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Posts posted by crgirl412

  1. If the surrogate had gotten waxed, as he mentioned at the birth, he probably would have sued her for endangering the welfare of his baby!! 

    "Yes, Gage, this could've been the first fucking time that wax entered the vagina, went up through the cervix, into the uterus and made it through the placenta to the baby!!!! 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Ohmo said:

    My first thought was "I wonder if he was on Ambien," which my family members have been prescribed by their doctors in order to maintain good-quality sleep.  However, Anthony was also a recovering addict, so (if he was in treatment) doctors might not have wanted to prescribe Ambien.

    Ambien can especially be addictive when the person has a paradoxical reaction, instead of being sleepy they are very alert and instead of feeling relaxed they can have a feeling of being powerful.  Yes, if someone is an addict even risking it might not be worth it.  

    • Love 3
  3. 25 minutes ago, Ohmo said:

    Several members of my family are dealing with mental illness, and I'll tell you, sleep is very important.  Based on my experiences with my own family members and what I've read about Anthony's grueling schedule, if he wasn't sleeping, he was in trouble.  Lack of sleep coupled with depression or bipolar disorder places a person on edge.  Add any negative stimuli (even a small one), and things can shift in a frighteningly fast period of time....resulting in potentially dangerous and impulsive behavior.  Unfortunately, I can see a scenario where he encountered a stimuli that he perceived as negative when he was alone, thus setting off the chain of events that the authorities believe was impulse-driven, and no one was with him to stop him.

    I bet that "dark mood for days" was the depression creeping in due to lack of sleep, but no one around Anthony might have realized he was heading toward trouble from a mental health standpoint.

    Lack of sleep is not healthy for any of us but sleep is supremely important when dealing with mental illness.  I am a Psychiatric RN on an acute inpatient unit and the docs watch the sleep hours very carefully.  99% of my patients take sleep aids so they can get the sleep they need.  In Bipolar and Schizophrenia, lack of sleep can make things much worse even while on meds.

    Anthony was dealing with lack of sleep and jet lag which must be horrible.         

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  4. 1 hour ago, crgirl412 said:

    Oh, wow.........  I thought the photo of them with her in the red shirt could go just friendship or more but some of these are so clearly beyond friendship.  It is one thing for someone to end a relationship then get with someone else so soon and keep it in private but then to end a relationship then flaunt the new person so soon and in the media is too much, way too much.  Since it was flaunted where she knew they were getting pics taken, I do not think she was cheating but must've ended it then was showing off her new man.  Everyone knows that is a shitty thing to do and now she is reaping what she sowed.              


    59 minutes ago, General Days said:


    Rose McGowan has inserted herself in this and made a point to say Bourdain and Argento had an open relationship.


    Regardless of whether that's true. Anthony Bourdain was a 61 year old man, who previously lived through his divorce from his high school sweetheart, Nancy Putkowski, after 20 years of marriage. He also survived the breakup of his marriage with Ottavia Busia, the mother of his only child.

    It's depression at work here, depression and whatever other illnesses may have again reared their ugly heads.


    I adored Bourdain and didn't know who Argento was until the Weinstein scandal hit and news broke that Bourdain was dating her. Please keep that in mind when I say I find it disgusting that the tabloids are laying any blame at Argento's feet, either outright or implied. It is absolutely revolting. 


    People breakup and makeup all the time -- without a death toll.

    It is not a woman's fault when a man reacts badly, whether he does so by shooting up a school or hanging himself in his hotel shower.

    Reap what she sowed is perhaps too harsh.  I agree that she didn't cause it or make him do it but she knew that he was sensitive, fragile, prone to depression and would not react well.  We all have a friend, acquaintance or relative who has to be treated with a little more care for different reasons.  Surely she knew about a bad hamburger so what did she think this would do?  I do not believe that she thought it would be suicide, but maybe she should have?      

  5. 2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    I hate to bring this up so soon while everyone is grieving (me included), but I can't help but think there was something major that pushed Tony over the edge.  The Daily Mail photos of Asia in what were unmistakably romantic poses with Hugo Clement in Rome only a few days before Tony's death make me wonder, as does her reported Instagram post of a photo of her in a "Fuck you all" tee shirt with the caption "You know who you are" only 3 hours before his death was announced (which she later pulled just before or after the announcement) seem too suspicious to not have something to do with Tony's decision to end his life.  I am sure we could speculate forever on how these things could have had a hand in it and still not come to an answer.  I also wonder if Asia's public statement to "respect her and his family's privacy" at this time came out of some of that.  The tabloids may know more than they are letting on for now.  

    Note that even if there was a situational component to his suicide I am sure that his chronic fatigue plus depression also contributed.  It's just that when someone is already in that kind of mental/emotional/physical state, something heartbreaking could send them over the edge to wanting to end it all.  It looks to me like all was not happy between them just before his death.  He may have seen the photos and they may have had a fight.  Eric Ripert and Tony's mom both said he was in a dark mood in the few days before his death.  

    I am not a conspiracy theorist, but there is enough out there to make me wonder about this.  I am sorry if this offends anyone who is still grappling with grief to want to entertain such thoughts.

    More photos:


    Oh, wow.........  I thought the photo of them with her in the red shirt could go just friendship or more but some of these are so clearly beyond friendship.  It is one thing for someone to end a relationship then get with someone else so soon and keep it in private but then to end a relationship then flaunt the new person so soon and in the media is too much, way too much.  Since it was flaunted where she knew they were getting pics taken, I do not think she was cheating but must've ended it then was showing off her new man.  Everyone knows that is a shitty thing to do and now she is reaping what she sowed.              

