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  1. One thing that Kody has repeatedly said over the years (esp since the Covid rift with Janelle's boys) is that his kids are ADULTS and, essentially, should magically become financially and emotionally dependent and capable as fully developed humans as soon as they hit the age of 18. First of all, any of us with kids knows that that does NOT happen; and even if it did, they are our children and we (as emotionally mature adults) don't cease to care or feel invested in their lives. Kody has this image in his mind of his kids as little children flocking around him and adoring him unconditionally; then when they become of age they split off and become responsible adults- who still want to circle around with every holiday, live in the same geographical area and adhere to every religious and moral principle he spouts (yet doesn't follow). Robyn kept saying "they're KIDS;" to which he answered "they're adults!!" Both can be true. My kids are all in their 30s and they are, well- my kids! And if one of them needs something, or is having a hard time, I want to be there for them. ETA: One of the reasons one of Janelle's boys (Gabe maybe?) wanted to continue to live with her was because he was attending school and working. If any normal parent's 18/19 year old asked to live with Mom for those reasons, it would be fine. It's not like they just wanted to eat her food and play video games in her basement.
  2. And let's not forget, he has fallen from high status in his "church" (which he has stated he has separated himself from) by having enough wives to guarantee a very pious Heavenly status. His high points (as depicted on the series) were when he would dance like a maniac (usually at family parties or weddings), run around the yard (Vegas, when they bought the lots), swim half naked in the "pond" on Coyote Pass, etc. He loves being the center of attention, even when he is acting the fool. Now he is a defeated, deflated, admittedly angry man who is rapidly heading to his 60s with all of the phony adoration stripped away. The Emporer has no clothes.
  3. I haven't been here in a while so forgive me if I'm bringing up an already-discussed topic: I NEED to know where I can get a "SEXSI" pendant like Angie's! Also, I'm fascinated by how her mouth can barely move around her new dentures and her lip fillers/botox. How annoying must that be?!
  4. perhaps BrookS MarkS designed the dresses...
  5. I thought it was "Donald Trump tan."
  6. Is it just me, or does anyone despise Monica's mannerisms and especially those "snatchy" hand movements she makes when she talks? Combined with her completely dismissive attitude when being confronted, she is just insufferable to me. Anyone who would behave as she does, who has children at vulnerable ages (isn't the oldest one an early teen?) is absolutely despicable in my eyes. Blathering on and on about f$&#*king her brother in law; airing her totally dysfunctional relationship with her mother (or fabricating it-who knows which?); causing a scene at every get-together with her "friends"; crying her crocodile tears in Bermuda regarding her family; working for/with Jen Shah- who exploited hundreds of unknowing seniors... she would sell her soul to the devil for a moment of fame or a few bucks. Disgusting. On another note, I cannot stand the current hair "style" trend which is heavily dyed "curtains" of hair just hanging limply on the sides of their faces.
  7. There was a scene a season or two back, where Christine and Kody have a talk at Coyote Pass and she clams up and walks away saying the conversation was "not safe" when Kody mentions moving back to Utah and seeing her father- can anyone give context?
  8. And while it's a great thing for all of the OG3, it's what the rest of us call "living your life," and really is not great TV fodder. Laughed and laughed at Kody's realization that Janelle couldn't care less about his opinion about her new digs and that she is fully aware he really doesn't care much about her either. The stilted conversation "wow. Your countertops are two different colors. Wonder why?" "the sink is deeper here." "They are ok with me hanging art." Zzzzzzzz. Noticed that Janelle said Kody asked her if he could see the new place and Kody says "I don't know why Janelle invited me over here..." And his oh-so-sad realization that he won't be washing any dishes over there. Poor, poor Kody. I really don't need to hear Christine go on and on about how much she LOVES being single. Her breathy flashbacks about pining for Utah ("we can be hooome. We can be hooome..." Meri needs story lines so we are supposed to be enthralled by her designer pal (she vets her online relationships VERY carefully, y'all), her rabid hate of white countertops and "circles," and silly Jen, ever present for every burp and fart in Meri's life- which, she points out- she is NOT sharing with other family members because none of them care. And the tree metaphor- so deep. Robyn is sad they weren't invited to Christine's party? Robyn wishes she and Meri had a "lighter" relationship? Really Robyn? Are we supposed to buy any of that? Reality TV seems to rely heavily on a few things of late: many, many flashbacks; random stock scenery of the towns the participants live in; and lots of stupid parties. Honestly, not every event in one's life needs a themed party. This is getting to be to Housewives level- 50s party, white party, themed dinners, vow renewals, etc etc etc. I don't know anyone who lives like that. I'm exhausted by proxy.
