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Posts posted by ribboninthesky1

  1. On 1/28/2017 at 11:25 AM, Sheenieb said:

    This was great. I must give a shout out to Bryshere Gray, though. I didn't see not one trace of Hakeem.

    I was a child when My Prerogative came out, but that song still holds up. I still smile when I listed to Cool it Now.

    I didn't know Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis moonlight as The Blues Brothers.

    Ma'am! I am unable! 

    I usually have zero interest in biopics, but like others, I kept hearing good things about this one and decided to watch.  Agreed with the consensus - really well done.

    I've not watched Empire beyond the 1st 6 episodes, and I wasn't impressed by Bryshere at the time.  But he nailed Mike Bivins - my mind has been changed! Also, who knew Tank was a decent actor? Not me. 

    Shallow note - I thought the actor playing older Ronnie was considerably more attractive than real deal Ronnie.  Sorry, Ronnie.

    I wasn't that surprised by Ricky's drug problem.  I'd recently watched some BBD videos, and Ricky was looking off in "Dope," particularly.  

    Can You Stand the Rain will always be my main jam.  It was so fitting to cut to that recording after the Johnny/Ralph talk.  I know a lot of people love them some Bobby (and I enjoyed some of his solo songs), but Johnny brought that "grown ass man" voice to the group that it sorely needed. I was born in late '77, so I wasn't as much a fan of their earlier music.  But NE Heartbreak? To this day, it stays on rotation. 

    I think Ralph was talented, but I'm not convinced he would have been successful solo, even if he did it before Bobby.  He can sing, but he's not soulful.  Bobby isn't, either (and word on the street is that Ralph did background vocals for some of his songs), but he's more of a performer and had the benefit of great production. Plus, the bad boy edge that girls and young women would have loved. I think New Jack Swing was coming into vogue right around that time, too, which I think helped Bobby. 

    Also, the references to Staci Lattisaw made me go back and listen to "Where Do We Go From Here." I hadn't heard that one in decades.  They sang that song, hear?

    • Love 8
  2. Wow, for two weeks worth of shooting? I've watched only a few episodes of Marriage Boot Camp. But I can see why certain people aren't turning it down. The ratings on the show must be good for TPTB to be shelling out that kind of money.

    As for Vanessa, I wonder if she's still a teacher. I guess she has the summer to do acting gigs.  I've never bought the "friend signed me up" thing from anyone recently.  Maybe that was the case very early on, but now?  I call BS. In truth, I believe most contestants that make it on are recruited or referred by others connected to the show, whether it's previous contestants, staff, etc.   Not sure if that's Vanessa, but I doubt that it's a coincidence she has some entertainment experience.

    I think someone else mentioned that blond Danielle was in a video for some singer? 

  3. 1 hour ago, LBS said:

    The voodoo two on one date really bugged me.   Voodoo is an actual religion.  I felt that it was in poor taste for the show to use it in this way.   But then I realized that I was watching the Bachelor so almost everything is in poor taste.  

    The bolded should be a tagline for the show.  At least it pretended to be classy once upon a time.  

    • Love 4
  4. 18 minutes ago, reggiejax said:

    On another note, I have to disagree with what seems to be the consensus, that Nick is only keeping Corinne around because she is a producer plant. She indeed embodies all the attributes of a producer's plant, but it is my belief that Nick isn't really being coerced into keeping her around. I agree he has no future with her, and I believe he knows it. No, he's keeping her around until he gets what he wants from her. And since this is Nick, I think we all know what that is. And it rhymes with Tex. Or at the very least, it rhymes with snow job.

    I don't think he's being coerced, either.  If he does have sex with her and she's not the F1, I hope Mr. "We did fiancee things" Viall is called out about it. 

    6 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

    I personally think Nick looks awkward with everyone so there's that.

    Same. I've thought from episode one that Nick gives off this weird nervous energy, as if he's not comfortable in his own skin.  It's why I'll never see him as sexy, despite him physically hitting all the right notes for me (tall, fit but not too bulky, no chicken legs, attractive face). Someone in another episode thread mentioned that Nick came across as trying too hard in his conversations with the women, and I tend to agree.  I don't see Nick as any more genuine than any other Bachelor.  More camera aware, perhaps.

