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Everything posted by Sai

  1. FInally a good episode!! I believe Vicki wasn't feeling well and I don't think she was just looking for sympathy. She looked terrible but when they were putting her in the ambulance she kept saying she was fine, she'll be okay. Someone looking for sympathy doesn't say that. I don't know what was wrong with Vicki but I had one panic attack in my life. My heart was beating out of my chest. I thought I was having a heart attack. I've never been so scared. When your heart starts doing weird things it's scary! I can't even believe I'm liking Kelly. She was funny and I'm sooo glad she wouldn't take any crap from Peggy. Peggy is all kinds of annoying and very strange. If someone told me they were going to have their husband call my husband I would have laughed my ass off and said go ahead! WTF! Shannon is a clinger. Why couldn't she let Tamra and Vicki make up? I bet she was the same way with David and his Mom. She doesn't like David's Mom and I'm betting she was doing the same thing but that's David's Mother and he can't just completely cut her out. Just a guess but it sounds about right after what I saw yesterday.
  2. Melissa needs to stay away from sweets. First there was the sprinkle cookie scandal and now the cake. Desserts are not her friend. Speaking of desserts, Delores does not look like she owns two gyms.
  3. I cried in the first episode and now the second one. I lost both my parents so I feel the pain. So sad. The beach ceremony was beautiful. I'm enjoying Danielle and Pigtail girl. Soggy!! LOL! Spot on! SHUT UP SOGGY. She's insane and nothing she was saying made any sense. Did she take some Jacqueline pills? Cripes. If I was a customer in a restaurant and loud mouth Siggy walked in screaming and shouting and making a spectacle of herself like she did at the first dinner I would have rolled my eyes and would not have been able to enjoy my dinner. If I was a customer in the second restaurant and saw the cake tossing at a birthday celebration I would have laughed and enjoyed watching people having a good time. Siggy is WAY too full of herself.
  4. I haven't been a fan of Peggy and Lydia but I really liked them this episode for putting Shannon in her place. I can't stand Shannon and they feel the same way about her that I do....needy, selfish, always has to be about her and bat crap crazy. It was pathetic the way she was trying so hard not to let Tamra and Vicki talk and try to work things out. Tamra is a grown ass woman and has been friends with Vicki for a lot longer than she was with Shannon. If she wants to discuss things with Vicki who the hell is Shannon to try so hard and stop it. Meghan is boring. I don't care to see her scenes where she baby talks to her kid and dog. It's annoying.
  5. Cripes, for years people have been complaining about PR only having zero sized model so they decide to shake things up and throw plus sized models in and now people are crying ageism. Some people are just never happy. The show is called Project RUNWAY because they are designing for the Runway. You don't see any old bags walking the runway in real life so why should they on the show? If they did, I wouldn't be interested in watching.
  6. I think because Lu and the Count were married and had children.. Carol wasn't married to Adam or Russ.
  7. Then I guess you have no respect for me either. Oh well. I don't like Hillary at all but I'm not gonna judge anyone who voted for her. We live in a Democracy and we should be able to vote for whoever we want without fear. Name calling and holding judgement against the Trump voters makes the Hillary supporter look worse than Trump, IMO. Ooooh, I didn't get my way so whoever voted the other way is trash and are dead to me and get none of my respect even if they just donated their kidney to a total stranger they are still trash because they didn't vote my way....boo hoo........wah. Whatever, I'm not gonna talk about this anymore. Anyway, I thought Bethenny was dating Dennis during filming. She talked about dating him and he came to event where she spoke. I'm confused.
  8. And she told Luann to call it what it was and they were saying, apartment, condo and I'm pretty sure Tinsley said "hole". I gasped and then laughed but it seemed like no one heard her. So now on this board the housewives who may or may not have voted for Trump are being called names by some of the posters. I voted for Trump and if anyone here wants to call me trash or whatever...go for it. It's petty, stupid, immature and makes the person name calling look way worse than someone who voted for who they believed in. I liked all the housewives this season and I don't give a rat's ass who they voted for.
