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Everything posted by pdlinda

  1. For Mitch to even CASUALLY REFER to "cleanliness" and household cleaning items dropped me on the floor LAUGHING!! As you mention the DISGUSTING state of "cleaning rags" that he would THEORETICALLY (not actually) use for "cleaning" would be enough to repulse any sane person!! Mitch is a bona fide SLOB content to live in SQUALOR with filth and grime everywhere, including the kitchen and bathroom! His apparent LAZINESS more than contradicts his CLAIM to protecting the "environment." All his ridiculous practices and procedures that he "virtue signals" to every "normal" person around him are merely coverups for his psychological issues apparently needing constant attention and "affirmation." If he had AUTHENTIC interest about the "environment" and "global care of planet earth" he would START by having a CLEAN AND TIDY HOME!! I'm done! Can't stand the guy (especially with the woolen hat "fashion statement" he makes that further solidifies my belief that, at bottom, he's a "poser.")
  2. Rochester used to be a primo location because of a very prestigious university (U of Rochester( and Kodak. However, since Kodak essentially folded (moved jobs overseas) I guess the economic toll on the community might be seen in the dreary choices the young lady had to choose from in her HH.
  3. Yes, she wears a very simple wedding band with a tiny gemstone in the middle AND she wears a # of other simple rings. I've also seen her wearing simple necklaces; however, NEVER saw her wearing earrings.
  4. I think she's a bit "delusional." She believes she is a great "catch" complete with sizzling looks and a "drop dead" body. In addition, she believes she is very emotionally "evolved" and has a "razor-sharp" intellect. Unfortunately, others may not share this assessment of Alexis. I think at a certain point she's going to have to do a personal "assessment" that's more in line with how others see her.
  5. Mitch is NOT MARRIAGE MATERIAL! Krysten needs to sever AND if they wish to maintain a platonic "friendship" so be it....but that's ALL!
  6. It could be and, for sure, it happens. I don't want to get too much "into the weeds" about the societal structure of prison. However, suffice it to say that every racial group (Hispanics have several categories of racial groups from different areas) has a "gang structure" that the prison admin is acutely aware of and "works with."
  7. QUESTION: Is Lilah's hair intentionally kept at that length or has it not grown any longer??? I believe she's almost 3 and was asking because I don't know if this is uncommon.
  8. I didn't pick that up! I'll have to look next week. I usually remark to myself that her "team" (hair/wardrobe/makeup) really do a remarkable job making it look like she's not wearing makeup at all, so the false eyelashes would be quite a change! Also, I noted that she never wears earring and the simplest tiny pieces of jewelry.
  9. Usually, the defense lawyer(s) will retain a forensic psychologist to do a comprehensive psych eval on someone charged with a serious crime. There are a multitude of psych exams given to the defendant and HOURS of interviews. The report contains background info and the psych usually has contact with family/friends. A diagnosis is provided (I've never seen a case where there was no diagnosis). Sometimes, after the defense's psych does an evaluation, the State (prosecutor) hires their own psychologist to perform a battery of tests and interview the defendant. Of course, each report sees the defendant from a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE. These reports are available to all parties: the defense, prosecutor, probation dept, and court. They are usually sealed after trial but I believe the answers to your question would be found in them. The defense usually uses the info in the psych evaluations at sentencing or for the purposes of plea agreement negotiations.
  10. I worked in criminal defense for MANY YEARS. Prison food is not what probably put weight on Reggie. Some inmates never eat prison food. From my experience, inmates usually have family members/friends who contribute $$$ (there is a limit but it can be high) on their books each month for a HUGE VARIETY of canteen foods (and other supplies) they may need. There are no fresh fruits/veggies (although I've seen bananas/oranges on prison menus) in the assortment, only highly processed foods (of all kinds, types and varieties) usually high in sugar/carbs. Also, there is no cash availability in prison; only bartering commissary items with fellow inmates for "favors" performed by one to another. That may also be a factor in Reggie's weight gain.
  11. Absolutely YES, to get a pardon, he would have to admit his guilt. Let's see if a mass swell of support erupts after seeing this POWERFUL 20/20 episode. I worked in criminal defense for MANY YEARS and the confession made to the investigator including such excruciating DETAIL about the murder of Michelle SHOULD provide enough NEW evidence to AT LEAST get Leo a new trial. 20/20 did itself very proud with airing this case. I was truly captivated every step of the way and will be thinking about this case, and following up about it in the future. Very authentic and well produced.
