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Posts posted by ribboninthesky1

  1. 6 minutes ago, hnygrl said:

    She was so used to saying that to her girlfriends/black friends that it didn't register that this wasn't something one says to a white guy you're trying to date.

    I'm not sure this was a race thing.  After all, Raven was pretty explicit in her description of confronting her ex.  Granted, that wasn't directed at Nick, but it's still violence, and he seemed to take it in stride because he likes Raven.  Nick was never interested in Jasmine, and probably not into physically aggressive women in general.  If things went down behind the scenes as rumored, I think he was just ready for her to get the hell on, which is reasonable.  But yeah, the WTA might be a tad uncomfortable for her. 

    That said, Jasmine strikes me as the type that, the more she talks about her frustrations, the more frustrated she becomes. I'm more of a "vent to a trusted confidante and throw some expletives around, and I'm okay" person, but Jasmine is not.  Throw alcohol in the mix, and it's even worse. I was wondering if, at some point during the evening group date, any of the women tried to calm her and bring it down several notches.  Not that they were required to - more of a "calm her down so we can have some peace" sort of thing.  Jasmine was spiraling.  I also wonder about production shenanigans, since Nick seemingly picked her last to speak with, when he could have chosen to speak with her first and been done with it all.  

  2. 1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

    Just when I thought I'd heard everything, you  middle aged people tell me something that makes me spray my computer with old-people coffee.

    Ha! The middle-age commentary has been more interesting than what was shown on the episode.

    Maybe I didn't look close enough, but I was okay with all of the beachwear, including the women. I have a thing for male thighs and calves, and Nick has a nice pair of both. 

  3. So I'm binge-watching Black Sails - in the middle of season 2 at the moment. I have several UPOs, but the main one so far: the show really doesn't know what to do with its female characters.  Maybe it gets better, but once I realized Michael Bay is one of the executive producers, it all started to make sense.

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  4. I really liked that scene as well.  Popular culture likes to romanticize "living off the land," and I've never been persuaded. It was refreshing to hear a bit of real talk about it. 

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  5. 47 minutes ago, In2You said:

    I don't think the ladies were wrong for not immediately jumping up to wipe his tears. None of them are his mother and what he did was kind of selfish. 

    Agreed.  I watched that scene again, and I probably wouldn't have had much to say, either.  

    1 hour ago, Rainsong said:

    5) The point of all this is that a Bachelor who really wanted to see his favorite or simply have some unscripted adult time would get only token resistance even if it tipped off who the contenders were.  Has Nick been so institutionalized through multiple Bachelor seasons that he doesn't even consider sneaking away with one or more of them?  He himself has been the Bachelorette's bit on the side so surely he must know the doors may be shut but they are never locked.  Is this merely another facet of his submissive personality?  Or is it an unmistakable, if unspoken, sign that he simply isn't strongly attracted to any of them even if he fulfills his contract by selecting a final two and pretends to be smitten?

    My opinion of the bolded? I think Nick is extremely camera aware precisely because of this.  What others perceive as sensitive, I see as more "I've done this and know it well, so I want to be perceived in a positive way."  Doesn't make him a bad guy, but sensitive? Eh, not really seeing it. 

    On a separate note, I had a different take on Rachel and Nick's conversation.  To me, it felt like she could barely express herself before he started going on about himself and panic attacks and such.  I did note how much of her side was about her feelings, and not her challenging him on his interactions with other women, assuming we didn't see a heavily edited version.  If Vanessa getting upset derailed the beach interactions, then that would tell me a lot as a contestant.  I'm unsure that she (Rachel) likes Nick that much, but maybe I'm missing it. 

    Nick is totally leading other women on.  That's the setup of the show.  It's inevitable.  It's not like he gets to choose more than one person to date and explore things in more depth at the end.  It's either one woman, or no one.  Well, really, one woman - I don't think we'll ever see a lead choose no one ever again, especially a male lead.

    In truth, I don't think brunette Danielle could have said anything profound to avoid being eliminated. Heck, he seemed more upset about it than she did.

    1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

    The Josh-man who wants to control and direct his woman,  and the Nick-man who wants a  woman to motivate him, correct him when he's wrong, and comfort his tears  are both looking for unhealthy "parent/child" relationships.  Ideally we find an adult/adult partnership where we love and encourage each other, but neither one has to lead the other.

    Yeah, I remember not being a fan of Josh or Nick during Andi's season.  On the surface, Nick comes across as the better partner when compared to Josh.  But I don't care for either type.  

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  6. 4 hours ago, Kbilly said:

    The girls being pissy about volleyball reminded me of when Nick got really bitchy about that mime date on Andi's season.

