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  1. All this talk about one rule for 'our community' and one for everyone else is bullshit. Once cops do that then you really can't trust any cop of any color to tell the truth or defend the actual law because they could simply be skewing the truth to fit what they want and think is best for 'their community'. I realize that this was common enough (and sometimes still is) with white cops but the correction isn't to go the other way and lie for a different racial community. Cops should be cops for all people, not just for 'their people'. It really bothers me when this show goes this route in their cases. It makes my serious BS radar ping like crazy. Undercover cop had no business being a cop. Period. We are all better off when agendas are absent or at least sadly unconscious and not an explicit desired outcome. It's not the fact that the writers had undercover doing this so much as that there was so much discussion among some of our lead cops and attorneys excusing it and making it seem reasonable and even a legitimate good. That's several bridges too far for me.
  2. I find that I don't tend to look at people's crotches, I look primarily at their faces. You're not alone.
  3. Chappelle's monologue did run very long but I thought it was totally worth it. His story about Carter made me tear up.
  4. I get annoyed by the little things. Like why are New York cops arresting someone in New Jersey? They need New Jersey cops to do that for them and then extradite. Right? And why do the characters seem to often make conversation about the weaknesses of their open case (or anything about their case) in front of bystanders who are clearly close enough to hear everything they say? Shouldn't they be concerned about info getting to the defense, the public at large via social media (everyone has a phone out recording nowadays when something exciting like an arrest in the middle of a campus class or office is being made right in front of them)? Do people (including police) just shove annonymously provided thumb drives into their laptops without a thought about viruses? In this age? I can't help but feel once again that this show (writers weaknesses aside) would be a lot more fun and interesting if we could rid ourselves of Mariska Hargitay entirely and just focus on either a new lead or the other cops/attorneys we already have. She just brings the whole thing down IMO. But since the entire world seems to worship that woman and give her awards and accolades all the time I guess I'm in the minority. I've wracked my brain and I just don't get it, what they see in her.
  5. I will say that this is my favorite name for an episode ever. And it could not be more accurate.
  6. Yeah, it's like the cat people versus the vacant-eyed ditz with virtual reality glasses. If you want to be taken seriously, please remove your fuzzy cat ears, BJ. The slow close ups of her putting on pink lipstick etc is also not helping her credibility. BJ is like a platypus of a woman: fuzzy cat ears and duck lips and what I would call a Barbie fashion credo. That older woman who follows her and doxes 'enemies' also wears the freaking cat ears. If I saw they wanted to 'help' me I would worry. Then you have Lima, who is a vacant-eyed valley-girl party-girl type who is also a complete ditz. She thinks her sword matches her dress. Sure, whatever. Her virtual reality glasses are ridiculous. She thinks she can, with no training or credible authority, cure people of drug addiction and mental illness if they just legally turn their entire lives over to her. Again, a scary kind of 'help' that is coercive as it's being 'offered' in lieu of jail at people's most vulnerable moments. And the segment about her twin sisters was just OTT creepy-stupid. None of these people should have anything to do with 'helping' other people, ever. I wonder how many of these conservators have popped up after that Netflix 'comedy' about conservator abuse came out a couple of years ago. Set up a conservatorship business, spend other people's money like it's your own! Honest conservatorship is an important tool for those that need it. But when you have bad actors getting approved with little to no legal recourse for the victims it is truly frightening. The way this series is being presented - from Natalia to Bam to whoever is next on the agenda - is kind of a farce. It's like they aren't even taking the subject matter seriously, just milking it for money and laughing their way to the bank. They find the most ridiculous people ever and have them ham it up for the cameras. It's like the Jerry Springer of documentaries, and I use the term documentary loosely. I mean, these people set Michael loose on we innocent viewers. Now it's BJ and Lima. Who is next week's narcissitic showboat going to be?
  7. If my ex husband told me to cut up a 30 year old quilt so he could claim the old T shirts that were 'his' in it I would take it out to the driveway and set it on fire a la Angela Bassett in that movie whose name I can't remember. Light it all on fire just like the marriage and love I believed I had. Send him the ashes. Kody is the worst.
  8. This whole changing church thing is very weird to me because Mormon religion and Christian theology have very little in common. With on the surface stuff you just gloss over this but they are talking about going to a Christian church (of any denomination) and there are just basic things that are vastly different belief systems and plural marriage barely makes a dent in that. Robyn and her daughters talk like it's just a matter of whether they believe in or want plural marriage and that is really not the problem at all. I mean if they have just completely abandoned the faith and doctrines of the LDS (fundamentalist or not) church and are now going to adopt a new belief system and theology entirely then that would make sense but they haven't said that. Maybe they have decided to do that and aren't going into it for privacy reasons and because that would make weird TV. If they haven't done this then I don't see how they can join a different church unless all they intend to attend are strictly worship/devotional services with no preaching/liturgy or studies whatsoever because they'd come up on problems within minutes between the two belief systems. And there is no way that they don't realize this. Just watching movies and television would tell them that. I guess if they just said, on TV, we don't wish to be Mormon anymore and want to find a different church then LDS church would get spun. I don't know. This whole 'storyline' just bugs me. And again, it is just so weird how Brianna and Aurora barely speak but always look like they've been kidnapped and are hoping someone will notice and save them. They have permanent agony face, complete with too frequent tears. It's disturbing.
