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Everything posted by Cattitude

  1. I think the deal would be more a) Sonny is Avery's FATHER and Kiki has her own issues with being raised without her father whereas Sabrina isn't related to Avery b) Sonny tried to kill Ava but not Avery herself. and c)Michael's whole deal is keeping Avery safe by keeping her away from Sonny, so by that same token a woman who tried to kill Avery and is dating a mob gunman isn't really accomplishing that but is keeping her away from her father which flows back around to a.
  2. Oh I'm right there with you. I do kind of think the last couple of weeks he hasn't been as good until yesterday he was back up to normal. I don't think he's bad (obviously:P) I was being facetious. He was MEOW! sexy in the locker room......wait was someone else there too? LOL
  3. Sonny went to the brownstone after Morgan snitched on Ava to retrieve her. He didn't go there to kill her, but when he got there the baby was already born and gone so she wasn't pregnant anymore. That is why he was going to shoot her but Michael came in and stopped him.
  4. I just mean that it seems obvious Sabrina is meant to be more than the nanny. I think the nanny job is just "forplay" for the romance story;) Oh I know he is calling her his sister now one day in but I highly doubt he'll have her call him Michael her whole life. And it is how he acts with her I know it is irratonal it just creeps me out. And I don't mean to be rude but we don't know if he would have killed her or not since it was his child, so to say he would def have killed her isn't something we can know. I've also heard over and over how if Morgan didn't tow Sonny's line he'd turn on him, yet when he DIDN'T tow Sonny's line by not taking Avery to the island he was totally fine with it. So yah I still chose to believe Sonny wouldn't shoot a pregnant woman.
  5. Here is my issue with both Michael and Sabrina. They aren't that good. I like how Sabrina LET Carlos totally take the wrap for her hiding he and Johnny at her apt. And then we have Michael letting Sabrina think he just won the case. Not good people. While Sonny was going to kill a grown woman who was a murderer herself he wouldn't kill her when she was pregnant. He might have hated Ava with reason and she didn't like him any better, but he wasn't about to harm a baby. So I have no problem with Kiki being spot on about Sabrina. And since Kiki knows the truth I guess Sonny will too. Don't think that will help Michael's case much on appeal, never mind that Sabrina's boyfriend is a mob enforcer. So again how is this safer for Avery? And lastly I just can't get into Sabrina and Michael playing house with someone elses' child. I realize Sonny robbed AJ of fatherhood to Michael, but Carly was his mother and he was technically with his parent. Sonny was just his stepdad that served as his father. It creeps me out a little that Michael is trying to pretend he is Avery's parent. I keep wanting to say "Have your own darn baby if you want one so bad." I used to be netural about Michael, but for some reason he is starting to annoy me.
  6. Wait hold up....was that a mob shoot out in the rain all evil and dark....and and and Sonny was sitting on his couch eating fruit and drinking water? There ya'll go punking me again. I thought Sonny WAS the mob? Who knew an evil mobster could be such a health nut. LOL Is Julian part duck? Everyone else was drippin' and his hair was totally dry. Carly and Jake were really good. That might be the first decent acting I've seen BM get to do on GH. Can someone kill it kill it with fire then run over it and pulverize his bones. ugh! Spinelli! (my huband walked in on he and Sam's scene and said What is that and why is it?)
  7. Thanks for this Turtle b/c come on admit it you were really talking about just me;)
  8. Okay I was trolling over at the Y&R board for some chuckles and I stumbled upon this jem by our very own KerleyQ. It was meant about SBu's character Dullen(which I found ironic), but it brought a tear to my eye b/c it reminded me of my det Special Kitty being o' so Special. I wanted to share it with you. He might be wooden but he is MY very special Log...so to speak;)
  9. Actually it's more like even when he has really really bad hair.;) And who is this model you speak of....hummm? I know you don't mean my secret boyfriend:P And my trick to combat the blues over my UO about many things on the show is to watch before I read here. Then I'm able to put on my hip waders and trudge through, b/c I love the snark and occasionally I even agree with folks. Sometimes I even defend the negative side just for the fun of it. The big thing is not to take it too seriously.
