father's Day fell on that year. Remember, that's also when Mechelle announced that her milk goes sour or something when she gets pregnant, which obviously gives her the excuse to hand them off to the next sister mom in line. In poor Jordyn's case, it was Jessa's turn. Jessa was a pretty shitty sister mom, as evidenced in Jordyn's poor care as a toddler during Josie's stay at the NICU in Little Rock. Jessa as a sister mom is also why @FakeJoshDuggar couldn't identify Justin out of a lineup. He's another one of "hers." 

    @FakeJoshDuggar has been busy binge watching The Handmaid's Tale, House of Cards, and Billions. Puberty has done that little fella no favors.  The last I saw of him, he was a little talking head on my tv screen. But that was what? Two years ago?

  4. 3 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    I don't think she really wants to be there. I think she likes the idea of going to some dangerous, exotic location, swooping in to save all the heathens who are marching straight into hell, and having the Baby Jesus throw her some sort of parade. However, she got there, and it really is pretty mundane. Lots of people just minding their own business, just trying to live, who already are Christians, and she's disappointed. She also gets to watch her husband playing soccer and goofing off, while she has to watch a toddler that she resents, and can't dump him off like she could at home. So she bums money and goes as little as possible, but races back to the compound where she can lazy around and be sanctimonious.

    Let's not pretend that Jill ever had a good role model. Her only example of motherhood was to dump the kid on someone else at the age of six months, sooner if she got knocked up (I'm looking at you, poor Jordyn.) 

    • Love 7
  5. On 6/30/2017 at 7:12 AM, ginger90 said:

    In that update there are a few pictures. One is of Derick at their house. The picture is captioned,

    "Some of the brothers came over for some guy time the other night"


    Yup, SOME



    It's been a minute since I've watched the show. Which unfortunate looking Duggarling is in the middle with the Duggar Studios shirt on? 

  6. 29 minutes ago, Marigold said:

    Oh yes, many believe in a generational curse. I always wondered if Jim thinks Josh has the curse from his own father.

    I specifically was wondering if an adoption agency would give Michael and her husband a baby.  This Gothard shit has been exposed lately with Bill Gothard being a rapist/perv/pedophile.  The Bates have openly endorsed ATI and Kelly spoke at the recent conference.  Wouldn't that raise red flags?  Even a regular Christian adoption agency might really balk at approving this family for an adoption.  I have not adopted but I know that the process can be very detailed. How the hell is Michael going to pass all their questions with such fringe and extreme Christian beliefs?  Who would hand them a baby? I really don't understand this. 

    What I learned through the Lyndsie Brooker fiasco is that if you're white enough with enough money, someone will throw you a baby... or two. 

    • Love 8
  7. 2 hours ago, Lunera said:

    Found this gem scrolling through the Derick's old posts. What the heck happened to this guy?? He seemed so sure he was gonna be permanent at Walmart and have a career there. He was never the same after his surgery. I'm convinced something fishy happened to him, it's almost as if he got some Duggar DNA injected intohis brain.Screenshot_20170623-155747-1026x1801.thumb.jpg.9ca595b60bb04a192f25e1edd05a6c86.jpg

    Oh look, Jerick used to get a paycheck! Now, don't forget to donate, guys. DONATE!

    • Love 5
  8. 3 hours ago, Mollie said:

    If she does try a home birth, she will have to do that without a midwife present.  In Arkansas, it is against the law for a midwife to attend a home birth after a woman has had a c-section.  A midwife will lose her license if she is there, whether assisting or not.  Jilly should go to the hospital for this birth.

    Silly Mollie, no one that the Duggars use have an actual midwifery license.

    • Love 11
  9. 9 hours ago, kalamac said:

    Biblical parenting seminar:

    Why it's okay to terrorise your son with a knife, because you believe God told you to. (Abraham)

    The morality of offering your teenage daughters to be raped by the local townsfolk so the townsfolk don't have gay sex with attractive angels. (Lot)

    How to choose between allowing your son to masturbate, or forcing him to impregnate his dead brother's wife. (Judah's son Onan)


    Why are people going to seminars about biblical parenting. Just be good parents who look after your kids, and do your best to make sure they're happy, healthy, educated and loved. You don't need the bible for that, just common sense.

    Don't forget that the bible teaches to kill your kids when they get too lippy.

    • Love 4
  10. 1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

    New blog post from TFDW. Nothing we didn't know already, other than Rebekah (the sister who got divorced) is apparently engaged to a man at least 20 years her senior (note rock in the Insta pic below). She could do so much better! :( (edited: Maybe not. Although there is a 33 year age difference, they are apparently already married, and he's loaded.)

    Pity that Davey had to add a picture of Smuggar in there, especially given that he's certainly aware of Smuggar's ill-fated lawsuit. Smuggar is front and center with his Iphone, recoding the entire thing, while Waller is already recording it. Dumbass. 


    Jesus, Rebekah's fiance looks old enough to be her dad. Which reminds me, I need to wander over to see if John and Esther ever found their plane...

    • Love 3
  11. 10 hours ago, questionfear said:

    So my wife turned on "Counting on" out of curiosity the other day, and while watching it something hit me: for all her myriad flaws, I think Jessa is legitimately the smartest of the kidults. She's shrewd enough to understand that her kids should be presented as clean and healthy, and she cultivates a specific social media and show presence. Some of that is just good grifting skills, but it takes some degree of intelligence to maintain that well enough to cash in while she can. 

    She seems like the kid who would have been head cheerleader and sorority president if she had been given a real education. 

    I think Jessa is smart enough to know she needs a "brand" and kids who gnaw on fans ain't cutting it. 

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