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Everything posted by LakeLover

  1. You win the Internet tonight. This is the second time in my life that I've "watched" the show while paying attention to my laptop. Whose idea was it to bring this annoying character onto this show? I can't take her seriously, I don't care about her, I don't care about her love life, I don't cry for her Argentina. Honestly, I hope her unwillingness to reach out to other colleagues is her undoing (including her brother, and his "smug" voice - vomiting now). I'm going to hell (not really) for hoping she fails, crashes and burns, and has to think about the idiocy of her not seeking help. I get that some of the actors need/want time off, but this show blows without Meredith and Derek. Sorry, this story isn't bringing back the glory days of Grey's - it makes me nostalgic for them. To think this season started off so freaking strong, and now has become this dreck.
  2. My thought is that he did - repeatedly - and she did not answer or return his calls.
  3. Man, this Grey's without Derek Shepherd is killing me. Amelia and Owen - just, no. The best thing about this episode was Callie, and I'm not even a fan. Meredith bugged. She wondered if he'd be happy to see her? Enjoying life without him and the kids? I know a way that can be accomplished, Mer. Divorce him and give him full custody and you can be without anyone for the rest of your life. Or, move to Switzerland.
  4. I hope she doesn't ogle Jo - to me, that would be a bad move, like, "Oh, she is attracted to EVERY woman~!" No, she's not, just like I'm not attracted to every man.
  5. I think it's more a reflection of time and cast size than anything creative. Right now, it appears they're working toward having Amelia and Owen bond, and so they have the scenes together to promote that. I think Maggie's story right now is with Meredith, hence scenes with her. Yes, it would be great to remember that Owen lives RIGHT ON Derek's/Meredith's land, but I think the writers are simply too burdened with the multiple arcs to show us, for instance, Owen even coming over for a drink or a meal with Meredith, Derek, and the kids, or where Amelia is even living (still at the dream house?) Too many characters with too many stories leaves too much told and not enough shown.
  6. I was also disturbed at the thought that they would induce labor instead of doing a c-section, but I read something that explained that if there is not a chance of survival for the infant (long term), then a vaginal delivery is preferable for the mother. So, if the baby had a less severe case of OI, they would do a section, but since they knew he would not live long, they induced. I wondered if they did it that way for the dramatic effect, but it turns out they were really being medically accurate.
  7. Grey's without Derek/Patrick and Meredith/Derek is like potato chips without salt; I might eat them, but not happily and not for long. So far the "B" team isn't really doing it for me. Ratings have gone down, too. I did an ABC Studios Advisory Panel poll in December where they specifically asked about Derek, and I was surprised. I assumed they knew Patrick was taking time off, but it's the first time I recall having a question about his character along with other, secondary characters. I thought, "Either they're phasing him out, or they're worried about ratings." The baby story was touching. Predictable, but touching. Unfortunately the actors don't impress me, so I was not at all emotionally invested. Debbie Allen, who usually makes me cringe, was surprisingly understated, and her hair looked phenomenal. I was pretty horrified and didn't quite believe that April and Jackson had to sign a death certificate. Someone please clue me in if that ever happens in the real world. I was under the impression that a DOCTOR signs a death certificate and then makes them available to the family. Count me amongst those who don't understand what they're doing to Meredith. Yeah, her over-the-top "person" and "I am the sun" things with Cristina were annoying, but this crap with Alex, interrupting Bailey in the chapel, not saying a word of caring or support to April or Jackson, the emergency sex thing (and yeah, I can imagine sex with Derek is great, but...) are all cringe worthy. The "year of Meredith" started out pretty well, but is crashing fast. Amelia and Owen deserve each other. Misery loves company. I still don't know why they have Jo and Stephanie. They have no stories at all, and they bore me. Goodness, this show needs men. I vote for Sam Jaeger. I hear he's available ;)
