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Posts posted by ribboninthesky1

  1. Craig seems more than ready to move on, but Sony is in a tough spot because again, what British actor can step into and own the role? Colin Farrell pops into my head, but not sure if he's too old now. Plus, he's Irish.  Then again, so was Brosnan. 

  2. 1 hour ago, slf said:

    I don't know how to phrase this. There's a tendency to frame the motivations and actions of abolitionists (or any members of an oppressive class who fought against oppression) as purer than they often were, more in line with what we call modern sensibilities and it's not so modern audiences can relate to them. It's a little bit of revisionist history; the end of slavery in England was mostly about politics, economics. Suffering and humanity weren't major factors, sadly, and there was actually widespread support in England for the Confederacy during the American Civil War (especially, of course, among the upper classes). (Hell, many Union states were still allowing slavery during the war but, y'know, they don't show that in the movies.) It's not honest, it's not about prioritizing the "spirit" of what happened while taking dramatic license. It's about creating white saviors that white audience members can feel good about. Amazing Grace does that; it snuffs out the more complicated motivations and relationships that brought about the end of slavery in favor of focusing on the personal suffering of the white characters. 

    This. All.of.this. 

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  3. I prefer Quantum of Solace to Spectre. It'll be interesting to see who they cast after Craig.  Certainly there are those who prefer Connery or Brosnan, or even Moore or Lazenby, but Craig has definitely left his mark.  Likely a tough act to follow. 

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  4. I don't know, guess I have a cold heart, because losing money you willingly invested in a single stock, regardless of the origin, is stupid.  If he'd lost the money because he was an employee who received stock via his 401k or share ownership plan, then I'd have been plenty sympathetic. There are a number of scenarios in which I could have felt sympathetic towards Kyle, but the film chose none of them. 

    And to your point, he inherited the money, which is a privilege that millions of working-class, or even middle-class, people don't benefit from when they lose a loved one.  I hope he had insurance at least, so that his girlfriend and child could recoup some of the losses he squandered. 

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  5. Jobless wonders, hee! 


    If it was Luke, she might not have went as far as she did, hence she wouldn't be the next lead. So the people who said it wouldn't happen without Nick are probably correct, that probably why the producers went with him instead of Luke b/c they knew Nick would date a WOC and she is Nick's "type"

    My point was that if Rachel was indeed zeroed in on as a Bachelorette lead BEFORE the Bachelor was decided, then Nick had nothing to do with it.  Plenty of people were claiming producer manipulation for keeping Corinne around, yet suddenly it's solely due to Nick's alleged openness that Rachel made it to F3/F4? Sure, Jan.

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  6. This reminded me a lot of John Q, especially with the significant other portrayed as overly antagonistic toward the desperate male.  Except I actually felt sorry for Denzel Washington's character. Didn't feel remotely sorry for Kyle or Lee, even though I'm all about Wall Street vilification. I felt most sorry for Ron.  He had to put up with all kinds of BS that day.  As harsh and below the belt as the girlfriend was, I was with her about his poor decision-making with their money.      

  7. 45 minutes ago, Winter Rose said:

    Actually what hurts most of all is I think that awful episode is the one Santiago Cabrera looks his best in.

    Indeed. I wasn't much of a Lancelot fan, but I might have been if this was the look they'd used from the beginning. 

    That said, I wasn't particularly concerned about Lancelot's reputation.  The show never addressed it, but I always wondered how Gwen would be received by the court and Kingdom afterward. If I recall, they were allegedly calling for her death, so I can't imagine it was warm feelings upon her return. Plus, Gwen had endured a ton of crap from Uther and Arthur, including the murder of her father.  Lancelot fared significantly better while living.      

    • Love 3
  8. Interesting.  If true, so much for "...this wouldn't have happened without Nick." It also helps to explain why I never saw what others did with Nick and Rachel.  I never thought she was that into him, or vice versa.     

    18 hours ago, catrice2 said:

    I would guess the contestants have to style their own hair doing this process unless someone can shed some light on that.  In her normal everyday home life she may be used to going nto the stylist  often and didn't have the opportunity while filming and had to do it herself.  If I had to do my own hair all the time it would be a hot mess!

