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Everything posted by Bats27

  1. Well that was kind of crap: -Diaz of all villains isn't defeated and gets away, ugh. He's not interesting or menacing, get rid of him. -Quentin's death was handled really poorly. -NTA gets off scott free for their whiny idiocy this season, while Oliver is the one who suffers. -Oliver's "plan" made no sense, and keeping it from his wife and son was just a douche move. -Etc. So a poor ending to a poor season, how fitting I suppose.
  2. I also REALLY hate this "blood defines you" message that the show seems to be sending. Now if they avoid the urge to turn Lena heel at some point then fair enough. But this attitude that "we must assume the worst, simply because of who her family is, no matter what she does on her own or for how long" is a really toxic message to send to the audience.
  3. I'm completely on Team Lena here honestly. She a woman who's involved in all kinds of charitable/humanitarian endeavors, who builds hospitals for kids, has risked her own life to help out repeatedly before, and who was even willing to go through with Rhea's sham marriage last season just to save a bunch of kid's lives. There's literally NOTHING given so far that points to her being evil. Willing to go further than the other hero's, sure, but that's not the same thing. And if they STILL cannot trust her even now, then some friends they are. Also when the people who are affected by Kryptonite can rip buildings apart like tissue paper, and there have been MULTIPLE evil ones running around in the recent past, AND Superman himself was mind-controlled to attack Kara last season AND this is the only stuff known to hurt them consistently, having some of it around "just in case" is not at all inappropriate. Also Superman got angry when the DEO had Kryptonite and was only pacified when they gave it up. So it's not even a "well Lena's a private citizen," ignoring the fact that there's been nothing stated in-show about Kryptonite being a banned substance that only the government can possess, it's having Kryptonite AT ALL that seems to upset the Super-family. Heck in the comics Superman even gave Batman a piece of kryptonite just in case because he trusted the latter.
  4. So we have yet another "Kara does a complete 180 on her usual personality out of nowhere for the sake of manufactured DRAAAMMAAA." Ugh, and it's extra-lame since you could have done this type of story WITHOUT writing her OOC. Oh well, at least Lena got to reasonably defend herself here. Also the idea that Lena STILL doesn't realize that Kara is SG is ludicrous at this point, it makes her look like a total imbecile for no good reason.
  5. So this was good. Some thoughts: -Thanos was awesome and Josh Brolin gave a really good performance. -Thor was also a highlight. -Dr. Strange and Scarlet Witch had strong showings as well. -I HATED everything that they did with Gamora in this film, it was by far my least favorite element of it. -Starlord is an idiot. -Call me cynical, but I didn't that emotionally invested in the ending. On it's own it's a well-done sequence sure, but it's tempered by knowing already that most of it isn't going to stick (especially with WHO was affected and who was not). -The Black Order was a mixed bag. Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian were cool, Corvus Glaive was meh, and WOW did they nerf Proxima Midnight to a pathetic degree. -Valkyrie needs to show up in the next film. -The post-credit scene was a nice tease. All in all, I give it an 8.5/10 right now.
  6. Can we get a Roy/Thea/Nyssa globe-trotting spinoff show not controlled by MG? Because I'd watch that in a heartbeat.
  7. So let me get this straight, you have a fire-based meta, and Iris (who has no experience using her powers), AND you have a teammate who has the power to literally SHOOT ICE out of her hands, AND you put her on "fire duty," and yet she does nothing (Cisco neither) and Iris just goes in alone? You're kidding me right? I mean I know that this show has struggled to find things for Caitlin/KF to do a lot, but this was ridiculous. What's the point of giving her powers if she barely gets to use them, even in situations where it'd make perfect sense to do so?
  8. Yeah how poorly the whole frame-up/trial plotline was handled REALLY undercuts things here as well. I agree with that.
  9. I see that the show is continuing the trend from Season 2 and 3 of starting out with a potentially cool/interesting villain, only to make them less so as time goes on. Because I'm getting less and less interested in DeVoe by the episode. Also I thought that this season was supposed to be "lighter" and more "fun" than the last two? Because if anything, it's MORE dark and depressing. It's amazing how they continue to underuse Caitlin so much, even with Killer Frost now being on the good side (mostly). And we're also continuing the trend of "make your villain so god-tier powerful and punk out the heroes every time, and then pull a lame/unconvincing Deus ex Machina plot point out of your butt at the last minute to finally win." Stop doing that shows (all of you, not just this one).
  10. Also Amaya's comment that she "needs" Nate=He's the current Vixen's grandfather perhaps?
  11. Constantine/Sara was fun, and it was super-obvious from minute one as well. Constantine needs to at least a recurring character here, make it happen CW. Gideon ships * Sara/Ava it would seem. Heatwave makes for a surprisingly decent captain when necessary. Damian is an even bigger A-hole than I thought.
