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Everything posted by Cattitude

  1. Now you know if Morgan jumps Sonny will conveniently be delivering his wheelchair for Kiki to use and will catch his son in it there by SAVING HIS LIFE! [fangirl]Don't ya'll know Sonny saves everyone.[/fangirl]
  2. I love wheelchair. It is such a good character. I was going to miss it when Sonny had his BIG WALKING MOMENT. But now it looks like Kiki will need it so I'm really happy! It must have a good agent to get a better contract minimum that most of the legacy characters.
  3. I think Andre might be be my new crush(det Special Kitty move over) I loved how he handled Jordan the police shrew. Ugh to think I used to love her.Glad he called her out for the rude bitch she was being. Police depts DO send mentally unstable suspects to the hospital. She acted like she never heard of such a thing. I never understood why with all that was going on she was personally handling Morgan? Most of what he said was before she read him his rights so it wasn't going to be admissible after Diane gets done. I like how super calm he was dealing with Morgan and his hysteria. Plus he is sexy as hell. MEOW! LW was awesome. I did LOL at Sonny almost kissing her at the end of that rant. I really thought they were going to throw down for some sex right in that pool of blood surrounded by GUNS! GUNS! GUNS!.....did you see the GUNS! LOL
  4. Well it could just as easily be Ava's fault b/c she was involved in the whole mess to start with to keep her ass out of prison. I have little sympathy for Ava to start with but she is just as much to blame as Morgan. But I still don't see why Kiki stupidly did what she did. I lay it all at her own feet.
  5. I haven't seen it yet but I seriously don't see how it is Morgan's fault Kiki got shot. 1. She called Michael and he told her he and Carly would handle Morgan. 2. She was mere feet away from Sonny just inside the church. He was way in the back. She could have wheeled him out and gotten him to send armed men to the dock. 3. She is a stupid ass brain dead idiot to run head long into a large group of thugs with guns. Kiki getting shot is all on Kiki's stupid ass not Morgans(stupid ass).
  6. He just googled (or goggled it) on his phone since he had so much free time when he sneaked away from the dock and NO ONE NOTICED! Nevermind that he was supposed to be Paul's primary target in the sting. RME!
  7. Who ever wrote and blocked that dock scene it was a hot mess. Lulu wasn't that unbelievable to me given the cold water and her wearing full clothes plus shoes and a coat. When all that stuff is wet and tangles around you it is all you can do to tread water which is what I saw her trying to do stay above water. I LOL that Nathan and Julian tried to shield their women and Nik was using Hayden as a shield. If Dixon would have pointed that gun at him I'm sure he would have ducked down behind her. heh! My gosh at Morgan's caterwaulin' poor Michael just isn't equipped to deal with the likes of Morgan. Why no one carted him off to the hospital for a thorazine shot is beyond me. He sure didn't need to be at the PCPD. My poor det Special Kitty got shot again because of dumb ass Maxie. I know it was so the logical person to save the day is "unavailable" so Sonny has to step up. That minister was so bad and hurt my ears so I had to ff most of the wedding. Alexis dress might not have been too bad on some 20 yrs younger. I really thought her sheep dog bangs were annoying. Why have they made Jordan so useless? Anna is right behind her stumbling and bumbling too.
  8. [sarcasm] I don't know why haters still got to hate on him. Viewers want someone to call Sonny out and the writers gave it to you. Why you still hatin' on poor Franco he even called himself out?[/sarcasm]
  9. What bothered me more than Joss thinking Sonny being a mob boss is cool is how upsetting it was for Carly. For cripes sake Carly you KNOW this and don't care 99% of the time even when you should. NOW you decide Sonny being in the mob might be a bad influence on your child? You're about 2 children too late. But I'm sure you still want Sonny to get Avery back from Ava. RME!
  10. TJ is probably hiding since you know SEX! He's probably afraid Alexis will cut him.hehe! My husband is a police officer and sorry to say yes it is common to wear a gun everywhere. What is not common is to be talked out of wearing it. Shut up Maxie! I'm telling you the glove is really Nathan's he had a sex change and his name was originally Susan<wink> Ya'll better stop with teasing about the demise of Brad...I couldn't be THAT lucky!