    I assumed that leads got stylists - wardrobe and hair.  But maybe not.  I know the contestants don't, to chocolatine's point. 

  9. 16 hours ago, phoenics said:

    I just rewatched the scene where Arthur caught Gwen/Lancelot kissing and his screaming attack on Lancelot STILL gives me chills (I literally held a fist to my chest as I watched).  Bradley James sold the hell out of a heartbroken and rage-filled King Arthur in that scene.  But years later and I'm still pissed that none of them ever found out that Gwen was innocent because she was under a spell.  Even Gwen thinks she betrayed Arthur.  Ugh - I'm still mad.

    Girl! I'm usually dispassionate about storylines from shows long past, but I still bristle over this.  And yes, that scene was really well-done.  His expression when Gwen steps in front of Lancelot to stop the fighting gets to me as well. The banishment scene afterwards is also heart-breaking (though, unlike most, I didn't hate Arthur over it).  Angel Coulby rocked it.  I always thought Bradley James was at his best opposite Angel and Anthony Head. 

    • Love 4
  10. 14 hours ago, catrice2 said:

    I already had someone send me a post or something where someone said thank you to Nick, because "it never would have happened without him."

    Not surprised.  I remember some commentary before the season, apparently praising Nick for being open to all races.  Still get a good chuckle out of that one. 

    I think Rachel is lovely, but I'm not a fan of the hair-styling we've seen.  True, most of the women, leads and contestants, wear extensions.  But the styles I mentioned upthread also commonly use extensions.  Difference is they are geared towards Afro-textured hair and I have zero faith in this show's styling team to know anything about it. So I'm not against extensions, as long as they suit the person.  IMO, from what I saw on the show and in the Jimmy Kimmel clip, Rachel's extensions did not suit her. 

  11. For me, Nassau is a much different animal than Maroon Island.  I think Mr. Scott could have groomed someone else, even more than one, to eventually take over what he did.  Was it tenuous?  Absolutely.  Nothing lasts forever, but there was probably a greater chance for the Maroons to live longer in peace.  Short of sailing back to another part of the African continent, there would be no permanent safe place.  From the little I know of the Maroon people, they HAD to live in remote, relatively inaccessible areas in order to survive.  

    Nassau is just a town on the island.  You have the interior where there were plenty of landowners with slaves, presumably with the cooperation of the British government.  With the pirates shifting allegiances based on how the wind blows, and with only Flint and Silver willing to see the Africans as equals, I have my doubts as to how long that alliance would have lasted.  And that's not counting the continued assault by the British Navy, who has considerably more resources than however many pirates are still alive at this point.  Not to mention the Spanish, from whom the threat seems to have disappeared this season.  

    I would imagine the vast majority of remaining survivors on Maroon island are women and children.  Between the fight with the Navy on the island plus the massacre on the beach/water, a lot of the Maroon men are likely dead. Probably more of Julius and his men than anyone else at this point. But they face the same issue that the pirates do - a fight on two fronts with limited manpower and resources.   

  12. I've binge-watched this show over the last couple of weeks to catch up, and I've been wondering when the enslaved Africans would fully understand that neither England or the pirates could ever be trusted.  That both sides were using them as a means to leverage power for their own ends.  By Billy's season 3 admission, they sold them when it suited their ends, so I totally understood why the Maroon Queen was extremely hesitant to trust them.  

    I always thought Madi was naive in aligning with Flint and crew (the whole "enemy of my enemy" thing was extremely shaky in this context), though I realize their hand was somewhat forced once Mr. Scott was mortally wounded. I have mixed feelings of how the female characters have evolved, so I don't know how it will end.  I hope she lives, as well as Max.  Not really invested in any other characters.   

  13. I guess my thing is - the point of them going there was to find out who was behind it and if I recall, if some kind of vaccine could be made. Dresden should absolutely be held accountable.  But there were bigger things at stake than immediate vengeance for Eros (plus, I'm not convinced justice was shooting him - I would have dumped him on Eros so he could have first-hand experience with the "experiment").  

