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Posts posted by crgirl412

  1. 3 hours ago, Normades said:

    Did anyone else find it rich that the only one of the 5 spouses who didn't want to move to Utah was Meri, the idiot who recently bought a house in Utah!!!!!

    Meri is very oppositional.  Most people like her are- she is a big Cluster B in the world of psychiatry.  


    It doesn't surprise me at all that she disagrees with everyone.  She is always the squeaky wheel who everyone has to cater to in some fashion.  If I were the other wives, I would be sick to death of her and be so done with her.    

    • Love 14
  2. 8 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

    It really was fast. I can't imagine being ready to even look at another guy so soon let alone be dating one. She really sounded like she was in love with trainer. Talking about how she was feeling and hadn't felt that way since Jim. Maybe it was desperation? Or maybe he was a rebound guy? I don't know. It seemed very fast.  I did feel for her when she said it didn't work out. He never came back after that one visit.     

    I really don't understand this part either. There's no reason for them to have to marry Abel. They don't have to remarry if they don't want to. They can work and take care of their kids. What does happen if Anazella marries someone else? Her kids move away from their brothers and sisters? That would suck. How about marrying someone and not spending eternity with them? Nope, they'll be back with their first husband and your on your own.   

    I didn't hear that part!!   When did she say that?

  3. On 3/25/2018 at 8:45 AM, deaja said:

    I don’t think she escaped. I think she was trying to escape and that’s when she ran into Kyle and realized he was behind it.

    Kyle was part of her being taken away after he paid off the guy who was blackmailing her about her stepbrother, but if you mean why he’s part of IHM in general, I don’t think we’ve learned that yet.


  4. 30 minutes ago, scrb said:

    Showrunners gave an interview to Slate Gist podcast (3/23/18).

    They noted that viewers looked at Elizabeth as an ideologue which they don't agree with.  They said she grew up in tough circumstances and have some rigid beliefs, including absolutely believing in what's she's doing.

    They noted that Philip started out similarly but has had enough self-awareness to question some of those beliefs, pounded into him by the Soviet system.

    Um, that's pretty much the definition of an ideologue, guys.  You created a hard-core ideologue who's shown little signs up to the last season of being able to adjust her beliefs to a different reality than the one which was inculcated into her from a young age.

    Now maybe that will change finally.  They did hint that Philip may be just a little ahead of Elizabeth when it comes to questioning ideology.

    But what would cause Elizabeth to change now after all the events of the series?

    YES!  I read this and thought, "hello????" 

    Philip is way more than a little ahead of her!!!  He talked about defecting back in S1E1 (I think it was then) and keeps talking about it while she's telling them that he likes it here too much so of course they become suspicious of him. 

    • Love 2
  5. 2 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

    I think my favorite part was non-polygamist husband and wife. His explaining on why they weren't but if the opportunity came up or if God called them it well they would talk about it and probably do it while his wife's expression the whole time was hell no, there is no way I am agreeing to that ever. Nope. Not happening.  Why does their daughter have to ask to court? Why can't they just date? Their young teens. Let them date and have fun and see where it goes and what they want.

    I don't really get what Marina thought either during the courtship and marrying Abel. She knew he had two other wives. Was she expecting him to ditch them? Not to have to do anything with them? She really seems to resent them and want him all to himself. Beth's clearly not happy.  She definitely wasn't happy that Abel was off with Marina during the birth.

    I don't really understand why Abel has to marry his brother's wives. I understand his brother wanting him to watch out and help his family after he's gone of course he'd promise that. He wants to make sure his wives and kids are okay after he's gone. I don't understand why he has to marry them. Why can't he like others have pointed out just check in on them from time to time or suggest they move closer so he and his family can help them out. It was weird. Its 2017 (or when ever this was filmed) not 1817 when widows had a lot less options. I do like the two widows turning him down and deciding to stay together. Talking about his brother or them talking about their husband felt so real. I felt for them then. I did feel bad for Anazella she seemed to really like the guy she was dating. 

