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Everything posted by BaseOps

  1. 13x16 - “Who Is He (And What Is He To You)?” – Jackson and April travel to Montana in order to perform a complicated surgery on a young patient, but Jackson’s mind is elsewhere, and April is forced to step up and get him back on track. THURSDAY, MARCH 16.
  2. Minnick will be a regular by the start of next season, if not sooner, and we'll all have to deal. Elizona is real and we're stuck with it.
  3. I mean, they've used the Meredith lost Derek and Riggs lost Meghan angle before. It makes sense. Maggie was just surprised by it, I think. Anyway, I'm glad they're getting back to it. I believe the only reason it was dropped was because the middle episodes had a lot of workarounds given the pregnancies of Ellen, Camilla, and Caterina. I like the Meredith / Riggs dynamic. I hope they really pursue it through the last bit of the season.
  4. Jesse Williams hinting on Twitter that there's a reason why Jackson is acting like an ass. I think 13x16 is the April / Jackson bubble episode.
  5. Now THAT was a fantastic episode. Why can't it be like this every week? Two incredibly strong patient stories that were well-paced, had strong writing and related to the doctors without feeling like we were being hit over the head with anvils. I think Riggs is super charming, and he's been under-utilized. I wish they had been spending more time this year developing him than forcing this Richard / Minnick 'civil war' storyline, but I get how outside factors sort of forced their hands. It looks like they're picking up the Meredith connection again, and I'm quite excited about that. Jo was great tonight! I never say that, but she was. I thought Camila was really really good. I liked the storyline and I like that her arc wasn't dependent on Alex. It's always nice to see them switching up who's interacting with who, and her scenes with Owen were nice. He's much less annoying as a doctor than he is as a romantic lead. I wish we saw more Alex tonight and I hope they don't save a Jo / Alex reunion for the finale. Arizona / Minnick was inevitable. I'm whatever on that. Same to Jackson / April - with a cast this big, some characters are inevitably used as props and often act uncharacteristically (or without reason). Jackson and April are basically puppets of the Minnick / Richard storyline at the moment. I got a good laugh at Meredith saying that she had nothing to do / is so bored... YOU HAVE THREE CHILDREN! But they don't seem to be there in the morning, during the day, or at night. I don't really care, I'm used to it. It's like a running gag at this point, but this seemed like an easy episode to just have her maybe holding one of her babies during the scene with Richard, rather than folding more clothes? I did love her scene with Richard though, and her little impersonation of Ellis (as well as his response). Anyway, Grey's did its job tonight - it entertained me and it made me feel like I was watching characters that I cared about. It was definitely one of the better episodes this season for me.
  6. They should have had Trevor Noah co-hosting last Friday instead of D.L Hughley. They need to stop reaching out to guys like Jason Biggs and Howie Mandel and instead try to get men like Anderson Cooper, Bill Maher, Don Lemon, etc.
  7. Arizona hasn't had an onscreen love interest in longer than Meredith, though. That comparison seems a bit odd. Meredith had sex with Riggs at the end of last season and then spent several episodes being chased by him... she also had sex & several dates with that other surgeon last year. When's the last time Arizona even had a kiss onscreen, much less a romantic storyline?
  8. Exactly... she had off-screen hook-ups, but going 2 years without a real love interest on Greys is basically unheard of (unless you're Stephanie). I don't like her with Minnick either as I see no chemistry, I just don't like the idea of Grey's audiences saying they don't want to see another "gay hookup".
  9. You lost me here... you don't want another 'gay hook-up'? What does Arizona being gay have to do with it? Also, she's literally been single since the beginning of season 11. We're halfway through season 13 right now.
  10. Grey's held the 2.1 from last week with 7.68M viewers. Opposite Grey's, The Big Bang Theory is nearing a series low hitting 2.8 in the demo. The rest of the TGIT lineup was stable (Scandal 1.6, HTGAWM 1.3).
  11. The whole storyline is just boring me to tears. It was definitely crafted to work around the absence of Meredith / Amelia to accommodate their maternity leaves, which is great, but I wish I was more interested. The Owen / Amelia storyline is also a total mess because of it, and whatever they had going with Meredith / Riggs was just abandoned. I feel like they could have devised a better work-around, but I guess mid-season always tends to drag on this show.
  12. Episode 13.15 - Civil War: Richard, Jackson, April and Catherine tackle a tough trauma case intensified by hospital politics; Amelia finally faces her feelings about Owen; Meredith gets caught between Nathan and Alex over a patient. Looks like they're going to be dragging out this Richard / Minnick storyline forever.
