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Posts posted by crgirl412

  1. Surprised that there wasn't a thread for this episode and it's a week later! 

    Watching episode for first time and watching them fight (well, her yell at Fredrik) at an assistant's birthday party after he brought up her making Jordan do work.  Fredrik, obviously you have never heard the phrase, "This is not the time nor the place."

  2. 10 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

    I remember watching a minor movie several years, actually decades, ago, that took the premise that the culture in the early grade schools of England during that time may have created such a dislike for that class structure among some of the more disadvantaged students that they harbored sympathies for the communist cause simply out of revenge.  And thus acted on it by the time they reached university.  It wasn't a documentary, but rather a "what if" story.

    That is very interesting!  I can see how that could happen.  I wonder if it really ever did. 

    • Love 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Rainsong said:

    In which a professional driver isn’t allowed to drive in a place where there are no roads or speed limits, one fantasy suite involves no suite and even less fantasy, a taxidermist gets stuffed (cruel irony), a determined, devoted ex-boyfriend abandons his intercontinental quest after a bare minimum of effort, and declarations of love are delivered with all the emotional intensity and sincerity of an order placed at a Starbucks counter.

    Jumbled impressions after a rather jumbled episode.

    TB, in person and concept, takes a lot of grief for relying on this rather bizarre lab experiment to ‘find love’ while nevertheless reveling in a series of casual hookups.  If we accept the psychological consensus that men are prone to be more decisive even if the decision later proves erroneous then we must also accept that TB selects his desired final partner long before the last one or two episodes in which he’s portrayed as conflicted.  Compared to numerous past seasons, Becca and Lauren do seem more evenly matched but a 2-hour episode involving just 4 persons was stultifying even with the obviously-engineered Return of Ross.

    Kendall:  first to go, last to know.  It doesn’t strike her as odd that they’re meeting in the middle of a barren wasteland when the only two possible outcomes are riding dune buggies or awaiting pickup by the alien mothership.  Real-time footage is nice to have but clipping GoPro cameras to the nose of snowboards-turned-duneboards might be excessive.  Once again we catch glimpse of just how large a crew is involved in a simple one-on-one date as they stand along the ridgeline.

    Aside:  criticisms of the vacuous post-date conversations are fully justified.  ‘Today was fun.’  ‘Yeah, today WAS fun!’ etc. But it should be pointed out that the legal department are constantly sniffing around and, to paraphrase the standard film disclaimer, any references to actual persons, places or events are targeted for deletion lest a libel or other lawsuit is brought.  They may very well discuss music, celebrity gossip, family and friends, etc. but protection of the producers & network and protection of the privacy of others may often dictate the bare-bones nature of the exchanges. 

    That said, the Kendall-Arie dynamic is an odd one in which both simultaneously attempt to convince their partner as well as themselves that they are developing feelings when they clearly are not.  Kudos to the poster above who noted the bee pollinating the flower in the morning but there was also a bird – a peacock no less – in the preceding shot!  Birds & bees. Aren’t they clever.  Kendall has avoided some of the worst girl-slang excesses so far but she’s slipped into the unfortunate habit of prefacing everything she says with ‘I feel like,’ occasionally extending it to ‘I feel like…like.’  It’s a shame for her because they were never a match and it’s a shame for the season because Arie intentionally chose someone he could cast aside without a second thought.

    Onto the contenders…one internet sleuth spotted a swimsuit photo of Lauren who displayed some impressive washboard abs.  Her little crop-top number in the episode hints at it.  Some of the Bachelorettes eg Jenna and, of course, Krystal have made a big deal out of being gym rats but Lauren has been doing her share of crunches it seems.  Lauren notices an airplane behind Arie.  Can’t slip anything past the daughter of a Navy fighter jock!  Is Lauren popping a fistful of Xanax every morning or is she always this unimpressed with one-of-a-kind historical sites?  She stumbles into a rather inarticulate declaration of love but even the most keen-eyed viewer will have difficulty seeing any actual change in her demeanor.

    Becca and Arie are best suited.  What that actually means in this hothouse is yet to be determined since Arie is fully capable of committing his own Ben Higgins Blunder.  A tent in the middle of the desert replete with pillows and candles (no doubt the health & safety staffer was a nervous wreck) may seem exotic but in my experience many (most?) females asked to camp, glamp or otherwise stay overnight in the out of doors concern themselves first and foremost with the availability and condition of bathroom facilities.  It stands to reason that a port-a-john (at worst) or even a fully-kitted camper or trailer would have stood nearby for such purposes but this puts a dent in the ‘two persons alone in the desert’ narrative – to say nothing of the need for lodgings for the crew who would have also been staying overnight a few yards away.

