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Everything posted by nexxie

  1. So funny how Brandi could only compliment the other women - very pointedly for effect - on their eyes, waist, etc. As if HER character is anywhere near on par with her "tits!"
  2. Isn't that rumor revisited at the reunion - at least that's the rumor.
  3. Kyle sure seems to have a better grasp on reality than her older sisters.
  4. All true for me too - Yolanda's bright and airy home with those sea views is more my style, but I thought Eileen really embraced the spirit of the show and was very generous in sharing her home and family. Hope she kicks butt at the reunion!
  5. Okay, I'm ready - did actually buy some popcorn. lol
  6. One thing that has really stuck in my mind the last few days is Kim's recent comment that Kathy would have her back "like a REAL sister." Having been around narcissists I know that a narc mother will often divide (and therefore conquer) her children. Kim's remark is exactly the kind of cruelty that's meant both to divide and to get the "bad" sister back in line. Kyle cares so much about family and is such an emotional person, I'll bet this kind of thing has long been a tactic in that family to keep the baby of the family in her assigned role. Here's a retort you can use next time, Kyle: "Oh shut up, Kim. Real sister my ass!" When Kim sees that this tactic doesn't upset you anymore, she won't use it.
  7. I don't know if Brandi realizes how bizarre her behavior is - tossing the wine at E and slapping LV. People forgive Lisa R easier because she was reacting, not just doing something to get a rise out of someone.
  8. Grabbing at someone's jaw is still a pretty weird and violent reaction - it'll be interesting to see what happens at the reunion!
  9. Not surprised she'd run with that, given Brandi's game. I must say it was odd that Lisa R went for the throat at all - who does that?
  10. To me it looks like Kim is used to being the "mirror" of a narcissist - first her mom's and now Kanye's. But, because Kim is probably a narcissist too, she might never figure things out. Sort of feel sorry for her - and for North.
  11. Claudia got the ladies to cooperate and have real conversations - good on her!
  12. Oh wonderful - a narcissist and a woman who can't complete a sentence without inserting three F-bombs! I'll pass.
  13. It really is sad, and Kim will be sad when poor Kingsley is put down - but her sadness will be for what she's lost, not for what he's lost.Those same breeds make me flinch a little because my brother was mauled by a big dog (German S) who had been abused and I was a three-year-old watching it. Fortunately, winter layers and a thick snowsuit kept him from being injured too much.
  14. That's what it looked like. Just like everyone else, Kingsley is seen by Kim to be HER best friend, HER sleeping pal, HER security blanket, not a being in his own right with his own needs and problems - and future (or not).
  15. Looking forward to the reunion, and seeing what Lisa R's violent outbursts are all about. She's fun and likeble but there are a few issues we've only begun to glimpse.
  16. I think so. While the trainer was still there she couldn't get the instructions right and ended up falling down and sort of wrestling with a confused Kingsley.
  17. Kyle seems very protective of her kids - can't imagine her letting them visit Kim if she knew the dog was dangerous. Kim's relationship with the dog was unhealthy as seen on the show - like Brandi, he was her "best friend" but Kim confused the dog by not following the trainer's instructions. Kim didn't care about what was best for the dog or for the people exposed to him - imo it's another example of her narcissism.
  18. As horrifying as some of the behavior is on these shows, it's the psychological situations/games that make them fascinating - and Brandi is a new case for me. Thanks for the info!Also find the Kardashians interesting in this respect. There's the classic narcissistic mother and daughter combo, where Kim is Kris' mirror and Kris both coddles and competes with her younger, prettier golden child. And then there's flat-affect Kourtney, and all the rest with their various responses to living with narcissists. Crazy, multiplied a few times!
  19. Thank goodness for the internets!I'll bet Yolanda is about the same as Gigi - or the other way around.
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