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Everything posted by BaseOps

  1. That's not how it happens, though. 13x11 takes place after 13x10, not within the same timeframe.
  2. I don't think it was ever supposed to be episode 13, it was just filmed out of order. The episode takes place the same night as 13x09 and leads directly into 13x11. Unless they did reshoots or added scenes, this was always intended as 13x10.
  3. It sounds like there's a Mer / Riggs episode as well, though I'm not sure if it's a bottle ep or if we'll see other cast as well.
  4. Absolutely massive. The TGIT half-hours are: Grey's Anatomy - 2.6/2.5 Scandal - 2.2/1.9 Murder - 1.6/1.4 Grey's is such a force. It's really remarkable.
  5. In addition to Jackson's dad, we're also meeting Maggie's mom. Some pics here.
  6. That column is just being dramatic (surprise, surprise). If anything, Jo's reaction to hearing that Alex went to the DA to take a plea bargain makes it clear that she loves him and is distraught over the whole situation.
  7. So 13x10 is indeed a bubble episode with only Jo, Bailey, and Arizona appearing. Meredith narrates. It takes place right after 13x09 (the same night), so it is the night before / the morning of the trial. The ending directly addresses the events of the winter finale. Camila is great, she's the real standout here, but all 3 actress have some really strong scenes.
  8. I definitely expected a lot more Alex / Jo in the first half of the season (Alex had a ton of focus, just not much with Jo), which is why I have no clue if they'll finally develop them or just break them off. It seems to me that if the writers wanted them broken up they would have done that long ago. I think the people who are seeing Meredith / Alex as romantic are forgetting that this is just how Shonda and the writers treat friendships on the show. When Meredith / Cristina were best friends, their friendship almost always took precedence over their romantic relationships. Shonda has never made a secret out of the fact that she writes friendships with a bit of a (potentially unhealthy) romanticism. I think they've been trying hard to find focus for the original 4 (Meredith, Alex, Bailey, Richard) and that has resulted in a lot of focus on Alex with Meredith supporting his storyline. I'm a bit excited to see how all of this unravels.
  9. They got some nice moments in the fall finale. I'm hoping we finally get some movement when we come back - whether it's to finally develop them together or to just give it up and pull them apart. Based on the elevator scene from 13x09, it seems the writers still want to pursue them as a couple. If that's the case, I hope they really delve deep into both both characters individually and as a unit. With Camilla's pregnancy it's more-than-likely that we'll see a small spike in material for her (13x10 seems to be a bubble episode involving Arizona, Bailey, and Jo) and then be written very light for a while. I believe they're doing so many of these bubble episodes to accommodate maternity leaves / pregnancies (Camila is pregnant, Caterina just gave birth, Jessica was off at the start of the year, and Ellen also just welcomed a new son VIA surrogacy).
  10. So, it seems we have a Mer / Riggs episode (on the airplane), a Bailey / Jo / Arizona episode (the prison) and now the April / Jackson episode (trip to Montana). I'm guessing all of these are to help accommodate the schedules of pregnant cast members. Also... will we ever get a Jo / Alex episode?
  11. So maybe 13x10 really is a bubble episode with mostly just Bailey / Arizona / Jo? 'Meredith searches for Alex' sounds quite dire and a bit funny. It's probably something ridiculous like he gets off and then she can't get a hold of him for a day so she's freaking out.