  11. I think we are to believe in TVD world they are a little behind real time b/c some seasons were the same year. So I think the whole purpose of the FF scenes on TVD may have been to do this crossover and catch TVD up to present day. This would be all well and good except Hope was conceived on TVD and she hasn't been aged up 3 yrs so there's that.
  12. I thought Freya was just a mortal witch with a normal extra long life span but when she was with her aunt they would siphon the magic from someone then sleep for like a year and it kept them from aging. Now that her aunt is gone I thought she is just and extra powerful witch who will eventually die like all witches. The bullet just b/c it was a bullet would kill her being white oak is irrelevant.
  13. Another thing that bothered me about Bonnie being called Damon's best friend is in the hunter sword scene Bonnie got all mushy about Damon didn't waiting 3 seconds to save her. She thought it meant she meant more to him now knowing her death would bring Elena back and he didn't hesitate. In reality he thought Elena was dead dead and wouldn't come back so that is why he helped quicker. It makes Bonnie always looking so desperate for this terrible person to care about her. Damon just always expects Bonnie to help him and doesn't seem as desperate for a friend.
  14. I was really getting bored of the drawn out birth scene. I'm glad after the babies were born it was well done. I didn't know one was named for Liz(I only remember Alaric saying Josie's name and asking her to help her sister. I didn't ever catch the other twins name in the FF) so that was a sweet touch. Since the girls are siphons maybe taking them to Klaus has something to do with them getting magic? or I also thought Caroline was going to get help from Klaus and she took the girls b/c as a human Alaric couldn't protect them as well? I like how badass the huntress is but I agree the story is weird. I also thought they were originally in Europe. Where did the Indians who gave her powers come from? I love Damon and yes I'm also a Delana fan I thought IS did a good job showing how happy Damon was Elena didn't die. That said I really dislike how Stefan leaves Caroline to help Damon. Damon NEVER would have left Elena to help Stefan and he would have expected Stefan to understand. I like Enzo and want him to have a story. Loved the Denzo stuff. No matter how much SHOW wants me to believe Bonnie is Damon's best friend it ain't gonna happen. Alaric is ALWAYS and will ALWAYS be Damon's best friend even if they don't get to bro-bond anymore:( Bonnie and Damon have a cute friend/frenemy thing but it does not come anywhere near Delaric. For once this season I'm actually interested to see what happens next week.
  15. I forgot to say I LOL when Kiki was confiding in her mother about Morgan cheating on her again. I kept waiting and was disappointed she didn't say well at least this time it wasn't with my mother. heh!
  16. I really liked Lulu and Dante's scene it showed them as both working towards something. And Lulu did listen to Dante but still got kidnapped. I did think she was a little bitchy to Olivia though. I forgot to say how beautiful Diane looked yesterday and she was a hoot today. I would have really loved the Davis family scenes except NLG was sooooo hammy with the crying are we sure she wasn't drunk? The way Kristina has no boundaries talking about sex reminds me of someone molested as a child. I really liked Sonny and Morgan even if Morgan was a little OTT. It was a nice touch when Sonny almost cried telling Morgan he couldn't live there anymore. The Anna and Paul stuff while intense was so convoluted. Anna was calling him for murdering someone over a traumatic rape when she murdered someone over a dead mobster.....not to mention keeping Faison in a dungeon in Nik's stable for a year made it hard for me to feel sympathetic to what she was saying. I also don't know why they need to keep Sonny out of it. It was like Sonny runs this town and we don't want to mess that up??? Wouldn't this be a good way to catch him too?
  17. Eureka! I've got it! Woozy Nathan is babbling "no Sloan no! don't hurt me like that again" and in his pocket Maxie finds a picture of a young girl with Paul. On the back it says Me & Dad 1984. Nathan is really an imposter who had a sex change and his real name is SUSAN! I think this is the most plausible answer with these writers. heh!
  18. So if Lulu finally decides to move in with her brother. Why is the Metrocourt even needed? Half the town will be living on Spoon Island before we know it. How damn big is this house? We already have Nik & Hayden Count Chocula(who come on has a whole suite of rooms I'm sure not just one) Laura Liz Clark and Andy I'm sure soon DNAJ Now Lulu and Rocco? Next Dillion and Paul will move in to get know long lost baby/monkey/puppy(Susan) better.