    I did like that we seem to be getting the truth. What the families are like, what the husbands and wives are like. I did love the two toddlers dancing on the island and that moment everyone looked like they were having fun. The kids wanting to see the picture of their new brother. Abel's attempt to get his wives not to go on the trip I loved their response to that. Pointing out all the trips he gets to go on, the dates and everything. He really quiet down after that. I loved seen the three wives going off together.  The kids really are cute.   

    I missed this totally!!  I watched the show, I swear!

    • Love 1
  6. I'm curious.... if the husband dies and a wife/wives remarry, are they still sisterwives?  Even if the man has other wives?  I don't think so but I'm not sure. 

    If the husband and some wives all live in the same house, then he dies, does the new husband, if he doesn't have any other wives, just move in to keep the all of the children together?  

    How hard that would be for all of the kids!   

  7.  Meri is unbelievable!!  She loves nothing more than to have all of the wives tiptoe around her and her "wall."  She forgets that she is the one who had an emotional affair thereby betraying the entire family and instead of being sorry and begging for her sister wives' forgiveness, somehow she is in control and everyone is apologizing to her.  

    Yes, it was sad that she could only give birth to 1 child but she was a Mom to many children.  As time went on, she is the one who withdrew from the family, she is the one who instigated her divorce from Kody and suggested that he and Robyn marry for custody issues, she is the one who didn't go find where the baby was being born

    I think it would be best for everyone for her to move to Parowan or anywhere and let the family have some peace.  She won't though, she loves all of the drama she creates and having everyone cater to her.       

    • Love 7
  8. On 3/15/2018 at 4:01 PM, islandgal140 said:

    Yep, this is the fight that needn't have been.  It wasn't even about Erika. Now not only could it potentially cost her coins but I summarize what she most wants from this is to be able to tout herself as a NYT bestselling author. Like Tiffany Pollard said:


    The above meme could be on EVERY Housewives and Housewives-like forum in the world.  It would be so nice if that [just sit there and eat their food] ever happened.

    • Love 8
  9. Hopefully, she is just having a rough time while pregnant and she'll be ok. 


    In this type of polygamy and the Browns and Dargers, I believe it's choice they made to live plural marriage.  Some hold to a religious conviction (very few) and they do it for that reason or it's a cultural thing.  The FLDS and those like them are a mess and I believe fit the requirements to be called a cult.   http://andynaselli.com/sociological-characteristics-of-cults   

  10. 1 hour ago, Dev F said:

    Yeah, that was my immediate read when Oleg was featured in the earlier trailers. I figure we're going to see a hardliner/reformer split with Claudia and Elizabeth on one side and Philip and Oleg on the other. That would be in keeping with both where the Jenningses ended up at the end of last season, and where Oleg seemed to be headed.

    I don't see any reason to think that Oleg is the new rezident, though. It's unlikely that he'd be having an undercover park bench meeting with Philip if he's operating under official cover.

    I've been rewatching last season in preparation for the show's return, and now that I know where it's heading, it's much more coherent and meaningful. Basically, everything is about the Jenningses making the dual revelations "I can never be the person my partner is" and "If not for the person my partner is, I wouldn't be able to be who I am." Even the silly wheat stuff plugs into that, with Philip and Elizabeth freaking out because they think the Americans are trying to destroy their grain with a plague, only to realize that the point of the plague is to make the grain stronger, just like they eventually realize that their insurmountable differences are what make them stronger. They are the crossbred strain, basically.

    I binge re-watched in November when I got a Kindle and of course, Prime as Christmas present to myself.  :)  Binge re-watching is the way to go, so do it, if able!  I feel as though I am much more in the loop!

    I guess the writers are using a lot of symbolism and many other literary devices to help us understand Philip and Elizabeth. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, curbcrusher said:

    I liked it, it was a quick read. In some ways it was a predictable story, but then I for the most part liked the way the author developed the story. After getting done, I'm not real sure I like the way it ended. It presents an interesting world with Russian Illegals being fairly prevalent. I did really like the slippery slope that was presented in how the American was compromised by the Illegal, and kept getting deeper.

    Thanks for the review!!

  12. 1 hour ago, sistermagpie said:

    Yes. Apparently it was really popular in that fandom. It was an AU (alternate universe) so they weren't vampires etc. Then she filed off the serial numbers (iow, she changed the character names etc.).

    The things your learn on PreviouslyTV!!

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