  12. Yeah Lena going bad after all of this would be a horrible move imo: 1. It'd just be a rehash of Lex's arc from Smallville. 2. It'd just be a rehash of Morgan (Katie's character's) arc from Merlin. 3. It'd just be boring and predictable in-general, especially if her motivation is "you lied to me Kara, so I hate you now." 4. The show has gone out of it's way to show that Lena is a genuinely good person who wants to make up for the damage that her family has done and will even put her own life/well-being on the line to help other people if needed. And the show has pushed this idea that you don't have to be like your family, you don't have to be defined by them or make the same mistakes that they did. You can be your own person and make your own choices. Winn, Mon-el, Kara, and even Maggie kind of all had this. So to then turn around and go "nope, Lena's a Luthor, so she must be evil" would just undermine all of that for no good reason. And as for Alex, the issue for me is less that she got super-emotional and aggressive, I can see her doing that under the right circumstances. No the issue is that they tied into her being sad that her GF left, and that's just not interesting. Plus we've had a bunch of episodes, and the crossover, supposedly dedicated to her moving past that, and yet we're back to her wallowing in it here for some reason, ugh. Now if Alex had been acting this way because her sister had gotten beaten half to death by another WK not too long ago, and they're just a threat in-general, THAT would have been a far more believable motivation for her behavior here imo.
  13. This episode was really bad. It seemed like every character in that show did a complete personality shift out of nowhere and for no reason. Alex got it the worst in this regard.
  14. So far, I really like Tobias as a villain. He's really good at being menacing while having a certain style to him. Which is why it was interesting to see him seemingly scared of Lady Eve, or at least VERY deferential/respectful towards her.
  15. OK I want to know more about Tobias's creepy female enforcer. There seemed like there might be more to her before, but Lady Eve's comments here just made me more intrigued. And speaking of Lady Eve, Jill Scott is really good a being polite yet menacing at the same time.
  16. My guess is that they haven't decided what Earth this show is set on yet. So either Supergirl might just be a comic book character here (they've referenced Marvel heroes on the CW shows before after all), or perhaps the two shows are on the same Earth, OR it's a different Supergirl.
  17. I'm still not buying that Lena hasn't figured out that Kara is Supergirl. Enough of that already show. Cat Grant figured it out on her own, and she also figured out that James was Guardian just by seeing his eyes through his helmet slit. And Maggie figured it out on her own as well. Also NO WAY that that coerced confession would hold up in court.
  18. These shows don't do legal stuff well. Oliver's trial, Moira Queen's trial (and Laurel being assigned to it despite a MASSIVE conflict of interest), this, etc. They all come across as ridiculously contrived and forced. And anyone who watches five seconds of Law & Order or CSI could figure that out. Honestly Barry getting arrested at all was contrived (I still don't buy that he couldn't have gotten himself out of that situation), and this is even worse unfortunately. And the fact that they don't even bring up the whole "I'm a CSI, why the heck would I kill someone in the most obvious way possible and implicate myself" thing at all is the most contrived of all. Also if Barry is the worst criminal that this judge has ever seen, and that murder was the worst that he's ever seen as well, then that judge must not have seen a lot of murder cases.
  19. The problem with Magneto and Lorna's methods is simple. It makes it SO MUCH easier to paint them as the villains. And given that the humans still have many more people, and they have ways to kill and/or contain mutants already, I don't foresee this going well. Heck the DOFP movie die a really good job of emphasizing this fact with Magneto giving his "mutants rule, humans suck" speech, and paralleling that with the mutants in the future (including his older self) getting brutally slaughtered by the Sentinels (thus showing where his way will ultimately lead to, everyone dying on both sides). Yeah I think that things are going to get much worse in Season 2.
  20. That's been the issue with Magneto and The Brotherhood, you can understand their motivations most of the time. However, often their methods just make it EASIER for their enemies to paint all mutants as "evil violent monsters" and use it as justification for more persecution. Also it tends to turn public opinion as well. I suspect that similar things will happen here as well.
  21. -The fight between SG and Reign was cool. -Still not a fan of Reign's current look. At least give her the pale skin/red hair. -The "best friends" line, which I interpreted to mean FEMALE friends, was still pretty forced (as is Sam's inclusion). Well the second one isn't so much "forced" per se as it is "rushed." I could buy it, but they simply haven't spent enough time including her in things for it to be believable right now. But the writers often "forget" about past continuity when they want to push some new plot-line, and this is no exception. -I'm surprisingly liking Imra right now, but her and Mon-el do come across as fairly tone deaf and insensitive when it comes to Kara's feelings. More so him than her, since he should know better by now. Also I doubt that fans of the LOSH will be pleased with the show's take on their origins. -Speaking of Kara's feelings, I do feel like this episode regressed her feelings from the crossover. She's back to being mopey.
  22. Evil Nazis Quentin Lance actually came across as the most despicable of all imo. When he:
  23. I actually surprisingly found the relationship between DaVoe and his wife, kind of sweet. It seems like they genuinely care for each other (despite both being rather messed up in the head).
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