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Everything posted by humbleopinion

  1. North Woods Law: Wildside Game Wardens of Maine. Think this is a brand new episode and not just a remix. Started 6/9 and I just happened upon it scrolling through..... Update: This is a clip show. I recognize the segments with non communicative elderly guy, Bruce found in the brook and the deaf guy sitting in a truck who may/not be night hunting.... Sorry false alarm....
  2. https://www.history.com/shows/alone/cast Just click on the specific cast member and you can see their list of ten. https://www.history.com/shows/alone/articles/gear-list They have a gear list to choose... Tim's lure idea just got silver/shiny toothbrushes banned in the future....
  3. Liz is misguided by not prioritizing getting her BS in Nursing so she can have a 4 year college degree and a job that will pay the bills. If she had stayed on track she should have her prerequisites completed by now and applying for BS Nursing Schools. Seems she is spinning her wheels by working very long hours in the nursing care facility to make money to save for rent on a house and not taking of herself by exercising, eating well, and cashing in on her lucrative art business. Jonah can use community college to rehab his failed college gpa and get him back on track to earn a college degree. He didn't torpedo it too much...just retake the failed courses.... He is far too lazy, arrogant, entitled to do a manual labor job like Trent or any job he feels is beneath him... Anna seems to be the only one on track to complete her degree hopefully she will transfer to a college with a 4 year terminal teaching degree, getting the hours needed for a teaching certificate now by substituting and then a full time position with the benefits of having a college degree so she can advance on to a master's if she wants in the future... Amber and Trent are fails at guiding their children to adults... 3 Fail...2 more to ruin... Emma seems to have taken an attitude of pissed off and annoyed... Alex has lost all of his happy go lucky ways and is seething, angry and waiting to blow...
  4. Remember the episode of Big Bang Theory in Las Vegas when Leonard and Raj hire a prostitute to give a wounded Howard “the girlfriend experience” or more specifically the “Jewish girlfriend experience.” Welcome to Jake’s 80’s Nerd Girlfriend Experience… “SousZahn” was well coached by “Michael” her pimp… Big Nose…check She thinks his faux hawk and beard “cute” Drank the swill red wine out of Old fashioned bar glasses…who doesn’t have 6 wine glasses from IKEA? Sat in front of the plate of slop in front of her…wut was that plate o’ mess take out? When she referenced George Lucas’ Monkey Island…Mister Harder became harder…he should have proposed then and there…his inner child was so pleased Is giving a tour of your home a regional thing? a Jake thing? Have long time friends and have only been in their living room, dining room, kitchen, guest bathroom…and vice versa… “Loving” Actual Neon and ”Loving” Reactive Neon…she was a little too eager to please Asking to get in the hot tub which just happened to be fired up and hot even though the pool was winterized….totally set up by field producers…the bedroom sauna would have made more sense…too steamy to film, thof Plus having her swimsuit….because her pimp knew that would get her camera time…. Members of the jury…this was a total scripted scenario with a fame ho for hire The quote Elaine Benes…Fake, fake, fake, fake On a side note… Where is Jake buying all those 1/2 suits? Is he throwing away the pants or just buying suit jackets like a separate? Guess they are better than his sleeveless hoodies with jorts but it isn’t turning him into David Niven and hiding his lack of style.
  5. Come wallow in the mud with your friends....it will be fine.....
  6. Cast seen around Atlanta wearing these t shirts... Jake: Better not Bitter…Still Pissed Tho Haley: Hale, Hale…Gang’s All Here Ryan: I Love You, now STFU Clara: Love You More, you ass Bri:Tiptoe Through The Eggshells with me Vincent:Does This Make My Butt Look Fat? Virginia: It’s Happy Hour Somewhere Erik: I Eat Denial for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner POS: Where’s My Trophy? Paige: 🏆
  7. Yes, Dave had to be dragged out of his dark sooty shelter when his weight dropped to scary low... Kicking and screaming that he had plenty of food...Look! I have lots of fish! Unfortunately, he could NOT bring himself to eat his stores of dried fish to keep his weight up and keep him in the contest... Tim had a food ration as one of his items. Wonder which from the list he chose.
  8. Four months after Decision Day, the couples from Atlanta are back as both the newlyweds and the (re)newly single give updates on how their lives have changed since the cameras went away.
  9. Amber is more like that horrible Kim Plath. Barf every time Kim mentions she was a ballerina in college...yep, like the ones in Disney's movie Fantasia....