    Also, completely random pet peeve: during his date with Rachel, I noticed that Nick never laughs.  He may smile a bit, but even when he says he's having fun, I never really see it on his face. Even during his scenes with Alexis post-credits, which are pretty funny, I don't recall seeing him laugh. Very weird to me.  It reminds me of a former co-worker who would say something like "That's hilarious!" yet never actually laugh.  Drove me up a wall. 

    • Love 10
  5. 53 minutes ago, seasick said:

    Good catch on the body language.  I love these little clues that people notice.  I'm usually FF'ding.  Can't help it, I lose my patience.  

    Confession: I never watch this show live.  I usually watch the afternoon or evening after it has aired, and after I've read the forum for highlights.  I know! I should be ashamed, but I am not.  It saves me lots of time, because I know what to look out for and what to skip in advance (exhibit A: all the Corinne drama). I can usually watch an episode in about 20 minutes.  So the only reason I noticed their body language is because I'd read the forum first.  I probably would have skipped over their interaction otherwise, as Nick and Danielle's voices, separately and together, are nails on a chalkboard for me. Just wanted you to know you're not the only one skipping over parts.

    6 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

    I expect the judge would say something like, "Of course you wouldn't be talking to me if Rachel didn't love you and hadn't already made up her own mind to marry you, but I'm glad you came to talk to me and give me the chance to ask you about your plans for the future, so I can give my blessings with a little bit of knowledge and approval."  Then we might all find out if Nick has a job.

    Ha! You mean outside of being on this show? When has Nick had time to do much else? Seriously, though, I thought he was doing some modelling at one point. But I might have that wrong.    

    • Love 1
  6. I always thought that WB/DC's film live action productions felt unstable because they didn't seem to have clear vision, perhaps due to lack of leadership, and were too focused on dick-measuring against Marvel. Plus, with this AT&T/Time Warner deal pending, who knows what kind of shake-ups are going on. I'm probably one of the five people who saw BvS, and didn't hate it. Yet, I still think it was a misstep.  

    • Love 5
  7. 6 hours ago, bosawks said:

    All I got from this episode is a craving for beignets.....

    Yes, I haven't had any in a long time, and they are amazing. Especially with praline sauce.  I googled to see if there are any authentic NOLA-style restaurants near me, and I'm in luck.  Beignets, you are mine tonight!

    I appreciate that Rachel isn't fawning over Nick, and just seems to enjoy the experience. She seems to enjoy NOLA based on her previous visits, so it was a great date for her. 

    @dleighg, regarding blond Danielle and Nick - I noticed when they were walking and sat down on the bench, Nick had his hands in his pockets most of the time.  Not a good sign. And then he was sitting forward while she was turned towards him. And THEN, as your screen shot shows, he had his legs crossed and hands on his knees while they were kissing. Super awkward. Bless her heart. 

    • Love 7
  8. 11 hours ago, WaltersHair said:

    I don't believe I've watched a more beautifully shot series with a storyline that bores me to tears.

    I'm not bored per se, but it's definitely the visuals that keep me watching the show.  The writing isn't ground-breaking - to me, it's your basic political and power jockeying set in the Vatican.  But then, I'm not Catholic, so I just assume there are nuances that fly right over my head. I had a similar experience with The Night Manager - totally different series, but I didn't care as much about the plot as the visual feast. I do think that, in contrast to Hiddleston, Law is a lot more convincing as an inscrutable man. 

    I can see the parallels between Lenny and our newly elected President, though Lenny is a lot more charismatic. Oh, and Lenny actually seems to like women which, for me, is the most interesting aspect of his character thus far.  I expected someone as petty, vindictive, and haughty as he can be to be openly disdainful of women, yet he doesn't seem to be.

