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Posts posted by FakeJoshDuggar

  1. 1 minute ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

    This is depressingly true. :(

    Are pastors mandatory reporters for stuff like this in Arkansas? 

    Who knows. Arkansas seems like a whole other dimension, let alone state. 

    I’d love for a reporter to drop a dime to the police and ask for comment about the allegations. Maybe it would trigger an investigation? Given his past, it’s not like it would be baseless. He molested a five year old after all. 

    • Love 4
  2. 12 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

    I have no clue if this is true, but I hope it isn't. As much as I'd love another Joshley/Duaggar scandal, I really hope it doesn't involve a 15 year old girl or any minor. I feel terrible for the alleged 15 year old girl in this situation. If Josh is caught in a scandal, I want it to at least be with a consenting adult, even if she's a consenting adult who has entrapped & exposed Josh for "fame"/money/etc.

    In the blind, it says the girl is from their church.  I think the Duggars are now attending Kendra's dad's church, right? Is Josh attending, too? If so, it won't be hard for the church community (as I think it's pretty small) to figure out what girl this is (if there is indeed such a girl) and I'm sue she will be shamed. Ugh. 

    If they are attending Kendra’s dad’s church, he has a vested interest in helping with the cover up. Now that his daughter has hitched her wagon to the TLC gravy train, she’d be collateral damage in another scandal. 

    Just now, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

    Anna is busy painting cute animals on poster boards & posting selfies of her kids. She doesn't live in reality any more. Being married to a Duggar for a while does that to you (see also: Derrick). 

    At some point the humiliation would make me die inside. 

    • Love 15
  3. 4 hours ago, Fosca said:

    This married former reality star who should have gone to jail and not just Hollywood jail had to be bailed out again recently by the pastor at his church and his family when a 15 year old at the church said she had been having sex with him on a regular basis. Considering she is 15, it is rape rather than sex, but she was worried about her parents finding out so spoke to the pastor about it. I don't think her parents know yet. The only reason anyone knows anything is she told someone at school so it is only a matter of time before it gets back to her parents. My guess is they will get a big check and disown their daughter, because in their minds (guessing by which church they belong to) that it is her fault.     Josh Duggar



    It might explain why Josh went to Jesus Jail, if indeed he did.  Then again, they might have gotten the information from here and just ran with it.

    Woah! That’s a whole new level of crazy right there. Even if parts of the story are true (please don’t let her be 15) I hope Anna wakes the hell up and gets her kids out of that mess. 

    If the blind is true, it further proves he’s an active child molester and needs to be behind bars for the safety of his community. 

    • Love 9
  4. 13 minutes ago, skippy said:

    Her family doesn't want her around for the very reason you said:  it's her fault Josh has "misbehaved".  If the Duggars had cast her out, where would she go?  Because of their beliefs, she really has no options but to submit to Josh's demands. She'll be popping out babies for decades.

    TLC would snag her up in a second and don’t you think think I wouldn’t watch every second of Anna getting therapy, learning how to cope with being a single parent, etc. She’d be fine. 

    • Love 7
  5. To Jordyn, Michelle was just there for gestation and nothing else. Dairy Queen’s milk turned sour and Jordyn was handed over to the least maternal sister mom there was (Jessa). I’m sure the poor girl has serious abandonment issues and above all the kids, I feel for her the most. 

    • Love 16
  6. 20 minutes ago, frenchtoast said:

    I don't get this use of the term base. That's way more political than it is television. Typically television and entertainement use the word demographic, or demo for short, to discuss the audience make-up. And they break that down into age group. Base is most often referred to political party supporters. So...don't know what he's getting at there. It sounds really off, though.

    I think the term he’s looking for is targeted demographic. 

    • Love 4
  7. 1 minute ago, floridamom said:


    If Cathy believes that she was solely 'miraculously healed' and all it took was Jesus, why then didn't she just stay home and pray for her cure? Why did she seek out physicians? God doesn't need physicians to miraculously heal people, does He?

    Miss Cathy doesn’t trade in logic. 

    • Love 14
  8. 3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    Color me confused. Normally, when one takes care of an “aging parent” one does so by bringing the parent into their home. I don’t consider sticking an old lady in a big empty house “taking care” of her. What if she falls, breaks a hip, and no one comes to check on her for days? It’s not like Meri can pop over every day. Please. This is a straw man that my seven year old could bat down. 

    • Love 20
  9. 44 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

    The frisbees were pretty small, I don't think they would hurt any heads, but if they were thrown hard enough (some groomsman goofing around for example) I suppose it might damage an eye or chip a tooth?   I am guessing that a LOT of the wedding guests were hit by a frisbee.  It's inevitable!  I am curious to see if ANY kids got a turn at the pinata.  FT was SO adamant that only HE was going to bash the bride to bits with a stick - and he said more than once that he was going to do it before their little Mexican ditty was over - so I don't think he shares/takes turns very well.   I have no doubt no one got a turn on the bride pinata.  Maybe the groom.   HEY!!  I wonder if FT scrounged around in the mud grasping at all the little Mexican candies that fell out?  That would be a sight to see!  (Looking forward to Feb.11th now!)  Maybe THAT'S why he wore jeans and tennis shoes to his own wedding!    :::::Beams cuz I'm so smart:::::

    If I’m already freezing ass cold and I get pelted in the face with a frisbee, one best believe that I’m going to cut someone. When you’re THAT cold and something hits you it feels like your bones are made of glass and it throbs a thousand times harder. Nope, I’d go to jail. 

    • Love 17
  10. 9 hours ago, Temperance said:

    That died out decades ago. I've worn black to weddings. I went to one where the bridesmaids were in black. 

    The bridesmaids in my own wedding wore black and carried vibrant colored flowers. I regret nothing and the pictures were gorgeous. 

    A few months ago I went to a super fancy schmancy black tie wedding and almost all the women were in black evening gowns. 

    • Love 15
  11. On 1/25/2018 at 11:09 AM, Zahdii said:

    That's a laugh.  Years ago someone went to an event the Duggars 'entertained' at.  They bought a Duggar book and went down the line collecting autographs from all of the family that could write.  Then they posted pics.  Once they got to the lost boys the handwriting was terrible.  None of the letters were evenly spaced or the same size, and were badly formed.  It looked like kindergarten work and some of those kids were well over the age of ten.  Michelle might have pretended to work on that stuff when she only had a few kids, but like everything else, she stopped bothering at some point and never looked back.  I'm fairly certain that a number of those kids will be considered 'functionally illiterate' when they're adults.

    But in this case, Jessa said that the work on the whiteboard was done by one of the cousins.  How old is Spur's oldest cousin?  How many could be old enough to draw shapes and label them?  Someone should have corrected the spelling, though.  Kids can't learn to spell if they're not told when they're doing it wrong.

    The only cousins old enough write are Josh and Anna’s kids. Mackenzzieey is 8 and the next M’Bop kid is close behind. 

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