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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. ⚡Brandi♋ wants accolades and deference and... Attention Brandi, You want... You believe that you deserve... Well, Brandi, welcome to the world of humanity. ALL of the shimmying, shaking, and prancing won't make you not in your 40s. You can't go (home) '25' again. Be happy, if you want to live, you will age. THAT is an undeniable Matter of Fact. You are physically healthy, your precious children are healthy, their father is physically healthy. And, by MOST accounts of the citizenry of THIS WORLD, you possess (and have been presented access to/opportunity for) financial benefits enough to well provide the necessities and the 'necessaries' for yourself and your kids. You have quite enough to enjoy leisurely and pleasurable pursuits for yourself and family. More than most, and enough for many. So, be thankful. Be grateful. And, Shut. The. Hell. Up. Emphatically Sick and Tired of yo' ass, a PTV Poster
  2. My above ⤴POST is in reference to Brandi's 'prose' and comments in her dimwitwitter account indicated below⤵ MY POST in Zoeysmom's QUOTE.~
  3. Open, honest, direct sex EDUCATION conversations with your child(ren) are important IMO. However, compiling a list of questions for your child to ASK his date that include "are you a virgin" is a bit psychologically disturbing, and intellectually underwhelming. Brandi, once again, fails to grasp the obvious, and starts to rant on a tangential point -- The Importance of Sex Education and Preteens. The flurry of comments expressing distaste is due to Brandi listing the question, "Are you a Virgin?", as one for HER child to INITIATE the QUERYING during the date. It does NOT have to do with Brandi teaching her child about sex. Nor, does it have to do with that topic organically flowing from the the duo's (the children) private conversations. SHUT. THE. HELL. UP., Brandi! The criticisms(or compliments) that Brandi invites are solely due to her placing PERSONAL 'bizness' in PUBLIC formatting. If you want dissenting opinions to disengage from your social media whatevers then refrain from disseminating in public 'venues'. " If you got some business then make it your business to mind your business", or others will. I realize that there exists no explicit decorum for Fame'ho'ing Imbeciles. Yet, what about implicit dignity(?). Brandi is not cute, hip, 'with it', or cool. She's just harsh, grating, oddly devoid of critical thinking skills, and enervating. ~
  4. The shows simply can't exist much longer in their current form. True reality has waned. It's just screamin', hollerin', and lyin'. Acting to fit the script, storyline, or whatever it's called. Talentless, unwanted acting is what we eventually get. All in all, cheap, somewhat morbid soap operas. And, it's boring and pitifully depressing.
  5. When Tamra lobbed her alcoholic beverage in Jeanna's face at the finale 'way back when', did that act garner a similar level of shock and disgust as Brandi blithely tossing her 'spit de vino' in Eileen's face?
  6. *Does anyone think that Meghan dyed her goldiLOCKS brown and 'got' breast implants due to the traffic of discussion about her looks?
  7. Vicki did not initiate her insinuation into Tamra's marriage. Tamra
  8. The 'gurls' have been bestial in their (enjoyment of the) verbal attacks. Their words ferociously ripping into Vicki's botoxed and surgically altered flesh. Gouts of mendacity and narcissism spraying, splattering, and spattering. Noticeably, Vicki hasn't trundled about obliviously. Darting and dodging her way through a snarl of invectives, Vicki's shrill shrieking and wobbly whispers evidence that truth. Her startled and discomfited expression and manner pantomime that truth. Yes, it is mortifying to be held up to scorn and scandal. But, life on a REALity show often precludes normal outrage as that life, ironically, cedes to edited short-stories and twisted tales based on abject lies, half-truths, and omissions. 'Operation' Brooks is a 'mass' of conjecture, lies, retaliation, vindictiveness hypocrisy, and plain sorry-ass 'retchedness. Brooks may possess a loathsome ability to enchant a particular sort of woman, but so do many men. However, Vicki wished to be compelled. Is Brooks an out and out bounder? Is Brooks a deadbeating ruffian? Have Brooks' oddish actions proved baleful? That is a surety for some, and up for speculation with others. Vicki is an egoist--she over personalizes and deliberately 'misinterprets' the real events in her life. In the end, The OG of The OC (and ALL Ho'wives) must realize that life is not 'all about The REALiTEA', but reality. ~{P.S. : please, Andy, *More LEVITY...More BREVITY(?)}
  9. With Babbling Brooks gone, hopefully, that is the finale of these women's obsession with their Bamboozling Brooks saga. At Brooks' initial presentation, his behavior was unctuous. His ploy obvious. However, no actual danger appeared to be afoot. Vicki simply wanted him--urgently. Perhaps, she holds a fetish for wayward men. Who knows(?). Earlier, the others may have believed that Brooks was mad, bad, and not so good to know. But, it wasn't their business. Certainly, not at that time. And, now, IS Brooks "mad, bad, and DANGEROUS to know"? Um, I guess that decision may be based on perspective, partially.Nonetheless, it is time to relinquish the hypocritical reins of accusations, and let. it. go. Please. Geez
  10. One of the reasons that Tyra frankly lies and adheres to the " I am a Harvard business school graduate" is the hope that The Lie eventually will wend its way into her OFFICIAL biography. She hopes that, over time, the constant lying and erroneous information becomes so entangled with The Truth that laziness will prohibit discerning accurate information . And, voila! Tyra IS a Harvard business school graduate. ~
  11. ✔Coming Soon: Enshrouded in shadowed cloaks, The Unknown One rasps in Latin, "The Dark Ones(Tamra and Vicki) have arisen. Soon, your souls will be offered to the Great Beast(Andy)".
  12. Tamra has multiple degrees in Fiendish Falsehoods. And, WireWrap you are correct(ABOVE). Previously, Tamra and Vicki were one another's staunch back-up in their practice of enmity and perfidy. So, I guess, then 'Bad girl, bad girl. Watcha gonna do...' ~
  13. Yes, he did. I believe that the reasoning was 'wrapped up in' his fight with his own cancer... John Edwards did not leave his wife at the onset. He did have a tawdry affair leading to a daughter. His poor WIFE decided that she wanted The Separation. And, well...
  14. Per the NAKED WASTED episode, Gretchen was goodly inebriated, but not naked wasted despite Tamra's sinister attempts. However, one of the stranger scenarios occurred when Gretchen, Tamra, and Ryan were grouped outside of the Barney home. Ryan was delivering a few sleazy compliments to Gretchen. One of the sleaziments referenced Gretchen as The Hottest Housewife. Then, ugh, Tamra hung her head, pouted, and bemoaned Ryan's belief that he no longer considered Tamra, HIS MOTHER(!), the hottest of the OC housewives. Gretchen then (haha!) declared the interlude betwixt Ryan and Tamra to be weird as Ryan weakly placated his dear ole mum. Fellow Posters, THAT was not acting. THAT was ONE of the weirdest, skin-'crawlingest', 'oh shit!' moments that I have EVER witnessed. Amazing. ~
  15. I earnestly hope that Vicki is not the only Ho'wife to be roasted amidst the flames of hypocrisy and lies.
  16. And, the public is to believe that 'Juicy' has never discussed prison life with anyone UNTIL the cameras just happened to capture THIS particular moment.
  17. *P.S.: It must be pointed out that Tamra's victims Do Not COMMENCE wrongdoings against her.
  18. Furthermore, on the actual program, Tamra MAY allow herself to be a bit buzzed, periodically. However, she does NOT allow herself to become drunk. There is too much to cunningly manipulate. Now, sometimes, she feigns inebriation in furtherance of the initiation or the completion of her malicious goals. But, the "I was drunk, therefore I..." is not applicable in her chicanery(ies).
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