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Everything posted by Sai

  1. I fucken hate Rinna. I fucken hate Erika. I can't even watch them. It's a damn shame too because this is my favorite housewives franchise and they are just ruining it for me.
  2. I agree. I've been saying this forever. I thought Lala's outfit looked the best. I liked it a lot.
  3. That's weird because I was thinking the same thing. Then I thought that cats are different than dogs. They usually hide if there are a lot of strange people around so it would probably be hard to catch one on film even if any of the housewives do have a cat. Right? Maybe?
  4. I liked James and Jax getting along tonight. I also liked the interview with the two guys in the kitchen, lol.
  5. I like Dorit but she made a big mistake that I don't think I've ever seen another housewife do. She wore the same outfit twice! And it wasn't even a good outfit. It was that ugly sweatsuit with holes all over it.
  6. OMG, I cracked up when Mauricio kept joking that something was wrong with Kyle's body and she laughed and told him if he said that one more time there was gonna be something wrong with his body. I really laughed out loud. That's the same kind of banter my husband and I have with each other.
  7. What a shitty ass apology Erika gave to Eileen after the horrible way she spoke to her. Eileen just accepts it? Just like that? Yet she made LVP apologize a zillion times and still didn't accept her apology. That's bull. LisaR sickens me. She didn't even have any remorse the next day. She's a terrible person. I can't even watch her anymore. I'm so happy that those dogs were saved. I was surprised at all the puppies and that a bunch of the dogs looked like pure breds. Poor things. I hope they all get good homes.
  8. I wouldn't because I don't even know how, lol. Just saying that you absolutely could fill 10 pages of her doing stupid shit.
  9. I like Stassi also. I enjoyed the chat between her and Ariana. I hope they become friends. Ariana was really laughing when they were talking about murder. I've never seen her laugh like that before. They have enough in common to be good friends and their personalities are different enough to balance each other out.
  10. You could fill up 10 pages on this thread with gifs of her doing stupid, mean shit. I say BYE!!
  11. I came on here to post the exact same thing. Copycat. Looks like Erika wants to be Dorit. Ha!!
  12. There have been housewives that I've hated put Rinna takes the cake. She's disgusting. I despise her.
  13. Very interesting. I could tell she was smart. When the other women try to go at her she always keeps her head together and has great responses.
  14. Yup, if they are saying that Dorit said Rinna is addicted to pills. She never said that. And please, these ho-wives have been called much worse. My take on Erika being a lying bitchy sniper stands...even though those weren't my exact words.
  15. I think Erika is Rinna's sixth sense and the sixth sense was not truthful. Now with Dorit asking who told Rinna, Erika is starting to sweat because she knows she's the one and that she lied about how the conversation really went down so she's jumping into the conversation, deflecting and trying to make Dorit look bad so she herself doesn't get busted. She's the sniper from the side. A bitch too, if you ask me.
  16. I wish Camille went to Hong Kong. That girl would have slayed it and put Erika and her glam squad to shame. Camille has great style.
  17. It is part of this season. I'm trying to figure out who that is that Dorinda is talking to.
  18. Bart Simpson voice. HA!!! Why does she have to try so hard for a story line anyway? Because she's ass boring, that's why. If you think about it, Kyle and LVP don't really have much of a story line either but they are interesting to watch. Their family, their pets, their closets (lol), just their everyday lives in general. I really enjoy watching those two in their day to day lives even when nothing much is really going on.
  19. Woodbridge is right next to me. My parents were both from Croatia and English was not the first language I spoke so even Connecticut people tell me I have an accent, lol.
  20. We do. At least to other people we do. I'm from CT also. My whole life. Beacon Falls. Small town. I also replace all my T's with D's. I never noticed it until Editorgrrl mentioned it. Then I sat here saying all those words and by golly there it is!
  21. Erika looked like she had on a housecoat and beer cans in her hair to curl her hair. Real classy there, girl. The trailer park called and want their glam squad back.
  22. Oh. You did say LR's dog. I thought you meant LVP's dogs. Yes, you are right! I totally feel that LR is trying to force her dog on us. She knows that Kyle's dogs and LVP's dogs get a lot of love from the viewers and she wants the same. She's such an attention whore. Ugh.
  23. I don't know, I thought it was really cute when Lisa's doggie jumped in the limo with her and wouldn't get out. That made me laugh.
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