  12. Another year, another pilot / possible exit for Jerrika. https://tvline.com/2017/01/06/jerrika-hinton-greys-anatomy-leaving-stephanie-season-13/
  13. Official synopsis for S3: When a father, Luis Salazar (Benito Martinez), travels illegally from Mexico into the United States to search for his missing son, he discovers that modern servitude is thriving in the farmlands and agricultural communities. Promised a job and a place to live, these laborers find themselves forced to live in abject poverty. Required to pay for their own food and other essentials, what little money they make is paid back to their employers, and because they will forever be in debt, they can never leave. Undocumented workers aren’t the only people targeted by this system. Coy Henson (Connor Jessup) is a young, white American male, estranged from his family and hopelessly addicted to drugs. When he happens upon farm crew chief Isaac Castillo (Richard Cabral), he takes the opportunity to get his life back on track. But as he desperately tries to free himself of his addiction, he begins to become suspicious of Isaac’s promises and aware of the injustices taking place on the farm. Hesby Farms is a struggling tomato farm, forced to cut back on labor costs in order to be competitive in a market that continuously demands lower prices. Jeanette Hesby (Felicity Huffman), who married into the family that owns the farm, begins to learn the shocking truth behind their wealth. Her turmoil will eventually force her to make a moral decision which could put her at odds with the family. Kimara Walters (Regina King) is a dedicated social worker who truly wants to help those in need. Unattached, single and in her forties, she desperately wants to have a baby and is finding it hard to get pregnant, even with the help of modern medicine. When Kimara meets Shae (Ana Mulvoy-Ten), a 17-year-old prostitute, she wants to help her get out of the business, turn her life around and take a stand against her pimp. Nicholas Coates (Timothy Hutton) owns a furniture supply business and is feeling the sting of buyers wanting quality items at discounted prices. At home, he finds himself in a marriage where memories of the past seem much more pleasant than the present. His wife, Clair (Lili Taylor), decides that she wants to hire and provide a working visa for a Haitian woman, Gabrielle (Mickaëlle X. Bizet), to be their son’s nanny. But darkness seems to embroil this family, and Gabrielle soon discovers that her employment comes with a steep price. “American Crime” stars Felicity Huffman as Jeanette Hesby, Regina King as Kimara Walters, Timothy Hutton as Nicholas Coates, Lili Taylor as Clair Coates, Connor Jessup as Coy, Richard Cabral as Isaac Castillo and Benito Martinez as Luis Salazar. Recurring guest stars this season include Cherry Jones as Laurie Ann Hesby, Janel Moloney as Raelyn, Dallas Roberts as Carson Hesby, Ana Mulvoy-Ten as Shae Reese, Clayton Cardenas as Diego Castillo, Sandra Oh as Abby Tanaka and Mickaëlle X. Bizet as Gabrielle.
  14. Promo shots for 13x10 are here. Also, off topic, Sandra Oh is in the new season of American Crime as a recurring guest star.
  15. I definitely don't disagree with the article - the Meredith / Riggs potential feels botched to me because of how they handled (and then suddenly dropped) all of it. If anything, I hope they resolve it as soon as the season picks up. The audience is ready for Mer to move on from Derek. Let's just see her really go for it with Riggs or move them apart and find someone else for her. The Maggie angle never made any sense, and they went to extremes to make it feel like a real story when it was little more than poorly manufactured drama. Ellen and Martin both deserve better to work with. That said, Grey's has basically done this forever and the Meredith storyline is hardly the only one that feels juvenile. What frustrates me most is how sometime the show is still so great; certain storylines or characters can feel like they're really thriving, and then the rest of the show feels like it's just thrown together. S13 has been enjoyable for me aside from a few glaring issues (the Meredith / Maggie / Riggs storyline being one of the biggest weak spots).
  16. Well, TVLine VS Shonda is seemingly a thing. http://tvline.com/2017/01/02/greys-anatomy-meredith-nathan-maggie-editorial/
  17. I don't think they really changed any filming order; with a cast this large, it makes sense to work around some schedules. Sometimes some actors are filming two episodes at once, or an episode ahead of others. With pregnancies in the past they've had actresses film scenes for multiple episodes at once to accommodate a maternity leave. That is likely the case here. If it's another bubble episode, it'd be weird timing since we just had one with 13x08 but at least it's an interesting combo of characters, and I assume the Alex situation will at least be discussed when you have Arizona / Jo / Bailey together.
  18. “You Can Look (But You’d Better Not Touch)” – Bailey, Arizona and Jo go to a maximum security women’s prison to treat a violent, 16-year-old pregnant girl and her unborn baby, on the midseason premiere of “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, JANUARY 19. Guest starring is Jasmin Savoy Brown as Amanda, Klea Scott as Dr. Eldredge and Anna Jacoby-Heron as Kristen. “You Can Look (But You’d Better Not Touch)” was written by Tia Napolitano and directed by Jann Turner.