  9. Well, she was never legally married, and so if she doesn't believe in polygamy, she is single. You can't divorce if you weren't ever married.
  10. I'm curious as to why people always assume someone is on Ozempic if they've lost weight. I know people who take it; they don't have "fried hair" and are doing well after struggling for years to lose. And from what I've read recently, there are benefits to the drug. Anyway, I think Ozempic has become the latest "demon" that people are accusing others of abusing/overusing to the extent that it excludes those who "reallly" need it from getting it. Mykelti has had two pregnancies- one a multiple- and could very well have lost the "natural" way.
  11. But we have seen this coming for the past several years. Was it last year- the year before-? Not sure, the Brown timeline seems to wrinkle constantly- but there was an anniversary where Meri and Kody went for the ride and sat on the black "murder tarp" by the highway and ate Rice Krispie treats where he was cold and distant and even recoiled in the car at the mention of a hug or kiss. He told her when she announced moving her "boutique" to Parawan that he was great with that (and told *us*- "yeah, I thought she was movin' on. Nothing really left here for her.") He has shrugged nonchalantly while saying he isn't attracted to her; he basically has no marriage with her; he rarely sees her (she admits this, too). So we have all been cringingly embarrassed for her when she asserts "I'm not goin' anywhere. I'm in this marriage to make it work." Yes, good for Meri that she sees the writing on the wall. But deep down she must know that ever since she was tempted to leave with "Sam" and she and Kody have no more of a marriage than I do with my local postal worker, it's been over a long time. Thankfully we see no scenes of the giddy girlfriendship of Meri and Jen this week. Sadly, we get to watch Christine sigh as she tells us (usually repeating each point twice) that Kody was a lousy husband, that she is so happy being single; and we watch her squeal with delight (TWICE!) over the impending twins' birth. How funny that Tony wanted to know if both of them were his! (Honestly, I bet that really was a serious thought he had). And not to be unkind about a minor, but I am wondering about her comments about Truely- is she perhaps special needs? Just the emphasis on her "getting all the support she needs" and being treated gently for the first time in her life in SLC made me think that she is a little more fragile than has been shown in the past. Replaying the Kody/bike scene made me uncomfortable. I really dislike seeing kids being pushed to do things they aren't ready for. And Kody's comment, "there's no crying in baseball!" followed by Truely saying (so heartbreakingly) "this isn't baseball!" was just sad. I'm surprised Kody and Maddy have fallen out- he loves Caleb so I'm sure that's a real knife in his kidneys. But as others have said, all it takes is a phone call to start to heal ("hill"). Kody's pride has completely undone him. He justifies his break with his adult children by conflating love with "respect;" and justifies alienating them with "they're adults; they need to move on now." Those of us with adult children know that maturing and becoming independent does not mean cutting off a relationship with parents. And let's not forget- he has 3 adult children living in his home right now.
  12. agreed- but Jasmine spends $10k of THEIR money without consulting him? This marriage certainly is well-rooted in trust and transparency (sarcasm). At least she has butt plugs and a nurse costume to keep them entertained while they are home without food and unable to pay the bills (sarcasm). Did we really need to see the damn sex toys? This show can't stoop any lower. Nicki is already doing what every American woman does who goes to a conservative country: "You aren't going to hide me! I can act any way I want because I'm a LIBERATED AMERICAN WOMAN, dammit!" Justin (Igor) is obviously nervous about her impression on others and how it will all be received. And honestly, she is so alarming looking to me- trans or not- that there will surely be a lot of stares. Her eyes seem like they were pulled up way too high on her forehead and it looks like her nose was seriously botched (lots of scarring at the tip). But hey, she herself says she is gorgeous so... I am from Rochester and I am LIVING for the upstate NY accents. It's hilarious to me. I haven't been there in decades so I don't recognize any of the places they have gone to. Failing thus far to understand what the draw of this guy was, though. He looks bored to tears and not terribly interested in American culture, food, or what's-her-name's dog/profession ("I'm witchy!")/apartment.