    Ha! Same, although if the rumors are true, the women had some legitimate gripes.  Never did understand what Nick was pouting about on that group date. 

    2 hours ago, wings707 said:

    The speech he made to the women was taken the wrong way.  They thought he didn't see a potential wife in those left.  What he meant is that he feared he was the one who was going to be dumped!

    This is an interesting perspective.  Maybe I should watch it again, because I perceived it the same way the women did.  He came in all emotional, seemingly distraught about none of it working out.  I'm not sure it was on them for potentially misinterpreting what he said, especially since he came to them after eliminating two women. 

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  7. 33 minutes ago, hnygrl said:

    2. Don't shoot me. I didn't buy all of Kristin's story. Too many gaps, too much left out. I'd love to hear the real, chronological story of how she ended up in an orphanage and her other siblings ended up with their dad. Gotta be the real story and not that thing she gave the cameras. Good story though.

    5. I had heard somewhere on some gossip site pre-season that this season they had a hard time keeping the women, that they all wanted to leave. Seeing it now.

    I won't shoot you.  With Kristina, I was suspicious that she went there on national TV.  It's nothing to be ashamed of, it just didn't feel right to me.  Plus, someone else mentioned the almost glee she had on her face when Whitney and brunette Danielle were sent home, and...yeah.  I saw it as well. 

    And no, I'm not sure any of the remaining women are that into Nick. The competition, maybe, but him? Not really seeing it. 

    43 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

    When Nick came in crying, I think he was expecting all the women to gather around, tell him how wonderful he was, how kind and sensitive, hug him blow his nose,  and stroke his thigh.  When he waited a few beats before slumping off, I almost felt sorry for him.  It does look like Corinne of the said low emotional intelligence may be the only one with a nurturing instinct, even if it's a little bit warped.

    Yes, it was quite telling that no one did that. But I think Rachel looked most sympathetic towards him. 

    54 minutes ago, TiaLou said:

    It was noticeable that no one seemed anti-Corinne in this episode. Maybe with Taylor gone, the anti-Corinne feeling has lessened a bit?

    I don't think Raven is a fan, but she's not confronting Corinne about it.  

    I just realized Jasmine's age - 29.  I just assumed she was early 20s like several of the other women originally cast, because she acts like it.  Not sure if she was drunk or just went off the deep end, but girl...it's never that serious.  I wish I could have seen the alleged "Dude, I slept with one of your friends!" showdown. I remember Nick being very uncomfortable with Jasmine's physical aggression on the bouncy castle episode.      

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Alison said:

    In other corners of the Bachelor internet where I lurk, a screenshot is making the rounds that's allegedly from Rachel's sister. It gives a bit more context to the volleyball game from hell:

    "FYI, on this last episode, they cut out Jasmine really flipping out and telling Nick she slept with one of his friends when he cut her. He also wanted to send her home earlier but producers wouldn't let him.

    The reason the girls were pissed is because the winning team (Raven, Rachel and Corinne) was supposed to get more quality time with Nick, but then Vanessa started crying because the attention wasn't on her, so he let them all have more time. It doesn't show any of that, so their reactions don't make sense as to why some of them are pissed."

    Holy moly! Now this is drama that should have been shown.  I ain't evah been a Vanessa fan, so not at all surprised she allegedly threw a fit.  

    • Love 10
  9. 11 hours ago, call me ishmael said:

    I'm not convinced that he killed him because he was in love with Julie.  I think that first he didn't trust that anyone would be able to control the scientist who was so fanatic that he was happy to experiment on a space station filled with people (and I mean happy) and second I don't think Miller wanted Fred Johnson to control whatever weapon might be developed out of it.

    Having recently watched the first season, I never got the sense Miller cared much about Belters until he started investigating Julie's disappearance.  She seemed to inspire him out of his indifference and lethargy.  I just don't think he would have cared as much about what about happened on Eros if Julie hadn't been the catalyst, especially contrasted against characters like Holden or Naomi or Alex. And I'm okay with that - I don't need every character to be high-minded.  But his unilateral decision to kill the lead scientist struck me as ill-conceived.  

    I'm sure he'll be shown as justified in some manner because he's one of the leads, but Fred Johnson, up to that point, was shown to be reasonably shrewd.  Even if he agreed with the scientist in that moment, there's no guarantee that would have been the permanent arrangement. If the lead scientist wanted to alert his allies, he had plenty of time to do so while they were storming the castle (and perhaps he did and we don't know it yet). In any case, finding out who's behind Belter genocide just got that much more difficult. 

    On a separate note, my favorite moment was Amos paying that woman to sit there and listen to Alex pontificate. It was particularly funny since she seemed to be sincerely listening to him.                 