    The clumsy parachuting of Ross into Peru and the risible story of how his ‘research’ led him to Becca have been examined humorously in detail upthread.  Waitaminute…his name is Ross?  I’m hearing someone shout ‘WE WERE ON A BREAK!’

    Her body-language reaction is curious…she doesn’t seem all that surprised to see him, quite honestly.  Sitting down on a step while Ross towers above her is also curious…it’s a bit of a pout from her, really.  Despite the ostensible emotional impact of his visit and his request Becca isn’t turning on the waterworks as one might expect.  It is a little odd to hear Ross’ Southern drawl contrasted with Becca’s flat Midwestern vowels and it leads to wondering just how and where they met.

    TB musical cues are an easy (and deserving) target of mockery but suddenly the music stops as lengthy unaccompanied camera shots of Arie et al are spliced together to pad out the overlong 2-hr window.

    Kendall is cut loose (CH voice) IN THE MOST UNDRAMATIC DECISION IN BACHELOR HISTORY!  Even before Arie disappears in the rearview mirror Kendall regains her senses and knows she’s had a lucky escape.  She & her twin will have a right old laugh and a ‘What were you thinking?’ talk.

    Lauren, swept away by the romantic tsunami, gripes that it’s hard to walk in heels on cobblestones at the RC.  She really does see the big picture doesn’t she?  One can only imagine the reprisals the first time Arie fails to load the dishwasher properly.  She’s taking ‘military brat’ to its figurative and literal extremes.


    So awesome that you thought of that, rainsong!!!  I tried to insert a funny GIF but it didn't work!! 

    • Love 1
  4. Just now, dizzyd said:

    Why  do I even bother? Even UnReal is better scripted than this. The ex pawn couldn't do anything for the past year or all the weeks they were in the US? He had to fly to Peru to make it dramatic. Anyone buying this crap? 

    This has become as scripted as Unreal if not more.  I highly doubt anyone is buying it. 

    • Love 10
  5. Why do these women dance around what the real issue is when trying to explain what their issue is?  Isn't it this:

    "I love you.  I want us to be together at the end and always but I don't know if you love me and/or you love one or both of the other women.  I'm freaking out because I want you to choose me but I know you can't even hint to me what will happen."

    • Love 11
  6. On 2/25/2018 at 12:29 PM, walnutqueen said:

    You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar
    When I met you
    I picked you out, I shook you up
    And turned you around
    Turned you into someone new
    Now five years later on you've got the world at your feet
    Success has been so easy for you
    But don't forget it's me who put you where you are now
    And I can put you back down too.

    I started singing this to myself sometime this season when thinking of E & T and wish I would've posted it!!! 

    • Love 4
  7. 24 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

    I received a book for my birthday, apparently in a series.  Anyway, It's called The Bronze Horseman and I've read the synopsis of the other 2 books on this blog, and elsewhere.  WARNING full of spoilers, which is why I found this one. There is a rather large book two spoiler I wanted to find, and she's the only one that addressed it.   https://rosiestakeon.wordpress.com/2017/02/14/the-bronze-horseman/ 

    The interesting part was the book being set in the Soviet Union, and though it's a romance-style book, it's written by a Russian born American writer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paullina_Simons and, among other things, covers Leningrad as Germany declares war, and for a few years after that.  Soviet life is depicted before and after, and the NKVD is a prominent part of the book.

    I have to say, I often thought of both Elizabeth and of her mother while reading this, and reading the synopsis of the other two books in the trilogy, which I probably will end up buying.  She really did a good job of portraying life in that system, as well as the deprivations, and realities of war for Soviets during WWII, as well as the fears and realities of being arrested under Stalin's regime.  (Hi Gabriel!)

    Happy Birthday!!!!  This sounds very interesting!! 

    • Love 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

    Loving the audience members with Becca “Missing” and “Found” shirts, the “Glam shaming or bust,” and the “#micdrop” vs “#glitter.” However, what’s with the guy wearing the Zorro mask?? Is he supposed to be the “kissing bandit,” I guess? Or, more likely, his woman dragged him there and he did NOT want to be recognized on TV—at least not watching THIS show. Good call, sir.

    Bibi’s mouth is still agape to this day in the reaction-shot box watching Krystal call Arie a “fancy pants” bleeping whatever. I like Becca’s comment to Krys: “don’t curate a presence.” Some other girl that I’ve never sees is practically hysterical over Krystal; we’re you even ON this show? Krystal “lost her voice” for 6 weeks, lol. Oh, her homeless brother came back, so, jeez, now I can’t laugh at this woman any more.

