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Posts posted by ribboninthesky1

  1. Jeff Goldblum is still fine! I'm normally skeptical of May-December couples, but I totally get it with Jeff. 

    43 minutes ago, dusang said:

    I'm torn.  After he asked to leave Downton Abbey I cursed his name and wished his Caruso-ing ass ill luck in all future endeavors but now he's in things I want to like so... it's a tough call.

    Tell us how you really feel! Thanks for the chuckle.  

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  2. 8 hours ago, vibeology said:

    Agreed. There's nothing wrong with working for money. Sometimes you take a part because you need a paycheck and sometimes you take a part because you're interested in the story. Neither is wrong.

    It's not. Still, I'm guessing that the well-established actors showing up in blockbuster/franchise/popular genre films aren't particularly interested in the story. I'm okay with that.  But then, I avoid most press junket-y interviews because the questions are some variation of "So what interested you about your character?" I couldn't care less what, for example, Cate Blanchett might find interesting about Hela in Thor: Ragnorok. I feel like actors are expected to be above enjoying the money - that everything is about the craft.  Truth is, I generally don't care how the actor feels about the character as long as they're convincing.  If you did it to buy a Hermes bag, Maserati, home in the south of France, or because it's a passion project...doesn't make much difference to me. 

    4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    This will come as no surprise to anyone here who "knows" me, but for me? Superman is the Justice League, and its leader, so there is No Justice League without him, I don't care who at WB says otherwise. Even if Henry Cavill is listed as also being in it-I've yet to see him featured in any promos or posters.????

    I assume Superman is resurrected at some point, but yeah, no promos to date with him in it. Cavill doesn't seem to have the support of the studio, I suppose because they hang all their hopes on Batman. Which is baffling. I know Man of Steel has its detractors and critiques, but it's not like the film tanked at the box office. 

    • Love 4
  3. 16 hours ago, Lugal said:

    It might be a paycheck movie for him.  Reminds me of the Michael Caine quote: "I never did see Jaws 4.  I did see the house it bought."

    I will always love Caine because of this.  In truth, I respect the actors who are forthcoming about taking parts for the pay check.  Unless you're well off coming into it (which I assume is NOT most actors), you gotta eat.  No sense in pretending every part you take is for the art. Of course, I imagine it's easier to be candid once you're older and have some respect in the industry. 

    34 minutes ago, Jazzy24 said:

    Saw the new It teaser trailer. And nope! Not today Satan!!!


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  4. 4 hours ago, Bugs Meany said:

    Jen Saviano from Ben's season lost her dignified, too-good-for-this-show air by going on Paradise and hooking up with Nick, but good lord is she pretty.

    Talk about damning with faint praise...

    Something strange is going on with Danielle's hairline in that pic.  She need not ever pull her hair back. 

    On 3/27/2017 at 5:59 PM, catrice2 said:

    In the real world you also usually do not have to watch them have intimate contact with the other woman, or pretend to be friends.

    Yeah, that's why I don't perceive the show as some microcosm of real life.  I hope it's not common for one man to be seeing/kissing/groping some dozen other women and they all know about each other.  Then again, this show is firmly entrenched in pop culture, so stranger things can happen. 

  5. Guess we'll see.  The 2014 TMNT film had a higher domestic gross in its opening weekend, although the production budget was higher as well. To plan for 5 sequels in this context seems rather ambitious to me, especially since I assume the production cost increases with each film. 

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  6. On 3/26/2017 at 1:01 AM, Trini said:

    The Flash could look better, but Cyborg looks terrrrible. Especially compared to other CG robot/cyborg characters that have appeared in films in the last 20 years. 

    I'm reminded of Peter Weller's version of Robocop, which was 30 freaking years ago, and how that character managed to look less awkward than this version of Cyborg. Probably would have been better off with John Stewart to keep their diversity quota.  Maybe comic writers really care about the character, but DC/WB can't seem to find a fuck to give about this live action version. 

    Random side note: Joe Morton! Didn't know he would be playing Cyborg's dad. He always classes up a joint, although the trailer gives the impression he'll be quickly dispatched. 

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  7. Yes, I think that's what they were going for, and yet I got the same vibe as methodwriter85.  

    On 2/18/2017 at 7:18 PM, raven said:

    I definitely got a protective vibe from Braxton - just the way he would glance at his brother (well, the child actors, anyway).   I would guess that Christian (or whatever his birth name was) would be difficult to connect with, but I can see Braxton looking out for him but always being angry at the father; blaming him for the mother leaving, for the way they grew up, etc.  and so he probably took off on his own when he was old enough.

