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Posts posted by crgirl412

  1. 2 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

    This makes me like Bachelorette Emily more, looks like the 2 guys she had left were both immature jerks.

    HAHAHAAA, that made me laugh because we know Chris is not above hoping things go badly for ratings/publicity.

    After this CH is neck and neck with Andy Cohen. 

    • Love 3
  2. So did he call Chris H. to tell him or does CH keep checking in to see if everything is going ok falling apart to be able to finally host this type of episode?

    • Love 13
  3. I think they medicate the F2 before the Final Rose.  None of them react the way any un-medicated woman would. 

    I am a nurse and administer Ativan, Klonopin, Haldol, and Seroquel practically everyday.  I do think they are in shock but I'm getting another vibe too. 

    • Love 11
  4. Just now, saber5055 said:

    Poor Neil Lane nothing. Guy got another comped trip, this time to Peru. Plus more exposure for his rings. It's all Groundhog Day gold to him. The only time I remember him not showing up in person, he didn't go to Dubuque, Iowa, in the middle of winter for Chris Soules. But he's sure there for those European and exotic island beach locations!


    I was thinking more along the lines of he travels there, they pick a ring, the Batch proposes then break up within 6 months-1 year.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

    Who the h*ll is Caroline? She was on the WTA, but I didn't know who she was then either. Now TPTB bring her back AGAIN?

    It's taking a whole lot of work for editing to create "the most scandalous bachelor ever" out of one of if not the "most boring seasons ever."

    Is it just me or does anyone else not care who Arie chooses?

    Maybe she is being auditioned to be the Bachelorette.

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  6. I was surprised that the girls knew who met the family first.  I don't really like that not to torture them but I think it might be easier.  I wonder if the families have always brought up one girl to the other when they met them.  I think the producers encouraged the family just to stir the pot. 

    Also, he doesn't look at all like his parents. 

    • Love 12
  7. 2 hours ago, film noire said:

    But (and this fucking show -- I'm actually defending Carole Radziwill now? -- Jesus, take the wheel) Carole is a proven seeker of worldly experience; it's Bethenny who lacks worldiness.

    Frankel catered award shows, and Carole attended them as a winning nominee; Bethenny loves being a tourist, but Carole worked all over the world; Bethenny served dinner to movie stars and their friends, but Carole dated one (and partied with the rest, from Cannes to Hyannis Port). Bethenny wears Diane von Furstenberg, whereas Carole was often a guest in the designer's home -- and on and on the list goes, all of it showing that Carole had already lived a very glamorous life long before she even met Bethenny. So the idea that Radziwill is the one who needs educating as to living the high life or exploring new things -- Frankel as Henry Higgins leading Eliza into Chinatown for dumplings  -- seems absurd, imo.  I don't much like the woman, but if the measure is what most people consider "worldly seeker of new experience" Radziwill beats Frankel by a big old country mile. 

    Film, this is so good!!!  

    • Love 9
  8. 15 hours ago, Bannon said:

    Oh, just flash forward a few more years. Paige now lives in New York, working for a pompous mail order magnate, and she has a bunch of unlikeable male friends who sit around all day kvetching about nothing. She has developed an annoying verbal tic of saying "Yada, yada, yada" at the end of sentences. P & E have moved to Boca Raton, and live in a condo.  Phil is President of the Homeowner's association, who is viewed suspiciously by the other board members, and he always has to discourage Liz from killing them in fitness center "accidents".  Henry works for the Yankees, and has a fabulously accessorized desk. Stan gets fired from the FBI when he has sex with a cleaning woman on a desk, and when confronted by his boss, he asks..

    "Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing, because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing is frowned upon....."

    Oleg has tired of a depressing way of life, and has converted to Judaism, mostly for the jokes.

    LOVE it!!!  Phil will have to get rid of the sport car when he gets his Cadillac. 

    • Love 1
  9. 11 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

    Okay, pure fancy here; How I want The Americans to end:

    Philip and Elizabeth wake up in a huge overstuffed bed, somewhere in New England.  In rapid succession, perky but scatterbrained housecleaner Paige comes in to complain about something, followed by irascible but warmhearted handyman Stan.  In the background you can hear Oleg talking to his brothers Ivan and Ivan.  Philip looks at Elizabeth and says "I just had the worst dream of my life.  No fucking way."  Elizabeth replies with a sigh, "Way, dude.  Way."

    I love your nod to the Bob Newhart Show and Newhart - with the best sitcom finale ever!! 

    Keri Russell could wake up as Felicity too!  I am not sure about Matthew Rhys, though.      