  10. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a reason the Lakes may want to adopt or use a surrogate if Ginny can't go months without her happy juice and blackout libations....
  11. July 21st, Wednesday is the unofficial start date of the Houston season.. Counting the days..... We can expect a pre season show...the casting of the cowgals and cowboys, the whittling down of the herd so to speak. Perhaps a pre pre show showing us the dregs of H Town that didn't even make the first cut of the cattle call...the two birds one stone casting for a second season of The Unmatchables. Lifetime is milking this cash cow every which way and sideways...
  12. VirGINia needs the $$ because she doesn't make much money from her job that lets her come in bleary eyed, smelling like a bar top rag and ashtray on Fridays after her hard night of drinking... Booze doesn't grow on trees...
  13. Let's join hands...Beer us strength and the conviction to tell the remote "Food Network" lest we be tempted to watch the never ending drips and drabs of this sh*t show...
  14. Biko is the class clown and will provided the levity and music for this season. He packed on the weight and his butt crack would have required serious pixelating. Finding that nail was like finding a needle in a haystack. Hope he gets to use his named Troll Shiv to clean fish and game and as an audition for the other cable show Forged in Fire....
  15. Clay, the poor man's Ben Affleck look alike, looks the most promising by killing a grouse, foraged mushrooms and caught a beautiful trout with his handmade rod and reel and bottle cap lure. He said he worked with Fish and Game and was used to extended time away(150 days) from family so has the alone part covered. If he could have killed that mountain lion, in self defense of course, then he would join Roland and Jordan as Alone big game hunters...
  16. Matt is the St. Croix US Virgin Island Hippie Dippy who looks like a poor man's Matt McConaughey. He is the one who had the swimming bull moose as a welcoming committee, did not bring a fire starter and named his cameras... Chad, Jorge, Gary and Gordo. Rose, unfortunately looks like one of the glamorous outdoor vloggers but I will shut my mouth now....she did not draw a good location and will have to hike a quarter mile each way to get down to her beach...especially dangerous in the icy and snowy conditions to come. Tim, nice shelter but the gamble that he could feed himself and build came up short after 6 days. His grizzly anxiety, mental capacity diminished by hunger, some real angina (he most likely had approved NTG in his first aid kit and was popping them under his tongue) but it was his panic attack that took him over the top.
  17. The family eats depression for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The audience hasn't seen them happy since their California road trip and LP convention.
  18. Anna used the word "excited" when she should have used "enthusiastic" when asking her Mudder for a pitiful shred of affirmative support for her moving out... Anna wanted some positivity instead of Amber pissing on everything she has accomplished. Harping on having a full time job is Amber's one argument... How about saying have 6 month's rent in the bank before signing the lease? How about she and Liz share a house? Liz has blowed up...she is stress eating her feelings and anger. Emma and Alex are simmering with anger. Jonah doesn't give a sh*t... Anna at least can cry in frustration, seek sympathy from the production crew/friends and hug a doggie...the most sane person in that house....
  19. Elizabeth is an ass kisser. The adopted kids getting the short end of the stick..no pun intended. Amber will probably call Trent to meet her at a coffee shop so she can sell her side of the story. roll the tape…who made who cry?
  20. Anna using Cruiser as her support pupper put a crack in my cold dark heart. Amber’s toxic behavior specifically towards Anna is brutal and hopefully other family members will intervene since Trent will not. Thankfully, the production crew captured the interaction to back up Anna’s side of the story and recorded Amber’s irrational behavior. Anna needs to complete her college degree as quickly as possible and become financially independent. Only then will she get any respect from her parents. Meanwhile, back in the ranch… Jonah sits on his lazy ass, dragging his feet on getting full time work because he knows he is the Golden Boy who will be housed, clothed and fed by his doting mother…
  21. We posters may have been divided into Team Dance Lesson Meltdown and Team 7.5 but they themselves had sexy time every night and every morning sez Dave... Perhaps Dave and Amber were f*ck buddies during the pandemic...compatible in between the sheets
  22. Jake is no longer blocking Haley on his all his SM platforms...she is on his Ig...baby steps. Someone needs to check fb, please. I’ll reward you with a slice of pavlova with sliced fresh strawberries, blueberries, raspberries on top of a dollop of lemon curd....
  23. Has any other couple divided the regular posters here as much as Jake and Haley? Season 12....good riddance. Hello Houston.... Dino flinging his lit cigarette on the floor to fake play harmonica as he lip synchs to his hit song "Houston."
  24. Last train to Clarksville. Estelle is a nasty piece of work. Over too soon.
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