    • Love 5
  10. On 2/3/2017 at 0:11 AM, rozen said:

    Not interested in Naomi and Holden, but I suppose they made it almost a dozen episodes since the last 'sex in spaaaaaaaaaaaace' scene, so I can't get too irritated. The actors have almost negative chemistry though. Amos is supposed to be her murderous adopted son, but they honestly make more sense together to me. I never read the books, so I don't know what Naomi is supposed to be like. But the fact she is so...perpetually unphased by Amos's attempted murders and the carnage around her while keeping a jolly personality to get on with everyone is perturbing.

    Supposedly, she is afraid of Amos (or perhaps that was left behind in season 1), but she certainly doesn't act like it.  And yes, the two actors have better chemistry, though I'm fine with their friendship. 

    I wasn't planning to watch this season, given how disappointed I was in the last half of season one.  But I really want to like the show.  I'm still ambivalent, mainly because I always want (or mentally will Amos) to punch Miller and/or Holden in the face whenever they're onscreen.  They're the least interesting characters for me.  I kept wondering when Miller got military training, but I guess cop is shorthand for military training in this world. I probably wouldn't have questioned it if I liked Miller. 

    And I know that Avasarsala is supposed to be ten steps ahead of everyone else, but almost being killed takes the edge off.  She IS smug, and it makes me appreciate the character less.  I'm glad the (former) Admiral openly expressed his disdain. He's also trying to playing chess, but that council is too busy being played like a fiddle by Errinwright and Mao. At some point, you have to step away for your own sanity, and he did just that. 

    I think there was some middle ground between murdering the lead scientist guy and giving him carte blanche to resume his "work," but unfortunately, we'll never know what that might have been because Miller is in love with some woman he never met.  Whatevs. 

    • Love 3
  11. 2 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    Bobby used to gyrate on the stage more than the other guys (I did laugh a little when even Young Bobby was doing it in the biopic), but his music was surprisingly romantic, as opposed to raunchy.   BBD, on the other hand, I just couldn't get into.

    Agreed - I was referring to their lyrics vs dancing.  Bobby was definitely the raunchiest on stage - he loved his hip thrusts, ha!

    • Love 2
  12. 17 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    After New Edition broke up, I liked Bobby Brown's music, Johnny Gill's, and Ralph Tresvant's Sensitivity (that's all I remember from him).  However, I never liked Bell Biv Devoe.

    BBD was definitely the raunchiest.  It's interesting that Bobby was the bad boy whose personal life was a hot mess, yet his most popular, best-selling album wasn't low-key shady or degrading towards women.  

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  13. I wonder if part of the problem is gauging overall viewer reception based on social media.  There seems to be an assumption that the social media fans are reflective of overall viewers, and I think that's a mistake.  Personalities of women like Caila are probably never going to resonate with the social media crowd. But I also think it's a matter of confirmation bias - TPTB aren't, and have never, been interested in a non-white lead, and thus are hyper-sensitive to any viewer responses that validate that.  Juan Pablo is as "diverse" as they've gotten, and he was supposedly a disaster.      

    I never saw Wells' appeal, either. But then, I'm not sure why anyone would care about Wells' or Chase's opinion. Shut up, both of you. 

    • Love 2
  14. 8 hours ago, galax-arena said:

    ‘Hidden Figures’ Director Defends Decision to Add Fictitious White Savior Scenes to Movie

    Because god forbid white people be left out of the hero narrative for once? 

    This is why I, by far, prefer the book. I had...certain feelings when I found out the producing team was more or less white, but still glad the film was made and did well at the box office.  

  15. 1 hour ago, huahaha said:

    Poor taste, like holding a fun "ghost story" date on a plantation that enslaved 750 people? I couldn't believe the producers thought that was ok. If anyone is haunting Houmas House, it isn't a little white girl with a missing doll.

    I skipped over most of this part of the episode, so I didn't realize they were on a plantation.  But am I surprised that the mostly (all?) white TPTB thought nothing of this? I am not.  

    • Love 3
  16. 43 minutes ago, 8th Light said:

    Shes talking about Landons mom. She was married to Carl Anthony Payne II for 20 years, they got divorced a few years back.

    Ah, thanks for the explanation.  I was totally off in left field somewhere, as I thought she was referring to one of the actresses playing the moms!

    37 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

    I swear, I wouldn't be surprised if Johnny Gill had that Teddy Pendergrass voice when he was five.  LOL.

    Whenever I think of Staci Lattisaw and Johnny Gill it is always Perfect Combination I hear.  Always!

    Johnny probably came out the womb singing "My, My, My..."

    Related to them, I googled Staci, and the top search result was a Grio article claiming her family was very unhappy with what the mini-series implied about their break-up. 

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