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Posts posted by FakeJoshDuggar

  1. 11 hours ago, cmr2014 said:

    I think it depends on the context. Does everything in the world revolve around you? If not, then it's probably normal that your kids don't regularly thank you for having them.

    Remember that the entire world revolves around J'chelle's magic uterus. She spent her valuable time incubating those two ingrates. She also nursed them for 6 whole months before handing them off to their 8 year old sister mom. They'd better say thank you.

    Exactly. If you’ll notice, J’Twin didn’t thank Michelle for raising him. 

    • Love 5
  2. 1 hour ago, louannems said:

    One of the twins thanked his mom for "having" him.  Is that normal?

    Neither of my three ever thanked me for having them.  I mean, the kids are here, not because they chose to be born, but really, due to unprotected sex!

    In their world, everyone who is not “them” is out having recreational abortions. The fact that Michelle “had” them is super Jesusy because no one else on earth procreates in such a godly fashion. Or something. 

    • Love 20
  3. 5 hours ago, Temperance said:

    I've been lurking over at FreeJinger and have seen the various blogs. The happy couple does seem happy when they're together. His father is severe, but hopefully they can avoid him as much as possible. I'm so glad to see a fundie bride who's not a teen! Chelsey is twenty-six, almost twenty-seven. John seems to appreciate her family and bolder personality. They seem well-matched to me (not snark). I wish them happiness in marriage. 

    Stevehovah is a cult in and of himself. He’s a master manipulator and a pathological narcissist. I doubt they get very far from his clutches. 

    • Love 5
  4. 8 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

    Derick is back to re-tweeting


    Derick Dillard Retweeted

    Obianuju Ekeocha


    Killing a baby is NOT healthcare Killing a baby is NOT healthcare Killing a baby is NOT healthcare Killing a baby is NOT healthcare Killing a baby is NOT healthcare Killing a baby is NOT healthcare Killing a baby is NOT healthcare Killing a baby is NOT healthcare

    I don’t get fetus fetishes. If he sees someone killing a baby he should contact his local police department. Every blastocyst is sacred to these fuckers. 


    I hate being banned. 

    • Love 17
  5. 6 minutes ago, Marigold said:

    To me, the Happy birthday Jesus feels a little "cutesy" for Jesus.  Maybe I'm old or too uptight but for me, God is holy and a birthday party is a little juvenile. Are there streamers and goodie bags too?

    No offense if you are into the Happy Birthday Jesus scene. Just my opinion. 

    On second thought, this is the couple who dry humped on a mini golf course with TLC cameras so why not hand out goodie bags???!!!  

    I think the correct term is blasphemous. There’s nothing sacred about singing happy birthday to Jesus and making him a cake. I roll my eyes at my “super serious fundie” relatives. 

    • Love 16
  6. 11 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    His FB page, if you're not banned. I do a flyover at FJ maybe once a week to check in on him and to find out if Esther has whelped yet. Talk about someone who is probably getting sketchy prenatal care...

    Well you know my feelings about that place...

    Anyway, John isn’t going to be satisfied until Esther drops dead from having so many babies with so little care.  I cannot imagine the squalor they live in now. 

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  7. 6 hours ago, yogi2014L said:

    In all the pregnancy literature states that downhill skiing is on the no list, and tubing can be even more dangerous than skiing so I am not sure why those pea brains thought it would be ok. 

    Snow tubing can actually be really dangerous, people have died when their tubes have flipped and they land wrong/collided with others ect. 

    ETA: Is she being cared for by  professional "midwife"  Jill? Because I think any actual OB Or midwife would say no you should not tube while pregnant. 

    Bwahahaha like she’s going to get actual prenatal care from an actual doctor! I bet she was eating a mercury rich tuna fish sandwich on the way down. 

    • Love 8
  8. 3 hours ago, floridamom said:

    I have found that when a person has never worked a job for pay, they really don't understand the value of a dollar OR what it is like to COME HOME FROM THAT JOB tired and drained from the day. This, my friends is Erin Bates Paine. She has no real idea about money and she bats her eyes at her husband and wants him to continue 'working' when he comes home. Let's remember that she is home all day and doesn't really have a job. Making music CDs is something she loves to do and it's not work for her. She also doesn't do it 40 hours a week, every week month after month.

    Can I super respectfully say that being a SAHM is a job? It feels like six full time jobs. It’s thankless and isolating and hard even if you WANT to do it. 


    Edited to say: I should have read down, sorry to have piled on. 

    • Love 9
  9. 9 hours ago, doodlebug said:

    It's an east European thing.  Essentially, it's fermented milk.  Sorta like a liquid yogurt.  Some people feel it is very healthy and it seems to be popular amongst fundies.

    Those of us who've been around awhile remember crazy Emily's blog where she boasted about her pet kefir.


    OMG I LOVE YOU! I was just talking about Emily and DNA the other day. They were my gateway fundies!!!

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  10. On 12/1/2017 at 9:32 PM, Catfin said:

    Odd question but can anyone recommend a good unscented or mildly scented hand lotion? I've got alligator hands all of a sudden and nothing seems to be lasting. DD and I stopped at a boutique-y holiday shop on the way home from yet another college tour and I used a sample. Blarghhhh! Nasty perfumey and actually made hands worse. 

    Lush. Lemony Flutter. It’s a cuticle butter but it will make your hands feel amazing. The lemon will gently eat away at the dry skin or alligatorishness. A little bit goes a long way, you’ve been forewarned!

    On 12/4/2017 at 9:43 PM, Sew Sumi said:

    Ditto. I was probably the age of the oldest kids on the show. I was too mature for Sesame Street from its inception, but I had to put up with it since I had a younger brother in its target demographic. 

    My earliest childhood memory of television is The Young and the Restless that my babysitter would watch everyday at 12:30. I never napped so I always got to sit with her while everyone else was asleep. By the time I discovered seasame street, I was like “what is this baby show?!”  

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