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Posts posted by FakeJoshDuggar

  1. 15 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    I was bored while having my second cuppa coffee this morning, so I took a look at the Clark County Assessors website.

    I'm no lawyer, but 5 minutes on the website makes it look like Meri, Janelle, and Robyn all have second mortgages on their houses.  Meri's appears to have the infamous Kendra (Robyn's friend) as someone to whom she owes money.  Christine appears to have not taken a second mortgage yet, which may be why Tony thought they could do a second on Mykelti's mom's house for their wedding.

    They day TLC pulls the plug on this "poop storm" is they day they are all out on their asses.

    • Love 6
  2. I wonder if Mariah came out to her family back when she first started posting lesbian themed pics to her tumblr page and this was just for the cameras (reality shows aren't reality, duh) and they are recreating emotions that were real at the time. Perhaps Meri had "problems" with Mariah being gay and that's why Mariah cut her off and refused to hear Kody about her mother's feelings about the catfish. Kody was asking her to accept Meri's misguided choices when Meri couldn't accept who her daughter was as a person.

    • Love 3
  3. Just now, AZChristian said:

    I'm doing a lot of reading on Scientology due to my recent interest in the Leah Remini series.  Scientologists make Kody look like Einstein.

    I read a lot of Scientology books in 2016 since I watched the Going Clear documentary. Same with Fundamentalist Mormonism - specifically the books by Irene Spencer and her sisterwives.

    • Love 1
  4. On 12/30/2016 at 8:39 AM, ghoulina said:

    So, what if none of Kody's children are "sealed"? Does that mean they all remain on his planet, even if they get married and have their own families? That might explain why he doesn't seem that perturbed that his children are choosing more "normal" lifestyles. 

    If in remembering correctly, once on their celestial planet, the wives are pregnant for eternity and populate the heavenly planet. 


    (Personally, I cannot get over how much cognitive dissonance is required to follow this religion... or any religion, but this one takes the cake.)

    • Love 8
  5. 1 hour ago, awaken said:

    Oooooooh, right.  Probably so. But would females in jeans be seen there?  

    It could be a random guest at the camp. There are lots of testimonials of families with children there. They wax on about how fellowshiping is such a blessing from the Lord. Typical fundie speak.

    I think Fort Rock brands itself as a family retreat for Christians. They don't demand frumpers. 

    • Love 1
  6. 20 hours ago, Saytura said:

    Rogue quote box.


    3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    They're all about protecting the unborn yet they knowingly put their fetus/baby/child at risk for devastating abnormalities. Getting pregnant against medical advice due to Zika risks is akin to getting pregnant while using drugs. Either way there is a chance the baby will be fine, but there is a chance the baby will have problems. Why do that?


    Because they are God's sooper speshul snowflakes. And they won't hear a word against their sooper special status. God saved Josie, Miracle Child™, Cultural Appropriation Baby, aka Isreal David through hours of distress before delivery, so surely God doesn't have anything else to do but to perform miracles for the Duggarlings. Isn't there a saying about "drunks and fools"? The Dillards certainly fall into the latter. 

    But more to the point, they're assholes, that's why.

    13 minutes ago, Love2dance said:

    Jill had to ask Derick how far along she was? I have never known a mom who did not know exactly.....especially a "calendar on the refrigerator" Duggar mom. Hmmmmmmmmm.

    The headship is probably in charge of the fertility calendar. That keeps the pesky wimmens from getting ideas in their pretty little heads about having "headaches" at certain times of the month.

    • Love 6
  7. I'm willing to give Josie a pass for her poor letter formation and (seemingly) below average sight words. Her adjusted age puts her below six and given that she was a micro premie, gives her a distinct disadvantage. Given those hurdles, Josie needs more specialized education than Michelle can give her.

    • Love 6
  8. 18 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

    Speaking of planets in the afterlife, here's something that occurred to me some time ago, but I only brought it up to my wife tonight:
    1. If the husband gets his own planet when he dies
    2. The husband's wives go to his planet when they die
    3. How do children ever end up on their father's planet?

    I mean that question actually seriously. If all males get their own planet, then no male children can go to their father's planet. And if wives go to their husband's planet, then only unmarried female children would ever end up on their father's planet because all married females go to their husband's planet. For me, this is irrefutable proof (even by the strained logic of the Browns and AUB) that none of them has thought seriously, rationally, and objectively about their beliefs.

