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Posts posted by crgirl412

  1. 6 hours ago, jjj said:

    Most terminal patients don't have a KGB agent making sure they stay alive no matter how agonizing their pain is.  It sounds like the patient and husband are ready to let it go, but they don't know they have to hang in there for 8 or 9 more weeks.  (Again, see the two major ut flaws I noted in Elizabeth's plan; seems unlikely she will be able to wring out that many more weeks.)  

    That will brutal to watch. 

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  2. This happened just this week in Russia!!  I'm an RN and can't even fathom how this could even happen in 2018 in a modern hospital!!

    Russian woman, 27, dies in excruciating agony after she was 'embalmed alive' with a formaldehyde-based drip instead of being put on saline in a horrific medical blunder.



  3. 21 hours ago, jjj said:


    Here is what is all means; and I was so confused that I went back to sort it out.  Oddly, I will attribute some compassion to Elizabeth here in addition to pragmatism, but bear with me. 

    (1) Erica (artist) needs more and more morphine to control pain, and it will get to a point where it will not work anymore.  The husband (and maybe other health care workers) have no problem giving Erica the morphine ahead of the schedule to stay on top of the pain.  But the more she uses, the more she needs, and she is on a path to a dose that will put her into a coma or kill her.

    (2) Separately, the husband is storing little bits of morphine to create a fatal dose when Erica decides she cannot continue.  Elizabeth's job was to find out about this and make sure they do not have that way of killing her, because Elizabeth's job is to keep Erica alive until the summit. The flaw in this plan (Flaw No. 1) is that they could do this with a brand new full prescription of morphine.  Clearly, there are no controls over the husband's access to the morphine, as we saw.  

    (3) Elizabeth was actually trying to keep the doses on schedule for two reasons:  (A) they need to keep the pain under control so Erica will not do the fatal overdose and (B) Elizabeth actually does not want her to suffer (this is a whiff of compassion from Elizabeth) while Elizabeth helps keep her alive.  But Elizabeth can't control what the husband or other health care workers will do when Elizabeth is not there.  

    (4) Back talking to Claudia, Elizabeth is telling her that "now she will really suffer", because the husband (and maybe other health care workers) are making the doses ultimately less effective by giving them more frequently; meanwhile, Elizabeth will keep Erica alive, but now suffering.  So, weirdly, Elizabeth must keep her alive, but wanted her to suffer as little as possible; and than cannot happen once the morphine tolerance is built up.  Erica will feel better in the short run, but by the time of the summit, the morphine will not be providing pain control.  Claudia was actually being dismissive:  "you only have to keep her alive until the summit" (then we let her die)

    (5) The big flaw in this (Flaw No. 2) is that there must be so many health care workers involved, and some temp workers thrown in as well, so Elizabeth has no control over who gives doses on what schedule, or if someone (including Erica) just decides to swallow an entire bottle of morphine when the next prescription is filled.

    ETA:  But you know, if the KGB has enough pull to get Elizabeth hired as a home nurse, you'd think they would make sure all the workers were KGB.  It is useless to have one person there a few hours a day, with no control over everyone else dealing with the medication.  However, we all know the KGB only has Elizabeth to cover so many jobs!  (She could do a "Kind Hearts and Coronets" scenario, showing up as four different health care workers with different wigs and eye color and moles!  And one of the disguises would be as a male nurse.)  

    It doesn't seem likely that the artist will develop even a tolerance as she probably will not live long enough to develop one. 


    "In cases of terminal illness, like cancer, we don't tend to worry about tolerance to opioids. The sad fact is that people die with terminal illnesses and so if they come to require high doses of opioids it’s okay. They don’t have long to live."


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  4. I really miss Philip and Elizabeth working together.  It has the feeling, at least to me, of one of those very successful tv shows that has a spin off with some of the characters and they're doing different things now.  They are the "same" but everything is different.   

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  5. On 4/5/2018 at 9:13 PM, SusanSunflower said:

    someone having excruciating pain an hour before their next dose is due (a very long time) may well benefit from a carefully controlled drip (same milligrams/hour/day, but creating a stable blood level) and/or microdosing on demand (now called Patient Controlled Anesthesia where the patient can push the button on the IV machine for a micro-burst)...  I'm trying to remember when patient-controlled liquid oral micro-dosing became acceptable but it was in the 1980's as I recall, when control of narcotics was loosened. (It has now tightened completely and that 1980's loosening is sometimes blamed for opioid crisis -- I'm doubtful) 

    One real problem with the every-4 or 6-hour schedule is the peaks and valleys and patients whose demand for more medicine is because they want to zone out (which is sometimes when an agreement to damn the torpedos, "let them go" ... but that won't work for Elizabeth.  However, another big danger of peak and valley dosing is the respiratory suppression of peak blood level, particularly in someone who is not moving around.   (Since the 80's there have been vast "improvements" wrt slow-release orals ... I think not available then) 

    This artist/patient appears very young and likely has very good heart and lungs and could live a very long time in a drug-induced coma (while an older person or someone with heart/lung compromise would not).  Elizabeth would do well to recognized that this woman might well jump out a window or hang herself from the shower rod  or slit her wrists. 

