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Posts posted by FakeJoshDuggar

  1. 2 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

     I hope Jill's Henna was spontaneous. Can you imagine planning that and showing up with the painted fingernails of a 5 year old? I'm starting to think the nose bump may actually be a nose ring. And jeans again. I always felt Jill's Fundyism was shallow because, well, she's Jill, but I never felt Jill thought her beliefs were shallow. Now I'm all kinds of confused about her new style choices. Why? Because she wants too? Because she's around the college culture? Because they're not featured on the show anymore? Because her MIL & SIL where pants? What is God thinking about all this defraudment? Or is she even thinking about it at all? Maybe I'm thinking more about it all than Jill.

    And Derick needs to calm the fuck down with his calls for prayer. I'm not sure Jesus would think highly of calling on prayer for hate.  Derick's Tweets make me think of swears I didn't even know I knew. And I swear like a sailor.

    I just think it’s a quarter life crisis. 

    • Love 8
  2. God, Jill is such a twelve year old. Her quiet time involves “journaling song lyrics.”  Next she’ll be getting a training bra and  making unhealthy relationship goals from watching My So Called Life. (Wait, that’s what I did at 12.)


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  3. 17 hours ago, Lunera said:


    I think Jill's whole nose stud and now the henna tattoo is Derick exposing Jill to Nepalese culture. I still think he encouraged the piercing, he probably found the women there very attractive and wants Jill to adopt a similar look. Derick did mention once (in response to his a pro trans person) that it doesn't matter how Nepalese he felt he would never be Nepalese. 

    My mama, god rest her soul, would have snatched Jill up by her raggedy ass in one heartbeat for the state of her nails. As a fine southern lady (who would tell you to go fuck yourself in the nicest way possible) she taught me that if you can’t keep up appropriate maintenance on your nails, you have no business painting them in the first place. If it chips, go take it off or paint over the chip.  Along with being an anal retentive gift wrapper, my dad was artsy and would paint my nails every night. (It’s the nicest memory I have of him. Why am I over sharing?!) Anyway, go fix your damn nails, Jill, the chipped color draws attention to the stubby, chewed nature of your hands. It’s not a good look. 

    9 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:


    Jills’s Mustard Cardigan needs it’s own Twitter account. 

    • Love 14
  4. My father was an anal retentive gift wrapper. I sat beside him for years  doling out the correct amount of tape.  I remember one year we had wrapping paper with houses on it. Those damn roofs had to line up every time and in every direction. I was in high school before I was allowed to think about wrapping a gift. 

    Tldr; I’m an amazing gift wrapper now and all my stripes, polka dots, etc match up every time. 


    Is is this the Jill thread? I don’t even know where I am.  Jill, Jill, Jill. 

    • Love 14
  5. 1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

    I am so tempted on posting this in response to Derick's free speech crap on his twitter page: I love free speech. I also love ignore, mute and block.

    I was watching an episode of Designing Women called Nightmare From Hee Haw. They had Nub the traveling gynecologist who helped deliver babies in the family. He thought one of his daughters had the name Tomale. I thought of Dr. JillPhonyian when Nub was talking about delivering babies and was considered an expert because his family thought he was one. Daddy Jones reminds me of an older version of JB. The other two sons remind me of the older Duggar sons and Derick.

    Can I just say that it is my ultimate dream to be one with Julia Sugarbaker? I feel like I’m a mix of Julia and Oiser from Steel Magnolias. 

    • Love 15
  6. 7 minutes ago, SMama said:

    But Clingy Jilly is allegedly Boob's favorite. Could he set aside his favorite kool aid eternally drunk daughter?

    I do worry about Israel and Sam, they have two unstable parents. Next of kin to help are grandparents, and they are fucked with Boob, Mullet, and Cathy. Dan, step up and help your nephews, you are an Eagle Scout, and work with the organization. You KNOW what do to do.

    If her headship endangered their money train, obviously Jill wasn’t praying for him hard enough. Eventually it will always be her fault, you just have to look at the situation through their fucked up lens. 

    • Love 5
  7. I guess that settles why they are in the dark, dingy apartment when they started out in a McMansion. Derick isn’t blood so JB isn’t obligated to send him off to some bible jail (aka PR school.) Now the Dullards are stuck begging for handouts. No wonder they’re all so miserable. I wonder if they’re being shunned. (I don’t really follow their social media anymore so I guess I should check out any sisterly coffee outings...)

    • Love 8
  8. 1 hour ago, trimthatfat said:

    I got her the impression that both she and her husband were tested for all possible issues. Most fertility specialists will check the husband first because that process tends to be less invasive. 

    See, I got the opposite impression. It seemed like Michaela wanted to see a specialist but her headship was all, “be patient and leave it up to god.” She then looked like she wanted to cry and hit him in the face but she just weakly smiled and nodded. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    The Maxwells and Duggars go waaaaay back. The Maxwells were never Gothard, but I think they met through homeschooling conferences. The father, Steve, homechurches at rest homes with wheelchair bound seniors as a captive audience. He rules his family even more strictly than Boob ever did. The girls just got out of frumpers in the last couple of years. Steve had 3 kids, had a vasectomy, REALLY found Jesus, reversed his vasectomy, and had 5 more kids. Then his wife got PPD which was only treated by her quitting Pepsi. 

    They have a blog that Poor Sarah, aged 35, ostensibly writes, but he edits the shit out of it, denying posts that aren't totally up his ass. 

    He's a true piece of work. 

    eta: Here's their Titus 2 blog, because Teri(fied) is such a Titus 2 woman (riiiiight). Or, if you're an asshole like me, it's the Tits2 blog. :D


    You forgot the part about the Pepsi!!!

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