    We'll never know what Johnson and Holden would have done because they didn't get the chance. Miller made that choice for all of them. 

    • Love 1
  14. 2 hours ago, CindyBee said:

    RS said in one of his blogs or maybe it was his podcast that to get a release to film "Famously Single", Chad had to agree to do Bachelor in Paradise 4.0.

    I wonder if Josh had a similar deal.  If I'm not mistaken, he also did BiP after Famously Single.  It's interesting, as I don't quite understand why they would need to be "released." I didn't realize their contracts would prohibit them from doing other reality shows.  

    • Love 1
  15. I wasn't a fan of Rachel's hair on the Bachelor or Kimmel's show.  I think Rachel would look amazing with Marley/Senegalese/Nubian twists or even micro-braids, but I can't see it happening on the show because:

    1. It doesn't fit the show's view of refined;
    2. I suspect none of the show's hair stylists know a thing about hair beyond "straight with weave."  Maybe throw some ombre and barrel curls in there to mix it up a bit.

    But, hey, I'd love to be wrong in this regard. 

    • Love 4
  16. @ramble, alas, Rachel is petite, and thus will not fulfill Mikey's requirements.  

    1 hour ago, kingshearte said:

    If I had to guess, I expect we'll discuss Corinne's nanny. Then we'll talk about Corinne and Taylor's relative levels of emotional intelligence. Perhaps we might take a deeper dive into whether Alexis was dressed as a shark or a dolphin on the first night. And then we'll conclude with some more about Corinne and her multi-million dollar company.

    Spoiler alert!

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  17. 1 hour ago, ByTor said:

    If this season has been more "The Corinne Show" than The Bachelor, the WTA is going to be "The Corinne Show" on steroids!

    Point! I skipped over a lot of the Corinne drama, so I don't have much of an opinion on her. Still, not interested in watching a re-hashing, either, but other than Jasmine's crazy exit, what's there to discuss? 

    1 hour ago, ByTor said:

    Not that I have anything against them, but please, show, I am begging you, no more former cast members.  How hard can it be for them to actually get new people????

    It shouldn't be too difficult. 

    I saw the Jimmy Kimmel clip of her announcement, and I loved the dress she wore. I had...questions about some of her style choices during the show.

    • Love 1
  18. Mileage varies, but I had a completely different perception of Holden at the beginning of the first season.  Books can always flesh out characters more effectively, but as one who hasn't read the books, I don't think the show did much to establish Holden as quixotic before episode 7 (I went back and watched the scenes with Avasarala and Holden's mother - a passing reference to Cervantes isn't exactly character development). 

    Normally, I like the fundamentally decent characters.  I've yet to connect with Holden, though. 

    • Love 1
  19. I was referring to PTV Bachelor forum, and the only suggestions I've seen to date were black men.  I didn't write that others have speculated on a black male only cast - only that the former cast members mentioned are black.  There are a couple of implicit assumptions going on with the speculation, but that's all I state about it and let it go.  I'll see what happens when her season airs. 

  20. I haven't watched the latest episode.  To me, they haven't shown a lot of Rachel.  I think the most viewers got from her was her one-on-one in New Orleans, and she came across lively and fun.  For my part, I never thought she was all that into Nick (which is a point in her favor, heh). There were rumors that she didn't get along with another frontrunner, Vanessa, who annoyed me greatly.  Also a point in her favor for me.

    That said, godspeed to her.  People are already speculating on which former black male contestants should be cast, and I'm thinking, "Um, she may be open to men of all races.  Not sure why she's already being pigeon-holed to black men only."  This kind of stuff is partially why I (as a black woman) never cared about a black woman being a lead.  Lord knows the black men who have appeared on the show have no problem pursuing white women. I wish her well, and hope she comes out the other side in good spirits.   

    Anyway, once I read that mainstream media was announcing her as Bachelorette, any remaining interest I had in Nick's season vanished.  I may watch the WTA, but generally speaking, I don't give much of a damn about how it ends. Lurker mode has been activated. 