    There is also a WOMAN wearing a Zorro mask that is not sitting anywhere near the man with the Zorro mask, so either this is a “thing” or the ushers were giving them out on the way in to protect the innocent. Please, I would absolutely be there with the gaudiest bedazzled T-shirt this side of the 1980s. I think this season I would go with: “I came here for World Tells All.”

    I think Sienne just did her Bachelorette audition.

    Becca really DID go to a pot farm after The Bachelor! There goes all of our theories on how the pot farm was the cover-up story for going on this show! See ya in Paradise, Becs—mom’s worst nightmare. Paradise is worse than mom thinking she was murdered or human trafficked or caught up with a drug warlord or whatever put her on the missing persons list. Well, I guess if she ends up like Corrine, point well taken.

    Hmm. The most interesting 30 seconds of the entire show was the girl I mentioned earlier about not recalling she was ever on this show—Caroline, apparently—telling Arie “I know what you did...” and Arie responding it will play out over the next few weeks. So, did they push up this episode just to tease that we know this was the most boring episode in Bachelor History, but don’t quit on us yet—Arie has lots of regrets, would do lots of things differently, and did something that pissed this girl off...who was long off this show at the time of the events. 

    Krystal suddenly pulls out her voice that she doesn’t even know how to do. Oh, damn, Arie is not having it—should have sent your ass home sooner, more or less.

    In all, TWTA was a bust. I made the wrong choice going with this over the Olympics closing ceremonies.

    I was thinking it was more Tia since CH asked her 2 or 3 times if she was ready for love again.  I like Tia so I wouldn't mind her.  I think it would be hard to find 25 men for Sienne since she is so different than the usual type of guys who do the Bachelor.  

    • Love 2
  9. 5 minutes ago, dosodog said:

    It rains a lot.  It's usually not a drenching rain, but a fine mist that stays.  However.  When the sun comes out and the sky is blue, it is one of the most stunning places to be.  

    Rain is not a weather event, it's a way of life.

    We also layer up here.  It can be 40 in the morning and much warmer in the afternoon.  Flannel is your friend in the Pacific Northwest! 

    Also.  Socks AND sandals are a thing here.  Just be prepared to have your fashion sense to be offended.

    Underwear people.  Under. Wear.  I am having ew moments wondering how many public seats I have sat on, that an underwear less person has sat on.

    No.  No umbrellas. We will know you aren't a native immediately. We side eye umbrella users in Washington.

    Fun fact.  The one and only umbrella store in Seattle, closed and moved due to no sales.

    We don't need no stinking umbrellas!

    Never??  What about your hair?  Your clothes?

    • Love 5
  10. Does anyone know as of this writing, the status of Kyle and her sisters?  When this season was being filmed they weren't in a good place so I don't think Kyle was herself. 

    LVP wants to be glamorous, rescue dogs, drink tea with Ken, arrange flowers at Sur/Villa Blanca and give advice to her drunk employees.  She isn't going to put too much effort into getting down and dirty with these women regardless of of the situation.     

    • Love 7
  11. 1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    I loved when Lisa showed her Bella cover, it really was a nice cover then they showed Dorit's cover...it was a much different vibe.  I am not a fan of the raccoon eyes and greasy hair, looked like she took a ride in a trunk of a car before stepping in front of the camera.  It struck me funny when Dorit (walking with LVP in her oh so, "just me being me"sweats), said how excited she was about her first cover...is she anticipating more covers in her future?  Is she confusing herself with a fashion model?  

    I think Kyle was extra emotional due to the cocktails she had but she does resort to tears when ever possible and it is a tired ploy.  

    Erika's dress she wore to the magazine party was odd, I don't care if it was couture, was it Luann who said even Gucci makes a mistake from time to time, 'cause she was right, lol.  

    Erika's trip to Simon and Schuster with her writer was filler but what was he wearing, an Eton suit?  The man at the table in the little hat and goatee looked so familiar, do we know him?

    I loved Dorit's hair and make up team saying in nasely unison (but with no actual feeling), "congratualations on your cover." Like they even care.

    Just trying to keep it all straight for posterity.  ;)


    • Love 6
  12. 8 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

    "Diamond Jack". It was a Terry episode from season 7. You can find it online. Lots of funny bits like Jack not being able to roller skate. John Ritter physical comedy at it's best. My favorite part though is how Jack, Janet and Terry find out the diamonds are real and not glass!

    I will look it up!!   Thank you!! 

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