  19. That makes no sense. Grey's still gets massive coverage from outlets like EW, TVLine, and TVGuide - if they don't, it's because Shonda has been giving responses like this for quite a while now. I respect her a great deal and I think she has the right to do whatever press she wants, but for the last few years she's given off this 'my shit don't stink' attitude which is quite sad. Her strong-arming ABC into dropping #TGIT while Scandal was away was a real indicator of this. It especially sucks because aside from Grey's, her other shows are really struggling - The Catch was a total bomb, HTGAWM has no more than a season left in it, Scandal has been sharply declining, and ABC just cut her 'Still Star-Crossed' down to only 7 episodes - if anything, she's in need of some goodwill from these publications. I don't think the shows you call obscure are all that obscure - people are just consuming them in different ways. Grey's is a 13-year-old show, it isn't going to be getting the focus it did when it was new and hot. Not to mention, the quality just isn't there. It honestly wouldn't make most critics lists of the top 100 airs showing right now. Still, TVLine always writes about it (including weekly recaps). Of course Gilmore Girls got a ton of coverage, it was the return of a beloved show (by both critics and audiences). Every reunion / reboot gets massive coverage. I fail to see how that has anything to do with Grey's Anatomy or how Shonda responded. I also don't see what the end of the year has to do with it - I work for the press, particularly a television website, and we have more TV agents reaching out to us around this time to speak to their clients than almost any other time of year aside from August / September. Her giving those answers was downright rude and obnoxious. She should have just not answered; instead, she wasted Michael's time and her fans' time.
  20. Some upcoming episodes titles: Grey's Anatomy - Episode 13.10 - You Can Look (But You'd Better Not Touch) Grey's Anatomy - Episode 13.11 - Jukebox Hero
  21. So... why did Shonda bother answering these? A lot of those responses came across as quite rude to me, and she literally didn't even hint at any potential storylines or episodes.
  22. Ahead of Grey’s Anatomy‘s return on Thursday, Jan. 19, I put in a request to speak to series creator Shonda Rhimes about the second half of the ABC drama’s 13th season. She was unable to hop on the phone with me due to her busy schedule, but she agreed to answer a handful of questions via email. What follows are her unedited answers. TVLINE | Nathan and Meredith: How will their relationship – or lack thereof – evolve during the second half of the season? SHONDA RHIMES | Meredith’s journey is always interesting and complex. There are so many aspects to her as woman, a surgeon, a sister and a mother. TVLINE | As close as Meredith and Alex are, and as romantically lost as they are, why haven’t they considered possibly becoming more than friends by now? That’s like asking me why haven’t I had a certain kind of cheese. The answer is, ‘Because I haven’t had that kind of cheese.’ TVLINE | Are you interested in finding a way to bring Callie back into the fold this season, even if just for an episode or two? Have you had discussions with Sara? I love Sara Ramirez and I love Callie Torres. TVLINE | How will the dynamic between Arizona and Eliza (Marika Dominczyk) differ from the one between Arizona and Callie? I don’t look at it in terms of dynamics and I can’t possibly compare Arizona and Callie’s marriage with what is currently barely a flirtation. The fun comes with waiting to see what unfolds. TVLINE | If DeLuca were to drop the charges against Alex, what would be his motivation — DeLuca’s feelings for Jo (and what are those, anyway?), his sense of Alex’s actual remorse? [Rhimes declined to answer] TVLINE | How have DeLuca’s feelings toward Jo been developing over the course of this season, and how do you foresee them developing? I think we’ve all had a chance to watch what’s happened between Jo and Andrew. I am not sure that it’s mature to put a name on what’s going on at the moment. TVLINE | How will co-parenting impact Jackson and April’s separation? And what’s the possibility of Harriet bringing them together again as an actual couple? This isn’t a new issue so we’ve already seen any and all issues that this might entail. It’s such a positive thing to watch our characters behave as fully formed adults who know how to co-parent. What’s great is that parenting has nothing to do with their storyline this season — it gets much more interesting than you’d imagine… TVLINE | If Megan (Bridget Reagan) were to turn out to be alive, where could you imagine her fitting into the world of Grey’s, professionally and romantically? I don’t even know how to answer this question as it confuses me deeply. TVLINE | Will there be a wedding before the season is up? Weddings do not define my characters. I thought we all learned that when Meredith nailed a Post-It note to her wall.
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