    A great way for the film to demonstate this would have been to show Braxton looking for the puzzle piece that Christian dropped instead the mother talking about their "closeness".  Or even trying to calm him down.  Something.  He just sat there watching his brother.  I guess mileage varies, but that didn't feel protective to me. The only time I perceived a protective vibe when he got out of the car to help Christian fight the boys who were bullying him. Even then, he looked to the father before doing so.    

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  8. 4 hours ago, ByTor said:

    I personally find it tacky for anyone to divulge something that should be private in an extremely public forum.


    I don't think Nick is a misogynist, but I can't think of a Bachelor that overtly was one.  I've watched the show since the beginning, save a few seasons, so maybe I missed the misogynistic Bachelors.  I'm not convinced the premise of the Bachelor is inherently misogynistic, either.  Sexist? Sure.      

    In any case, Nick seems to rub particularly men the wrong way, while women who know him (but haven't been involved with him romantically) appear quick to defend him.  It's fascinating. Before the season, I was kind of hoping to read some quote or interview from BiP Jen, who was in a unique position as part of the "family," but wasn't involved with Nick as a Bachelorette.  Alas, I guess she decided to keep it classy and go about her business, dammit.    

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  9. Oh, it's been well known for years that black and biracial actresses have often had to do their own hair (or wear weave/wigs) and make-up because of stylists who are clueless about Afro-textured hair and darker skin.  But to have that problem on a production like Luke Cage is absurd.  

    • Love 7
  10. I feel the same way about the Netflix Marvel shows as the Marvel films - usually overhyped and average.  The shows are savvy enough to cast some talented actors who manage to rise above the material, but I've not been able to watch an entire season of the first 3 without skipping past scenes.  No comment on Iron Fist, as I don't plan to watch it, but the premiere seasons of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage all fell apart in their second halves.  I hung in there for Luke Cage because of the black female characters, who weren't done much justice (particularly Misty).  

    And to be extra petty, I gave a huge side-eye to production of Luke Cage once I read that Simone Missick had to do her own hair for the show.  Strange times - a supposedly black show where a natural-haired black woman can't get an on-set stylist? Really?

    But as I referenced in the movie UPO thread, the genre rarely translates well to live-action, IMO.  I have no problems with animation. 

    • Love 4
  11. 11 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

    But that's kind of the point- Alex basically went up in smoke as soon as he was lit because of his rotten behavior. Shia at least took a few years before he started turning everyone in Hollywood against him.

    Ah okay, I perceive flame-out as having a spark to begin with.  Yeah, he was the lead in a couple of movies, and was lucky enough to get cast in Magic Mike, but I feel like it was more the industry overhyping him vs actual talent and audience popularity. He's not a bad actor from what I've seen, but there's no shortage of English male talent out there. 

    • Love 3
  12. I am highly amused that Chad is his own pejorative.  

    If Chris wants to hit up a Mexican beach, he's rich, right? It's not like they are housed in the lap of luxury during filming, so not sure he's missing anything he can't do himself without worrying about being chubby and looking foolish. God, I miss Bachelor Pad - at least they did stuff beyond sunburn and booze. 

    • Love 2
  13. I think the Raven thing was more of a response to US Weekly asking, "So if you did the show, who would you like to meet?" Not that he was so taken with her that he'd pursue on his own, heh. She also happens to be the one publicly confirmed at the moment, so not sure that's a coincidence. 

  14. 17 hours ago, Canada said:

    Apparently he's actually a year younger than Nick.  Which is crazy because he looks so much older.

    I think he looks (and generally acts) his age.  Which is why he has no business on BiP.  Really, no man over 30 needs to be on the show unless the women are within the same age range. And we know that's a rare thing.  

    Nick looks and acts younger, IMO.  Yet he still gave off an "old man at the club" vibe to me. 

    • Love 5
  15. I don't think Pettyfer had a chance to flame-out.  He barely hit the scene before he sabotaged himself.  Truth be told, if he had waited a few years, gotten a few hits under his belt, his attitude most likely wouldn't have mattered. 

    LeBoeuf was a Disney child star who never successfully transitioned to adult, IMO.  If he hadn't done the Transformer films, not sure anyone would have been checking for him. Didn't realize he'd burned bridges. 

