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Posts posted by crgirl412

  1. 22 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

    I agree - it looks interesting.  I’m hoping that Emma’s head on the wall is a fake and this guy that’s forcing the gang into this Hunger Games scenario is just some buffoon that keeps them from leaving the island like the Others from Lost or any of the myriad people who landed on Gilligan’s Island only to find a way off themselves.  

    I LOVE Emma!!!  I could watch a show of just the Emma character!  I never got into Lost so I'm not sure about that but it was odd that all the others who came on to Gilligan's Island got off!! 

    Do any of you also watch People of Earth on TBS?  I'm hoping it returns too!!  It's also very, very funny.  Actually, I think it is funnier than Wrecked in ways. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Roseanna said:

    When Paige during her birthday dinner with Tims announced her decide to be baptized, Philip wondered if Tim's Church arranged baptism.  Doesn't all Christian churces demand baptism as a condition of membership?

    In the Lutheran Church (the most common Church in Finland) baptism is mostly done to babies, but teenagers have a confirmation school after which they get together Eucharist (before they can have Eucharist with a parent).  

    If an adult who hadn't been baptized by another Christian Church wants to join the Lutheran Church, she must get baptism education before baptism. There was no talk that Paige had such before her baptism. Nor was there ever shown or talked that she had Eucharist.  

    Roseanna- do you live in Finland?  I was just reading about it this morning! 

    The type of church Paige went to didn't have Eucharist (also referred to as Communion) like the Lutheran church or the Roman Catholic church.  They are different from each other as well but I won't get into that here.  Protestant churches such as Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Non-Denominational, etc. do have communion BUT it isn't considered to be in any way the true body and blood of Christ.  It represents His body and blood- His sacrifice.  It is still done in a solemn and reverent way every week, 2x a month, 1x a month or some only have it a few times a year. 

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  3. On 7/14/2018 at 12:21 PM, holly4755 said:

    sadly, I feel the need to speak up for stalkers.

    after 25 years of marriage when we were going to marriage counseling, my ex blamed everything on me.  He said I was acting weird, I was cold and unfeeling despite crying endlessly in confusion, so I followed him after work and found he was with someone 20 years younger than me.  a little more research on her and picking up his office messages because of course I knew his message code (always set it back to new messages), found the affair was going on for months, so that pretty much convinced me counseling was a waste of money, time to move on.  if he  didn't lie and gaslight me, I would not have had to stalk,  didn't take me more than a week or so to find out the truth, cant's say got over it fast, but at least I found out what I needed and bought a dog and moved on, finding dogs nicer then men at that point.  Mia should have bought a dog, She should have done that instead of going on this show. 


    I don't think that what you did is the real and the criminal stalking.  Many people have done what you did to find out the truth to figure out what in the hell to do next.   Stalkers know the truth but simply can't or won't accept it.  Those are two very different things.

    • Love 5
  4. 2 hours ago, KateHearts said:

    Danielle had dark hair.

    As for regional looks, I agree that nowhere does the bleached/monotone white blonde and harsh makeup get a pass, but it seems that the look still lingers on some women I've seen from Texas.  Think Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.

    I'm in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic and we have the same look here.  I think all states and even countries where dark hair can be bleached blonde, this look exists. 

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  5. 15 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

    OMG .. You are too funny .. LMAO.   Bobby and the mother should get married, hahahaha.  He looks like he will have a temper.  Danielle looks like she will kick his ass.

    This 100000% times.  One of those calm, logical, very particular guys who won't be flexible.  After trying to school Danielle on nothing important but she won't see it his way or do it his way, watchout.    

    • Love 7
  6. 8 minutes ago, PityFree said:

    Same!  My instincts are telling me that he’s one of those guys that seems really sweet and down to earth and nonthreatening at first, but once he lets his guard down he’ll be an ass. He is handsome ...and he knows it. 

    I don't think he thinks that he's handsome necessarily but I think that he takes himself very seriously and will be controlling by wanting things a certain way because of the logic behind it like she'll want to dance in the rain but he's giving the health reasons why he can't and she shouldn't. 