    • Love 4
  6. 18 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    I think he's shading Living Spaces, not so much Nate & Jeremiah.

    When Jeff does these kinds of things, I fully believe he goes scorched earth.

    18 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    I wouldn’t call #sloppyseconds complimentary to N and J.

    No, not complimentary at all.  Jeff is so rude.  It's a shame, they (also Jeremiah and Gage) seem to have more similarities than differences and could be a force to be reckoned with.

    • Love 1
  7. I was just looking around our forum and thought about how lucky we are to have found this site!!!  I am a refugee from TWoP (Television Without Pity) 4 years ago as I'm sure some of you are as well.  We would never had this great of a forum on there!!!  The mods here are sane and give us tons of leeway to really get to the marrow of a show.  We would never have enjoyed the Americans as much if this site wasn't here!!  We are treated like the adults we are which makes a huge difference in the quality of a forum!!   

    I am talking about the mods here so much as some of the mods at TWoP were ultra controlling to say the least and seemed to show up randomly substitute mods  for a forum and do stuff like lock the forum if they felt like as a punishment for not following the "rules", delete hours of posts if they deemed them God-only-knows-what, correct spelling and grammar, gave out warning points with scathing rebukes and banned a ton of people for mild (if any) infractions.  There was no "Boards on Boards" which means to talk about what another poster has written in any way.  It isn't really much fun to have to think that hard when trying to reply!!  I LOVE PREVIOUSLY TV!!!!!

    • Love 4
  8. 2 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

    That’s just what I was coming to say!  I do like Nate and Jeremiah’s show but it is more about the design process to me vs Jeff’s life drama.  

    Jeff would never hold his shit together enough to get through one flip/redo/update so there's that.  I'm sure N & J's clients don't tell them to fuck off in many different ways then go into a partnership with them like Jeff and the rock star's wife, Jeannie (sp?) 

    • Love 3
  9. 7 minutes ago, Sentient Meat said:

    Good point about role switching... I think that's a valid point.  However, I think Gregory not wanting to go to the Soviet Union was more about knowing he'd have a impossible time in a nation where they still to this day have to discipline soccer crowds for outward displays of racism.  Remember too, that Philip slept with Kimmy and she was right back under his thumb until he had that last crisis of conscience and warned her off going to a communist country.  Their dynamic evolved because Philip had evolved more than any great epiphany of her own.

    Also with Nina, remember it wasn't like she chose to face certain prison like Oleg... she sold out that poor Belgian woman and then took a calculated risk for the scientist.  She was legitimately surprised when they executed her so it's hard to say whether she believed she'd keep getting a pass for her charm and beauty and get another slap on the wrist... or whether she knew she might die.  Seeing her reaction at the sentence... I think it might have been the former.  She was empathetic and compassionate... but not really any sort of freedom fighter.

    I think that's a strong point of the show though, a lot of questions that may never be answered clearly.

    Yeah, I think it's like deciding whether to watch Star Wars 4,5,6 before 1,2,3.

    Better to watch 4,5,6, first.

    HA!!!!  I had Star Wars in mind when I asked that question!! 

    • Love 1
  10. On 6/5/2018 at 10:08 AM, QuinnM said:

    I feel so sorry for nutritionists.  I had the same discussion.  She had me measure them.  It’s about 100 calories for SG.  But my nutritionist has a thing about popcorn.  She says that substituting popcorn for dinner is a big red flag. It’s one of the ways people fill their stomach without eating a meal.  But even at Walmart, which I only visit on rare occasions SG lime seems always sold out.

    I shop at Walmart and and used to always look for SG Lime popcorn!!!  A couple of months ago, I decided that I didn't hear my sister say how good it was and I just made it up in my head as I've been looking for it for years and never found it!  I started to feel dumb looking on the shelves every week!!  I am so happy that I read your post to confirm that it is REAL!! 

    THANK YOU, QuinnM!!

  11. 22 hours ago, Dev F said:

    Charles Duluth is my favorite underutilized character on the show. There's something so fascinating about this guy who's forced to live his entire life pretending to be the kind of person he despises most

    He is mine too!!!!  He was waaaayyy underutilized!!  I wanted to see him again and even wrote in one of my posts that I wanted to see what was going on with Martha, Misha and Charles (though I couldn't remember his name). 

    I think I like the character so much because I am a Conservative and it makes me wonder if any of the Conservatives in the media presently or in the past are spies!!!!   

    • Love 2
  12. I've only watched the Americans on this kind of channel.  I did watch the Sopranos but not with the gusto like I did the Americans.  Different things took more of my time then so I wasn't completed gutted at the stupid ending.   I think I would like to watch Breaking Bad, Handmaiden's Tale and Downton Abbey (can I put that in here??) I have no interest in the WD and little in GoT. 

    In the Laundry Room, I wrote that we should all watch something else together!  I suggested Pose or Snowfall since they are on Fx.

    • Love 1
  13. 2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Anything can happen to the actors too, not that I think Matthew and Keri would be inclined to do more Americans projects.  Bill Paxton died 6 years after Big Love closed after 5 seasons.  Gandolfini died 6 years after 6 years of The Sopranos. 

    Matthew Rhys had better take excellent care of himself! 

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