    BIG fan of PCA's!!  Elizabeth's plans would never happen if the artist had been on one but I don't think they were invented yet.  PCA's are so good for severe post-op pain and cancer pain as they can get to a certain comfort level that they could never get on oral meds.  Sometimes a continuous rate (basal rate) is ordered too so they continue getting small amounts for various reasons.  Due respiratory suppression being a danger, patients should be on a continuous pulse ox to measure how much O2 the blood is carrying.  

    I'm going to try to stop talking about pain management!  I just love it so much, though!!!          

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  6. 1 hour ago, Trillian said:

    I very recently had a conversation,in a social setting, with a Family Doctor who related a conversation he had recently had with the Palliative Care doctor who had taken on one of his patients.  Family Doc expressed surprise that Palliative Care Doc told him that they were rationing pain meds , rather than “making him happy” in his (the patient’s) last days/weeks. We may want to believe that medical personnel will happily push drugs on us at the end to make us comfortable, but, according to the doctor with whom I spoke, it isn’t necessarily true.  So maybe Elizabeth-the-Palliative-care-nurse plot isn’t beyond the realm.  It seems to be a thing, as cruel as it appears at first glance  

    I "hope" it was only due to the opioid shortage going on now- and that is even crappy.  There is no other [good] reason they would ration pain meds.


    Article on opioid shortage: 


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  7. 42 minutes ago, jjj said:

    It is about building up a tolerance, not addiction.  Elizabeth wants morphine to keep working for pain relief for the artist, because Elizabeth wants her to stay alive for two more months.  If she overuses morphine, she will be in pain all the time because she will be at maximum dosage and it will not hold back the pain, and all she could do is to overdose and die.  That is why Elizabeth said to Claudia that the final weeks will be agonizing -- because Elizabeth is determined to keep her alive, despite her offer to the husband.  She made that offer so she would know what they are planning.  Now Elizabeth knows that is exactly the husband and wife's plan -- to overdose on the bits of morphine they have saved up.  Elizabeth can affect that plan.  

    ETA:  It is clear you understand the use of morphine -- but probably have not had an Elizabeth there keeping the doses lower to keep the tolerance at a level where the morphine will still work over a longer period of weeks.  Elizabeth's plan is insidious.


    She's a special kind of sick monster. 

    In 1987, I don't even think the specialty of Pain Management was invented yet so that is "good" for Elizabeth.  If the woman had manageable pain, she wouldn't need 24 hour nursing care so no Elizabeth taking care of her.

    I need to amend myself.   There are many reasons besides pain that someone needs 24 hour nursing care then and today- people with trachs, on vents, tube feeds, cardiac issues, and more.  Back then it would've been much more common due to pain but not so much today.     

    • Love 3
  8. 19 hours ago, Umbelina said:

    1.  We've seen him a lot on the show.  I don't remember ever seeing KGB in the travel agency, and no, Stavos is just a Greek immigrant, has no idea about the KGB or Philip's real (former) job.

    2.  Paige is now KGB, being trained.  Philip is not.  He can't get anywhere near that, I suppose they could chat, but it might bug Claudia and Elizabeth if they do, which would not be good. 

      Reveal hidden contents

    I know we see a scene with them later since I'm spoiled, so we'll see how that goes.

      I don't think Philip could have a real conversation with Paige without violating his deal with the KGB though.

    3.  So Elizabeth is torturing her, I was a bit confused about that.  However, I've NEVER heard of a hospice nurse, or the equivalent EVER caring if a dying patient might become addicted to pain killers.  That was bullshit, they are there to keep them out of pain as much as possible.


    There is thing in the world of treating late stage cancer pain that says, "who cares if they get addicted?"  Sadly, at that point most don't live long enough to get truly addicted.  Building a tolerance is more common but the docs would just increase the dose or go to what is the next intervention that could work such as a fentanyl patch or nerve block or others.  

    I used to give pain meds to patients with late stage lung cancer where they had mets to the bones, most often the vertebrae or ribs.  They were in the last stage so we were giving palliative care which can include large and/or frequent doses of opioids.    

    Can I just give shout out to Pain Management Physicians?  They are still a secret to many patients.  They can change someone's life with their interventions!!  Check out the links for more info:



    • Love 9
  9. On 4/2/2018 at 1:07 PM, Baarbera said:

    I got an abusive vibe from him.  When he talked about "upsetting" Sasha, I got an icky feeling.  I can't put my finger on why...