  13. I actually didn't find Meredith and Riggs to be super forced (until the start of this season, when his chasing her became overkill). I thought they had really nice chemistry, especially in the finale last year. As for DeLuca... I rarely remember that he's a regular.
  14. I don't have any excitement about Arizona / Minnick. They have no real chemistry, and so far their interactions have all come off as forced - like someone else said, she basically knows that Arizona is a lesbian and just assumes that because of that they're going to sleep together? Pretty shallow writing. Naturally they'll get together and we'll slowly see a softer side of Minnick.
  15. 13.14 - “Back Where You Belong” – Alex returns to the hospital and discovers a lot has changed since he left. Meanwhile, Jo has to make a difficult decision on a case, and Arizona tries to distance herself from Eliza. Also, Grey's Anatomy was officially picked up for season 14 today.
  16. From TVLine: The show is admitting the rarest breed of Grey’s Anatomy character this spring: an honest-to-goodness Big Bad. According to sources, Shonda Rhimes & Co. are looking for a Caucasian actor in his mid 40s to play a new doctor who is “appealing, charismatic and charming” — in other words, a total freakin’ catch. The twist? He’s has a “manipulative, scary dark side.” The MD (which in this case stands for maniacal demon) will appear in this season’s final four episodes and could return in Season 14. Now, I’ll just say what everyone is thinking: Could this be Jo’s husband?!
  17. I totally forgot that April and Jackson have a child... and also that Meredith / Riggs was a thing at one time.
  18. I really liked Maggie's mom! Obviously Maggie was an annoying mess, but I actually didn't find her as off-putting as she has been for a while, perhaps because I felt a bit bad for her. Owen talking to the door gave me PTSD to the episode where him and Amelia helped that little girl over the phone *Shudder*. Can he and Amelia both be killed off ASAP, please? Jo + Alex moment was nice. Overall a much better episode than last week, but there's simultaneously too much going on and not enough interesting stuff going on.
  19. When Derek was in neuro they often referenced the 'other' neuro guy... didn't they call him Shadow Shepherd? I think we've seen another pediatric doctor, too, though I can't recall the exact instance. But the cast is already so massive, I just sort of ignore the fact that our surgeons are treated as if they're the only competent ones in the hospital / city / country.
  20. I have a feeling they're going for an all-female department-head lineup: Chief of Surgery Miranda Bailey, Chief of General Surgery Meredith Grey, Chief of Pediatric Surgery and Fetal Surgery Arizona Robbins, Chief of Neurosurgery Amelia Shepherd, Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery Maggie Pierce... possibly April Kepner as the new Chief of Trauma Surgery.
  21. Grey's also beat BBT in the 18-34 demo (1.8 for GA, 1.6 for BBT) and won the night there overall.
  22. That episode was written so lazily. As mentioned the reveal was a non-event - they basically wanted to stretch out the Karev question mark as long as they could. There are too many storylines going on that just aren't fleshed out or aren't being touched at all. As @funnygirl mentioned, Amelia has only been gone for one day... before that, didn't Owen mention that he hadn't "seen her in days" when they saw each other in the morning at the hospital? I just don't care about Owen and Amelia at all, and when you throw in Stef... yea, onto the next. What happened to the Meredith / Riggs / Maggie storyline? They haven't touched that since like episode 5 after all the (ridiculous) build-up. The rebellion against Minnick is half-baked and makes no sense. How the hell did the driver end up on Skype with Leah? Why did Amelia leave the yogurt on the counter!? Yogurt goes in the fridge, Amelia! Nice gesture, but jeez.
  23. Adding new characters has 'worked' for them for so many years, and the giant cast is a big part of what makes the scheduling so ideal for all of these actors - I can't see it changing or ever going back to a tighter cast. None of the actors are ever burned out because they don't have to be there 24x7. In the early years, you had the main five cast members (the interns) working ridiculously long hours because they were all in every episode for an equal amount of time. There were 9 regulars in season one... last year they were up to 16. That's 7 additional stars to share time, meaning the actors get to work on other projects, spend time with family, or focus on directing (I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but Ellen Pompeo is currently prepping to direct her first episode). I really wish they'd get down to even 12 or 13 cast members again, but I don't see it happening.
  24. As predicted, Jerrika is checking out at the end of the year. http://tvline.com/2017/01/31/greys-anatomy-season-14-jerrika-hinton-leaving-stephanie/
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