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Everything posted by slf

  1. I find that I really only like Clarice and Esme. Polaris and Reeva come off as dipshits; clearly all this is doomed to fail and not in a 'hindsight is 20/20' kind of way. Andy is whiny and lacks a developed personality. John just keeps getting blander and blander, I feel like they have no idea what they want to do with him so they just have him punch things and angst. Reed's story line has no emotional momentum for me, in no small part due to the actor's three facial expressions. Reed is descended from incestuous mass murderers, he was experimented on by his father and had his mutant gene suppressed as a child, he worked against mutants to not only find out his own children are mutants but so is he, now his powers are emerging and they make him a danger to everyone around him. That's...a lot. It's like Rogue but with a more messed up backstory. And yet a lot of the time when the show cuts to his scenes it's like, "oh yeah, this is still happening, I forgot." Lauren and Eclipse are more interesting than their respective story lines are letting them be.
  2. I don't care what changes they make to the Elders (and I'm willing to wait and see what they're going for with the Elders and the Whitelighters; it's only the fourth episode) so long as I never ever ever ever ever ever ever have to hear about fucking Magic School. Almost everything about the magical hierarchy and culture on Charmed was just so cheesy and poorly thought out. I'm not upset this show deviated from that.
  3. God, that video of her plunking into the snow. When she's on the ground laughing and moving around, there's a moment when she moves her legs with her arms then rolls around a bit and obviously moves her legs on her own before remembering she's supposed to be paralyzed and lifting them with her arms again. So many people had to have seen things like that that should have, at the very least, raised their suspicions. It's a tough situation because Gypsy Rose (HER MOTHER NAMED HER GYPSY ROSE, HELLO?!!) was clearly horrifically abused by her mother who was a skilled manipulator and liar. But it's equally clear that Gypsy Rose has learned her mother's craft and used it to manipulate others (with fatal consequences in one instance).
  4. I actually really hated every time the original show would utilize wiccans and wicca. It was all so cringey. So I'll be very happy if this show doesn't go that route. I do want these witches to be witchier, tho. Otherwise, what's the point?
  5. But it does have that cute scene of Shawn and Gus with their masks from Machu Picchu! I love the bit from the reality dating show episode, Shawn and the Real Girl, where Shawn and Gus are arguing over whether or not Gus has to give Lassie his donut: "I don't care. I don't care!" Then he just throws it at Lassie, lol.
  6. I could probably stand Isabella's flip-flopping - she's a teenager - if I wasn't worried she's being set up to become a bigger player in all this. The now former show runner said All About Eve was a big influence on the decisions she made for seasons two and three and she's the one who aged up Isabella (who was only 15 in the first season) and gave her a bigger role. I hope the new show runners drop that because Isabella just doesn't have any kind of street smarts or grit. I can't imagine her being in charge of any cartel or being a real challenger to Teresa.
  7. That, for me, was probably the most iconic part of the original series. I actually wouldn't have had a problem with the new show using that song for their theme, too. It's not like the original was the first to use that cover in a tv show/movie about witches, after all, they copied The Craft which famously used it.
  8. "You must call straight away if you see signs of increased demonic activity. Heavy fog, abrupt changes in temperature, rampant dog fornication, spontaneous human combustion, presidential tweets..." Heh.
  9. I don't mind Harry helping to keep them alive this early in- they're new to witchcraft, the demons aren't gonna pull their punches just because the sisters only just got their powers, he is their whitelighter so it's his job, after all. I mean, Leo had to repeatedly heal the sisters from major injuries and bail them out of bad situations all the time. For me the issue with Harry is the somewhat hammy acting and that he's very out of place with the sisters. And he's kind of an exposition fairy.
  10. Enjoyed this episode even more than the premiere. I think Maggie is the standout of the show, so far. She's certainly the best written. It's odd because even though she and Mel were raised together I feel like she and Macy have better chemistry as sisters. The writing for Mel was greatly improved this episode- much more chill and funnier, too. The actor playing Harry really needs to work on his line deliveries because it really sounds like he's talking at the sisters and not to them. The element that needs the most work is integrating the baddie of the week into the overall storyline and building tension w/r/t throughout the episode. I do like, however, how they don't telegraph when something bad is gonna happen. Any other show would've done a close up of the thermoses so we'd realize Macy took the wrong one, or when Maggie told not!Mom that she couldn't feel her emotions they would've had the actress playing the mom give a really exaggerated response to tip us off that something was up. Instead we just got a shot of Macy setting her thermos next to Niko's and only a quick flash of something across not!Mom's face. I'm also getting a kick out of how the fight scenes on this show are just as eye-rollingly slow as they were on the original.
  11. All I'm interested in (and barely, at that) is Blink and the Morlocks. I think they don't know what to do with Thunderbird.