    I didn't get an abusive vibe but that he's an ass given that he's been reprimanded 3x for breaking the community rules.  Men who flout rules and laws tend to flout vows and don't make the best husbands or dads. 


    On 4/2/2018 at 3:18 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

    She looked totally beaten down. She's miserable, she knows she's going to have to share her husband, and she believes that its the only way she'll get to heaven. I wanted to kidnap her. Sasha!! It does not have to be this way!

    I thought that Sasha looked happy.  Yes, she talked about it being hard and something about why she thought that Christ wanted her to be a polygamist   then she stopped talking.  I think she got really self-conscience.   I do not agree with polygamy being needed to get to Heaven, especially in the way that they do with the planets and kids living on the first husband's planet even if he's not their dad. 

    There are a tiny amount of evangelical Christians who believe that the polygamy God allowed in the Old Testament is still allowed as the New Testament hasn't definitively said that it wasn't.  They don't think it has anything to do with getting into Heaven but it's allowed.  I've read their stuff and it made me think.   

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  10. 7 minutes ago, hopelessbookworm said:

    I'm not sure if they are half or full sisters, but one would think they'd look more alike, because if they are half-sisters then they are also 1st cousins because their mothers are full sisters, daughters of John Singer and his first wife. 

    Interesting!!  I think they would look more alike too since they are related 2x!! 

    • Love 2
  11. 35 minutes ago, hopelessbookworm said:

    The Morrisons and Fosters are further connected because Enoch Foster's wives Lillian and Catrina Swapp are sisters of Anazella Swapp Morrison, making Enoch and Jim brothers-in-law. Anazella, Lillian, and Catrina are daughters of ex-fundamentalist Mormon terrorist Addam Swapp. Their maternal grandfather John Singer was killed in a shootout with police in 1979. 

    Lillian and Catrina are sisters???  WOW! I guess they are half-sisters since they don't really look alike.  They are married to Enoch just like Joe Dargers two real sisterwives.   

    • Love 2
  12. Did hear Sasha say that she was one of 34 children? 

    After Christian didn't do so well talking with his hopeful-next-wife, I think a wife should make the first few moves then bring the guy in.  I wonder what he said that made her cry since they already knew each other well per Sasha.  Maybe the "I love you" is what did it.  He is kind of a doofus so who knows....  

  13. 16 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

    The women wear pants and curse, and some of the kids were drinking caffeinated soda. Very interesting version of FLDS. The only consistent thing seems to be how utterly miserable the women are. 

    Abel's first wife doesn't seem to be miserable at all.  She is always calm and helping the other wives understand things that bother them.  Enoch's two wives seem very happy.  Maybe if Lydia marries them, it will get rough.   

    • Love 2
  14. 17 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    Jason was always well behaved neither he nor Bethenny were cheaters-Bethenny was just done with him.  

    Dorinda made an interesting point it got worse after they were married.  I don't think Luann has to apologize for marrying him, I just think she needs to realize her slef-proclaimed radar with men needs some adjusting.  Tom was a major dud and I see him ending up with a woman who won't take his dalliances as well as Luann did.  

    It all didn't start to really go downhill until Bethenny suffered a miscarriage and felt that Jason wasn't supportive.  I think that that was the final nail.  If they hadn't had serious issues before that happened maybe they could've made it.

    I know a couple that divorced after she felt that that he wasn't supportive after they suffered a devastating late-term miscarriage.  There were other issues but that is what did them in.   

    • Love 3
  15. 7 hours ago, kassa said:

    Do we know that?  (Haven't done a deep dive on these people and missed the second episode).  It would surprise me if all those (legally) unwed mothers were NOT accepting what benefits they qualify for (even if within their belief system they are married).  If they refuse all outside assistance, good for them.

    But I'm not sure how somebody in construction (or whatever line of work he does) supports that many people even with two wives working. Enough to keep them in bread and cheese?

    I'm pretty sure I read (after googling Rockland Ranch) that the founder created it to be self-sufficient.  They use solar panels and grow food, too.  

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  16. 10 hours ago, benteen said:

    It looked like he was with some of his employees so it must have been a later happy hour sort of thing.

    They wouldn't have been doing that fun-looking sh** if Elizabeth were still going in to the office. 

    • Love 6
  17. Was Philip just out at a Country bar for kicks?  Was he somehow working?  That seems really odd that he would be going out to bars on his own now for fun. 

    I don't like the redone travel agency only because they went way too far.  It was a very small, fairly dark office with about 3 employees and now it's huge, bright and modern with several employees.   

    Does Philip know that Paige is "all in?"  I find that really hard to believe. 

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