  10. And there it is more T-Shirt fodder. heh!
  11. Except Kiki knows her mother has also used her multiple times and is a murder too. Plus she knows Sonny tried to save her mother. But in the end IF she knew her mother was alive she wouldn't side with Sonny at all. She would chose her mother first, but if her mother isn't alive then Avery's father is who Kiki feels should raise her b/c her mother didn't give her that choice as a child and I think Kiki resents that a little.
  12. I actually have been saying all along it is her projection of her feelings about being kept from her own father that are motivating Kiki. I actually think she said it when she was talking to Franco before KA left. So to me HE is not pulling things out her ass. I truely do get that motivation from what I know of Kiki and what has been shown.
  13. Oh I know he is targeting Sonny, but my big thing is as much as Michael wants to SAY things are safer with him Michael and Avery will always be targets by virtue of being Sonny's children regardless of where they are so it would make Michael's point that she is safer with him moot. And Sabrina did confess the truth to Carlos who works with Julian so he might let the truth slip too.
  14. Of all the lame reasons to get out of prison his was the lamest. He was released due to "lack of evidence" I guess since Ava's body was never found, but I think it might really have been crooked McSloane who let him out.
  15. You two are cracking me up! All I can picture now is Duke, Julian and Carlos doing their version of a dance off, only it involves who's the biggest diva. Kilt and prissy hair- check, turtleneck and testosterone- check, hair of wwwwonder- check! heh! Boes your descriptions of Spinelli always slay me....spot on!
  16. if I thought Michael and Sonny were going to "make-up" anytime soon I'd think that Luke abducting Avery would be what makes it happen. Michael loses Avery to Luke and has to go ask Sonny to help find her. Sonny helps and together they both admit their transgression to eachother and bygones. ...but alas I think it will just ramp up the anger on both sides more instead.
  17. Well I happen to like SK and my first thought was there are 90238279 better pictures of him. I wish there was some way to save Franco and Nina b/c I do think RoHo and MSt have good chemistry but even I'm like ....just let it end at this point.ugh!
  18. Actually this thought hadn't even occurred to me, but could be true. I mean Sabrina lost her job for what she did so there must be some record of it somewhere. That coupled with the fact Luke is roaming loose and Michael seems to care not a whit about the possibility he could harm Avery at the Qs could have some merit for the way Sonny gets her back.
  19. To tell the truth I actually thought it WAS a terrible picture of SK looking slightly deraged with the red cheeks and googlie eyes.
  20. Well Luke will kidnap Avery from Michael's care at the Q house in .5..4..3..2 I know it isn't done even halfway realistically but I do find Sonny does capture bipolar occasionally. Today he was pretty spot on with the depression. Looking all sad faced and not eating. I actually liked the little family time with the game b/c Carly and Morgan know Sonny's issues and it really was sweet Morgan wanted to look out for his dad. Spinelli has reached Levi levels of disgust for me. I really wish he would be Luke Lector's next meal, and that he'd give Luke rabies.
  21. See I think Michael comes across as looking worse for this very reason. It would be more believable if he actually had tried to forge a bond or care about Avery as his sister BEFORE he got pissed that Sonny was pardoned. The thing that makes Michael less rootable to me is that he is trying to take a baby away from not just Sonny but ALL her family. He comes across as spiteful not loving. That is also why I don't think Sonny et al come across as horrible either. They all look like they care about the baby, I mean even Sonny has been shown hands on taking care of her. And while Ava isn't pro-Sonny she isn't being pro-Michael either so I don't think Michael is meant to be seen as sympathetic at all. Now I also think Michael has been given motivation for his point of view so I'm not convinced he is suppose to be seen as the bad guy either. I think as the other characters keep pointing out to him, he is to be seen as "misguided" in his anger. He isn't being evil but he is making an error in judgement.
  22. I hate to keep defending Morgan b/c he's not my fav, but I do think BC is cute with her and even Kiki seemed cute holding her when she was talking to Morgan. I just get no connection with Chad and the baby. It could just be his perma "stank face" though.
  23. So much THIS his "stank face" makes me want to thump his head and I think he has no chemistry with Avery and that is the cutiest baby evah! I think that is why Sonny wasn't holding Avery when Michael got to take her b/c it would be even more apparent how little chemistry he has with her.
  24. Thor hammer that idot to hell where he belongs. Would you rather have Spinelli for your father or Morgan?
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