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Posts posted by FakeJoshDuggar

  1. 4 minutes ago, bythelake said:

    If Derick thinks education is so important, why did he marry an uneducated, ignorant,immature idiot?

    Derick got sold a bag of magic beans and thought that Jill had some quasi-nursing degree. Little did he know she had as much training and experience delivering babies as a wall-eyed cat. 

    • Love 21
  2. 1 hour ago, Absolom said:

    Jill has a spot near her left eye that looks about the same as the mole/piercing.

    It does make me wonder about her life that she posted about chocolate milk.

    Spendy chocolate milk does not make for good grifting, Jill.

    It’s a piercing. There are better pics of it. It’s a standard cubic zirconia that you get when you get pierced. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Catfin said:

    Crazy how snow "events" affect different US regions. We're in the bullseye for between 3-30 inches Sunday into late Monday here in the upper Midwest. We need to pick up new shovels and gas for the plow, but other than that we're resigned to our fate. Planning on working from home Monday.

    I admit being ignorant to the topography of midwestern states. I’ve only ever been to Oklahoma and Texas. My experience there is that it really freaking flat. Atlanta is a good two hours away from the North Georgia mountains, but it’s ridiculously hilly. Hills, untreated roads, and people who only experience ice/snow every few years is a disaster waiting to happen. 

    I’m putting on my clairvoyant panties and guessing that they stayed at the Omni or the W.  That would put them in walking distance to all the places they were scheduled to be. I’m putting more money on the Omni because I’ve stayed there and they serve the water Jeremy posted. 

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  4. 14 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    Seriously.  A few inches and we've been in a state of emergency since Monday night.

    I’m surprised there were as many people there as we saw. I was just able to get out of my driveway yesterday and then it was sketchy at best. Metro Atlanta doesn’t play and shuts down when a flake falls from the sky. Was it 2013 where everyone was stuck on the interstate?

    • Love 4
  5. 2 hours ago, Portia said:

    To my eye, the bed in the master bedroom looked like it was at a normal height when compared to the nightstand. Anyone care to check again? I've already watched that stupid video an embarrassing number of times.

    I guess I need to explain to poor, dear, dumb Joy what a "laundry room" is.  What you have there is a laundry closet, sweetie.  There's no shame in it--my starter home had the washer and dryer in the kitchen, for pity's sake--but you'll be a happy gal when you graduate to a house with a sho-nuff laundry room.

    In related news,  that is a dining AREA, not a dining room. You know what? This probably wasn't covered in your SOTDRT vocabulary curriculum, so I'll just put the Learner's Dictionary definition right here for you to study:

              room [noun] : a part of the inside of a building that is divided from other areas by walls and a door and that has its own floor and ceiling

    It’s definitely a mattress and box springs.  

    • Love 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

    The Mold House is in Benessa's names in the county tax records. 

    If Jessa is pregnant with #3, they’re going to outgrow that house really soon. When Josh and Anna lived there, they moved to DC right after Marcus was born. Five people is a lot for a house where you can barely swing a cat. 

    • Love 9
  7. 1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

    He could stay at home and take care of his two sons. Maybe he was making sure Jill Cling a Long did not say or do something to embarrass him. Of course he embarrasses himself by his own actions, but if it quacks like a duck or walks like a duck...

    That’s the work of the women folk, not Jesusy manly men. Truth be told, the Dullards probably dumped the kids off at the TTH and sped off before anyone noticed. 

    • Love 8
  8. 2 minutes ago, Lunera said:

    If Jessa was smart she could have started her own brand. She should have started a YouTube channel where she vlogs about mommy life and her life as as fundie wife. She could have filmed herself learning how to cook, taking the kids on outings, going shopping etc. She would have gotten tons of a sponsorships and freebies. Leghumpers and curious people eat that shit up.

    She has over a million followers on Instagram and if she had that many YouTube subscribers she'd be making bank from monetized videos. There are tons of young people in their 20s with over a million subscribers who make enough money from YouTube to live in fancy condos in LA. She wouldn't be as big as Joanna Gaines but she would be in the spotlight and making her own money.

    That would have been brilliant. Except it’s Jessa and she’s just not that smart. Savvy? Maybe. Smart? No.  Lazy? Absolutely. 

    • Love 20
  9. 1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

    You and me both. I'm fine with an old-school style shower of a tasteful luncheon and gift opening, but these ridiculous co-ed circuses with obnoxious games? Yeah, no thanks, I'd rather sleep with Smuggar.

    You better believe I’d eat a melted snickers bar out of a diaper before I’d ever let Josh’s.... nope, there’s not enough brain bleach. Now I need a lobotomy. 

    • Love 12
  10. 18 hours ago, MsJamieDornan said:

    A friend goes to a massage therapist and her name is ,,,,wait for it,, Sparkle Lee.


    No joke, we have seen her drivers license. And she is not a stripper. ( that was my first thought)

    I can see Kendra naming her child that. Wouldn’t that just annoy JimBoob and the Hairball all to hell !

    A girl in my fifth grade class was named Sparkle.  She didn’t. 

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