  8. It was tough for me as a Derek/PD fan to have an episode without him (and knowing there are more episodes without him to come), but I was happy that Meredith is missing him and talked about him. After seeing the quick clip of Cristina, I thought they could have done that with Derek, but I think they're trying to really show Meredith missing him, and without seeing him ourselves, it was more effective. I rolled my eyes at the "pause" because as others have said, I never remember either Meredith or Cristina pausing in the middle of sex to talk to each other. Just another writers' room/Shonda thing that is ridiculous. Amelia continues to bug. I don't know if it's the character or the actress, but I can't take someone that perky/quirky seriously. There's no way I'd let her operate on my dog, let alone me. I kept thinking, "Why don't you ask your brother for a consult?" but quickly realized that she'd rather ask the switchboard operator than ask Derek. Maybe I'll be wrong about that. I was happy to see Baby Bailey, but the kid (was it a doll?) looked even smaller than he was last season. It appears that Meredith has those kids in daycare for days on end. What happened to the nanny? I'm still going to hell for not caring about April and Jackson and their doomed baby. I'm a Christian, but not one who thinks 1) God micromanages our lives and "decides" that our baby will be sick, we will get cancer, we will be in a car accident. Last week, April wondered why God would "let this happen" and I think life happens. 2) God doesn't give us more than we can handle? Yarite. Ridiculous. People are devastated by horrible events every day. Many of them can't "handle" it. 3) I was waiting for Jackson to talk to April about what's best for the baby - if the baby is unable to live a pain-free live, then to me it's more loving and humane to terminate the pregnancy. All in all, it was an okay episode. I'll always miss Derek, but at least Meredith remembered she was married to him and loves him. That's something.
  9. I, too, was really disgusted that Zeke (refuse the other spelling) told Sarah that she was his favorite. "Was I a good father?" "Yeah, Dad, right up until you told me I was your favorite. All downhill from there." Lots of favorite moments and lots of eyerolls. Of course everything wrapped up nicely, of course everyone was successful, of COURSE we got a PSA on Autism - and I work with kids with Autism every day, and with a child as high-functioning as Max is, there is no WAY any of my speech kids would be discharged with such horrid social skills as ... oh wait, his parents never got him speech therapy, and there are no therapists at Snowflake Academy© chain. Alrighty then. The one moment that really took my breath away was Camille in Paris. Nice touch. I'll miss the Bravermans, surely, but I'll miss the snark here more.
  10. Because I cannot stand the character, my hope is that Dr. Too Big For Her Britches Shepherd botches up the surgery, too. She just irks me. I mostly enjoyed the episode. At this point, I could fast-forward and only watch for Meredith, Derek, and Alex (without Jo), so that's what I was most interested in. I feel guilty that I'm not more invested in the Japril baby, but both actors leave me feeling "meh." Mr. LakeLover and I were making fun of Jesse what's his name for his scenery chewing, which made it hard to care about the baby, hence the guilt. For someone who hated the whole "post-it" thing, I did like Meredith putting it back up on the wall. Seeing as Dempsey needs time away for either personal or racing reasons (maybe both?), I can give the writers a pass and heavily suspend disbelief at the "I have to go to Washington!" storyline. As for Meredith never being wrong and never making a mistake, aren't all the doctors basically like that? They make one or two mistakes (remember when Meredith swore she could get the tumor out last year, and no one, including Alex, believed her?) For a hospital with so many superior surgeons, they would have a great track record for good luck if it weren't for them being in plane crashes, in car accidents, shot, beat up, PTSD'd, dislocated shoulders, drowning, and I'm sure I'm missing something else.
  11. I'm not sure what pays more: teaching dance, or having a lucrative filing career.
  12. The ONLY thing I liked, besides Joel and Julia arguing in the car, was the kid with the souffle. Honest to goodness, Amber - "It was gas." No, sweetie, gas doesn't generally make your uterus contract. I fast-forwarded through a lot of scenes - the singing, the arguing over each other at the dinner table - and how over-the-top was Amber's screaming? Here's a tip: You need to CLOSE your vocal cords to push the baby out, not scream incessantly. Max - he WILL be the only unemployed snowflake because his lame-ass parents never got him the therapy he needs to learn to 1) look at people; 2) respond without being rude; 3) shut the hell up when your parents are telling you to shut the hell up. But with Adam as his father, how would he learn? Adam is as big a pain in the ass, always having to be RIGHT, as his son is. I wonder if Zeke (I refuse the other spelling) will decide to get the surgery because now he has a great-grandson, and he goes into the light on the table. Must see TV.