  12. I can't stand Caitlin, honestly.
  13. When Leo would orb there was always a chime sound. They used a similar sound during other magic moments, too.
  14. Okay, dude. Your argument doesn't track. Either it would not have been greenlit unless is was called Charmed or TSC and other CW fantasy shows are proof of the opposite. I said it's the exact type of show the CW would've come up with and you said exactly. I think you got turned around somewhere. This is the number one complaint I agree with. The guy was there way too much, talked too much. I've only seen the actor in one other thing - Hellboy - but I didn't care for him in that, either.
  15. There's a white light whenever Harry heals so that they still call them whitelighters doesn't bother me. There were some effects from the original that I didn't care for. The ridiculously slow orbing, the chiming sound, etc. I love the new house. It almost reminds of the one from Witches of East End, which is a compliment. We're they always friends? It was Shannen and Alyssa who couldn't stand each other.
  16. Exactly? Your argument was that it wouldn't have been greenlit. The Secret Circle was terrible; typical case of finding ridiculously pretty, over coiffed teens (or actors in their early 20s) running around in ridiculous clothes. It was so generic I can hardly recall the plot. I disagree. I think it was very fresh and very new. I like the diversity, which the original lacked. It feels very modern but in a way that isn't overly dated (except the politics in Mel's scenes). I think the effects are overall much better than what we got in the original and I cannot say enough have grateful I am to not have to listen to that unbelievably stupid chime sound all the time.
  17. I disagree, I think it would have. It's the exact type of show the CW would come up with. It's already vastly superior to some of the fantasy shows I've seen on that network before.
  18. Their house is fabulous, even better than the one in the original. The whole aesthetic- the furniture, the wallpaper, everything. I want it. I don't like Mel as much as the other two. She's a very intense person and I'm not sure how well that's gonna play in the long run. She did have some funny lines and I like that she's so politically aware (even if sometimes I cringe just listening to her). She's basically the Piper of the group and the whitelighter, Harry, this show's Leo. I don't remember if they said if Mel is bi or a lesbian but I hope that if she is bi they don't hook her up with Harry because: yikes. They're both a little too long-winded for me so them together would be a nightmare. I'm surprised by how much I like Maggie; she's the Phoebe of the group and I didn't care for Phoebe all that much. But she's pretty charming, all things considered. There were some lines that didn't land but overall I thought she was the funniest of the bunch. I also like how quickly she reached out to Macy. She's a sweetheart. Macy wasn't given as much time to shine but I like her a lot. She's clever- it's interesting that they're trying to incorporate her knowledge of science- and I love her friendship with Maggie. "Is she gonna regain brain function?" "No. But not for lack of effort on our part." I enjoyed the nods to the original, like the ouija board.
  19. Romeo and Juliet and Juliet isn't one of my favorite episodes but it does have Gus's hilarious pretending-to-be-a-lawyer bit: Clerk: Well, I will see you in court, then. Now- Gus: Perfect. Now I need a statement from you. And as we plan to try this in both civil and criminal court, I'll need the police here as well. Can I use you phone, or do you only let the white people use that? Clerk: Who said anything about white people? Gus: You just did. Clerk: The words "white people" did not come out of my mouth. Gus: There they are again. Luckily I had my hand recorder on for that one. By the way, I am now disclosing that this conversation is being recorded. Clerk: Recorded? Okay, this is crazy. Gus: Crazy? You want to know crazy? I sued 300 businesses last year alone. I sued a hot dog cart and got everything but the wheels and the buns, which I won in the civil case two months later. Shawn: Dude. I think he gets it now. Gus: I know, but the words are coming out of my mouth faster than I can think of them. Shawn: Bring it home. Gus: Now, if you don't mind, before I start snapping evidence photos, I'm a little parched, so can you tell me which one of these fountains I'm allowed to use? I will watch the whole episode just to see that scene.
  20. Pote stood by and watched someone rape her so eh. He only joined with her because Epifanio was going to kill him. I do think he'll probably be fairly loyal to the end but loyal in what way I'm not sure. Does whatever she says and supports all of her plans? Because Teresa starts using at some point and becomes even more ruthless (which is something she never wanted to become). Pote kind of seems like an enabler. Like he'll stay with her and try (emphasis on try because he really does drop the ball a lot) to protect her but actually help her in the way she needs? Doubtful. I'd say James was ultimately more loyal. Lil T I guess was her most loyal, all told. She shouldn't have cut her loose even tho I understand why she did it.
  21. Was that the shared dream? I can't remember.
  22. Scott Wilson, who played Hershel on The Walking Dead, has died at 76. He said he decided to take the role of Hershel after his mother, who I think was in her 90s, read the script for the show and told him he should do it which is so cute. Rest in peace.
  23. The dialogue is atrocious, truly. Especially Caitlin's. @sjohnson I don't think John was ever married to Dreamer. They'd been involved and he broke it off claiming he didn't think they should be because they worked together then they hooked back up? IIRC.
  24. I hated that Piper had sons.
  25. I agree. It doesn't help that Alyson Hannigan always uses this baby voice in every role. Other than Willow's cliched crush on Xander those two always seemed more like siblings. Zero chemistry whatsoever.
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