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Everything posted by Albanyguy

  1. I think the big difference is that Jeremy and Austin (and Ben, too, for that matter) are basically kind-hearted young men, at least as far as their families are concerned. They may be religious fanatics and harbor abhorrent views regarding society as a whole, but they seem genuinely affectionate and tender with their wives and children. Derick, on the other hand, strikes me as a mean, miserable guy who has no problem taking out his unhappiness on other people. I'm sure that Jill and the kids have learned to tiptoe on eggshells around him, fearing his wrath.
  2. I'm sure she was delighted. Being a missionary's wife was a fantasy for her: she would hand out lollipops and religious tracts to a crowd of adoring "natives" who would immediately convert to Christianity, while singing her praises. Then she landed in Danger America and reality threw a bucket of cold water in her face. She was lonely, frightened, separated from the Duggar support system and completely unequal to the life she was now expected to live. She fled back to Arkansas at every opportunity and when Derick told her that he was done being a missionary and they were going home for good, she must have been beside herself with joy and relief.
  3. No, I think she is a willing and enthusiastic accomplice, because to her grifting for free stuff and showing off in public is as natural as breathing.
  4. Yes, and how many of them are living/visiting in that hotbed of sin and corruption, Los Angeles? I would imagine that almost all of Jinger's followers are living in the South or Midwest, seldom travel to LA and have no access to the coffee shops and restaurants Jinger is shilling for.
  5. I doubt if any of them will name a baby after Mary. Despite the emoting when she died, I don’t think any of them actually cared much about her. Jim Bob seemed to have a great deal of contempt for his parents and he and Michelle seemed to regard Mary as little more than an unpaid servant. I wouldn’t be surprised if the kids picked up on their attitude. And I don’t think Michelle would take it well if one of the kids named a baby after Mary before they named one after HER (I know Anna had said that her “M” theme is in Michelle’s honor, but I don’t think Michelle would regard that as enough).
  6. With this crowd? I hope so, too, but these are some of the meanest, fake nicey-nice people on earth.
  7. The happiest day of my life was the day my youngest nephew decided he was too old for Chuck E. Cheese. I can't imagine going there without a small child in tow.
  8. Grandma Mary's estate? She was quite close to Amy and may have left her something.
  9. Red velvet cupcakes and catching up? She makes Heaven sound like a high school reunion. Am I really doomed to spend eternity standing around eating soggy canapes and making polite conversation with people I haven't seen in forty years?
  10. Is Lindsie the one who had the boob job on camera in the first season? I remember seeing the poor girl lying on a sofa in pain after her surgery while Todd acted like a total ass about how great her new rack was gonna look. I had the strong feeling that she never wanted the implants, but Todd browbeat her into it, either because he thought it would make for great TV or because he has no sense of boundaries when it comes to his daughters.
  11. I thought the cigar lounge fad died out about a decade ago, but maybe it's making a comeback? My guess is that if this place isn't a strip club, it will be just as soon as he gets the required licenses in place.
  12. Interesting article about the new wave of young, hate-filled IFB preachers, with mentions of the Duggars and Steve Anderson. https://slate.com/human-interest/2019/08/sarah-silverman-pastor-hate-comments-new-independent-fundamental-baptists.html
  13. I honestly don't think that Jill is using any form of birth control. She and her siblings have been raised to believe that birth control is as sinful as abortion (not to mention that using birth control also causes miscarriages). Jill is one of the biggest Kool-Aid drinkers, very intent on replicating her mother's life. I can't believe that she'd risk eternal damnation by using birth control. I think the reason she hasn't conceived a third child is simply because she and Derrick hardly ever have sex.
  14. Yeah, but it was Derrick's assholery that got the Dullards kicked off Counting On. I can't believe Jessa would ever let that happen to her.
  15. I doubt if any of his fellow seminarians are out feeding the hungry either. MacArthur doesn't seem to run that kind of outfit. There's not one word on the Grace Church website about any programs or services to help people in need. Lots of programs to recruit new souls for Jesus and lots of ways to make it easy for the faithful to donate money, but nothing about extending charity to people outside their own little bubble.
  16. I think she's also a very lonely child. Her older siblings probably resent her for all the attention she received as Michelle's "precious miracle" and ignore her as much as they can. And even though Michelle and Jim Bob got a lot of mileage out of prancing their little show pony around at Right-to-Life rallies, they probably drop her like a hot potato as soon as the cameras stop rolling. She may go for long stretches without anyone in the family talking to her or even noticing her much.
  17. If this turns out to be true, let's not put all the blame on Jeremy. Jinger would be equally responsible. We tend to think of her as one of the "nicer" Duggars, but she was raised in a home where there was no compassion or empathy for animals. Every Duggar pet we ever saw would be used for a photo op and then would disappear, never to be seen or mentioned again. And then there was the infamous episode where they deliberately tried to run a cat down while coasting. Jinger was one of the crowd of Duggar kids who whooped with glee over that bit of cruelty. I think she would abandon a pet without a second thought.
  18. Especially since it's summer and she could easily do it outside.
  19. It is strange, especially since she must have been irked at all the attention Jinger and Jeremy were getting through Felicity and now she has a baby girl to show off.
  20. And if she left Josh, I wouldn't be surprised if Jim Bob and Michelle were utterly ruthless in cutting off all contact with her AND her kids. All the Smuggar "kiddos" completely cut off from their home, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins as if they never existed. Yes, I think the Duggars really are that cruel and selfish.
  21. Interesting. Is he trying to claim that TLC drives the agenda and that the Duggars are actors who say things that they don't really believe on the show?
  22. It's a fundraiser held several times a year, sponsored by the Friends of the Governor's Mansion. They did hold one this afternoon. Open to the general public, tickets are around $50 per person. The proceeds go to restoring and maintaining the Mansion. The First Lady usually makes an appearance. They do a special children's tea at Christmas.
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