    • Love 4
  16. 53 minutes ago, DriveInSaturday said:

    Nick is being raked over the coals for preferring brunettes like it's some kind of bizarre dirty fetish.

    I didn't realize this.  I never give Nick credit, so I admit that I find his overwhelming preference for brunettes refreshing. 

    I don't see much physical similarity between Andi, Kaitlyn, and Vanessa either beyond "petite brunette." To your point, Vanessa is more a natural beauty with curves while Andi and Kaitlyn have the Audrey Hepburn body type.   Facially, they don't look similar at all to me.  I do think Andi and Vanessa have similarly entitled dispositions, with an exception: Andi had the audacity to frown when thinking or listening, with a side of serious resting face.     

    27 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

    If Vanessa is dramatic and cries a lot then Raven is kind of the opposite and more stoic.

    Also, based on Raven and Nick's final conversation, it felt to me that Raven kind of knew she wasn't F1. And thus, didn't look surprised when she wasn't.  Maybe she managed to have a pragmatic approach to the show, and for that I'm grateful. 

    18 minutes ago, Canada said:

    Okay, I'll admit that I wasn't paying close attention during this episode, or previous ones, but I'm confused about when Raven and Vanessa met Nick's family at "home".  I think they said it happened at "home".  But I thought they were all in Finland before and after meeting Nick's family.  Did they really go from Finland, to Wisconsin, then back to Finland?? 

    They went to Nick's hometown earlier in the season, and Raven met Nick's parents then. I think she and brunette Danielle had 1-on-1 dates with Nick during that episode, but Raven met them at the little sister's soccer game (too lazy to verify this).  

    • Love 3
  17. 2 hours ago, hyacinth said:

    He wore a ski cap with a carefully chosen inch or two of curly bangs RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS FOREHEAD, as if he thought it looked hot.  (It was not.)  

    Right???? I saw that.  And hey, for all of my eye-rolling about and side-eyeing of Nick (I shall never believe there was a legitimate love story with Vanessa after what I saw in the last 2 episodes), I thought he was reasonably fashionable most of the time.  But the cap with frizzy hair sticking out was a no go. 

    1 hour ago, Superpole2000 said:

    I watched all of last night's episode thinking Vanessa would win, but only because I kept reading it on this forum and hearing it on podcasts. Her cold demeanour and the fact that she lives in another country really should have tipped us off that she wasn't an obvious choice. Even watching last night, everything seemed so much more fun and enjoyable with Raven, but we all knew he wasn't going to pick Raven because we didn't read anyone who said he would.

    I don't know about other social media, because like yorklee2 I don't follow it.  But I think that here, particularly among TWoP vets, the old "depict the F1 as angsty as possible vs the one NOT chosen as sweet, fun, and easy to be around" misdirection doesn't work anymore, even among the unspoiled.  I remember this show pulling that mess as far back as Aaron Buerge's season (way back in 2002!), and I fell for it back then. Heck, I even fell for it during Brad 2.0's season with Emily and Chantal.  I can't believe the show would bother dipping into that well yet again.  Which is why I'm convinced there wasn't much else to show.  Of course, I also think that Nick and Vanessa would already be over if it was the early Bachelor years. 

    1 hour ago, GracieK said:

    I was a little surprised that the fantasy suite stuff wasn't more of a topic especially considering Nick's ATFR with Andi.

    I wasn't.  The pettyfer in me believes that the clear omission of this topic implies that there was non-Vanessa sexy times afoot. 


    Glad you brought this up.  I'm no Vanessa fan but Nick did totally refuse to reassure Vanessa and he was very dismissive of her feelings, cutting her off and chattering about himself and his own feelings.   In fact I think he went overboard in making her feel  as 'un-special' as he could and he did seem to get some pleasure out of it.  (I quoted the remark "the week's not over yet" to which I think I would have stood right up and walked.)  I'm sure she's kicking herself now for not doing so.

    @seasick, I agree it was so strange.  I think it was unwise of Vanessa to try and force his hand, but she was who she's been from the start.  Nick was clearly over it and her, and made that entire conversation about him and his feelings. On top of that, it's been over three months since end-of-filming, and they still haven't worked out the relocation thing? I don't expect Vanessa to have moved, but I didn't hear a definitive "I'm moving/plan to move, it's just a matter of paperwork" either.  Not that I blame her.  Didn't hear Nick declare anything about Montreal relocation plans after DWTS, either. So...yeah.       

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