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Everything posted by BaseOps

  1. Hey! To be fair, sometimes she eats chips too lol. But no, I get it. I get that as a Jo fan it would be an incredibly frustrating position to be in - the way that they ended last season made it seem like she'd be a major part of the storytelling, but it seems that instead they've pushed her to the side and perhaps into a strange (and misguided) triangle with DeLuca. But is it even a triangle if Alex doesn't care? He barely acknowledges her. As a fan of Alex and someone who has always just been neutral with Jo, I don't mind much - more than anything, it's frustrating to have the back and forth, because it keeps both characters in limbo. That's why, to me, I sort of wish they'd just wrap up Alex / Jo ASAP and either write her off or have them both move on.
  2. He's aware she's an addict - remember the big speech after Derek died when she said she was thinking of taking something again? He punched Riggs for some other silly reason, though he was upset when he found out that Riggs was the person who bought Amelia a drink when she relapsed.
  3. I don't blame Jo for what Alex did, that lands entirely on him, but I certainly don't feel any sympathy for her. Wasn't it just last season that she made a huge deal about Alex not telling her about Izzie's eggs? Meanwhile she's married and leading him on to think that she wants to get married. I get why she'd have kept it a secret from him at first, but they've been in a relationship for years; did she think it was never going to come up or come out? She really did him wrong by lying all this time and then telling someone as random as DeLuca. What exactly did she tell him? I wonder if the writers (and actors?) have totally forgotten about this. I don't pay much attention to their relationship so I don't recall quite when that was. Was it the episode when Samuel died?
  4. Why do I have a feeling that rather than just having a conversation, episode 9 will have Meredith & Riggs finally kissing again - only for Maggie to be in the right place at the right time and see it happen.
  5. The only other truth I could think of is Maggie finding out about Meredith and Riggs. Maybe Amelia tells Owen about her first child. Hopefully all 3! I wouldn't count out any disaster on Grey's these days lol. I remember back in the day there was talk about Leah going psycho, so I wouldn't be surprised. The only thing I can think of that hasn't been done is characters being caught in a burning building, which is a huge soap opera trope.
  6. In one of the videos on the EW article, Giacomo basically confirms that DeLuca does indeed have feelings for Jo. Also, when asked for one word to describe the mid-season finale, they give us - "Rubble", "Truth ("Some long-gesitating truths come out"), "Justice", and "Complicated". Totally separately from that, I wonder if they'll kill any (major) characters this year. It's been quite a while by Grey's standards: Season 2 - Denny Season 3 - Ellis (plus Susan & Mr. O'Malley) Season 4 - N/A Season 5 - George Season 6 - Reed, Charles Season 7 - N/A Season 8 - Henry, Lexie Season 9 - Mark, Adele Season 10 - Heather Season 11 - Derek Season 12 - N/A We may also be due for a big disaster episode: S2 - Bomb, S3 - Ferry Boat, S6 - Shooter, S8 - Plane Crash, S9 - The Storm. The last 2 years have had big episodes (Derek's death, Meredith's attack) but no huge catastrophes that affect a large group.
  7. Slightly extended press release for 13x09. “You Haven’t Done Nothin’” – Believing he is going to jail tomorrow, Alex makes a big decision about his future. While the hospital is overrun with victims of a building collapse, Richard demands answers from Bailey about Eliza’s presence at Grey Sloan, on the winter finale of “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EST), on the ABC Television Network. So this must be the day before the trial or the day of. I really love that instead of seeing Maggie, Deluca and Amelia in every single PR this year, we've seen Alex in nearly every single one, and Alex / Bailey / Richard all getting storylines is great.
  8. The Grey's hospital setup has never resembled real life, so I just sort of ignore those things and accept it as part of their world. If I nitpicked everything that would never happen in a real hospital, I'd probably go insane.
  9. This. I thought the parallel between Alex / Meredith and the patient / her best friend was obvious. I didn't see anything romantic with Alex and Meredith, just as there was nothing romantic between the two friends who decided to raise a child together.
  10. I'll say I'm most intrigued by 'Transition of power' and 'incarceration'.
  11. From EWs PopFest: Lastly, the cast shared three words to describe what’s going on with their characters for upcoming episodes. McCreary: “Transition of power.” Capshaw: “Flirty. Fun. Incarceration.” Gianniotti: “Trial. Trial. Trial.” Hinton: “I’m going to associate myself with ‘transition of power.’” Lots more here.
  12. I'm glad that Shonda has seemingly followed through on her promise and has given a good deal of focus to the four original cast members during the first several episodes this year; Alex has had twice as much to do as he did in the past season or so, and it's great to see him as the lead male. Richard seems to have prominence in episode 7, 8 and 9, and it's been nice to see interactions between Richard / Alex and Bailey / Alex.
  13. It usually has a lot to do with either working around pregnancies or other work obligations - certain actors may have been granted time off to work on other things for a short time, so their scenes are being filmed early, and @CED9's suggestion of a few character-centric episodes could be accurate too.
  14. According to SpoilerTV, 13x09 is called You Haven’t Done Nothin’.
  15. As Alex’s trial nears, how will that start to divide the hospital on Grey’s Anatomy? — Lucy If a divide does start to happen, Alex will have at least two of the sisters on his side. “Clearly Amelia is starting to feel really safe with Alex in a way that’s unexpected,” Caterina Scorsone says. “I don’t think she knew she was going to talk to him about her core trauma, and suddenly and unexpectedly he was this safe place for her to say something that she had not been able to say to anyone, including Derek. Now she’s seeing him as this potential safe place. I don’t know how the hospital will be divided, but I imagine Amelia has some pretty affectionate feelings toward Alex right now that he was able to witness her in her darkest moments and in this unique way.”