    • Love 2
  9. Agreed that the show wasn't particularly well-written.  That said, the show's use of magic, save for Merlin and the Druids, skewed toward the malicious. So I can somewhat understand why Arthur wasn't particularly magnanimous.  The show had several chances to evolve his views, especially around Uther's fall and death, but the show appeared to dig its heels in on the "secret" and Merlin continuing to lie and deceive for the sake of "protecting" Arthur and Camelot. 

    It seemed to me that Morgana, beyond her reasonable Uther contempt, felt entitled to the throne, and Arthur's views on magic weren't relevant to her by the time he became King.  Her targeting Gwen before she became queen never felt logical to me, because hey, they were "friends" at one point.  Having Gwen as a natural (vs brainwashed) ally might have come in handy.  

    • Love 3
  10. On 1/24/2017 at 4:14 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I can understand Morgana's hate for Uther and Merlin (since he did try to kill her), but so far, I don't understand her hate for Guinevere or Arthur. Though I guess the power for the throne could have changed her. Then again she didn't care about that until Morgouse put the idea in her head.  She just went from a multi dimensional, layered character, to a smug one note character after she went EVUHL.?

    I watched this show in real-time as it aired and participated in TWOP discussions.  You are not alone in this. Most of us were thoroughly confused by Morgana's animus towards Arthur and Gwen (the latter, especially). 

    • Love 3
  11. Well, you quoted part of my post and asked why it was so wrong of Vanessa, and I gave my opinion. I don't understand what's confusing.  It was obvious we wouldn't agree because we have different perspectives on Vanessa. I was also pretty clear in what part of that conversation I took issue with.        

  12. 20 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    But during what was a pool party where he was supposed to be hanging out with the women, he went off in a freaking pink princess bouncy castle, jumping around with a drunk 24 year old, who was then grinding on him as he kissed her. I like Nick but he looked like a creepy idiot in that scene with Corinne and most people on here have said the two of them together is kind of creepy because she looks like an oversexed child. So what was so wrong in Vanessa addressing Nick directly about the situation because it bothered her?

    For one thing, I didn't perceive the bouncy castle thing as that big of a deal.  Nick going off to bounce around with Corinne isn't that much different than any other time someone pulls him off to the side for X amount of time, IMO.  The other women actively sought them out and were watching them. So I already differ in perspective in this context.  Nick is shown kissing at least one other woman at that pool party. I've never been a Nick fan, but it's not like he was actively groping Corinne in front of other women. Viewers have seen Nick actively groping someone - he was all over Danielle, even massaging her ass, when they were alone after the BSB group date. (Which, as an aside, I wonder how the F1 feels after seeing that...)

    With Vanessa specifically, she went beyond being bothered, and told him if he was just there for someone to fuck around with, then don't give her a rose.  If you feel that strongly about a 2-second interaction (Vanessa's words) between two people you barely know in an environment where he's interacting with several other women in a physically intimate way, then maybe you need to stop the passive-aggressiveness and...not accept a rose. If you feel Nick was inappropriate, fair enough, no one's making you stay.  Besides, Nick had no explanation beyond "be patient with me regarding Corinne."  Not exactly an example of being accountable. And he kept her on anyway, at least for the moment. 

    7 hours ago, xtwheeler said:

    ETA: thinking more about Raven's one woman play, "In Flagrante Delicto: He Thrusted Her," I'm feeling hella petty about the details. You did not see her vagina, Raven, unless I am greatly misunderstanding the mechanics of this situation. You may have laid eyes upon her vulva, but unless some very avant gard kink was going on, her vagina probably stayed neatly tucked away. 

    Ha! Yes, Raven doesn't strike me as one aware of the nuances of female genitalia. 

    • Love 3
  13. 21 hours ago, kazza said:

    I don't find her vapid, either. Asking his ex why she thought Nick is still on the market was a smart question, assuming she wasn't fed it by the producers. She reminds me of Caila, who was also measured in her demeanor. It's a smart strategy for someone considering post-Bachelor exposure, which I'm assuming includes pretty much every woman on the show. 

    Agreed - she reminds me of Caila as well.  