  9. I feel like I just spent two hours trapped in a Hallmark greeting card. I'm always glad to see this show on my menu but I almost expire from the overdose of treacle each year. I don't need the show as conceived by Tarantino but they could really cut down on the sugary plotlines and the overwhelmingly unrealistic characterizations. The concept is wonderful but it just gets bogged down with all this to the point that I fear diabetes is inevitable. And again with the smarmy purple prose of elderly Jenny to bring us in and out of the episode. I hoped Redgrave would eventually be unable to continue doing this but this year I realized that they'd just find someone else to take over exactly the same or heaven forbid use AI to mimic her voice. Like someone else said, way too many plots to keep track of, people acting in completely unrealistic ways. Seriously, even in 1969 no young woman, no matter how naive, would follow that gruff lunging disheveled man into an old run down building alone like that. It only worked out fine because the writers made it so. This show desperately needs a new writer. Or better writers. Or a good editor. Something. And yet I watch.
  10. If you have PBS Passport you can see the 2024 Holiday special today. And it is supposed to be broadcast for everyone tomorrow, Christmas evening. At least that is what Passport says.
  11. Annika. The Bay. Hidden. Unforgotten. If you don't mind foreign detective shows with subtitles, there are loads of good ones. Thou Shalt Not Kill. Luna and Sophie. The Nordic Murders. The Bridge (Swedish /Danish and French/English versions). Murder in Sweden. Before We Die.
  12. Teeny doesn't want Sam to get in her head. Sorry kid, apparently he's been living inside your skull since before you knew he existed. That's quite a feat! Please seek psychological counseling when you get home. I really hate the way that Sue and Teeny especially act about Sam. It's like middle school level maturity. Very unpleasant to watch. I really don't like either of them.
  13. OMG! Blue Bayou. If I never heard that song again it would be too soon. Many many decades ago I lived in an apartment where the manager and his kids lived upstairs. His teenage daughter had some breakup that she was moaning about and her bedroom was right above mine and she, I joke not, played that damn song on repeat all day and all evening for weeks. I thought I was going to lose my mind. That was when I decided I hated Linda Ronstadt. I can't even hear her sing anything anymore; it gives me PTSD. It was a good episode but I get tired of the murdered family storyline. I know it's a huge part of who he is but I would really like to move it to deeper background and get on with current cases more. I know that probably won't happen (Origins, after all) but I can dream. And please show, never ever play that song again. I can't take it.
  14. This is killing me to admit but I totally get Kody's reaction to Aurora and Breanna wanting to go to church and his apprehension. I was for many years involved in a cult and when my grown son recently mentioned he was going to some church with his fiancee I totally freaked inside. I had so many questions. Fortunately both he and she were understanding about it and things seem okay and we've always been very clear about he gets to choose his life, not me. I had my turn, now it's his But that internal alarm and fear I totally get. It's way real. I love the Meri scenes. Watching her process her reality and seeing what great friends she has is encouraging. I wish her all the best. Christine is so happy and watching everyone who matters to her be happy for her is wonderful. Yes, it's tiresome to watch all the time but the reality of it makes me happy for her and I don't begrudge her the delight in all the things she never had and really missed. She gets them now. The Kody/Robyn date was hard to watch. They do seem to be happy with each other's company. I did cringe when Kody said that 'all of his kids' come to him regarding church etc and was confused until I realized that 'all' meant Robyn's kids. He was not meaning the OG kids. That was heartbreaking and infuriating. He just keeps topping himself in his assholery. I don't know why that keeps surprising me.
  15. Yeah, unfortunately she does. There was at least one recent season of I think it was 20/20 that featured her talking heads during episodes of whatever crime of the week they were covering. I remember refusing to watch as soon as I saw her participation because I can't stand her and don't want to support her in any way. Dateline has decided podcasters are king and 20/20 had Nancy Grace. I didn't watch the 20/20 episode on Jonbenet this week because it was about Jonbenet so I don't know if Nancy Grace was on it but it would make sense if she were since that was her thing back in the day. Now I am wondering if she was the talking head on that episode. Sarah's impression wasn't good. Sarah has a habit of screaming her lines and thinks it's funny (it's not) so she pretty much screamed her entire impression and that to me is what made it a terrible impression. Nancy Grace doesn't scream, she speaks in a weirdly emphatic way along with that attitude of someone who has conquered all morality and is annoyed to have to be the one to explain why you are stupid and wrong to you but will do it kind of like she's been appointed by God to do so. Sarah didn't capture that at all, she just screamed her lines and looked crazy eyed. Nuance is completely lost on Sarah. I really liked this episode a lot. I have been pretty unhappy with this and last season so this particular episode was a wonderful surprise for me. I really enjoyed Jane's musical number during WU not just for the lyrics but for the way she acted and emoted during it. She's good at this and she's funny. The 1950s car brought me back to Christine and I was thinking no way would I ever get in that car. I guess the folks in the sketch didn't know about Christine. Just a regular racist car. They were right to burn it, which was a funny surprising ending. I never like the kind of sketches like the hospital operation one but this one was actually funny so good on them. I think having Rock on this episode really improved the usual writing this time. And the holiday party was brilliant IMO. I've been to many a forced march holiday party like that one while I worked at an insurance company - you wish they'd just let you leave early but you are stuck there having to celebrate with people you would never socialize with and it's during work hours so you can't get out of it. It's more fun to mock it than to be in it. Chris and Ego's part was especially funny.
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