  16. I'll have to go back and rewatch, but didn't Alex try to apologize to Jo in episode two outside of Amelia and Owen's house? And he tried to apologize to DeLuca, too, while he was hospitalized (granted, not great timing there). I feel like he's just sort of trying to respect Jo and DeLuca's space now. I do think he knows that what he did is wrong, he expressed that to Meredith more than once as well. I still wish that the writers were addressing his anger / violent tendencies a bit more head on, but I'm glad they're at least pushing Alex front and centre. And so far, I don't see it really having anything to do with 'the sisters' despite sharing scenes with them. For the last few weeks his story has revolved mainly around patients and his case - I loved his stuff with Bailey last night, and I love seeing him as a great doctor. Of course I could be wrong, but I still don't see any of this leading to Meredith and Alex hooking up. I do get why fans are frustrated about him and Jo not sharing so many scenes, but that just isn't a big deal to me personally because I've never really been invested in the two of them. If they get back together and resolve their issues, I'll be happy as long as Alex is happy.
  17. That 2.2 is fantastic, like you said @Greysaddict, especially considering that The Big Bang Theory returned last night. Not only did Grey's hold steady, it actually increased from last week. Behind that 2.2 for Grey's, ABCs next highest-rated drama this week was Designated Survivor at a 1.2. Agents of SHIELD did 0.8 this week, as did Conviction and Notorious. How To Get Away with Murder did a 1.2 and Once Upon A Time is down to a 1.0. Grey's is an absolute juggernaut in comparison. It remains ABCs highest-rated series behind only Modern Family (which pulled a 2.3 this week).
  18. I thought the point was reinforcing the Meredith / Alex friendship more than hinting at anything romantic. The patient and the baby daddy were best friends who decided that since they had no romantic prospects, they'd raise a family together - but not be in a relationship. Alex is scared that he's going to go to jail, so he's trying to enjoy the moments with the family he has - Meredith and her kids. Grey's is never subtle; I think if they wanted to do Alex / Meredith, they'd never have gone down the Riggs / Maggie / Meredith path, Jo would have been beheaded long ago, and Alex and Mer would have been boinking by the end of last season. I could be totally wrong, but I just don't see it. I thought the first and last scenes were nice. I know lots of people complained that we rarely see Mer support Alex, but tonight her only two scene were supporting Alex's storyline.
  19. Leah had, like, a combined two minutes of screen time tonight. I won't be surprised to see her become a regular, but I don't think she's going to suddenly overtake the storytelling. I think them pushing her as a great surgeon has more to do with the fact that she couldn't become that surgeon while at GSM, but she was able to elsewhere.
  20. I was saying in another thread that I didn't think Leah coming back was necessarily a retcon, because I felt like it was totally plausible that she could excel at another hospital / program. So I like that they actually are addressing something that fans have noted since the LVAD was cut and Izzie was let back in season 3... 10 years ago! I mean, I doubt this will be something that fundamentally changes the show, where suddenly we won't see surgeons fucking up in over-the-top ways, but it's fine with me that they're at least acknowledging the trend.
  21. Okay, coming from someone who always shits on Amelia... that Alex /Amelia scene was probably the best of the season so far. Really great stuff from both of them. Both patient stories this week are strong, too. I'm so happy to see Alex as the lead male this season.
  22. I get why people see it as a huge shift and, trust me, I'd much rather see focus stay on Alex, Meredith, Jo, and just about anyone else in the existing cast rather than Leah. But out of all the things that these writers have gotten away with, I just don't see it as implausible that Leah could come back and be a good (or great) surgeon. She was at the hospital for 2 years (or however long those two seasons were supposed to represent) so she was doing something right. Richard's opinion is just one opinion - he fired her because he thought she wasn't good enough, which doesn't necessarily mean that she wasn't good enough. It's been several years since she left (at least 2, considering the jump after Derek died). She could have easily gone elsewhere and gotten good training and become a great surgeon. So I think it's totally plausible, I just wish it wasn't happening.
  23. I don't think Leah coming back as a competent surgeon is a retcon. Seattle Grace is an atrocious teaching hospital; it's very possible that she went somewhere else and got the training she actually needed to thrive. I mean, she made it through med school and got into the GSM program, so she couldn't have been a total hack. She was let go because she wasn't up to par with where she needed to be, not because she was a total train wreck who couldn't practice medicine.
  24. That's an interesting character combo - Mer, Richard, Stef and Owen. We know we'll see Zola in the episode as well as a flashback to young Stef + someone in Richard's family. Will we also, possibly, see Owen's sister? Or someone else connected to him? I wonder what this episode is all about.
  25. I mean, the first three seasons were a single year on Grey's. That means that within a year, Izzie dated the hockey player, got with Alex, broke up with Alex, fell in love with Denny, cut his LVAD, got engaged, Denny died and then she fell in love and had an affair with George. Within that year, George met and fell in love with Meredith, dated Olivia, got syphalis, slept with Meredith, met and married Callie, then cheated on her with Izzie. He also lost his father that year. Cristina, within a year, met Burke, got pregnant, lost the baby, he got shot, they covered up his tremor, got engaged, and he left her at the alter. Meredith lost her mother and stepmother, reunited with her father, discovered a step-sibling, met and fell in love with Derek, discovered he had a wife who he then got back together with. She dated Finn, slept with George, got back with Derek, had her hand on a bomb, nearly died after drowning in a ferryboat accident - all within a year. Grey's has never been good with time.
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