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  1. Did I miss the conversation where Jamie tells Claire they should use Malcolm instead of Fraser? I'm really looking forward to Claire meeting LJG.
  2. While reading Outlander in 2013, I went back and forth about finishing the series. I very nearly put it down for good when Jamie spanked Claire. But something kept me going. I found DIA somewhat of a slow read but the beginning was very tantalizing. I raced through Voyager and by then I was committed. lol . Diana does a good job of building in cliff hangers at the end of each book that made it impossible for me to resist the next one. Was anyone else worried that the later books were going to focus on other characters instead of J & C?
  3. I loved Jamie's conversation with Laoghaire's younger daughter. I also look forward to seeing Fergus and Marsali together and Jamie disabusing them of any notion that they'll sleep together before they are married. Claire and Jenny's scenes together were wonderful. When Jenny said, "You could have written us a letter!" you could see how hurt she was. And then in the last scene where they were alone you could see how much Claire was tempted to tell her the whole story because she misses her and loves her like a sister. Very well done.
  4. Regarding Sandy's soliloquy: The fact of the matter is that Frank chose Bree over Sandy. Frank made Claire out to be the 'bad guy' to Sandy. I'm sure I would have been tacky enough to tell her so, but Claire was secure enough that she didn't feel the need to do that.
  5. I read "Matchup" recently. I take it the old man Gellis is with in the short story is the same old man Jamie served as an interpreter for? It's a good collection of stories by some excellent authors.
  6. I'm not sure if this is the place to post this but it made me laugh until tears came, especially the comments about Fixer Upper. http://www.scarymommy.com/hgtv-is-killing-me/?utm_source=crh&utm_campaign=GLP&utm_medium=partner
  7. Here's what I would do in your position. Read the books but don't read ahead of where the TV show is. In other words, read Dragonfly in Amber now, since you've seen Season 2. After Season 3 is complete, pick up Voyager. I find that if I read a book and see a movie or TV show soon after, I'm usually disappointed in the movie because it lacks the detail of the book. If you read the books after you see the TV show, the books will add the details the TV show couldn't provide.
  8. They could make "The Scottish Prisoner" into a Christmas special.
  9. Perhaps Bree and Roger bring more interesting documents and letters back to the Ridge with them in book 9.
  10. It was 1948. She had no family to help her and no job. She was a nurse, but many employers wouldn't have hired a divorced woman. And she promised Jamie that she would go back to Frank so that Bree would have a Mother and a Father. Here's my take on her relationship with Frank: We saw that she was willing to resume a physical relationship with Frank but he rejected her. He wasn't willing to take the chance that they might have worked their way back to what they had prior to her going through the stones. She asked that he be discreet but going to public places, like the movies, with other women isn't being discreet. To me, telling her that he'd seen those movies was a passive/aggressive way of telling her about his affair(s). It would have been easy for him to say, "Sure, let's go see The Searchers", but he chose to humiliate her instead. Also, his telling her he wanted a divorce and wanted to take Bree to England for college was an attempt to take Bree away from her. As a Mother, it would have felt like he was trying to steal her child. I LOVED Jamie's scenes with LJG. Berry is perfect for the role. I really look forward to his scenes with Claire in Jamaica and his scenes with Bree in America. I hope that the timing of Season 3 allows the show to be considered for the Emmys. It should receive several. I'm glad they had Frank's death in this episode so that more time can be spent on the search for Jamie in historical records. I'm enough of a nerd that I found that part of the books fascinating. I look forward to whatever information is imparted in flashbacks. I hope they include more of Claire & Joe's relationship and Jamie at Seal Island. I'm curious about how much time they will devote to Claire's journey to Edinborough from the stones. I can't wait for Sunday!
  11. If i had a view of mountains like that, I probably wouldn't care about anything else.
  12. My ex and I lived in the country for many years. Every husband I knew of who lived in the country thought that was one of the greatest benefits of living in the country. smh
  13. I remember more than one Caribbean Life show where the buyer wanted a concrete block home instead of wood frame. I wonder how they fared against Irma.
  14. HHI Budapest - they honestly expect us to believe they didn't tell their 17-year-old daughter that they were moving there until they got there? Not very believable.
  15. I remember thinking, "Lady, screened in porches exist for a reason - so the mosquitoes won't carry you away!"
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