  12. I think she fancies herself a real "catch." A "knockout" in the "looks" dept and a real "brainiac" intellectually. I think her opinion of her "charms" are vastly overrated.
  13. She must reside in "delusion and denial" because the physics of her getting up and staying up on a pole simply don't compute!!
  14. I was "turned off" by the sex scenes, FF'd through those segments. Did Alexa actually make it onto the pole?? If yes, she must have very strong ARMS to hoist her body up and I hope the pole was sturdily attached to the ceiling because I fear she might otherwise have been hurled to the ground.
  15. To me she's a cross between a tarantula and a barracuda. She has a "menacing" look on her face that I find very disturbing. I agree with the eyes being a medical condition.
  16. As an aside to your comment, I'm still curious about that massive tattoo she boldly displays with every clothing choice? It seems to be some sort of tribute to someone in a tropical setting??? I see it as some kind of life statement she's announcing to anyone interacting with her.
  17. THE DYNAMIC DUO: ALEXIS and MORGAN! Both self-absorbed "troublemakers" INTENT ON MAN SLAYING.
  18. You're absolutely right about how families are coping with insufficient cash flow, especially if they have children and their needs are expensive. I don't ask; however, I believe that 2 of my married children are doing exactly that: Loading up the credit cards and not paying off the balances each month. That is a sure strategy for economic catastrophe; however, in my case, I can't subsidize them so they'll have to find another source of "rescue" should the cards max out. (Even as I type those words, I'm getting a very stressed feeling). Regarding Jamie and Doug, I found it profoundly perplexing that they thought this was the perfect time to expand their family. Maybe both suffer from: DENIAL AND DELUSION.
  19. So, I guess, that's the unanswered question. How that family makes it financially. I recall reading that she bought the FL house as a rental. I'm not sure if they're living there or not and am also unsure where their principal residence is, maybe in N.J? Maybe they sold one of those houses and are living on the profit they made? That would be the only scenario I can think of that would allow them to live decently (until that $$$ runs out...depending on how much it was). Another note: If they did make a sizeable profit on the house they sold, they would have to pay taxes on the sale. I hope they factored that point into their financial planning😄
  20. I agree that Jamie would have to feel her family's "back against the wall" financially in order to actually resume a full-time job in such a demanding profession. Also, I'm not sure who would hire her as she is now a "public person" so between confidentially issues and her "celebrity status" I'm not sure that would work in a hospital setting. Also, I can't speak for anyone else; however, my children are grown and I live alone. The financial crunch I'm experiencing in this economy (my "reserves" that afforded me a comfortable lifestyle aside from my "fixes incomes" are nowhere near where they used to be a few years ago). I'm not sure how a family of 4 (and now the post said she's expecting to get pregnant again and the fact that Doug doesn't produce any income), survives month after month spending the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF $$$ needed today to support themselves and their children.
  21. Does she earn a living from social media postings? From the history of that couple, Doug was never the one who brought home a pay check so after Jamie was dumped from the MAFS after show, I was wondering how they earn a living.
  22. Would you please elaborate a bit on that impression you have of Miguel?
  23. I'm rolling over in laughter at that CLASSIC LINE! hahahahaha...he "gifted her" with a night of sleeping alone...OMG...please, someone tell me I'm not nuts by thinking if she needs to sleep alone due to extenuating circumstances (outside the realm of a marital spat) she doesn't need PERMISSION!!! That will live on in the annals of roloff folklore for all eternity.
  24. I agree that perhaps he and Krysten will remain "friends"; however, Mitch is 100% NOT MARRIAGE MATERIAL. I think that Mitch is "married" to his "cause" and that's where his passion lies. Regarding his expecting a "drop-dead gorgeous mate," I think that Krysten is attractive with a lovely figure and personality so there's that.....I think the most "gorgeous" encounter Mitch is likely to have is with some perfect piece of trash he's able to retrieve from his ongoing adventures in saving the planet.😄 Mitch reminds me, to an extent of New Orleans, Bennett, who, too had little regard for "material things" and basically lived a very primative lifestyle that he loved above marriage. I don't think Mitch will ever embrace the discipline and responsibilities required to function in a healthy marriage, especially where children are concerned.
  25. I second that opinion. I grew up in the Bronx, N.Y.C., moved to Westchester Country in 4th grade. Then moved to CT when married. In EACH setting, the Puerto Rican population was very integrated into every aspect of life that I recall. In school, work and neighborhoods. THANK YOU!! My thoughts EXACTLY!👏
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