    That's why their "religion" falls the fuck apart once the tiniest bit of logic is applied.

    • Love 12
  9. On 10/11/2016 at 11:31 AM, charmed1 said:
    9 hours ago, Marigold said:

    I don't think the Dullards are going back for months and months, if at all.  

    Plus, Jessa is giving birth in February and that would be a good story line if Jill could use her AMAZING SKILLS to help deliver the baby. 

    Derick might be catching on to the Duugars Way Of Life. The show pays bills, Derick.  Wake up and smell the coffee. 


    Jill needs to let actual medically trained people attend to Jessa. Jill lost any credibility with her "slight meconium staining" for hours. If you see meconium, your baby is in distress and needs to get out stat. I'm squeamish at the sight of blood so I am not a medical professional nor do I play one on the internet. But I do know basic shit about birthing a baby... enough to know that I need highly skilled doctors and nurses at my bedside, not my mother in law, cause you know, she's had babies and shit. 


    I can't fix the boxes.

    • Love 11
  10. 19 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

    The fundamental difference between a church and a cult is that you can decide to no longer attend a particular church and they won't bother you, except some may want to be sure they caused you no offense or alienated you by asking you why you left.  They would simply tell  you  that you're welcome back any time and they'll leave you be. Not a cult. They will harass, stalk, make threats....

    Not necessarily true. I've known southern Baptists  to make some culty maneuvers against members who've left. My in laws are going through some super culty things now (being shunned) because they left their Baptist church.

    • Love 5
  11. On 12/5/2016 at 7:06 AM, RazzleberryPie said:

    It's really, really difficult - often times  impossible - to just 'change your mind' about something that's ingrained to be the most significant part of your life since birth.  I think Maddie is sincerely searching for a church that aligns with her upbringing and her beliefs, and I hope she finds it. 

    Nope, my SO was raised in a cult and now practices at the Church of the Holy Goal Line every Sunday.

    • Love 2
  12. 15 minutes ago, LadyChatterly said:

     I'm popping my posting cherry to say PLEASE SEND HELP. Less than an hour into this shitshow and I'm finding Kody personable ... and dare I say it? ... almost likeable. Dear god, someone please tell me it's the vodka influencing my judgment!!!

    He's due some decent editing. Don't worry, he'll fuck it up in a week or two and you be back to wanting to throttle him. It's inevitable.

    • Love 17
  13. 19 hours ago, DeeReynolds said:

    Anyone else find it ironic when Robyn made a comment about how "Mykelti has been like that since birth". Bitch, how would you know??

    Next episode of Sister Wives, we see Robyn having her face superimposed into Meri's wedding pictures. She WAS there, damnit. She was and she will hear nothing of the naysayers who say otherwise. It's like they should have all been together from the beginning, so there. Neener, neener, neener. 

    • Love 14
  14. I've yet to see what Kody is actively taking responsibility for and it's 40 minutes I to this shit show. 

    Also, nothing is more annoying than people thinking that others need to deal ("dill") with their feelings on the timetable of the transgressor. Meri wants to have an intervention and tell her to suck it up, buttercup. Meri has no regard for how Mariah actually feels about being embarrassed on a national scale, about her mother going against the morals she was taught for Mariah's whole life. Meri cares about Meri... and her wet bar.

    • Love 17
  15. On 11/28/2016 at 10:28 AM, islandgal140 said:

    Ahhh, just when I wondered what I was going to do for fuckery when 90 Day Fiance wrapped up, I get this gem! Thank you TLC!

    Wasn't there speculation that Maddy and Caleb's wedding wouldn't be televised because of privacy reasons? I knew that couldn't be true. 

    Tony looks alot like Peter Lorre, an old school Hollywood actor who basically played the weird creepy dude in movies, which might explain some people's first reaction to him so far.  


    Tony also kinda sounds like the cartoon character Meatwad from Aqua Teen. 

    When damn near every adult person describes Mykelti as impulsive, flighty, immature and her own mom calls her ditsy, I tend to believe them and think this rush to marriage is a very, very bad idea. Plus, Mykelti, I think you can do better. 

    The audience doesn't know Tony, so joke or not, saying Kody should take out a mortgage to pay for the wedding was in poor taste. Especially since the Browns probably don't have enough equity in their homes to pay for gum. 