  13. Robyn was. She was a single, divorced mother of 3; in debt; living in a mobile home; and she found a "cute" (questionable) guy who had 3 wives to help raise her kids, seemed to have money and was on TV! Jackpot! And she considered herself miles ahead in cuteness, youth and desirability! The timeline this week had me reeling. So a few episodes ago there was a Christmas tree in Janelle's apartment and they fought and she told Kody to f--- off. Next, we had Janelle's birthday, which was a couple months later and she hadn't seen him since the fight. Then it's Christine's ex-anniversary party and after that, it's Easter and Janelle hasn't seen Kody in two weeks (since her birthday?). And then we're talking about the holidays again? I can't keep up with any of it. I also saw that when they were showing the "Easter" scenes, the intro footage was of Flagstaff with bright yellow fall leaves on the trees. It's like everyone, including Production, has given up at this point. I guess we're supposed to just be charmed my the Meri and Jen antics, but I don't care about their sexual inuendos or how Jen's husband is more of a mate to Meri than Kody ever was. The silliness seems forced and unnecessary. On a more superficial/snarky note, I wonder why Meri hasn't used her "boutique" proceeds (c'mon now; it's a bunch of legging inventory) to cap her front tooth. It is so distracting.
  14. But then Kody said, "I don't celebrate Easter; I celebrate the resurrection of Jesus." Which IS EASTER! He just doesn't give a shit anymore what he says or even if it makes sense. He openly admits he only loves Robyn; he completely disrespects the rest of the family on camera; he name-calls and scowls and blusters. He has no self-awareness whatsoever and doesn't care how he comes across. At all. Meanwhile Robyn: "well, I told Kody that comin' back to my house to get the kids to school would cause problems, but he wanted to..." She really is havin' trouble defendin' herself at this point and the obvious favoritism that has been going on for years. I like Janelle, and I do understand that her faith (whatever that entails) has given her some conscience regarding leaving her "spiritual marriage"- but she does see that any concept of marriage, by any church or authority, has been so badly breached at this point that it's irreparable. Maybe she's just waiting for Savanah to finish high school so she can make her break. I cringed watching her pick her way down the basement steps in the "short-term rental" for her private talk with Christine. Wearing white socks and flip flops. I was just waiting for her to fall. I don't understand how Robyn can insist that she and Meri are close and she needs Meri around when they have to make some elaborate play date commitment to spend time together in the same town. And then Meri tells us that she was not contacted at all regarding Easter or getting together for the holiday. If you really are "family" then you don't need to pencil each other in every few months to get together. And Ariella didn't even know if Meri has a dog or not? Seems to me it's more like a biannual visit than a close relationship. "If Meri can hang in there, wait for Kody to work through the Christine thing, work out the issues with Janelle- oh, and after all my kids are out of high school maybe? - then I think we can salvage a relationship even though Kody told her to go wherever she wants because he really doesn't give a shit anyway."
  15. Another really fakity-fake scene: The "ex-anniversary party!!!!" First of all, who does that? Oh right- Christine, who hopes to stay relevant at least a little longer to squeeze some $ off TLC. She really over-acted this episode, between the family dinner (where everyone sat on one side of the table) where she acted as if she knew nothing about the Kody/kids rife; and this scene, where she supposedly had these ride-or-die women friends who, if the timeline is correct, she got to know planning a graduation party for Ysabel- who graduated mere months before she left Flagstaff? And the "friends"- especially the one who acted as if she knew NOTHING about the Browns ("now, there are what- 2 other wives? What are their names?") You know they all were so happy to get on TV and play-act the besties! I got a huge kick out of Janelle just sitting at the table shoveling in her dessert while they all talked about Christine's failed marriage. She looked like I know I'd feel being the extra who knows no one there. Ugh. Introvert's nightmare. And Christine, just because you are delighted to be divorced! It's wonderful! Yay! It's not cool to be encouraging others to go for it. Stop already. Speaking of wanting to be relevant- now that Meri is on her way out and is (finally!) seeing the writing on the wall, we are treated to her fun shenanigans with Jen and Jen's husband at Lizzie's. What a yawn. I guess since she doesn't interact with any of the other wives (with the exception of an occasional backyard conversation with Robyn) we need to see her do SOMETHING, so we get a snippet of Mr. Jen's underwear waistband and him putting screws into something. Bo-ring.
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