    Mia is like the guy from last season who couldn't let go and kept saying "but she's a stranger!"

    • Love 9
  7. On 7/5/2018 at 11:42 PM, rhys said:

    I finally saw a commercial for season 3 tonight. Still no start date but "soon." Yay!

    I LOVE Wrecked!!!  I should binge watch S1 and S2 again before S3 starts.  I thought it was on in the Summer the last two seasons.

    It's back July 24!!  The S3 thread on here gives the date.  

  8. It may just be a friendship but as someone above said, Bobby was sick for a long time so maybe it's companionship but not really a romance.  One grieves the whole time a loved one is terminal, if they aren't in denial about what is happening (anticipatory grief ) so when they do die, it is very different than if they died suddenly.


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  9. 5 hours ago, Umbelina said:

    Things were a real mess then, the country was broke, crime ruled, and the powerful cemented their money and power.

    I wonder if the real spies living here during the late 80's were as out of touch we saw Philip and Elizabeth.  By the time it all changed in the early 90's, they would've known from American news what had been going on all of those years.  I would love to hear from them. 

  10. 12 hours ago, hellmouse said:

    This is an interview from 2017 with Irina Dvorovenko (Evgheniya Morozov in season 5). I had no idea that was a principal ballerina with the American Ballet Theater before retiring in 2013! She talks a little about her own experience growing up in the USSR.


    These are the elites of the country hoarding food to bring back!!  I thought they were treated very, very well- especially those who traveled abroad so they wouldn't defect.   

  11. On 3/17/2018 at 6:34 PM, emma675 said:

    I follow Amy on Twitter and she's said before that she leaves detailed instructions with the homeowners, including names and contact info of people who can help. Apparently she also debriefs the homeowners more extensively than we see on the show.

    Thank God!! I was worried that she just gave the very generic info we see and then left!  I think it would be good to show us that too.  I wonder why they don't?  

    • Love 5
  12. On 6/19/2018 at 6:04 AM, Mu Shu said:

    Happened at my job.  A simple google search revealed the scumbags domestic violence record, but the geniuses in HR missed it.  He was allowed to threaten and harass us for almost a full year.  

    Fuck HR.

    That's is scary!  hey would've been in huge trouble if something would've happened to one of you at his hand. 

    It's interesting that he was an abuser at home and work.  Most domestic abusers are just that, domestic abusers, they keep their shit together at work beautifully but at home, watch out

    I used to get so incensed hearing "how nice" an ex-boyfriend was while knowing how it probably would go down in the car or at home. It was verbal abuse not physical abuse and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.  It was 15 years ago and I still Google his name periodically- only to see if he ever got arrested. 

    • Love 11
  13. 15 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Have any of you watched a show on AMC called Dietland? It's a real quirky kind of show. It's rather difficult to describe. I suppose it could be described as a dark comedy, as it has quite a bit of murder. I'm not sure that I really get it.  I wish there was more discussion about it on the boards.  There are several threads on it.  If anyone is interested, please come over there.  It's nothing like The Americans, except it has a lot of murders. lol 


    I don't get AMC, unfortunately.  I would really like to see Deep State on epix, which I don't get either!! 

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  14. 1 hour ago, leighdear said:

    Strangely, I still kind of like Bekah.  I think in a year or so, she'd be a hilarious Bachelorette.  The hippy dippy, granola eating, pot smoking free spirit.  They've never had one of those.  And since we know most of what happens is scripted, rehearsed or downright faked, what does it matter?   

    She'd be 24 at next year's filming.  And the guys they'd attract cast would probably be epic.  


    40 minutes ago, call me ishmael said:

    You are right.  She might actually be worth watching.  Which is more than you can say for the past few seasons of or/ette

    I would like to see that only IF she got over herself a lot.  I think the producers would have a tough time finding guys only because they wouldn't be they same guys as they are used to finding.  It is basically the same handsome/pretty type of people all. the. time (not counting Juan Pablo and the opera singer).  They do really need to diversify in all ways so Bekah would be a good start.  

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