    The world is using the phrase "Fix it Jesus" but it looks like Kody is going with "Fix it Linda" when it comes to 'marriage with Meri. That is about as honest as Meri and Kody will ever be on-screen, which ain't saying much. Kody was acting like a bad deposition witness will all his "I don't recall." Meri did seem fed up and exasperated with living in exile but still unable to take any personal responsibility or spill all the damn tea. Frankly, a messy bitch like me just wants the tea. 

    Meri just needs to leave. She is never gonna get any love, affection or likely even sex from Kody ever again. He is just done with her after the catfish incident. 

    If my stomach comes into a room before I do, I would not be acting a fool over cake samples on tv. 

    I'm going to be a horrible, shallow person and say this anyway. Poor Tony looks like the end result of a Boston terrier mating with a catfish. Makylti (or however Christine decided to spell her stupid name) can surely find a much better dude than this.


    Someone at TLC, please find a razor and shave off that peach fuzz from Tony's upper lip. New rule, if you can't grow a proper mustache, wait five years before getting married.


    I get Mariah's feelings. She was so indoctrinated into their fundamentalist faith that she considered being in a plural marriage. The thought of a woman even thinking about going outside of her marriage is unheard of in their circle. Kody and Mary set of this pristine paradigm that their life was the only way to get into heaven, blah blah blah, that it probably shattered her world when that paradigm came crashing down around their feet. Most of us were not raised in that cloistered environment and can see that she needs to move on, but realizing your entire family life was a sham has rocked her world. Her parents raised her to think that they were the holiest beings next to God. She never counted on Zeus coming down from the mountain and showing off his warts. It's tragic that she's having to live with this on top of the embarrassment all whilst being on television. 

    Madison's fiance looks like a Mensa star next to Tony. If Tony was a loyal viewer of the show, he'd know that like brain cells, these losers don't have two nickels to rub together. He is rude and presumptuous to consider that someone should take out a second mortgage to pay for his train wreck of a wedding. No. There's a courthouse and a marriage license is like $35. If you catch Kody on a good day, maybe he can spot you a ten.

    • Love 9
  16. 11 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

    I believe what Vicki said.  The cheese stands alone.  That said, I do think she wanted it to come out because she told Kelly.

    Shannon's story makes zero sense.  A 50 year old woman should be MORTIFIED to get so drunk that you leave a public place without your bag, or your husband, fall down and injure yourself, find yourself many blocks away from where you were and have no idea how any of this happened.  Her reaction, from the shrieking to the leaving the sofa crying, speaks volumes.  If there was absolutely zero truth to what Vicki was saying, you'd deny it.  Maybe get angry, maybe even laugh it off but you wouldn't freak out and dissolve in tears. 

    Heather was right in that Vicki was clearly injured at Glammis and they aren't going to Medevac you out for a pulled muscle.  While I do think that Vicki milked it for all it was worth, I think Briana is a horrible person for saying her mother did so on air.  Vicki may be thirsty but Briana is just as much so.

    I still think that Shannon and Tamra planned to get Kelly wasted in Ireland.  Why else make the comment that you were wearing black for Kelly's funeral?  Why insist that she get a drink when she's said no?  Sure, Kelly didn't have to drink it but it's extremely disrespectful in my book to do what Shannon did.  

    I hope Meghan does return because these harpies need someone who doesn't back down and isn't intimidated by their shrieking.  

    I want to know how Vickie couldn't feel her arms/hands one minute and was holding a phone taking a selfie from a helicopter the next? 

    • Love 19
  17. 13 hours ago, esco1822 said:

    I think the point is, if you like someone enough to buy them a gift and attend their birthday party, you're argument of not being friends holds less water. If I don't like someone, I'm not going to their birthday party and I'm not visiting them in the ER.  Easy enough. The reverse should also be true, especially under the circumstances of nobody else being able to get there for HOURS.  I'd also be OK if they asked her to stay with Vicki until someone else can relieve her but that never happened. I also thought it was shitty how she downplayed it to Shannon. It seems from the retelling of events, she did really understand the gravity of the situation but decided to put in a round of golf before mentioning it to Vicks former best friend. Something's shady. 

    I'm fairly sure that Vickie's event was called a contractual obligation rather than a birthday party.

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