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  21. On 2/9/2017 at 11:54 AM, Danny Franks said:

    But Holden can be an insufferable prick, when he thinks he's right and someone else is wrong. And anyone who'd turn down ordering lots of room service with Naomi because he's in a snit really needs a kick up the arse.

    Ha! This is one of the reasons I can't like Holden. Get the stick out, dude. On the other hand, I thought he made an excellent point that it wasn't up to Miller to serve as judge, jury, and executioner.  Naomi seemed unreasonably snippy with him about it, and I'm like, "Ummm, isn't he the captain or whatever? Why wouldn't he (or Fred Johnson) make that call?"

    She annoys me as much as Holden does at times. In truth, I prefer it when they're not interacting.  She's cool opposite everyone else, at least for me. 

    On 2/9/2017 at 5:15 PM, thuganomics85 said:

    Chrisjen makes contact with Fred!  Should I be concerned?!  I still don't trust her spy friend due to the whole "used to be Ashur" thing!

    Glad someone else mentioned this.  Same!

    On 2/9/2017 at 5:30 PM, jhlipton said:

    Amos: "if you talk to [scientist] about A, he's just going to clam up.  If you talk to him about B, he'll go on and on for hours."

    Holden: [talks to scientist about A]

    Amos: "Was I just talking to myself ,there???"

    Right? Holden just can't help himself. I'm still trying to decide if Steven Strait was properly cast - he's a pleasure to see (I keep wanting to run my fingers through his hair).  Yet, I'm certain I should like and sympathize with Holden, and...nah.  I suspect it's more Strait than the writing. 

    On 2/9/2017 at 10:16 PM, raven said:

    I don't think Amos is a psychopath or even a sociopath.  The fact that he is even interested in doing the right thing, as opposed to only appearing to do the right thing, is a point in his favor.  He's not as empathetic as Naomi, Holden or Alex and keeps his loyalties few and close.  He knows the justifications people make to themselves for what they do.   His conversation with the scientist reminds me of when they show cops interviewing people who have confessed to something awful, and how the police carry on as if it's a normal conversation.  He is the extreme version of Miller. 

    I've not read the books, so I'm going off the show and the actor's performance.  But to me, Amos at times seems MORE empathetic than the others because he's observant and not caught up in navel-gazing or moralizing. To me, empathy is the ability to understand other perspectives and/or motivations.  Which seemed to be just what he was doing with the scientist. I remember last season, when they were in the tunnels trying to get to the ship, and he set the man with the little girl straight. Irony is Holden is so focused on Do!the!Right!Thing! that he can't see past that at times.  

    I wasn't sure I liked Alex until this episode, despite said navel-gazing.  He wants to be a hero so badly, bless his heart. 

    On 2/10/2017 at 8:46 PM, jhlipton said:

    That's pretty much it.  A lot of science fiction was written before the formation of the Air Force, and a lot of writers love 19th century ships, so space ships are usually run from the Navy, and the personnel who serve off the ships are Marines.

    Not well-versed in military, so this is interesting! Learned something new today. 

    ETA: I thought Avasarala's "WTF?" reaction was funny, especially since I was wondering what the hell I was looking at. 

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  22. I remember there was a discussion thread on a film Rooney starred in with Jude Law and Channing Tatum (too lazy to look it up), and it felt like every other comment was about how beautiful Rooney was.  I try to respect "eye of the beholder" and all, but she has a sickly look about her.  But hey, heroin chic was and is a thing, so I guess. Definitely prefer Kate. 

    • Love 3
  23. 12 hours ago, slf said:

    Later, Merlin would tell a guy about his own magic after knowing him for like a day.

    Right? I was never much of a Morgana fan, but I'll never understand why Merlin, of all people, lied to her.  

    Gaius never felt like a real character for me - he was basically there as someone who knew the secret and thus Merlin could interact with. Merlin also lied to Arthur in the first season about what Morgause showed to Arthur regarding Ygraine.  Finally, I never understood why Merlin automatically took the word of Kilgarrah for...anything.  

    Looking back, I've no idea why Merlin didn't haul ass back to his mother's village after seeing a warlock burned at the stake as soon as he hit town.  But there wouldn't have been a show, of course.  

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