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While i don't agree Diggle would be happy knowing there's a future out there where he died and SC went to hell i do agree on JD Jr. I don't think it's some random coincidence they gave John Diggle Jr the GA mantle, also don't think they erased baby Sara and brought JD Jr on arrow for nothing. So one way or another i do think JD Jr will eventually be GA and i assume they will connect Diggle wanting the mantle to JD Jr picking it up later, don't think it will be about Oliver training him only. I'm a fan of it, i know some people will scream "but canon" (wrong parents in this case) but look at it this way, at least he wasn't whitewashed.
I actually wasn't and don't think any of the people that were are users on this forum. No one needs to be up in arms about anything regarding Felicity or any other character on arrow because me and others are but just because some are fine with what FS has going on for her in S6 that doesn't give them the right to tell fans that aren't to shut up. Simple as this, there are people cool with FS in S6? fine, if some fans aren't and want to ask more for FS that's no one's business but their own. Don't know if you're on twitter or not but during a big part of S5 there was a constant flow of tweets to the writers about the lack of story line for FS, as soon as people found out about 5x20 that's when the "wait and see" and the shaming of fans into silence started. Since idk if you're on twitter or not or who you follow/see or not maybe i know or see something you don't on a regular basis? Maybe it's more than just a suggestion, maybe this was actually stated by some. FYI i have no problem with people that watch only for Olicity (or any other reason/character) but i would like to have the same courtesy extended to me in return and not get "shaded" because my main reason to watch is Felicity Smoak.
And who exactly is saying a woman that is a mother has no meaning in her life? I find it funny how some people keep doing this thing where they accuse others of being against a FS wife/mom/stepmom when in reality we just want her to be more than that ( not only that) by Felicity Smoak being 1st and foremost what they set up her char up to be and excuse me if some people like to forget on purpose what was said in show and by the eps and Emily herself in interviews, i didn't.
And those are valid concerns from Felicity fans, look i know there are fans that don't care about FS outside of Olicity. As long as she's with Oliver it's fine, ( cool by me we don't all watch for the same), however there are also fans that have been waiting for a long time for FS to accomplish what her character said, in show (this is canon), it was her dream aka helping others/her company. Don't quite understand why the defense of MG, unless you still believe he's the epitome of feminism and would't actually put FS in the kitchen to punish her fans that called him out on twitter, because that's exactly how guys like MG think. The core problem is not the baking, it's her lack of SL in S6
It wasn't, the debate was about the lack of SL for Felicity in S6. Had nothing to do with baking. FYI the rumor about the non existing "cookie/apron gate" was probably spread by the same people that think being a stepmom is a story line and keep telling FS fans to "wait and see" when it comes to her.
So many questions... Why is the kid in the middle of that mess? Shouldn't he be in school or something? Who thought this was a good idea and exactly who wants to watch that wooden actor even more? All of a sudden...Barry! Like you could have had ask for his help before you know? For more important things besides quick transportation mehh BS vs Dinah, Dinah vs BS it's like writers have a bet going on to see which bird can fans hate more oh Paul Blackthorne i'm so sorry you're yet again stuck with this stupidity of a SL, it's almost like arrow writers can't write for shit and have zero ideas And the final blow, so arrow gets this amazing actor on board just so they end up killing him after a stupid arc? Words, what words exactly should i use to express how sorry i am this is where we're at? What can i possible even say anymore to try and excuse or explain these decisions in SLs and season long arcs that make no sense and go nowhere? Do you all remember when we use to think ME and EBR wold share scenes because he was supposed to be her villain? Good times!
Since Roy and Thea suits are allegedly the same i can think of a way to easily fix it and have both in the field with GA and Spartan. Give Thea the red/yellow suit from the comics, Willa always wanted a cape anyway :D
The Starling City Times: News and Media about Arrow
Balaclava replied to Grammaeryn's topic in Arrow
I found that moment pretty cute and funny but you mean to tell me there's a precedent for "terrible impromptu wedding etiquette" in the Arrowverse? ? -
I'm not so sure he never heard of Felicity, i didn't think much of it besides RF trying to scare her or something. Plus there's this.....
It would make so much sense but alas arrow gonna arrow most likely
I think Rene reasons would be understandable but he lost his daughter custody because he screwed up, TA tried to help him a few times in getting her custody back and then he turns around and betrays TA. Sure one can argue his daughter comes first, of course it does, but he could had leave the team first. Seems he tried to have it both ways.
The Bratva arrow did was not even close to the terrible organization they are in real life but you see with that they stayed away from the truly horrific things the Bratva does, human traffic, prostitution, drugs etc I agree, i don't think nazis as bad guys should be off limits but this is the CW and the arrowverse we're talking about here, i'm afraid their sensibility do deal with certain things just isn't the best, you have proof after proof regarding their lack of skills with writing when it comes to serious issues. I'm watching the xover because i like to judge things for myself but i can't tell you i'm not apprehensive about how they're going to deal with it.
I guess i do mind them showing real WW2 footage, sure plenty of films and TV shows have done it but they're using said images for shock value and entertainment, it's not a documentary but a comic book show, there's no educational value to it. Same, i also don't care if EX Oliver and Kara are together however it makes me uncomfortable having to see my fav SH on TV be a nazi because EX or not it's still Oliver's face i'll be looking at.
This right here, i was so pissed at Curtis when he told Felicity the spinal implant was his because it's not. Sure he invented it but since he was working at PT at the time that means it's PT property and by extension Felicity property too (or was) Curtis seemed so bitter when he was talking to Felicity that there was a moment i sort of expect him to tell her to take the implant off and give it back to him, toddler tantrum style :p Regardless, their argument was really dumb, between the loft dig and the name choice the entire premise of their argument seemed really juvenile on his part. Can't decide what's worse Felicity/Curtis argument or both Oliver/Diggle convos,
I'm just glad he isn't directing the wedding :p