    I'm glad not to be alone in disliking Vanessa.  But I always roll my eyes at contestants challenging anyone, whether it is others or the lead, about right reasons or "if you like her/act this way, then don't give me a rose/send me home" whatever.  You chose to come on a show with two dozen women and want to act like it's a typical dating scenario? Sure, Jan. I miss the days when women chose to leave.  Because...you know you don't have to stay, right? That goes for all the whiners. 

    • Love 6
  14. Maybe it's because I'm a born and bred Georgian, but I've never considered Arkansas part of the South. I also thought the term hillbilly was used to describe those in rural areas, particularly the Appalachian region.  Raven's story ain't a regional thang! Women fly into a rage over a cheating man worldwide. 

    Most of the women have nothing interesting to say, so I don't perceive Danielle particularly egregious in that regard.  But I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt since I assume she's an authentic business owner, and it takes some level of intelligence to keep them running.  I pretty much ignore Corinne, so I'm grateful that one of the frontrunners appears to do the same. Anyone with the self-awareness to put Corinne on ignore isn't vapid to me, but different strokes. 

    • Love 2
  15. 10 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    MVP of the night was Nick's dad: "We don't want to see you on another one of these shows." - You and me both, sir!

    Thirded! Or Fourthed, if I'm including Nick's mom.  I must not have paid much attention the first time around, but I like Nick's parents.  They seem to genuinely like each other, which I imagine is not easy to do after X years of marriage and a basketball team of children. 

    It's strange to be in his hometown this early, but maybe it's been done before. That said, Nick in a Henley was a visual treat.  

    I think Danielle M is the business owner? She doesn't seem vapid to me.  A bit giggly, but she strikes me as careful about how she comes across on camera.  It's one thing to show off the girls, but she seems to stay away from the drama and just enjoy the time she has with Nick. Whatever one's personal feelings about other women in the house, that seems like the best strategy.  

    • Love 2
  16. Yes, this is what Bridesmaids should have been. Women who actually bonded over their debauchery and became genuine friends? Real moms at the end?  YES. I'm not a mom, and I was highly entertained.  I never thought I'd like Kristen Bell in anything, but she won me over in this one.  Kathryn Hahn was fantastic.  I agree with others on Mila Kunis - she didn't pull off the frazzled mom thing, but she was likeable enough.  So grateful that Apatow passed on this. 

  17. I lasted about 7 minutes, and stopped. I never recovered from Zellweger's awful...whatever that was to House of Pain in the first few minutes. By the time I got to Daniel's funeral, I was over it.  Maybe it gets better further into the film, and maybe one day I'll watch the rest of it.  Today was not that day. 

  18. Yes, poor Brandon Routh became a scapegoat of a crappy film and poor casting (frankly, I've never understood why Bryan Singer continues to work).  Kevin Spacey as Lex? Nope.  Despite Gene Hackman not having much to work with, he had more gravitas. Bosworth wasn't the only miscast.  Lois having a child was laughable, if only because she shouldn't know Clark was the father.    

    Henry Cavill has become another one.  I don't think he needs to be the definitive Superman - the genre is way too saturated now. I thought Man of Steel and BvS brought up some interesting conflicts and questions, but they couldn't just limit Batman to a cameo. I've read that Affleck was the best thing about the latter, which makes me scratch my head.  I mean, he was fine, but I just didn't give much of a damn about Bruce Wayne/Batman's feelings in this context.  It'll be interesting to see how Justice League does.  At least if that fails, then the studio can't scapegoat Cavill. I doubt we'll get another solo Superman movie. WB/DC is too busy dick-measuring with Marvel, and opted not to cultivate their own vision. Plus, it's now all about team-ups and crossovers. 

    As I mentioned in another thread, the Lois and Clark "love story" of the first two films don't work for me.  Clark is overall kind of dumb in Superman II save the end, and Lois is a child trapped in a woman's body. Still, Terence Stamp is damn entertaining as Zod.  Again, gravitas and menace without crazed scenery-chewing, which seems to be what Michael Shannon decided to channel.  Antje Traue stole the villain show. 

    I will always, always love the score of the original films. I can listen to the opening theme without watching the films, and it just makes me happy.  Not sure why it touches me so.      

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