  19. Okay this made me LOL b/c it reminded me of that creepy baby/monkey/puppy Monster superbowl commercial hehe!
  20. I don't know enough about GH Cassadine history to participate in the discussion much. Are Alexis and Nik half siblings? And regardless of sense I'm sure if ME will be a long lost Cassadine it will come out in the mysterious reading of Helena's will and it will have something to do with him trumping Nik as heir. What if he is the real Nik and Nik is an imposter/not really Laura's son? I know it would be horrible and TC played teenage Nik and all but I wouldn't put it past these writers. Nevermind ME is too old to be Laura's son unless she was 5 when she had him. heh!
  21. Well it is interesting that Nik was making such a big deal about being nonpulsed about Helena's will b/c he was the oldest MALE Cassadine and therefore everything is HIS. Seems like it would make sense if ME plays an unknown Cassadine that swoops in and takes that title from him. I actually think that would be very funny and hair color aside ME and SN favor. Maybe he is related to Stefan. The Sloan thing is double gross b/c Anna was actively sleeping with a rapist. ick!
  22. I would understand anger months ago, but they have worked through a lot those initial feelings and Lulu is at a point where she has made the decision to actively try to work on she and Dante getting back together. If she still does not value his opinion or input into their son's well being it doesn't bode well for them ever working things out. Holding on to anger over the cheating still then she may as well just not even try to work things out. It wasn't like he was being all neanderthal "my woman will not make an independent decision". He was concerned for the safety of both she and their son due to things he knows from his job about mob wars and gun running on the docks. In other words he was doing something for a valid reason not just because Lulu was making an independent decision. To me if Dante is proven right it just shows that holding onto resentment at the expense of good sense is harmful.
  23. Good point if what ever happens to her happens at this "party" then her living there or not is moot. She does still have a business to run. i just rolled my eyes at the shady way Mr. Roy was acting paying her double and such and she just smiled and shook his hand. In general I have found her business judgement to be pretty suspect but then again I can't stand Johnny so all that Johnny stuff was terrible judgement on her part. That is why I keep shipping her with Andre. She needs therapy and he needs away from that harpy Jordan:P
  24. I have to say i didn't find what Dante did to Lulu all that bad. I actually thought Lulu was being a bull headed shrew. It would be one thing if her husband was a business man or something but he is a detective on the PCPD who investigated mob activity. If he were my husband I'd listen and trust his judgement about THIS subject. I mean just yesterday Lulu her damn self said one of the reasons their marriage wasn't strong is she goes off half cocked and doesn't listen to Dante b/c she doesn't want to do the safe thing she wants to do what she wants to do. And here she goes AGAIN! Dante's sin was poor choice of words. He said I can't LET you live here with Rocco. That set Lulu off b/c she doesn't want to be controlled. I thought Dante did a good job of back tracking and explaining his position but stubborn Lulu had to have her way. I actually felt a little bad for Dante even though it is his own making. He should have more say in his son's well being but he made his bed so this is his own fault. Marriage is supposed to be a partnership but Dante has always had to cater to Lulu's wishes I think b/c of her Spencer genes.Most times Lulu IS wrong. It isn't a male female thing it is a Lulu thing. She just happens to be a woman. So Dante being right just shows that Lulu is so pig headed she can't see reason. I don't find it has so much to do with her being a woman. Her father was often the same way. People had to cater to Luke and his schemes usually caused all sorts of problems. ETA: b/c this is Port Charles not Genoa City- I'm a doof sometimes(no I'm not Morgan or Maxie :P)
  25. yikes that was painful to watch. only scenes I truly liked were Sonny with Avery. Sorry not sorry but they are just so darn cute.=^..^= I like Sonny but even I cringed and shook my head at Michael sucking up to Sonny....eck that was painful. I know Mo can be lazy but DZ was terrible in that scene with Sonny. He could not remember his lines and didn't seem the least to care. Anna and Paul were also painful to watch. No way Anna is this dumb to have a dangerous man alone at her home with no back-up. It was also like asked the worst person for advice day. I think it is a little clunky the way Bryan is playing the bipolar but it is very much in character for people with bipolar to have poor insight and do wild things that get them in deep hot water with family and friends. I just don't get Sonny being so quick to fire Morgan knowing bipolar as well as he does. Yes sex a work is not the best choice but I can't believe Sonny wouldn't just call him out on it get him to admit he isn't on his meds and give him another chance at work.
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