  13. If you don't get top billing, it's considered special billing if your name is last. For instance, on "Grey's Anatomy," Patrick Dempsey is billed, "and Patrick Dempsey" last in the credits.
  14. He has a whole lot of nasal resonance which drives me batty.
  15. Not only that, she visited my profile (whether it's Real Nicole or a fake). Creepy.
  16. It's no surprise that one of the toughest parts of being in the public eye is that the public is going to talk about you, and when you're offering a tv show for the public, it's going to have fans and detractors. It's a shame, but it's a fact of life and tough to deal with, I imagine. The best thing to do is to ignore it, and don't seek it out. Just like in real life, there are nice people and not-so-nice people on the Internet. Hell, I'm not even on tv and not everyone likes me :)
  17. I am loving the hell out of this season and how committed Patrick Dempsey & Ellen Pompeo are to their characters. It's been the best writing in years in general. I'm starting to warm up to Dr. Hermann. I'm still can't stand Amelia, have little use for Maggie, and Jo can go out to the black hole parking lot along with Dr. Hahn. Alex, though, is as wonderful as usual - he rocked the explanation about the house. I wish I could care about Jackson and April's baby - I don't, but honestly as mentioned above, it is really unfortunate that the actress is dealing with this while being pregnant. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Owen continues to be a jerk - I'm no fan of Callie's, but Owen was just brutal. And I will pay good money to the person who can convince Shonda Rhimes to drop that inane line about the sun. We get it, Meredith - you are the sun because Yang said so.
  18. I cannot understand why Shonda wants his hair like that. There were pictures of Patrick getting a haircut yesterday, it's quite normal now.
  19. Re: Cary and Kalinda - didn't Cary take someone home to his apartment a few weeks ago? He wants Kalinda not to screw around, but he can? Someone 'splain this to me, please :)
  20. I'm glad you said this. Amy evidently 1) stole Derek's prescription pad to get drugs; 2) wrecked his car when she was high on drugs; 3) overdosed and Derek had to save her life; 4) wrote prescriptions for herself when addicted; 5) gave her/Derek's father's watch to her baby daddy; 6) sided with Addison after she cheated on Derek. And Derek is the bad guy. I don't get it.
  21. I've used ABA when kids were little, to get compliance, attention, and the understanding that there's a time to do what they want, and a time to learn. ABA is not appropriate, however, for a child Max's age looking, speaking, and acting like he does, but he needs some good speech therapy with peers to understand that he cannot talk about what he wants all the time, and that there are appropriate ways to speak to peers that are different than what we say to adults. A little behavioral therapy wouldn't hurt, either, and yes, his parents needs some as well. Max is a smart cookie - he can learn all this. I just did an evaluation and wrote goals for a child that would help Max, too :)
  22. I don't think so, but then I don't hate Derek so there's that.
  23. I'm guessing that he's contracted for seasons 11 and 12 for a limited number of episodes as well. There are several hints that that's what's going on. First and foremost we have two neurosurgeons now with Amelia as a main character, and there's just so much of the back-and-forth bickering that anybody can take. Secondly I think Patrick was just about done after season 10 but decided to stay on for whatever reasons be they for the fans, for Ellen, or for the work that he enjoys for the most part. He has stated previously that his day job doesn't bankroll the racing, but the notoriety from it is a help with sponsors, fans, etc. Also that ABC and Shonda have allowed him the flexibility to race. So I think that from after the winter break on, Derek will be a character much like Bailey's Ben has been. He'll be discussed, mentioned, we might see him for several episodes. Then, either after season 12 or when the series is done, Meredith and Derek ride off into the sunset.
  24. Perhaps the same thing that happened to Meredith's super special research. Or Bailey's super special research. Maybe all the super special research went to Switzerland with Dr. Yang.
  25. Well, Derek is the best person for the job only because as we saw, Amy was using her power to belittle her brother. She appears to me to be petty and sophomoric.
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