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Posts posted by crgirl412

  1. 6 hours ago, Momof2boyz said:

    I thought this show was really well-done and interesting - not your typical fame-whore reality-TV trash.  This was originally done as a documentary for British TV and has a very realistic, slice of life feel to it.  You can tell they really believe they have a higher calling.  I liked and sympathized with them.  The women are all beautiful!  Fascinating.

    I googled Rockland Ranch so I know things that we haven't seen yet!  If you don't want to know things yet, don't google it!!

    • Love 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Adira said:

    Definitely agree!  This show looks much more authentic than Seeking Sister Wives.  I find it interesting how well the Morrison wives get along - I wonder if that's because it was really the first wife who basically chose wife #2 to join the family and it kind of seemed like the husband didn't have anything to do with it, haha.

    ETA: Do I have the right family for this, haha?

    Wasn't Meri the one who first started talked to Robyn at some party, took a liking to her and put a bug in Kody's ear? 

    BTW, I am so glad that there is now a forum for this show!!

    • Love 2
  3. 11 hours ago, paulvdb said:

    You've never heard of fanfic? From Wikipedia:

      I've never heard of it.  It sounds interesting.!!

    According to Wikipedi,a "Fifty Shades of Grey was originally written as fan fiction for the Twilight series of books and movies and played off the characters of Bella and Edward. In order to not infringe on copyright issues, James changed the character names to Anna and Christian for the purposes of her novels." 

    Is that true? 

  4. On 3/12/2018 at 8:29 PM, WireWrap said:

    Doesn't he realize that cheating on their mom, handing 1 of them his wedding ring to give back to her a few years ago and then cheating on her yet again has had a huge impact on them?  On top of that, he has flaunted his gf/her kid(s) on his SM accounts, before the divorce is final, further hurting their mom, yet he thinks Shannon is the one alienating them from him. He needs to look no further than in the mirror to see who is pushing them away.

    PREACH, WireWrap!!!!

    • Love 7
  5. On 3/7/2018 at 7:22 PM, Gam2 said:

    I haven’t watched this show in years but do remember that particular dinner. Alex and Simon and their demon children were hours late for Jill’s dinner. After they arrived and the food was finally served, that child ran around the room yelling and grabbed a knife to stab that hamburger. Alex and Simon just sat there like two bumps on a log because they thought that was acceptable behavior. I was appalled by the entire thing and wanted to slap A & S right upside the head for allowing their children to be so out of control. Had that been my child, I’d have yanked his ass up and taken him to the ladie’s room for a good whoop ass. No wonder we have a country full of spoiled, out of control young people. God help us all.

    Thankfully, they are now the problem of Australia.  Sorry, mates.

    • Love 4
  6. On 2/9/2016 at 2:00 PM, crgirl412 said:

    Those would be interesting story lines!!  If they moved to Canada would the show be called The Canadians?  ;)     

    There is a parody/political satire on Amazon called The Canadians.  It's funny!!  

    • Love 3
  7. 11 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:


    All I have to say is Megan’s dress in the final scenes looked like stitched-together Kleenex that had been used to remove makeup. 

    Yes!  Like something from some Project Runway challenge using various used paper products.  

    • Love 3
  8. 6 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

    Horrible, crappy weather in NJ/NY - loving a Season 1 marathon on a day like today!  

    It's amazing to me how much Bethenny's face has changed over the last ten years.  Not just her face, but her self-confidence and snarkiness....she was so much funnier then - now, she's super self-confident and can be so brutal to everyone.  I remember now why I liked her so much back then!  

    YES!  Bethenny looks SO different!!!  I forgot the distinct shape of her face!  Luann, Jill and Alex still look the same.  Ramona in some ways looked better and worse back then.  

    I liked B better back then too! 

    • Love 4
  9. Just now, alexa said:

    Rushing into this marriage only proves the point that they are not ready.  If they were really mature and ready they would know they need to get to know one another first.  Obviously.  Oh well.

    Right now there is a wedding planner saying cha-ching.  In 6 months to a year after the wedding it will be a lawyer.  If it ever if gets that far. 

    • Love 3
  10. A decent human being would've broken up with Becca first then called Lauren (he knew he was testing the waters not getting closure) and if he lost both women, he lost both women.  We all know that scenario is the hardest to do and risk being totally alone. 

    • Love 19
  11. Ari doesn't realize that Becca is a connector and that would lead to couple friendships, families getting together and real estate business leads but with Lauren the other moms, neighbors and co-workers will take her muteness and seeming lack of interest in anything for her just being a pretty, frosty bitch. 

    • Love 12
  12. 7 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    Okay, two questions of mine have been answered:

    1. The woman's sobbing and the walking out the door by Arie that were previewed? From tonight's show.

    2. Was it all staged? No. Unless Becca needs to steal Frances McDormand's Oscar for the second time! Because her sobbing, her cursing, and her "Just go" were real.

    Somewhere Ross is LHAO.

    I don't know..... He seemed sincere when talking to Becca so he might be ready to kill Arie. 

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