    • Love 2
  10. "Zanaida" was on S9 E5 of NCIS: LA (Mountebank) playing a high-rolling Russian woman.  


    Two bits of trivia about Svetlana Efremova from IMDb:

    1.  She is a professor of theatre and head of the acting program at Cal State-Fullerton, where she has taught since 1999.

    2.  She moved to the United States a year after her 1990 tour with a company from the Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) Academy of Theatre. She was quoted in the Los Angeles Times, "If you taste freedom--I start liking it. I thought if Communism will win, I don't want to be there".   (I like this quote from her!  I wonder if she was in any way conflicted about her role on the Americans.)

  11. 18 hours ago, film noire said:

    What is there to say  -- He's lovely,  she's awful? ; ) -- Frankel did her standard foul-mouthed "Stand up and shriek" shitstorm, and Fredrik took it.

    And then they had dim sum, and her inability to remember his name is "Fredrik" caused Frankel to amuse herself so greatly, she fell onto the restaurant floor laughing (like Luann into the bushes, but with none of Luann's physical grace --  more like "I've fallen and can't get up" crossed with "Adderol induced seizure happening at table 12"). And that was it, other than the two boring apartments up top of the show and the lighting store visit, plus the closet lady's mane of fab grey hair.

    It's like watching a Swedish puppy get kicked by a madwoman screaming obscenities at every turn, in between seeing glamour-free apartments.  Bring back Elinor!


    Fredrik is like a Swedish puppy on this show but on MDL he can be so smug and condescending. 

    • Love 2
  12. 2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Thats what she is attempting to do, I don't remember the articke mentioning testing anybody.

    Oh, I know.  I was couching it that way to show that in the PA job, it wouldn't matter if she did test the PA and it was positive even though the PA was stone sober versus if a doctor or nurse tested positive for legal substances that are often abused.  It can really turn into a mess.    

    • Love 2
  13. I don't think that is even legal.  If she tested the PA for alcohol in her system and it was positive, I don't think she could fire her even if it was in a "contract."  There are jobs where ones off-hours activities can impact their jobs like doctors and nurses- even if it's legal.  It can be a big issue for doctors and nurses who are in real pain and the only relief is found in opioid meds.   She should just hire a teetotaler as a PA.  Done. 

    • Love 3
  14. As we know, Stage 1 turns to Stage 2 then to Stage 3 then Stage 4 if there is no intervention or interventions fail.  She could've been Stage 2 on The Doctors and then Stage 4 when talking to Rinna, theoretically.   However, I do not believe that she has Stage 4 cancer at all!  We would've heard she is that sick.  There is something very wrong with people who lie about cancer!  Wasn't her mom battling cancer on the first season she was on??   

  15. 3 hours ago, Pink-n-Green said:

    I would love to see poor Martha come home but I don't think she'd be welcome.  Maybe Elizabeth will meet an untimely end and Phillip/Clark will go back to Russia and they can pick up where they left off :)

    I like that this would happen!  Martha is the opposite of Elizabeth and Philip is drifting more and more to the type of worldview that Martha holds. 

    3 hours ago, Moose135 said:

    Whether he really cared about her or not, I think she would just assume he had used her for information and was faking the caring about her, and wouldn't want anything to do with him.  He is the reason she ended up alone and miserable in the USSR after all.

    This is what I think would happen!  She knows exactly what Philip did and in her treatment of Gabriel when he stopped to see her, I doubt she would forgive him. 

  16. 10 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

    Just a note which I'm sure is not the reason for Erika's sunglasses, but I have vertigo and supermarkets and malls are hard for me. In fact I haven't been in a mall for many years because they make me dizzy. I learned in PT that wearing sunglasses in these settings help with that. 

    I can see why someone with vertigo and/or migraines would wear sunglasses indoors (a former co-worker did) it's just that none of these people have vertigo or migraines!  Did we ever see Yo with her sunnies (nod to Rachel Zoe) on indoors?  If any Housewife was going to wear them for health reasons, it would be her with Shannon (OC) a close second!!  

    On a personal note, I went to a funeral in the Caribbean in the mid-90's with the wife and mother of one of the deceased wearing sunglasses through the entire thing- church service, burial and wake.  I found it slightly, I don't know.....disrespectful maybe?  But who knows, maybe I would do the same thing in their shoes.  I know that I don't feel as "vulnerable" when I wear mine in the summer so that may be it.  

    I have so much shit to do in my house on my day off and I'm talking about women wearing sunglasses 22 years ago!!!!  Ugh..........      

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