  9. I'm sad that this season is coming to an end. I really enjoyed it. It was like watching a sitcom every week. I laughed so much every episode. I hope they bring back the exact same cast next year. It really worked for them this season.
  10. It was absolutely hysterical! Luann didn't get hurt so some people need to stop being so "uncool". Most people have had drunk nights and stupid crap happens and you laugh about for years just remembering it. Good times!
  11. I remember reading that the NY housewives were boring this season and they didn't even have enough good materiel to make a full season worth of episodes. Are you kidding me. Are you kidding me!! (TM...Ramona, lol) I've never enjoyed a season of any housewives franchise more than this one. These girls are bringing it! I have never laughed so hard watching these shows as I have for this season's NY housewives. Hysterical!
  12. I'm totally with you on this. I think Ramona and Sonja are a trip!
  13. The New York Housewives are pure gold! Each and every one of them. I'm just watching it now and I am cracking up over here! They can never ever change this cast.
  14. She also slouches. I don't like that in man or woman.
  15. I can see why Tamra would pull away from Brianna. Tamra's had some serious stuff with her daughter. I feel like even though she's upset with Vicki that she doesn't want to be the one to drive a wedge between Mother and Daughter because she knows exactly how terrible it feels. But you're right, she definitely should have explained herself to Brianna. I'm sure Brianna would have understood.
  16. My parents were born in Croatia and when I saw the way Adam was acting on the beautiful streets of Dubrovnik I wanted to punch him in his face, I actually yelled at the tv...."show some respect!!". What an ass! I liked the watching the Croatian singers. I could understand what they were singing. My parents used to listen to Croatian music all the time so it brought back a lot of memories. I don't care if Lauren was being messy. I'm damn glad she squealed on Malia. Malia's games have been going on long enough and it' about time she got busted. Right now only Adam knows what is really going on. Wes is still clueless and I need him to find out that Malia and Adam hooked up before the cruise and I need Wes to find out about the lovey dovey texts she sending to Adam the very same night she was making out with Wes. I was getting bored and irritated watching her play these two men so I'm glad some of the truth came out. I can't wait for it all to come out so I can watch it all explode in her face.
  17. I never watched that show but from what I saw tonight she seems like a spoiled brat.
  18. Yup. I try and eat healthy but I don't force my habits on my husband. Just a while ago I made spinach and egg white muffin cups to snack on in between meals. He did try one once and didn't like it. Think I would ever force him to eat them? No way. He eats pretty healthy on his own anyway and David looks like he takes care of himself as well.
  19. I like Vicki also. I don't adore her but I do like her. She's funny.
  20. Vicki and Shannon were friends at the time. Vicki was promoting her friend's friend's business. It was a nice thing to do. All Shannon does now is bash Vicki so why should Vicki continue to say nice things about her or her quacky friend. And I don't know why Shannon got so upset with Lydia. Her and Vicki ARE alike. Both super needy. At least Vicki can be funny and entertaining to watch at times. All Shannon does is mope constantly about EVERYTHING! Next week Kelly tells Shannon to keep eating and then Shannon basically throws a plate at her....Kelly walks away and all Shannon keeps saying is that wasn't her plate of food. Why does she find it necessary to keep saying that wasn't her plate? It made me laugh but in a pathetic kind of way. And let me tell you, if I was sitting next to her and she grabbed my plate of food to toss at someone I would be ticked!
  21. We saw a minute preview of Shep's new show and it is already being talked about more on this thread than the actual reunion. Ugh. I've always thought Katherine was very good looking but even I gotta admit that her hair looked terrible. I didn't even mind the dress but that hair!
  22. Shannon is bat crap crazy. I can't stand Kelly and I'm more than happy to have someone tell her off but the way Shannon goes at it next week is going to make her look just as nuts as Kelly.
  23. I was away and didn't even realize the show was back. I just watched the first episode and haven't yet read past the first page here. Right now I have to say that Shannon needs to get invisible fence in the back yard. The dog running towards the busy road scared the crap out of me. And why in the world was she picking up dog poop with a towel?! Gross! Use a dog baggie!
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